HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-25 Minutes, City Commission MINUTES OF THE AGENDA MEETING/WORK SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA January 25, 1999 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in agenda meeting and work session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, on Monday, January 25, 1999, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Acting City Manager Brey, Staff Attorney Cooper and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Commissioner Rudberg was absent. The meeting was opened with the roll call, Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Authorize absence of Commissioner Rudberg from this meetina. in comDliance with Section 7-3-4322(2), M.C.A. It was moved by Commissioner Smiley, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the absence of Commissioner Rudberg from this meeting be authorized in compliance with Section 7-3-4322(2), M.C.A. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. . Agenda Meeting - for reaular meetina and Dublic hearing to be held on Februarv 1. 1999 Since this is an agenda meeting, only those issues requiring staff action are contained in the minutes. Acting City Manager Brey briefly reviewed the background information which was included in the Commissioners' packets. (4) Assistant Planner Therese Berger gave an overview of the application, which is for a cabaret license in conjunction with a new restaurant. Responding to Mayor Stiff, the Assistant Planner stated the handicapped accessible entrance is on the west end of the building. (5) Assistant Planner Joni Killebrew gave an overview of the application, noting the key issue is the direction of the one-way ingress/egress to the site. (8) Responding to Mayor Stiff, Director of Public Service Phill Forbes stated the records indicate there are 7.92 acres at the lower yards, but in reality there is less because right-of-way has been dedicated for Griffin Drive. He indicated there are approximately 2 acres north of the gas line easement and 5.2 acres south of the easement. . Further responding to the Mayor, the Director of Public Service stated that staff is reviewing the site plan he received from the School District on Friday. He noted that this year's budget includes monies for a storage building, and that building is reflected on the site plan, in the area currently housing the police impound yard. He stressed that the 180-foot by 80- foot building, as initially constructed, will not be large enough to house all of the vehicles, so room must be left for expansion. He stated that the site plan, as submitted, provides for fairly independent on-site circulation of school buses and City vehicles, although some of the Park Department and Water Department activities may be impacted at certain times of the day when buses are moving around because the road will bisect their operations. 01-25-99 - 2 - The Director of Public Service stated that the crews who use the lower yards on a regular basis have identified the southern access onto North Rouse Avenue as the safest, the northern access onto North Rouse Avenue as the next safest and the access onto Griffin Drive as the least safe. As a result, the City crews now use only the southern access. Responding to Commissioner Smiley, the Director of Public Service stated the abandoned sludge drying beds are not currently used because of the concrete walls. He indicated that if the beds are filled to the top of the walls, they could be used for storing some . of the City's supplies and equipment. He stressed that the lower yards are used by several different departments and that it is an area where items that don't lend themselves to neat and tidy piles are stored. He characterized the relocation of the impound yard as a problem, stating he does not yet know where a new yard could be placed. Responding to Mayor Stiff, Director of Public Service Forbes stated that the City does have the old landfill site at the end of North Rouse Avenue. He indicated that has been discounted as a potential location for the new storage building because of the access to the site, which passes a residential area, the condition of the street and the intersection of that portion of North Rouse Avenue with Griffin Drive. Responding to Mayor Stiff, Acting City Manager Brey indicated that the School District cannot enter into a lease for its property; rather, it must enter into an interlocal agreement. He then asked that the Commissioners provide input about their desires for any type of exchange, including the length of any agreement for using each other's property. He noted that the School District is running into a time crunch, so any direction at this time would help City staff prepare documents for consideration by the City Commission and the School Board in a timely manner. Commissioner Youngman noted that the Commission as a whole has not seen the information on options for use of School District property. She also noted the Recreation and . Parks Advisory Board has not had an opportunity for input, and indicated her interest in having their recommendations. Mayor Stiff expressed an interest in knowing how much property at the Sacajawea Middle School is being proposed for use by the City. He recognized that the road system to that site is adequate, and there would be ample parking on site, although he would like to see a secondary access provided. He then indicated that he would like to see the School District provide additional parking along the west side of the Swim Center. He noted that this issue was discussed when expansion of the Swim Center was being considered, and that parking is still needed. Acting City Manager Brey noted that the parking plan previously submitted was for two-hour parking. Superintendent of Schools Paula Butterfield stated there is enthusiastic support for locating an ice rink