HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2505 Annexing Westridge Meadows PUD, 2.001 acres . . ,^- nu.SSPJGE831 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2505 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY AND REFERRED TO AS WESTRIDGE MEADOWS, PUD, PHASE II, HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. WHEREAS, Commission Resolution No. 2451 was adopted by the City Commission on May 23, 1983, declaring it to be the intent of the City of Bozeman to extend the boundaries of said City so as to include said contiguous tract within the corporate limits of the City: and WHEREAS, said tract is located west of and adjacent to Valley View Golf Course: and WHEREAS, a public hearing on Commission Resolution No. 2451 was duly noticed and held on June 20, 1983: and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1982, the City Commission had approved the overall plan for Westridge Meadows Planned Unit Development and approved exemption from preparation of an environmental impact statement for the development on the condition that it would be serviced by public water and sewer utility systems and further required that the developer submit a waiver of protest of annexation for the property involved in this development as a condition for approval of the overall plan: and WHEREAS, on July 5, 1983, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the annexation of the tract as established in Commission Resolution No. 2451: and WHEREAS, said tract was described as Parcel 3B of Certificate of Survey #406D which was filed on March 16, 1983, at 3:30 P.M. and is of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana: and WHEREAS, a final plat describing said contiguous tract entitled Westridge Meadows No.2 was filed on February 17, 1984, at 3:05 P.M. and is of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: .. . ,,~ fiLM 8SPAGE 832 Section 1 That it is hereby declared that pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 2, Part 43, M.C.A., the following property contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Bozeman be annexed to the City of Bozeman and that the boundaries of said City shall be extended so as to embrace and include such property, to wit: A parcel of land located in the NW 1/4 of Section 19, T2S, R6E, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana, and may be more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found iron pin at the north quarter corner of said Section 19, T2S, R6E, PMM; thence N 89012'00" W a distance of 800.00 feet to a found pin and cap marking the southeast corner of Parcel 2B C.O.S. No. 406B and the true point of beginning; thence S 18045'00" W a distance of 438.55 feet along the West property line of C.O.S. No. 351 to a found pin and cap; thence N 71015'00" W a distance of 167.58 feet to a set pin and cap; thence N 16018'50" E a distance of 85.71 feet to a set pin and cap; thence North a distance of 70.00 feet to a set pin and cap; thence N 89012'00" W a distance of 16.04 feet to a set pin and cap; thence North a distance of 212.99 feet to a found pin and cap; thence S 89012'00" E a distance of 291.65 feet to the true point of beginning. Said tract contains 2.001 acres, more or less, according to the final plat entitled westridge Meadows No. 2 as filed and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. 1 Section 2 That the effective date of this annexation is June 29, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a regular and stated session of said City Commission, held on the 29th day of May 1984. ~ ~ ~ ATTEST :',.'" '~ ;.:," ;.. ... ^ "',~ ,- .", AP?ffi','J""" ;:~, , !, ~S,110 0, ElM ~ ~(! - ~-:-.1J!),i._i~ vi!;, ;;tite:-o y -2- FILH 86 PAGE 832A ,.. ,. ...m_....___._ y~.y.t~...?9.:r.tm~JJ.......m. ......m_._._m_.......n.........._. being duly sworn, OF BOZEMAN. EXTENDING TJoiE -EIQlJNOAAIES OF SAID ClYVoF BOZEMAN SO AS 1'0 ' 1tG.M)E' A TRACT OF LANtfC(iNTIGUOU5 TO SAIDCI-TY AfCl REFERRED TO A8W~ MEAD- OWS, PUO. flIotASl! H, HEREIN MOREPARTlCUlARL V oe- SCRIBED, WITtl, IN, ~ " ..iX'l~,"', '. - .. PORATE LIMITS ~', CITY, OF BOZEflfAN STATE OF WONTANA COUNTY Of GALLATIN I, RobIn L. Sullivan. Clerk of the CIty Comml$Slon of the City of Bozeman, Montana, do ,*-by certify that the forego- IOgJ. the true ~ COI'ract title and i!"'~ ReeoIUtIon _. and" ',' _'.".". ..". -. ",,' , held on ttMi _.day of 'May, 1984. Dated thl8 6th day 'Of JurMil, 1984. Aobln 'L; SullMu ~ of the CIty comml88lor _ ._... ..."...._mm_..._...__...........nnh...__nnn_....."....._mmmn.......___.__.._.__....._.......__n__.__ JI:lI'Ie 6 .nmn..__) , . "f' ltJ' .: "'''f'~' .~"i .~.. 'f,H .'1 '.l~ ' . ~mbautt of 'ubltruttPn STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin. SS. deposes and says: That .she is...mmn.P.rin.c.ip.al.._Clerk._m...____m____m__ of the Bozeman .D.~_~_~;(__.....__..n-Chronicle, a newspaper of general cireulation, printed and published in Bozeman. Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed (...CDlllrp,issi Dn..Res.olllt;i.cn.-.N.o...40,S,---- _mm_______ has been correctly published in the regular and entire illue of every number of aid paper_____....___nm._.._..__ for. _.u.1...__.x~..._.in.se.r.ti.onm__'_hmm, the fint of which publicatio - ., mad on e..._..8_~mmn...m_m.. day oL.....~!:l-.~~........n.. .......m.............. 19, and the last on the....mmm_~~___.....,:~y 0 ._m _m~.~:.___m/n...... 19__~.~ , '--::./ ././ "".J:. ~~-. /' /// ,. nmn........ _ ~'..<'..G..o. ..L.,~dL~~..m..__.____mn....mm .s..w...or. -' to before me this ..m.:12~_m__. day Of....~_ '..nm_ ....J.lUlEL__._...m..........__..._.._......._____..... 19_8!:t ,j,1~," ~ ,~' ,j'-""ri . / / /J ." '\. ,"' ,I,tl'."" ,.;'.:' nn"'_'_'__' n -~..... _n n_ ..n_ -. ... .__n .......n______ . ::?' ~~ll~'AL~ 0''';' Notary Public for the State of Montana, rflliding at '\'!.t".. '" '. ~".~ l Boseman, Montana : t:'~: , "1.: j RACHEL BENNETT ~ tr'~}...'j NOTA~:~~I~~I~n f~c:~I~;:~'~~,~~~~ t~~~tana '. .; ~..... Mv CommiSSion Expues JUl)' 6. l:ilOi. .. f( C r \'.' ., .. I N I": 1001 ,~ - fit M 8:6 paGE 833 MAP OF WESTRIDGE MEADOWS, PUD, PHASE II LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA GALLATIN COUNTY. MONTANA ATTACHMENT TO COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2505 N 89012100"W 16.041 NORTH 70.001 S 89012100" E 291.651 N 89012100"W m m N N 800.001 ; N.1/4 COR. SEC. 19 T2S.R6E ::I: t- a:: o z 2.001 ACRES .. ~ o ..0 It) v- o Cb .... '" ~. I~ tv 7'/o/~' I v 00" 67',58' ... 134122 State of Montana I 55 County' of Gallatin f . Filed January 7th . 19 85 at 12: 32 P M., and RecGrdedin book 86 of HISCELLANEOUS . -APaie 831 ~ 'W'. ~~ County Clerk & Reeerder By -- -" t? Rt: City of Bozeman Fee $ -0-