HomeMy WebLinkAboutAward and Notice to Proceed to Above and Beyond Janitorial Service on City Hall and Annex, Library, Stiff Professional Building, Water Treatment Plant Office City of Bozeman Janitorial Contract Fiscal Year 2007 and 2008 Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed Based on the results of a public bidding process, the City of Bozeman (City) hereby awards the custodial cleaning services contract to Above and Beyond Janitorial Service, (Contractor) beginning July 1, 2007 and ending on June 30, 2008. The terms and conditions of the award for Custodial Services are described in the eight page General Conditions; the five page Bid Specifications; and the three page Frequency and Work Schedule that were listed in the original Request for Services and referenced here as Attachments to the contract. The Contractor will provide the City with full contact information including: Owners name, business name, mailing address, phone number, emergency contact phone number and e-mail address. The Contractor will provide the City with a schedule listing the cleaning hours for each building. A pre-award walk through was scheduled with the Contractor prior to award of bid and a full expectation of services was provided to the Contractor. If the Contractor wishes to familiarize the employees to be assigned to each building with the facility, arrangements can be made with the City. This award is for the following City owned building(s): Building Annual Amount City Hall $12,960.00 City Hall Annex $ 6,300.00 Library $70,800.00 Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building $22,740.00 Water Treatment Plant Office $ 2,400.00 Monthly Payment $1,980.00 $ 525.00 $5,900.00 $1,895.00 ----- $ 200.00 Work will begin on July 1, 2007. As outlined in the General Conditions description, (Items 1, 2, 3, and 4), prior to the start date the Contractor will provide to the City a copy of the Material and Labor Bond, Performance Bond, General Liability Insurance Policy, and Janitorial Service Fidelity Bond. The contractor will also provide a fully completed Consent and Release to Conduct Criminal Background Check for each employee that will be assigned to work in the building(s) listed above. The Contractor will work with the City to determine what supplies and equipment will be needed in order to start work. The City will provide the required keys and gate closure devices to the Contractor and identify the proper location in each building to store equipment and supplies. Within a 60 day period of the start of work, the Contractor will provide a copy of the Cleaning Schedule as described in General Condition #15. CONTRACTOR Business Name: A-1sov~ 4" iSE<(D1'ID 'J'A-NI-.ff.,/Z-~A-L 'Ii'lL.. Signature: ~ Dd !o 7 I I Business Owner: Date: City of Bozeman Business License Number: 6 7 - ODD 5(, t, 0 2- CITY OF BOZEMAN ::~=:~:~A, ~- Date: 7-Z-07 ATTEST City ClerK Brit Fontenot: . Date: - r(t(p~;D ' -...., r-.... __ ..- _,..r .. _Ian 04 07 10: 11 a p.l r\gl:J IC'. Nil II Il' 8.: Addn'\:, Vl;-.;Gf.R AGE"CY ,HI)) 'v'j\LLE'rC:()MMU:'\~ DR '!B 130ZE\iA:-.1. tilT SQ71S /~\ FAR MER S' ~,..-~.........; Commercial Certificate of lnsurance ISIIlt:' DiJtl~ (I'v1.lvl/DD/YY) 10/30/2006 70 )(, UiSl~__.,___ Agl'Il1 1,02 rhb l"lrlilkate is i\Sued as a ll1alt~f of infonnMio!1 unl." ,Ind conlers flu light, upon Ilw u~rlilic.lll' holdn. This cerlifiCiHe doe~ nol iH:H~nd, l'xltnd or allt;r It/< w\'(,rage atliJl'tled by Ilw polidp~1 shnWII hdow, Companies Providing Coverage: InSllred N.Hll(, A!30Vl:. & BEYOND J,\:\lTORI;\L Sf-.I{ V/CFS I";C PO BOX 47 BELGRADF. \IT )',1'14 LUIIJ~;HI) A Truck InM..n:.1-f)cl..~ E)o:r..II.~~;1~~(: Li:tl~f COrl'""" B FdfllWl"\ InSUHlnCl' FxcllilIlge Lt'~'1 r~r $-'omp..ny C \Iid ('tntHI)' In~\lran. " COll1pJ,n~ :"r:lk( t\.:nipLW'r 0.,\ l.r.l:~( . & Addn's' Coverage:; 11m il to ,('nil)' th,1I tlte po!kic, of in,ur,!n..e li\CI~d lll'kn\ hill'C been is,lIed 10 tht:' insured named abll\'<' for I lie I)(lHcy period jJl(!icatcd. 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