at the Sacajawea Middle School because it could be used by the school for physical education classes as well as by the hockey players. She recognized that the parcel under consideration is approximately four acres, which is larger than the area being considered for a bus barn at the City's lower yards; however, she noted that the hockey area would need more space than the bus barn. She indicated that the School District would be willing to enter into a long-term interlocal agreement for this purpose, and she will forward that proposal to the . School Board for their consideration. She also indicated a willingness to forward the additional parking at the High School for their consideration, noting it has been previously discussed on a number of occasions. She suggested that half of the 20 additional parking spaces could be designated for two-hour parking during the school day with the other half designated for students holding gold cards during the daytime. She stressed that all of those spaces would be available for parking for after hours activities at the school. The Superintendent of Schools noted that other sites are also available for consideration. Those include the property at the corner of West Babcock Street and Fowler Avenue, which has been developed into fields for recreational use; the 3D-acre site on 01-25-99 -----.-----..- ..--- - 3 - Patterson Road; and the parcel at the corner of Kagy Boulevard and Highland Boulevard, which contains just under 10 acres. Commissioner Youngman stated she would like to have at least Parks Foreman Ron Dingman, Recreation Superintendent Sue Harkin, and Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Chair Terry Baldus review the proposal being considered by the City and the School District prior to next week's meeting since the Board will not be meeting until next Thursday night. . Dr. Butterfield distributed to the Commission the latest estimate of costs for the bus barn, which is higher than the amount of monies available. As a result, she stated that the bus barn, estimated to cost $350,000, may not be built; rather, the buses may be stored outside with electrical outlets provided to plug in the buses when it is cold. Acting City Manager Brey indicated that staff will gather the requested information for consideration at next week's Commission meeting. Planning Director Andy Epple distributed to the Commission a memo dated January 25, in which he estimated the impact fees for the proposed bus barn, both with and without a structure. He stressed that these figures are based on the assumption that the construction will be undertaken before July 15, when the impact fees increase again. (9) Responding to Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Youngman stated that Westlake Park is to be improved in phases, and the projects recommended for funding in this year's budget do not include a skateboard facility. She then indicated that approval of the projects on this list does not guarantee that any proposed future improvements will occur. (11 ) Commissioner Smiley questioned why the members on the Traffic and Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee are referred to as "directors" instead of "members", like all of the other City boards. . Work Session - (AI Discussion re City Engineer Brawner' s status reDort dated January 12. 1999 (A) Discussion re City Engineer Brawner's status report dated January 12, 1999 Included under "FYI Items" in last week's packet was a copy of the City Engineer's status report, dated January 12, 1999. City Engineer Craig Brawner indicated a willingness to respond to questions about the information contained in his memo. West Babcock Street. Responding to Mayor Stiff, the City Engineer stated that, until the existing right-of-way is identified and the additional right-of-way is acquired, it is premature to design the road improvements. He expressed concern that costs continue to rise, and indicated his interest in proceeding as quickly as possible. The City Engineer noted that at last week's TCC meeting, County Commissioner Bill Murdock indicated that recent meetings with property owners suggested they may not be as aligned on the issue of being paid for all of the right-of-way as originally thought. As a result, . the County has suspended the lawsuit until they can reach some type of agreement with individual property owners. He recognized that there will be those property owners who are unwilling to reach an agreement, and the next step will then be taken. Commissioner Smiley noted that, despite the number of stops that have been encountered in this process, it is now further along than it has ever been before. Commissioner Frost requested that another work session with the County Commissioners be set, to once again discuss this issue. Acting City Manager Brey suggested that the work session be set in two weeks. 01-25-99 -------- - 4 - Durston Road. The City Engineer indicated that staff could sift through the alternatives for improvements to this roadway and submit a recommendation back to the Commission. He recognized that improvements to this road, between North 7th Avenue and North 19th Avenue, should probably be undertaken as quickly as possible. North Rouse Avenue/East Peach Street. The City Engineer noted that when the Montana Department of Transportation put its North Rouse Avenue reconstruction project on hold, the City's portion of the project was also delayed. He recognized the need to eliminate . the offset in the ilJtersection, no~ing that it may also be a site for signalization. He noted that a preliminary design project at this intersection could identify what right-of-way is needed, and a signal warrant analysis could also be completed, if the Commission so chooses. Oak Street. The Mayor stated he received a telephone call from a gentleman who is purchasing the Pea Cannery property and who is