HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 1703 Genesis Business Park Two Zone Map Amendment #Z-06133 ORDINANCE NO. 1703 .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "BP" (BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT) ON 19.998 ACRES SITUATED IN THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, LYING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF SOUTH 19TH AVENUE, EAST OF MEADOW CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASE ONE, AND SOUTH OF STUCKY ROAD. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial municipal zoning designation of "BP", (Business Park District) on 19.998 acres has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on October 17, 2006, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, no members of the general public spoke in favor of, or opposition to, the requested zone map amendment on said lands; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission found that a zone map amendment to establish an initial "BP" (Business Park District) zoning designation would comply with the twelve (12) criteria established in Title 76-2-304, MCA; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission motion recommending to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved as "BP" (Business Park) on said 19.998 acres, passed on a vote of 4-0; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, a public hearing was set before the City Commission on November 6,2006, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission opened and held its public hearing on November 6, 2006, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, no members of the general public spoke in opposition to, or in favor of, the proposed "SP" zoning designation for said zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission, finding there was no public testimony elected to waive its Rules of Procedure to postpone its decision on week and make a decision on said matter; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment, as recommended by the Zoning Commission, to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, the City Commission found that a "SP", (Business Park District) zoning designation for the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Bozeman Area Master Plan and would be in the public interest upon annexation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 4017, adopted on the 18th day of June, 2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: - 2- Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby initially established as "BP" (Business Park). Tract A tract of land being Lot 1 of Minor Subdivision No. 235, situated in the NE1/4 of Section 23, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, M.M.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly right-of-way limit of South - 191h Avenue, said Point of Beginning being the southeast comer of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 1969; thence through the following three courses along said iintit;-:"l) S 00043'03" W, a distance of 370.50 feet, 2) N 89008'22" W, a distance of 10.19 feet, 3) S 00035'04", a distance of 333.47 feet to the north line of Lot 2 of Minor Subdivision 235; thence N 88053'30" W, a distance of 1222.42 feet to the East 1/16th line of Section 22, thence N 01002"22" E, a distance of 717.98 feet; thence S 88014'21" E, a distance of 1227.97 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains 19.998 acres more or less, and is subject to all existing easements of record or apparent on the ground; and Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 18th day of June 2007. ATTEST: ~,~ ~r'- BRIT FONTENOT City Clerk - 3- PASSED, ADOPTED AND FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd day of July 2007. ~~. F lis , Mayor -- " ~ cc- .