HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2398 Vacating Northern 118.5 feet of Brady Avenue, Babcock and David Addition !O frtJ4' 70 P~GE 1325 COMMISSION RESOLUI'ION NO. 2398 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Ca.1MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, M)NTANA, VACATING A PORrION OF BRADY AVENUE LCCA'IED IN THE BABCOCK AND DAVIS ADDITION. WHEREAS, a petition has been received by the City Conmission of the City of Bozeman requesting the vacation of the northerly 118.5 feet of Brady Avenue located within the Babrock and Davis Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Camd.ssion has caused to be published a notice stating when said petition would be acted up:>n; and WHEREAS, the City Camd.ssion finds the said vacation may occur without any detriment to the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CCMMISSION of the Ci ty of Bozeman: 1. The City of Bozeman hereby transfers all of its right, Ti tIe and interest in and to the following described real property: A Tract of land running north and south through Lot 2, Block 7 in the Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman being 54.18 feet in width and 118.5 feet in length, all of which is located in Gallatin County, Montana. 2. That this vacation shall not affect the right of any public utility including the City of Bozeman, to continue to maintain its plant and equipnent in any vacated real property. PASSED, AOOPTED AND APPROVED by the City corrrnission of the City of Bozeman, Montana this 10th day of May 1982. ", ''''........ ATIEST:, __~" -"~ ., , <"", ""'" @Sf~~rL~ I 'r;) '~l .- ,.- - ... .. , ....:..~:::...; "'-. ! . '-e. \. -',- - . ~: - -;') , ~ ,.-- _..r .'. . '~.(l,.""'^"- - ":;. ,r~,'.. .,.,/# _ . . :!Ilt"l> - , _.~ , . . ~~....:;;.. ~'J' ~,-.... ~".,~" ....,-.. .'. . . *. , 1\fftbauit of 'ubltrattnn STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin. SS. _ _____YivJe ~9.!'tl1:~J:;J,________ ......._._______ _...__._______........m_......._' being duly sworn, deposes and says: That "~he is___m..._)?_r:tfl:~.t.P.g1-__..QJ,_€.:r.k....mmm__m___mm___.. of the Bozeman ________Daily____ Chronicle, a newspaper of general c:ircu1aUon, printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the notice hereunto annexed (.__c;:.QIlJmtm~i_Q.n...Re.I;!Q~u..t.i..Qll....NQ.....23.9.8. nmn__.__.. - FILM 70 PAGE 1326 has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number _ __.. _. _. _m. ...... _.. __ ___.._. ._._..____.........m.m.____m_ _.....mmnnm.__ ____m_.__._m___.__._.._____._n..______.__n..n_____.____m..m.....m...__..> , said a on t~_.mmnj !!.tnnnm... day of. ___ ...May___......__ ...______n.m..._.____ 19, and the last on the____....._m.~:1.8 m. n.day ._mnm m...__ .nnm 19_..82 . -.'" . , / .' (,. "<\\ ' .m.._m..._..___ ... ~~. .;%leaL m_.._mn.m.._..n...m .' ~ ~ .......... .." . ;"~....- "~t~; - . tll - . 82 Sn;hll'lt:m~~~arn to before me thIS __..__.J_8.""n.... day OL___.m_,.......nm....-M~m---m;;?nn .........ummum......._m... 19..m. ~. ., - ) ,ILia.' ..<.,<'. W ~ w-~ ," J ... .. :'., ! " I ','" ' : l.~_..,...; ; . .mm_..nmml../';';;' ... f. ...__~dL-_1~,.e';n' .._....._mn__.__-n __...,...... . .)"",--""J.L \~.J:.'i' -.~ = ....<~:- Notary Public fflt)'~t;.~fM6lIItIftIIII1l'esiding at ,~~;tli':-._:..~.,r.