HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2430 Vacating portion of Church Ave. Hemlock St. and alley, Block 112 NP Rt: Fee City o~~-~Lr -O- f State 01 Moot.. Cuunt)! oj Gallqtjn. liS Filed Jvr record Ap-r; 1 FIL~ 14 . J9~o' s: 15A M.. and rf'cordod In Booh 75 of MISCELLANEOU~"". ..lJF7 , ~~ ~'o...drder By ...~ty RES OLUTION NO. 2430 75p.~GE18:: 108786 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN VACATING A PORTION OF NORTH CHURCH A VENUE, HEMLOCK STREET AND THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 112, ALL IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION. WHEREAS, a petition has been received by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman requesting the vacation of North Church Avenue from Juniper Street North to Front Street, the easterly 189 feet of Hemlock Street between North Church A venue and Front Street, and the alley located in Block 112, Northern Pacific Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has caused to be published a notice stating when said petition would be acted upon; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds the said vacation may occur without any detriment to the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: 1. That North Church Avenue from Juniper Street north to Front Street, the easterly 189 feet of Hemlock Street between North Church Avenue and Front Street, and the alley located in Block 112, in the Northern Pacific Addition, y-- and as shown on Exhibit "A," attached to this resolution and marked in red thereon, is hereby vacated by the City of Bozeman. 2. That this vacation shall not effect the right of any public __~:l:".. utility, including the City of Bozeman, to continue to -_.---~.-' maintain its plant and equipment in any of the vacated real property. DATED THIS 4th day of October, 1982. ~~.~ . ..' _,....0....:'"."/'1;:',.-...,.,. flL~ 75PAGE1e:~ !\ffibautt of Jlubltrattnn STATE OF MONTANA. } County of Gallatin. IS. - __'liviQJJQrtnellm_..__m__............... ......... -._................_....__... being duly sworn. deposes and says: That oS he is..m_...Er:~;,J:.lc..ipa~nhC1.eJ::kmm______n________u.__ of the Bozeman.....!?~~_~.Y........_.Chronicle. a newspaper of general eireulaUon, printed and published in Bozeman. Gallatin CoUDty, Montana; aDd that the notice hereun to annexed (... . JJ.Qt.ir;;J;... Qi... y.w.>::.at.i.on+-..2or_ti:::ms__.a.Ln______ ___._.~~_:t:~~...~!l~~.~~_._~...~.?~~.?~.~._~~!E'::::_~_...c:~~!._~.~~_~~_I?}.:.?_<?~._~_~_?_L_N oE.t.l'.!.~T-P P~S_ifif._6_rd.~_~J2.QrL..._..) . has been correctly published in the regular and entire iaue of every num~ -..-................ Y(IU are notified th .., of the City , _sider the requ .. held on Mond . 111I2, at 7:00 p.m. --, RtIIi:itn. Municipal MiIIn Street, 80ze of August 19. I". R L BUt.LIV AN Clerk of the -CIty Commission -- !'l",- ~----- fll~ ?5PMIEtC::~ NOTICE OF VACATION PORTIONS OF NORTH CHURCH AND HEMLOCK STREET AND ALLEY IN BLOCK 112, NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION A petition has been submitted to the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, by Kenyon Noble Lumber Company, requesting vacation of a portion of North Church Avenue from Juniper Street north to Front Street, the easterly 189 feet of Hemlock Street between Church and Front Street, and the alley located in Block 112, Northern Pacific Addition, all in the City of Bozeman, Montana. You are notified that the City Commission of the City of Bozeman will consider the request at its meeting to be held on Monday, September 20, 1982, at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Dated this 30th day of August 1982. rio!~, (;/.JJJ~ Clerk of the City Commission Publish: September 9, 1982 Display Ad . ~o '\ ~ 'l'~ ' /I.) Lt...t f ~ 0 ~~~~..~~ Vacated July 12, 1935 :-.zJIlf."'~1I ut\ '. ~ "l " ~ " ,.,. ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l.; I J J c,"~ ~ Vacated September 27, ~ .~ " 1982 IJ 'i i\ I! \ 1~ 21 I~ ia,~ ~:: ll! ~ ~ ~.I..<.".:-..l:..- ..~ ~ ~ . '.. '. ~- HLHLOC.~' ~~,-~";.__ JlJ 'II " ,. ~ .. "1'0 \t.1~ ~ I~ti:: ' '- 7(j ~~'~, ~~ ~ :. \Ii "~ r / ~~ t"i ' ~~ to ... "'", '~\ II ~ 1\ ~ !'.'~.' i\ -"'i.\..' ':~~~.~~~~~~t~Ul~'~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~ :- ...IVNIPEIf ) rSTIfEET () :!, ~J ~ 1'-1 ,.. ~.. "~tlj ~ ~ ~ Ir' \Q "Ib 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ ~- ~~J~ ~ ~~~ ~ ' "j ~ . . ~ I, ~~ . ~ ~. ,... ,..) ~ lot!ot .... ~ I l, ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ' 11"1ft) ~ ,I" ~ ~ "~I~ ~ C, 1!8~~'" ...l.o ~~... I... ,~ C, I~~~~ _ c.,.~ :. TAI'f/lRACK cSTREET I:" ~ .. .. ..." 'tlr, '~f\I~ I~ " "".... I" Itl"i'l 01 ~ " " ~ ... II ~ ~ ... "'f ,ff, i... "~~I1< ~..... , .. ~I~_ ....1' 1"1:1'" " !"ll ... I-.t .,.""1,, " .,' " ",~:P f , rt I....~I..~ "1",,, '"' ~ ,1..,..1 ~~. ~ I ~., 6 "1 1./ .... If' .... .. ~ loA " I l "..11 'Ii , '-.. ut =~~~;;;:: .. 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