HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2458 Declaring existence of blight conditions in City of Bozeman 1.. .' COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2458 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING THAT BLIGHT CONDI- TIONS DO EXIST IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission has caused to be conducted a detailed survey of housing conditions, public facilities and infrastructure improvements within the boundaries of the Redevelopment Area depicted in Attachment A; and WHEREAS, said surveys indicate that seventy-one and seven-tenths percent (71.7%) of the residential units within the Redevelopment Area are in varying stages of disrepair, including deferred maintenance items, defective construction techniques and materials, structural inadequacies and other dilapidated condi- tions, and are thus considered substandard. This constitutes a major concentra- tion in light of the fact that only twenty-two percent (22.0%) of the residential units in the balance of the City exhibit similar characteristics; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Area contains undeveloped and underdeveloped, dedicated park land, unpaved or highly deteriorated street surfaces, inadequate- Iy sized water lines, inappropriate or underdeveloped land utilization and vari- ous other conditions which are detrimental to the public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Area contains a high concentration of low and moderate income households (74.3%) as defined by the Montana Department of Commerce; and WHEREAS, additional funding sources are necessary to supplement City efforts to aid in the revitalization of this neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN THAT: Section 1 The Redevelopment Area depicted in Attachment A is, for the reasons stated above, considered blighted and to exhibit blighting conditions. Section 2 In order to help aid in the prevention of said blighting conditions, efforts shall be made to secure assistance from the Montana Department of Commerce in the form of a Community Development Block Grant. ~~,".~:,;~~ . _ ~....w;"~.. . ~.:4;;, .~.~ ,,- " - 2 - PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June , 1983. ATTEST: ~: ,it- M~- er of t e Commission APPROVED AS TO fORM -;ltt-5 if/17/1~ City Attorney I STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin. as. Vivie Portnell _..................._._......, being duly sworn, ~ e'lIPllllon of.... CIty of ......., lion....., ..... ............. blight ClOIIdIUOne do ..... In .... City of .... .... ......... City of ,Bozeman State Of Montane County of Gallatin I, Robln L. Sullivan. Clerk of the CIty Commission QI the City of Bozeman; Montana. do hereby Certify fhatth, fOrllQtllng Is the ft'U8 end correcttltlelnd number of Commission Alsolu- tlon No. 2458 passed and addPIed at a r~r session theteof heldon''tM'20th day 01 June. 1983. Dated this 22nd day of June, 1983; Robin L. SUllivan Clerk of the City Commission June 24 [ ~fftbautt pf 'ubltrattnn deposes and say.: That ..~he i.m....n.?.:r.~P.~_~_E~.t..9..b_~:r.~m._.._...__._m____m__ of the Bozeman...Dail.y.m_...n.Chronicle, a new.paper ot general eireulaUon, printed and publi.hed in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed (....QQ.I!!~~J.~~JQ.ll..E~~.Q!}!~1Q!)....~g.~_._?~2?.m.m____oo .'. n.. __ ._'_n_" ..m. n... _ ...n ......... uuoonoom......_........ ..m'_m."'OO___" _____..___________nm_____._______n_n_.____...mm_........n00_") , has been correctly publi.hed in the regular and entire ilSue of every number of aid paper..oomd.._...m_m.n. for. ..mJm._~4JKlMMftM.-j.Q~~.Lti.Qnm.m___oodm.' the tint of which PUblica"~m. e"~; the.....m.?~~..........n.. day 01.. . . mnnnmnmnnJune.nn.m_mnn 19, and the last on thennm...2~'~fr;:uJ._.._nn_n 19_83 _n.___...... ,.~Z'& .....~J./........mm.........mm..... Subsorlbed and sworn to before me this mm.n?~"_' d::.:f=~~~:~~::~~ Notary Public for the State of Montana, reIlding at 1- Bozeman, Montana NOTARy pu_~;g~~~ BEN,NETT ReSldinQ in _ the ~tat(j of My Commi . uozernan M Mont..". tOtO/en flip; . OFlI,na _ __ res JUly 6. JQt).. ::...., ""'~~_.,;tS'..\~! M jijl...,.. ~'.' ',_ ~,,~"'.~'L~._,...:~"l_" ',.:I;'::':",., 'J ~~ r F~9: ID~ ] 'm!mrn tJn liE ~ t t l,;; HE c-. ::0 L",,~"~,,~> ~''"~l~:'';''-;;: l'~~~~' ~[J. rrt:>'~ ~.11J+.LjC~d'~I'LI~' ..~ ,~. Pr';r5f ~,h" . =;lr -, I lJ~:,:} V'I >-H J/ I III r I I ~~ ~..... L~ ~~Ll~I~:;_ : ~ ~[ ".".: ~. 'f" .. II Li ' '~~EIIJ 1.1 I I r b"~~ T1~, ":"' I]. ~ "Il~~"L.....~:-l. ~.~ v.....tU,! ,,] . 'will j -- , f----'1 '. T- 1 I, 1.____1 ._ . SEVENTH ._.__ 0' 'flIJ .~;~ 11 r -.::: ,---' - ""~ n Ii - i ' ! L ~~.. i..LL, . '-'--j'n~' r-'-i I 1 I r' u ~ '._SE/i ~T~~':EIN~l,ll, 1 ITTII" .._UI_._-...l., ~,-'~..'."'.'.'. ,l J [TI.. 1 r-----I.... 1 '. 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