~~~ . BozeaQj;,fc;w~~~aS~at. Gt Manta". .f~'.(;fill'.'-l;'-. t"" My CommIssion c_ - ' Monten. '''fIlmn~ ......Plres JUly 6, 1984 for_ _....1...____ ~Htivl! __.j.l}9_e.r..t.is:m......._m..m.' the first of which publicatio .. - FILM 70 PAGE 1328 A petition has nsubmitted Citv Cnmmhlllln nf th.. ("I... filM 70 PAGE 1327 NOI'ICE OF VACATION OF A PORI'ION OF BRADY AVENUE A petition has been submitted to the City Ccrrmission of the City of Bozeman, by the Assembly of God Church located in the City of Bozeman, requesting vacation of the northern 118.5. feet of Brady Avenue located within the Babcock and Davis Addition to the City of Bozeman, ~ntana. You are notified the City Carmission of the City of Bozeman will oonsider the request at its rreeting on t-1ay 3, 1982. DATED this 26th day of April 1982. ~ c/ ~~~-. ~ Clerk of the City Corrmission Published: April 26, 1982. Display Ad ~ ",'" " fILM 70 rAGE 1329 May 6, 1982 This written agreement is entered into the 6th day of May 1982 between the party of the first part being Foundation Ministries and the party of the second part being Tom Young. We agree as follows: Foundation Ministries agrees to grant access to Tom Young's property located at 431 North Ida, Bozeman, Montana through Foundation Ministries property located at 425 North Ida. Be it understood that we give our written and verbal guarantee for entrance and exit through Foundation Ministries property to Tom Young's property. Signed ~14 dy K lI'y 't (::;/,u /)J;/ /i~~ /;rp-< ~ Ro rt ~ 12~)~II~hk~ 'i/? '74c-'e<'d'& /. Ycu ke./ STATE OF MONTANA) ss. County of Gallatin) On this 6th day of May, 1982, before me, a Notary Public in and for the state of Montana, personally appeared Judy Kelly, Robert J. Luedtke, and John W. Marks, known to me to be the perso~:;,;."wh.Q9/e names are subscribed to the wi thin instrument, and aC~fl~1;dg'#~~;~&t" ,e that they executed the same. J,'"'~. "r ."",,~ ., ~", ^' ~.. '~'~'." ,'" ~ ~ " j /' "',~ ....:i____ \,.;:.~ ,rV '()\ {!. ~ . J} 0 A '\ :: :L~',.' ~u ~ "'~ ~,,-~"- .: :: Notary Public for State of Montana \~'~OTA--Rl~!>- ~AL) Residing in Bozeman, Montana ~')"~:'t;~....,. 'f~.r,,-...~ My Commission expires Apr. 30, 1985 "If' O-FMO)-i'\. :0....,.. III '!(to" "'''''lIln\lI~.. INDEXi: PLATTeD 99283 OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER, \ STAT~ OF MONTANA ss. COUNTY OF GALLATIN. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON THE 30 June 82 DAY OF , A.D., 19_, AT 9: 20 A M., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN HOOK 70 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, PAGE 1325 RECORDER. BY ~ lhr~EPUTY Fee $ t..alf a. fhid4)t& Rt: City of Bozeman .... 3 .., " ;7" March 25, 1982 City of Bozeman Bozeman, Montana 59715 Re: Petition to abandon Brady Alley City of Bozeman: As the owners of the property located at 425 North Ida Avenue, Bozeman, Montana, we are petitioning the City of Bozeman to abandon the extension of Brady Avenue also known as the Brady alley. In a previous conversation with the City of Bozeman it was understood that if we owned the property described in the enclosed buy-sell agreement, the City of Bozeman would consider abandoning the Brady alley. As per the enclosed our purchase of said property is continsenton the City abandoning the alley. After