HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2485 Authorizing transfer from SID revolving to SID 615 as needed ...... -"1..- ~....-~-...,...... (" COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2485 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO STATUTORY PROVISIONS, SET- TING OUT THAT THE CITY COMMISSION UNDERTAKES AND AGREES TO ISSUE ORDERS ANNUALLY AUTHORIZING LOANS OR ADVANCES FROM THE REVOLVING ACCOUNT TO THE EX- TENT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE AND TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR SUCH REVOLVING FUND BY MAKING TAX LEVY AND LOANS AS THE COMMISSION DETERMINES NECESSARY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, did on the 18th day of February 1981, pass a Resolution creating Special Improvement District No. 615 for the purpose of installing and constructing a sanitary sewer trunk and other appurtenances thereto, in said City; and, WHEREAS, the said Commission has created a Special Improvement District Revolving Fund under the provisions of what is now Section 7-12-4221 of the Montana Code Annotated, as amended; and, WHEREAS, on the 18th day of July 1983, Grande & Company and Campbell Waterman, Inc. agreed to purchase the bonds to be issued by said District, upon condition that the Commission enter into the undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate that the following undertakings and agreements be made by said Commission with respect to said revolving fund and special improvement district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that in connection with the issuance of Special Improvement District Bonds to be issued to defray the cost of the improvements in the Special I mprovement District hereinbefore specifically referred to the Commission hereby undertakes and agrees to issue orders, annually authorizing loans or advances from the revolving fund to the district fund of said district in amounts sufficient to make good any deficiency in the principal and interest accounts thereof to the extent that funds are available, and hereby further undertakes and agrees to provide funds for such revolving fund pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-12-4222(1) of the Montana Code Annotated, as amended, by annually making such tax levy (or, in lieu thereof, such loan from the general fund) as the .- !"" '--'~'--"'IIF~ ...._.,...~ Commission shall determine to be required to provide the funds sufficient for the purposes herein expressed, subject to the maximum limitations imposed by said Section 7-12-4222 (1). The undertakings and agreements provided for herein are made pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-12-4225, of the Montana Code Annotated, as amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October , 1983. ~/4~ ATTEST: iJt- ~ )J~ er of t e City ommlssion printed and published in Bozeman. Gallatin County. Montana. and that the notice hereunto annexed (...nm.g~.lP.!l:l.~.1?~J~m.;..B.'L~gJJJ..t..;io.9.D"Jig.L-;;"~~.5n_-._.. r:&~ :.;.,;. .. ......":i ..... ... CIIJ t"llllllulan 'TUr~:'" .......,...... .... ..... ~......,.. ...... ......=~ :;:........ . :.. .. ... ...... MIl to ,........... tor .... .~..... ........ '" ........ ... ..., MIl .... ......... C....IILI JIlin ....1..... Me- ....,. Clly of BOzeman Stilt, of Montana CclUntYof GaIl8tln I. RoblnL. SullIvan. Clet1l of the, City CclmInIJ!Ilon of..,. City o B~' ~... '.' II ..... . iiO.... .. . ". .,"'.1-"''''''" >', >.. I1I.im&i6r of cOmm[IlSIonRe80Iu~ tlon No. 2485 p8SS8d 8I1d adopted at a regular aesslon therfOf held on thtI 3rd day 01 Ootobef. 1.. OIted thll4ttJ day of October. 1983; . RobIn L. $UIIMln '. _ Clerk of the CIty CornmIIelon 00t.7" .' ) . -_.~- .._..._-~"----"-'_..~-~._-_..._._"--+-_._--_._-"_.------~--....&_--.------_.................--_.._-_..-.---..-..__....._.._..--..-------.........-~~....;..:_.;.--- ~ . , -.---. ( J\ffihautt of Jubltrattnn STATE OF MONTANA. } County of Gallatin, sr. .. "__.__ViYi~ _J~QJ'-tn~l:J-m__..._mm..mnn_ ._m......u-m-........mnm___.. being duly sworn. deposes and says: That .9. he is....._m?:r.ill9_tm~J.u..91g.r.km______..._u_m_______.. of the Bozeman nDaily..m_.....-Chronicle, a newspaper of general clreu1ation. has been correctly published in the regular and entire iaue of every number of laid paper__m....._____..._m____ for. .....1......_ ~-..j,D!?~I'.t..;i,.9J'L_..._.___u.__..., the fint of which publication wu ~. on ;~J--7!!l.m.n........m. day oL.....Qdouo.t:. ....nmu.nmmmn 19, and the 1ast on th....nnn._m:t!!l-:cn-9,( i._~._.mj lib}. ...u_____uu....._m..u{~~'d:L".~~~6d-..m..mm. Subscribed and sworn to before me tbb mJQ~.nmn d:nO.f:=::tt:Z7eI&;;;;;:;iL.=...~~ Notary Public for the State of Montana, retiding at \. BoZ8lM~~oDtana NOTARY PUdllC f l BENNEl'T R' Or the Stat eS/dinR in bOZem e of Montan. My Commission E II n, Mon lana XPIHJS JUly 6, 1984 ~'- -- _..0.411o<:~i...