HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2500 Administration and revolving fees on SIDs .(. RESOLUTION NO. 2500 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION OF PARTICULAR COSTS IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City Commission has adopted Commission Resolution No. 2356, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, PROVIDING FOR FUNDS FOR THE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND BY REQUIRING FIVE (5) PERCENT OF THE IMPROVEMENT COST TO BE AN INITIAL INCIDENTAL EXPENSE TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE REVOLVING FUND, on October 21, 1981, and Commission Resolution No. 2429, entitled A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE POLICY TO ASSESS AN ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGE OF SIX PERCENT (6%) AGAINST ALL SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS AT THE TIME OF FINALIZING AND ASSESSING EACH DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION 7-12-4169, M.C.A. WHEREAS, the City Commission now desires to combine and amend the provisions of Commission Resolutions No. 2356 and No. 2429 to provide a comprehensive statement of the amounts for the Special Improvement District Fund and other incidental expenses authorized for inclusion in each special improvement district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 A. Revolving Fund 1. That, for the purpose of providing funds for the Special Improvement District Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 7-12-4222 (a) (ii) and Section 7-12-4169 (2), M.C.A., the City shall include in the costs of the improvements the following amount: Five percent (5%) of the principal amount of a district's bond or warrant proceeds. 2. The Director of Finance shall deposit such amount in the Revolving Fund upon receipt of the bond or warrant proceeds. ... B. Incidental Expenses 1. That, for the purpose of recovering the incidental expenses incurred by the City in the creation and maintenance of Special Improvement Districts, pursuant to Section 7-12-4101 (7) and Section 7-12-4179 (1), M.C.A., including, but not limited to review, drafting and administration by the Departments of Law, Finance, Public Service and the City Manager, printing ~nd advertising, the City shall include in the costs of the improvements the following amount: Three percent (3%) of the lesser of a district's actual cost of the improvements (minus the five percent for the Revolving Fund referred to in Section 1, above) or the amount of the bond or warrant proceeds. 2. The Director of Finance shall deposit such amount in the General Fund at the time the actual costs of the improvements are finalized for inclusion in a district's assessment resolution. Section 2 This resolution shall apply prospectively to all special improvement districts for which bids for the work have not yet been requested by the City even though the actual district was created prior to adoption of this resolution. Section 3 Commission Resolution No. 2429 shall continue to govern those special improvement districts which have been created and for which the City has requested bids for the work including, but not limited to: Special Improvement Districts No. 615, 632 and 645 which are presently under construction. Section 4 Commission Resolution No. 2356 adopted October 1, 1981, is hereby repealed. -2- . . . ., ..- , PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular session held on the 14th day of May, 1984, and effective thirty (30) days after said date. ~ Mayor ATTEST: (iiL., ~ ~ Clerk of he-City Commission _. ~VU AS TO fOtiJ _1l11~ -:5 ,'!fl(q,-! CIty Attomey-- ~T....... T. '. . I,: ,: 7;ul "I ~... A~ ~on of - CIIr Coij"liIMk1n of 11M CIff of ~ ".......... ...... ~ ............ .... In ....0..1 tmpr...._nt 01'. lfr,ott- CIt2'~' Bozeman $_ of Monlana CQulUr of G~11n ,I, 'flgpln L. -,n, Clerk of the.QW c~;of~CIty of -8:ozamail, Morffln., .do. her~ certify Ihallh. forlQOl"G 111lhEl true and correct Iltle end nUmber of CommisSIon Rli$Olu- tlOO:~o. 2500j:iaseed. end e~J.8<l al a rltgUlar _Ion IMl'llcit held on I'" 141h dlIy of May, i984. OaUio.lhls 161h dey of Mey, 1981"'" Roatti L. SULLIVAN Clerk: of lhe CllyCommlsslon May -1~ ". :- Affibautt of Jubltndion I STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin. IS. .. ...,_Viv,if.. ~?p.rtnelL.__..._..._m__..._... ..................._........"........, being duly sworn, deposes and say.: That ___Ihe i....m.m......._I:.r..tngj,.d~._t..Q1.~.r.Ji.m_m___m__ D " of the Bozeman___,-::'.?:~:.!..........__Chronicle,. newspaper of general ctrcu1ation. printed and published in Bozeman, Ganatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed (.., B.c..~9.J.Y}!U.9.n_. .NQ.......aSQ.9__m____h.._........_... .......-.-.. "~~._. &_ _.,.~_~ .______ ..._______~~.._.___.__._.+_......_..________......~..._._..___________ol"_..+.______.._.._.._._._......__..___..... ....--.---.-........--..-..-....-.) , has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said paper....._______n........_m- for. .....1...... =-HtWlx-....iw.fir.t.i.y,tL__........, the lint of which PUbli~~n ww, ' e on the,nJ.B.~....,..mn.n.... day 01. May----.......--..-- .----..........-....-- 19, and the Jut on the...--........1.-~ __ -.;.!"f.-.-.".".. 1'.8." ....._..._ ... '. :c..z:t.::... ~d.e.................--n......-...n. Subacribed and .worn to before me this .....__21..t... day Of....r-.c.'.'y.JiJfI.y...------.-.-...........--:;;....1L4 ...~:~~~~~::~ { Bozeman, Montana RACHEL BENNETT NOTARY PU.3L1C fa' the State of Montana Residinp In c C'l'!lTla n. Mon lana My Commission Expires JUly 6, 1984