consideration of this proposal if you should have any questions or comments, please contact Judy Kelly (587-8891). Sincerely, John Marks Bob Luedtke Judy Kelly Land Committee for Foundation Ministries (Christian Center) P.o. Box 1702 Bozeman, MT 59715 . . .. ..' ;:. ~j i I EARNEST MONEY RECEIPT AND AGREEMENT TO SELL AND PURCHASE 'X STANDARD FORM Approved by Monllnl AlloclallOft 01 ""'"1'1 Bozenaan RECEIVEOFROM Foundation Mini.at.rie., Ihes~~~;(Check.CIsh.....) One H\Dldred Dollar. H. P. Goan , . Montana Pr... March 16 ,19--42 in part payment ollhe purChase 01 the lollowlng described Real Estate In ($ 100.00 , Counly of Gallatin SlaleoIMontana,to.wll RttarranQ...nt. of w. 185~. 2, elk 7. Aaeaded Lot 2l\. Lot. 21\-1, Babcock. & Davi. b4dn to Cit.y o~ Boz..-n herelnaller called purchaser ) paid to agenl n earneS! money Boz_, Togelher wllh lhe 101l0wing described lIems of personal property' Alllrrigallon lIx1urllS and equipment, plumbing and heating lilltures and equipment, Including Sloker and olllaoks, wale< healers and burners, electric lighl fix- tures, bathroom fixlureS, roller shades, cortalo rods and lIX1ores, venellan blinds, window Ind door ~ns, slOrm doorund windows, llnollum, lnachtd t....lslon Inlennl, III shrubs Ind Iron and all OIher IlxIurea anlChtd lher.. to, exo:spt; None ~~.,..h.'''', are to be !ell upon the premises as a part 01 the property purchased. The lollowing personal property Is also to be Itll upon the premises Ift1lMGI't~. property purchased: The 10t.1 purch.se price Is Kight Tbouaand Five BuDdred Dollar. (SS , 500. ~ PlIyabl..s folIoW1l: $100.00 in earneat .mey aa Rated abeNe $8,400.00 in cap at. cloaiDQ. 1. Ills further .greed Ihal seller shall.t his expenso lurnish purch..... an Abltrect Of Title to sald property, c.rtified to dat., or 1111" ilIsurancepollcy as evidenced bV a tllle commlt...ntln an amounl equal 10 Ihe purchale price, Insorlng 1M" thereto v.sted in pulchaSlf, Ir", and clear 01 all liens and encumbrlnc...xcepc: Uaual PZ' J.a~ excluaiooa on '1it.le Policy Ills agreed Ihat the broker assomes no responsibility 10 regard to the litle and the broker reconvnendllhe purchaSlf have the abetract ollltle or IItle Insurance policy examined bV an attorn.y. 2. The real property is 10 be conveyed by warrA:nt;l a.<<l and fhO personal property bV lIlU ot Sale. Iree and clur of allencombrances .cepl building and zoning ordinances and regulations, building and use restrictions, rights 01 way and ease nts, re!UK1/atlonsln Federal patenlS and .... deeds and those encumbrances enwnerated In 58ctlon I above. 3. If the seller does nol .pprovethls sale Wllhin 5 days he.....lter, or If ,eller's tll" II not IIIIIrChanteble or Insurable and cannol be made so wUhln a reasonable lima alter wrhten nOllco lllnlllnlng slatemenlot detects Is delivered 10 seuer, then said earnest money herein receipted lor shall be returned to the purcheaer on demend and all rights 01 purchaser terminated unllSS purchaser waives said delects and elec11 to pur. Chase. .. If sald sale Is approved by Ihe seller and seller's said lllle IS merchantable or Insurable and porchaSlf neglec1s or refll1ln III complete the purchsse or shall lallto pay Ihe balance otlhe purcha.. prlco as ilIIrelnabove provided, then said earnest money shall be lorteiled 10 the seller as liquidated damagea snd not as a penally and this Igreement there upon shall be 01 no lurthOr force or effect unless the soller elects 10 enforce this agree...nt by requiring Ihe buyer 10 specillcally perlorm in accordance wilh the terms ot IhlS contrlct. 