HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4016 Genesis Business Park Two GPA RESOLUTION NO. 4016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE GROWTH POLICY LAND USE DESIGNATION, AS SHOWN ON THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP IN THE BOZEMAN 2020 COMMUNITY PLAN, FROM RESIDENTIAL TO BUSINESS PARK FOR 19.998 ACRES, AS ALLOWED BY SECTION 76-1-604(3}(A), MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED (MCA) AND SECTION 2.4, BOZEMAN 2020 COMMUNITY PLAN. WHEREAS, the proposed growth policy amendment to amend the growth policy land use designation, as shown on the Future Land Use Map in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan, from Residential to Business Park for 19.998 acres has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Planning Board held a public hearing on September 19, 2006, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a growth policy amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Planning Board voted 8 in favor and 0 against to forward to the Bozeman City Commission a recommendatft>n of approval for said growth policy amendment; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Comuifssibn hetd its public hearing on October 2, 2006, to receive and review all written and oFSI testimony on the request for a growth policy amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the four growth policy amendment criteria established in Section 2.4.1 of the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan, and found that the growth policy amendment as proposed would be in compliance with the four criteria; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That upon a vote of 5-0, the growth policy land use designation for the following-described properties is hereby designated as Business Park: Tract 1 of Minor Subdivision No. 235, situated in the NE1/4 Section 23, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Said tract contains 19.998 acres, more or less, subject to all easements of Record or apparent on ground. Section 2 This growth policy amendment shall be in full force and effect upon passage. DATED this 'J.. r~ day of ""':; . 2007. ~ ayor ATTEST: BRIT FONTENOT City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2{ {;?O ." . . lL( ... (;r/t-~c-i x:.:. i PAUL LUW '- ' City Attorney 2 GENESIS BUSINESS PARK TWO GROWTH POLICY AMENDMENT MAP BEING TRACT 1 OF MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 235 SITUATED IN THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 23, T.2S., R.SE., P.M.M. ~ GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ~ ~ PREPARED FOR : GREG R. GIANFORTE PREPARED BY : ENGINEERING, INC. SCALE : 1. = 100 FEET BASIS Of BEARIIiG: o - FOUND SUR'lEY MONUIolENT. AS NOTED . ~ SET 5/8" X 18" REBAR 'MTH CAP IolARKED 'MlH THE UCENSE NUIol8ER Of lHE UNDERSIGNED LAND SUR'lEYOR AND "ENGINEERING INC BIWNGS Iolr I l ~.p''/ ~ "" ~# / if>X>"-/~~ / r# #..... /~~ /' / lRACT 1 CjS NQ, , 969 ZCt<ING: COUNTY LOTS GENESlS BliSI'tESS PAAI< SUB. ZONING: COUNTY PC ~JaJrr rruor CAPPnJ ""lWl 1227.97 S 88'4'21" E ~-Cf!UYER" YELL/W CAPPU ""BAR ~- lOT 27 I GENESIS ~ I BUSINESS PAR)( SUB. ZOOINQ: COUNTY LOT 1 MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 235 19.998 Acres ....1 ---.-. I Fe -"G.IISTOlr YELLOF CAPPED J REBAR J.LI ~ N N P ~~ PROPOSED ZONING: BUSINESS PARK, B-P Weadow Creek Si.Jbdiv&!lion Phase 1 ZCWING:: R04 EXISTING OTY W.-IT I I LJv. II II ! I L LOT 2: MINOR S1JBOI'YISlON No. 2J!i ZONING: COlIN=lY -N 88'53'30" W PC 5/8' REBAR ZONING: R~ --i.. I CITY Ur.1lT --i Fe MJaIr I YEUOJf CAPPBD --~-'"::~I I EASDlENT '" ~ 18 ~..... II": 'OIl .. II ~ i!: c:; )1; ~ ~ i Ii!:l C) "'- . II ~j e ! ElOS1WG R/W I MI r- 80' ~ CONe-. Rft WN. L. N 89'08'22" v.: (/ L ~ 10.19 l MIL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :=:J~ y~~~ i CITY U~IT ~ K ZONING: R~ . I i I! FEBRUARY 2007 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 100 ~ 0 100 ~ l~GA.L DESCRIPTION- A trcIct of land being. Lot 1 of Uinor Subdimi.on No. 235, siwoted in tha NE14 of Sectkln 23. Town ship 2 Sooth, Range 5 East, P. ~."'., m0f"8 porticuklrl y described os follows: Be.glrmrng .at poi"l t on th e wester! y right- of-we)' limil: of South. 19t1l A.verJ.lJ 19', sard PcMnt of e~inn 1ng be1ng tile souttJeost comer of Trod 1 of Certffioate of Survey No. 1969: thence through the follo....lng three coorees aloog sold Umlt: I} S 00"4.:l'O~- W, 0 distance of ~ 70.50 feet, 2) N 89'08'22" W. 0 diBtonce of 10.19 fNt, 3) S oo'J5'04" W~ a distance- of 333.-47 feat to th e nmn I ine of Lot 2 of Ui"lor Subdivision 2:55: thence N 88'5~'~0" w. 0 diston ce of 1222. 42 feet to the East 1 /16th I ine of Section 23, thence N 01 '02'22'" E, 0 distance of 717.98 feet; thence S 88i 4-'21- E, Q distance of 1227.97 feet to tne Point of Be9i"1n 1ng. COf'Itain 1ng 19.998 oeres, more (J( less, SlJb ject to crJ Y eJCtsting eo!lements and Of'" rights of way, whether of reOOf"d Qr apparent on the groono.. ZONNG ~..... ,- - 1200 FEET ANNEXA TION.DWP BOZ-ll5021.JJ7 02/09/2007 DWP