willing to work with the City to ensure the extension of Oak Street from North 7th Avenue to North Rouse Avenue is completed. Front Street. City Engineer Brawner stated that the pre-design report for Front Street was received in late December, and he has not yet had an opportunity to review it. He cautioned that, from a right-of-way acquisition standpoint, this will be a difficult project. Sourdough Creek Dam Feasibility Study. Mayor Stiff noted the chronology in the memo was very helpful. City Engineer Craig Brawner stated that the consultant got so late a start last fall that he did preliminary site work to screen sites and is doing research on the geological information that is available and reviewing the results of the drilling tests which were completed in October. He noted that two task force meetings were held last year and two more are scheduled yet this winter and spring. He stressed that this is a feasibility study only, noting that before the design of a dam is undertaken, a significant amount of public input will be sought. He characterized . the lack of public participation at this point as typical. Inflow/Infiltration Report. The City Engineer noted that under this study, 50 miles of sewer pipe have been studied, and approximately 13 miles of it have been viewed with a television camera. He stated that the studies did not identify any easy fixes or large sources of inflow and infiltration. He noted that the studies do suggest the expenditure of $160,000 to fix 36 different sections of pipe could eliminate 500,000 gallons of inflow and infiltration per day. He indicated that the next step is to determine if it is more cost effective to carry the inflow and infiltration through the system, which could result in the need to expand the plant capacity, than to do major rehabilitation of the sewer lines. The Commissioners thanked the City Engineer for his report, noting it was very helpful. Commissioner proiects (1 ) Commissioner Smiley stated there is room in the sound system to add more microphones and indicated her interest in adding them while monies are available. She indicated that the additional microphones would be beneficial during Planning Board meetings and work sessions with the County Commission. . Acting City Manager Brey noted that the brackets for two more speakers have been mounted, and the speakers will be installed within the next few weeks. He then encouraged the Commissioners to continue speaking into their microphones to ensure that the audience can hear them. Discussion - FYI Items Acting City Manager Brey presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. 01-25-99 - --.-----------...--------.------...--.-- -.- - 5 - (1 ) Copy of the listing of priorities for the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 budget, as developed by the Commission at last week's meeting. (2) Agenda for the Downtown Bozeman Improvement District meeting to be held at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, along with minutes from the December 10, 1998 meeting. (3) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 . a.m. on Tuesday, January 26, in the Commission Room. (4) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, in the Commission Room. (5) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, at the Courthouse. (6) Agenda for the Montana Transportation Commission meeting to be held on February 3 and 4 in Helena. (7) The Acting City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Stated he is attending meetings on behalf of the City Manager. He indicated that those include the Transportation Coordinating Committee meeting last week, at which the rest area plans, the new enhancement program, and the need for clarification of the status of county roads, such as West Babcock Street, were discussed. He noted that Bozeman has made a name for itself with both the Montana Department of Transportation and the State Legislature because of its work to identify transportation needs and then undertake the steps necessary to address them. (2) Attended the Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting, at which Dennis Burr spoke about this legislative session. . (8) Co.mmissioner Youngman noted that a citizens' group has scheduled a meeting on Y2K issues for 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, February.7, at the Emerson Cultural Center. She noted that Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Mike Hoey will provide a City update at that meeting, and updates will also be provided by other agencies. (9) Commissioner Smiley submitted the following. (1) Noted that at the Planning Board meeting last week, she was amazed at the Board's efforts to develop a clean recommendation for consideration by the Commission. (2) Stated she has just finished reviewing the final draft edits of the. zoning regulations for the extraterritorial jurisdictional area, as prepared by the Planning Board's sub-committee. She indicated that this information will be available for review at the Planning Office and the Library and on the Internet. She noted that a public hearing will be held during the first week of February, and then either more public hearings will be held or it will be forwarded to the County Commission for consideration. (3) Asked the Commissioners to look at the excerpts from the City code pertaining to the band, which were in their mailboxes. Adjournment - 4:35 D.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the meeting be . adjourned. The motion carried by the foll.owing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Smiley and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. 01-25-99 --- ---- . 6 - ~~~ ALF M. STIFF, Mayor ATTEST: . . . ~~ R BIN LSlJ_~9VAN'-:- Clerk of the--COqtimssioo --.,~., '''-~':<.~~~;:~- "".. ,', ~ '~.~ ~~~::.. ~~ r -~ ~~:~=~--:-~?~~;- '- ---.."--;:..."" .' '.#-" -'-.-..... . . 01-25-99 ______n