5. The purchaser agrHsthatlhls contract does alllhorile the seller to enlorcelhO remedy olspeclflc performance. The soller agrees lhallhls conlract does autllorlZ8Ihe purchaser to enforce the remedy 01 specitic performance. 6. Seller and purchasor agree to pro"rale the taxes lor lhe currenlla~ year, rents. lIlteresl. and oIher mailers as ollhO date 01 deJlvtry 01 ,*,",,$Ion, (5.. Section 8), unleu OIhOrwlso slated. Premioms lor existing IrlllUrance may be pro'rated or a now policy issued at purchasen optiOn. Encumbrances to be djsch....ged bV Ihe seller "",y II lib opllon be paid out 01111. purcllase money ill thO date 01 closing. 7. The closing dale of this sale shall be on or belo" _ 19 ~ , or 30 days beyond said date shall be .llowed tor completion olllnanclng, It Ilnanclng is called lor herein, which shall be lhe te.-mlna- lion date onless otherwise agreed. The purchaser and soller will, on demand, deposll In trost wllh Ihe closing agent, all instruments and monies necessary to complete the purchase In .ccord.nce wllh this agreomenl. 8. Possesslon.shlll be delivered to pIKChaSer on or before the date of cioslog (See Section 7). 9. PurchaSlf enterslllto Ihls agreemenl in loll "liance upon his Iodependent In_lgatlon and judgment and Ihe.-ure noy\ll'bal or other agreements which modlly or alfectlhls agreement. 10 Time Is 01 the essonce In this agreemenl. This agreement Is binding opon lhO hOirs, executors, edminlSlralorl, _"111'1 and usigns and each 01 thO parties hOreto. H......r. purchaser's righls ne"," are nolas$ignab!e without seller' 0 wrillen consent 11 . PurChaser acknowledges necessary londs tor F.H .A., y .A., or convenllonal appraisals and credil "PO" may be disbursed tram above earnest money recllpled bV agenl. If lInanc'lIU .. lllqOlrod pUl .".u 111\- meCllOlte application the"'ore, sign neceosary papers, pay roqulrod costs, and exert boSlettortsto procure such lInlllcklg. 12. V.A. PurChi.." "It Is expressly agreed lhat, notwithstlndlng any other provisions ofthls contract, thO purChiArshall not Incur any penally by lorfelure 01 ear...llIIK'MIY 01 OIherwisa be oblili-I. .""" II.. I'",,;n... 01 the property described he.-eln, If the lllnlract purchase prICe or cosl exceedS thO reasonable value 01 thO property established by the Vel.... 'I Administration. The purchel8r shell, MMvtI, .have the Ii' ,. '''U' and opllon 01 pnlCHd, Ing wltt.the consummation o!thls contract without regard 10 the amount 01 the "asonable v.lue established by Ihe Veteliln' 0 Administratlon. " 13. F.H.A. PurChaser: In event londs lor this transaction are 10 be derived Irom an F.H.A. Insured loan, "It Is expressly .vr- thaI. notwithstanding any other prov.lslons olltlls contrac\. tho purchaser shallnol be obligated to complete the purchase of Ihe property described herein or to incor any penalty by 'orlellure of earn.st money deposllS or otherwise unlelS the seller haS delivered to th. purchaser I wrlnen statement Issued by the Federal HoIIlmg Commissioner setting torth the appraised value 01 the properly