~ BRIT FONTENOT City Clerk ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: .-' - -4- GENESIS BUSINESS PARK TWO ZONE MAP AMENDMENT BEING TRACT 1 OF MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 235 SITUATED IN THE NE1 /4 OF SECTION 23, T.2S., R.5E., P.M.M. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA _"::0...,...._ 11 - -~T R/II1 V> ~ il I 0 ~ H II ~ ""=; it I ~ ~ ti 'I (:l ~ ~ (l ,:; i g : ti EXISffiG R/W ): g~ro' ! CiJJoIC.. lr/W Jll)J( J N 89-08'22" W T; \ 10.19' 60' f- l '\\ -!5d. II ... I \1\ t: I ~ I ~ I !ill I ... ~ I ~ I I I I I PREPARED FOR: GREG R, GlANfORTE PREPARED BY : ENGINEERING. INC. SCAlE : 1 ~ = 1 00 FEET BASIS or BEARING, o - roUND SURVEY MeNUM EN T, AS NOTED . _ SET 5/8" X 18" REBAR \\\TIi CAP MARKED \11TH THE U CENSE NUMBER or THE UNDERSIGNED LAND SURVEYOR AND "EN GI NEERtNG INC BIlliNGS M T" / / I -ll.~~9~ ~)s::~~ / /" d'o<P' R"OOLl.l""'" / / r1.'UOJ1 CAFPElJ R.fB....R /" m~-cT 1 cIS No._ 196-~ ZCt-lING: CCRJt.lIT ZONiNC: R1 ---h- CITY :1ol1; . - --------., Fe ~1Ik'" YEUlJ" CAPP~D RE.... LOT 6 OU<ESIS EJlJ9~ESS PARI( sue. zor.PI{:; COIJN TY S 88"14'21" E I PC 'J<>N" yl'ut;....cJl!"I'ED ,ulUR 1227.97' .j>. o ~~ LOT '1.7 I oae<s ~ 1 BUSINESS P,I,RK -sue_ tONII'<<.:: CQl.JMTY LOT I MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 235 19 998 Acres ,I ,-.-,-. 1 PC ~r:.AS1'f>>r Yluor CAPnD I _JJl !oJ ~ <-< PROPOSED ZONINC: BUSINESS PARK, B-P lA9Odo_ er.oIIl SVIMIlYlaiOl'1Pf'la..' lc:t.llNC: fi!.( c.. I ~ I z II ! I U'" '0,0- RE8AR i I i: I -Ii 88"53'30" W 1222.42' PC -cAsrod Yi'U,.OW t:.4PF' . ..~ ClT'(IJ,IITK lONING: R3-. f i I I ~or 2 MltfCR SlJ8OlVlSlON "Nco. 235 1'(]NIP-./C; COUNTY ~ ~ ~I I FEBRUARY 2007 BOZEMAN, MONTANA o 0' 0: 0- I \ ) j f"G ol,j DESCRfI"TlOO< A !f'"oQct .of LCI""d' being lot 1 of "',n01" SulJ.d1i..-i~OI'1 No 735, situ-oted b ~..~ HE1i. 0-/ Se-c:! it:r"l 23. r O'I'I'-"Isn it:! 2 SOut.... Ron'ge 5- E-os~, P....Ii., morl! P<'rtirulcwty d..,serilJ.ed Q'S f-alfo-ws: Beg inn i" 9 ot !pc-in t '='" thoe- W'lI'st-er1y rigtlt- Cl r- l1li'0)' l,-mll 01 -Soot" 1 '9th "'<'eI"-u eo, '!!Io-id P.o-int 01 Bag-inn in ~ being: tt'-e. ~0lJ "....e-ost comer .of Tract t o( Cer\ifko\e 01 Surwy No. 1.g69~ !l'lenoCl!! lhrC'Ugn t'-1e fcll.o'lJint tPlree -cOur,e:s: ~0!"!9 '!laid Hmit: f l S OO'43'03~ W. a dis-toroce of J 70. 50 flKlt. 2) N :B!1U8"22~ W. Cl O1'$.'clI'I ce of HU 9 r.et, 3} S 00.35'04 ~ W. CI eNosl OT'I c:e (If 3JJA-7 feet lo the- fll'll'"\h Ime 0' Lot 2 c-f ~"!'Ior Subdh'iSion 13~; ther"Cf! N 68-'5J..30~ W, 0 .:::istol'LclI! or 1 222.4.2 fee:~ to thi! E ost 1/1 6th 1i...e -of Sed 10f" :2 J. thet1 ce N 01<0:2'22M E, 1::1 d:S~l'lnCf! of 71 i' 9B fl"et; thene-e S M'4'Z'. E.. ~ distcr..::e- of 1227.S7 feet tD thl!l Point o-f Beg;;.,nin'9, O::Of'1tqin-ir1g ~9.-99:!!J acres, m ore or- l-e!;:s. -sut. je-d toO on Y i!':.:i:stlng HSI!mI!'rl tl 01'1 d or right:!': of w-:Jy, ""'" etl'l-<<r of r 1K0000d oCr ~p one" ~ on th l! grcuP'nll ~ 'il~ll ~ ~TY MN' 'I"'_I200F"EU AI\IN ~x"p, T ;:IN. )WP BOZ -0:5021 .07 C 2/-!19 /;::eD7 crwp