HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4040 Change Order No 1 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Roofing Project COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4040 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATJON OF CONTRACT WITH METALWORKS OF MONTANA, INC., MISSOULA, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 26th day of March 2007, authorize award of the bid for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Re-Roof project, to Metalworks of Montana, Inc.~ Missoula, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozcman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract bctween the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and Metalworks of Montana, Inc., as contained in Change Order No.1, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the Clerk of the Commission is authorized and directed to attest such signature. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 16th day of July 2007. .~ ~Jtc<J~/ F K. USS ay ATTEST: c~CJ Acting City Clerk .AIA Contract Administration G701 Change Order (Instructions on the reverse side) Distribution List: Owner Architect Contractor Field Other PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 01 Bozeman Waste Water Treatment Facility Re-Roof 225 Moss Bridge Road DATE: June 28, 2007 Bozeman, Montana 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 0606 Metalworks of Montana, Inc. dba Missoula Sheet Metal and Roofing CONTRACT DATE: May 14, 2007 P.o. Box 10 Missoula, MT 59806 CONTRACT FOR: THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) 1. Add: Re-roofing of the Maintenance Building (#5) to the scope of the project. This adds $20,010.00 to the cost of the project. 2. Remove: Re-roofing of the Recycle Sludge Building (114) to the scope of the project. This removes $9,340.00 from the cost of the project. The original (Contract Sum) (OuA,II"tccd Ms)(iffi~ffi Priee) was The net change by previously authorized Change Orders The (Contract Sum) (CHsrSHlses Ma)(iA1~A1 Prie8) prior 10 this Change Order was The (Contract Sum) (CUBrBAtees MB)(iffi~ffi Priee) will be (increased) (s88r6a868) (~RcRaR!il8E1) by this Change Order in the amount of The new (Contract Sum) (CHsrsRtees MaldA1HA1 Priee) including this Change Order will be The Contract Time will be (iAereas6s) (s68r6a6es) (unchanged) by zero The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is AlleJl1'lt $ Q?,l?.o 00 $ 0 00 $ Q?, l?O 00 $ 10,670.00 $102,7QO.OO (0 ) days_ 1'?';~7 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction C/Jange Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. ThinkOne Missoula Sheet Metal CONTRACTOR (Firm name) P.O. Box 10 ARCI:IlTECT (Firm namel. 101 E. Main Studio One (Tyt~a~q_ () 7 DATE City of Bozeman OWNER (Firm namel P.O. Box 1230 ADDRESS Bowm30 C - - BY (Signature) ki ChrlS Ktikuls. (Typed name) DATE ION; You should sign an original AlA Contract Document, on which this text appears in RED. An original assures changes will not be obscured. AlA Document G701 Change Order @ 2001 The American Institute of Architects' Washington, DC . wwwaia_org' WARNING; Reproduction, unlicensed photocopying or substantial quotation of the materla~ herein without written permission of the AlA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. ~AIA Contract Administration G701 Change Order Instructions GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE. AlA Documcnt G701 is for implcmenting changes in the Work agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect. Execution of a completed G70l indicates agreement upon all the tcrms of thc changc, including any changes in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time. USE OF CURRENT AlA OOCUMENTS. Prior to using any AlA Contract Document. users should consult the AlA Contract Documents Web site, www.aia.org/documenls. or visit a local AlA chapter to be certain they are using current document editions. COPYRIGHT. AlA Document 0701 is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of the AlA. G70 I is intended for use as a consumable--that is, the original document purchased is to be consl1riled inthe conrsetrhts use. There is no implied permission to reprodu1-'e"this -ctrn:wTlent, nor does memhersh-ip in The American Institute of Architects confcr any further rights to reproduce G70 I. A limited license is hereby granted to end users to reproduce a maximum of ten copies of a completed or executed G701, but only for use in connection with a particular project. Further reproductions are prohibited without application for, and receipt of, written permission from the AlA. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal eounscl, copyright@aia.(JTg. COMPLETING THE G701 OOCUMENT OESCRIPTION OF THE CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT Insert a detailed description of the change or reference specific exhibits describing, in detail, the change to be made in the Contract by this Change Order. Include any drawings, specifications, documents, or other supporting data that clarify the scope of the change. "~nET~RMINATlON OHlB8lS--- Insert in the blanks provided, or strikc out the terms in parentheses that do not apply, the original Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price; the net change by previously authorized Change Orders (note that this does not includc changcs authorized hy Construction Change Directive unless such changes were subset)ucntly agreed to hy the Contractor and reeorded as a Change Order); theContract Surn <if' Gutlranteed Ma:ximum Price prior to this Change Order; the atmiiJil1 of increase or decre-~ise, if any, in the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Pricc; and thc new Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Pricc as adjusted hy this Change Order. CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Insert in the blanks provided, and strike out the unused tcrms in parentheses, the amount (in days) of the inerease or decrease, if any, in the Contract Time. Also insert the dall' of Suhstantial Completion, including any adjustment cffected hy this Changc Order. EXECUTION OF THE G701 DOCUMENT When the Owner and Contractor, in concurrencc with thc Architect, have reached agreement on thc change to he made in the Contract, including any adjustments in the Contract Sum (or Guaranteed Maximum Price) and Contract Time, the G701 document should be executed in triplicate by the two parties and the Architect, each retaining an original. Instructions for AlA Document G701 Change Order@ 2001 The American Institute of Architects' Washington, DC' www.aia.org' WARNING: Reproduction, unlicensed photocopying or substantial quotation of the material herein without written permission of the AlA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org.