lormortllillelnsurance purposes 01 nolless Ihan $ which statement the soller hereby agrees to deliver to lhe purchaser promptly alter such appraised value stalement iSIl1llde available to the seller. ThO purchasor shall, however, have the prlvlleg. and Opllon of proceeding with lhe consummation otthis contract without regard to the amount olth. appraised valuation II1IIde by the Federal HOUSing COIMlISstaner. " 1.. When required, the seller agr",s to pay. mortgage discounl not 10 excaod (~ %) 01 the purchaser's proposed mortgage amounl. IS. In the evenlllnanclng Is called lor herein and said tinancing cannot be oblalned, soUer and agtnt agree to rolund thO balance ot earneSl money not used (58e Secllon t 1). 16. Special Provisions 1. This o~fer 'to purcba_ coat.iw-eaat. "rft purehaaar obt.a.ining,fTOfI Ci~y of Bozeman a ~it.t.laent. 1:0 a~DdI:m Brady Str_t at:. t:h. aou~h ~._".o.f t.be lot., within 45 day. o~ aCC4lPtaDctt ~ cd~.x'. **Cloaing dat:.a t:.o b. 60 day., or 1JOODeX', fr.. aUt ~ <<I f~_8Dt. f~ Ci~y ~ So.-..... 2.. ,..-~:ln- ~:::::1;i~,~:~.~~1~.-=~~~~~4sf:O~~ ~Pa:: will 'turD it:. over t;o the Tit.le CoIIparly :1 " ,. ,I;- )~ \' ,-... ~. .~ 'i , ~~ Ag~YNES REAL ESTATB Hel_ Jol-.:m By REAl ESTATE FIRM Rea.l BaUU IIwe hereby agree 10 purchaselhe abOve described Real Estate property at the IIrm prlco and on the terms'nd condlllons ss SOl torth ill the a Seller's ecceptance hereof, dorlng which period my $;lId otler shall nOl be subject to revacatlon. Ilwo hereby acknowledge receipt ot. I natures. Purchaser'sAd~~ 1502 Drif'twood Dr. Boa_aD Ph :)~7-0iU4 001 Purchaser(s) For valuable conslderallon IIwe agr... to soli and convey to thO Purchaser the above described property on Ihe lerms and COnd.lons hereinabove stated and agree 10 pay to thO above named agenla commission .mounting 10 _.Itc?__..._. percent 01 the abovo mentIOned selling price lor servlcos rendered In Ihistransactlon. In thOevenf 01 a torteMure of thO dellOsll as abO" provided, the said deposil shill be used "rstto pay the agent's Incurred ex. Il'lnses relalad to In,s sale and Ine balance shall be apportioned to the seller and agent equally, provided the amount to ille agen. ISh. an not ex.coed the agr~ed c Isslon. I/w aulhorize said agent 10 pay olll olthl caSh proceeds of oale the expense of furnishing evidence Ollllle, 01 rec:Gl'atng 1_ antt'''''''1II Iillmpl, Illny, IS """ IS illy ~~.. ~ble at/or e cloS lwo acknowledge recelpl 01 a cOll.y 01 thIS Recelpl and AgreementlMlaring my/our signalore and that 01 the purchasor n_d abOve.' ' . - . Dated IhiS dav 01 , 19 ~ !'hOne . :f. ",::: " " Seller's Address Sellerls) OElIYERY TO PURCHASER OF COpy OF AGCE 0 OFFER (On. of the tOllowlng methods ot deliverln COpied copy Should be uSed.) Purchaser.. o the toregoing contract racelpt bearing his C~ Oate I I I 3-lr .1~ Copy 01 loregoing earnesl money rllCllipl bearing copy ot purcnaser's signature and that 01 the Sel"r's sant vii reglSlored ma~. '" Agent THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT UNDERSTOOD. SEEK COMPETENT ADVICE. I,t...,. (WHITE ORIGINA~I BROKER'S COpy - FI~'" IN DEA~ "'NVE~OPE (WHITE COPY) PURCHASER'S COpy COMP~HED CONTRACT (GREEN COPY) PURCHASER'S COPY COMPl.HED CONTRACT (YI!L~OW COPYI SEL~ER'S COpy (PINK COPY) PURCHA.ER'. RECEIPT-FOA E....NUT MONEY