HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2780 Annexing Aspen, 7.642 acres - Aaker and MSU ~ ,y~ , OJ # .. flU. 155 PACE 4111 .. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2780 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE WITHIN ITS CORPORATE LIMITS TWO TRACTS OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO BOZEMAN AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY NO. LLlH AND 1245A WHICH CER'rIFICATES ARE ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE GALLATIN COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. L~33 on November 14, 1~H4, declaring it to be the intent of the City of Bozeman to extend its boundaries to include two contIguous tracts ot land wIthin the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, fOllowing due notice of the City'S intent to annex, a public hearing on the proposed annexation was held before the City CommIssion on December 3, l~84; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 19H4, the City Commission ot Bozeman, Montana, voted to approve the annexation as established in Commission ResolutIon No. 2533 subject to the property owners entering into an annexatIon agreement with the city; and WHEREAS, on December 3, l~8b, an annexation agreement was entered Into between the CIty of Bozeman, and the owners ot record of the property sought to be annexed, Ralph K. Aaker and Stephen R. Aaker and Montana State UniversIty; and WHEREAS, as a result ot negotiating the Annexation Agreement, a smaller portion of land which was located totally within the property orIginally described in Commission Resolution No. 2533 was agreed to be annexed Into the city; and r.1HEREAS, said contiguous tracts proposed to be annexed hereby are more partIcularly descrIbed by Certiticates ot Survey No. 1328 and l245A which are on file and of record in the office ot the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana; and WHEREAS, extending the corporate limits of the City of Bozeman by the annexation ot said two contiguous tracts will be in the best interests of the City, of the residents thereot and of the property owners of saId contiguous tracts. 1 .-- .. .----.- .- "" ..__.....____.u_ - -~'- .' -. . . fiLM 155 PAGE 4112 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission ot the City ot Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 - Pursuant to 7-~-4301 et ~ Montana Code Annotated that It is hereby declared that the tollowing described two tracts ot property contiguous to the corporate limits ot the City ot Bozeman, Montana, be and the same are hereby annexed to the City ot Bozeman and that the boundaries ot the City ot Bozeman are hereby extended to include the tollowing described tracts ot land: Tract 1 - A tract ot land located in the Southeast 1/4, Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as tollows: Beginning at the East quarter corner ot said Section 14; thence west, along the east-west quarter line, a distance ot 59.69 teet to the true point of beginning; and being on the westerly right-ot-way ot South 19th Avenue; Thence South 000'313' 57" West along said right-ot- way, a distance ot 139.67 teet; Thence South 00031'57" West along said right-ot- way, a distance ot 497.25 teet; Thence West a distance ot 520.51 feet; Thence North o 0 0' 0 9 ' 16" East, a distance ot 336.139 teet; Thence East, a distance ot 142.131 feet; 'fhence through a curve to the lett, having a central angle of 90'?00'00", and a radius of 300.00 teet, an arc length ot 4 71. ~4 feet to a point on the east-west quarter line; Thence East, along the east-west quarter line, a distance ot 83.00 teet to the true point ot beginning and containing 5.038 acres. The above-described tract is depicted on Certificate of Survey No. 1328 on file and ot record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana. Tract ~ - A tract ot land located in the Southeast 1/4, Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as tollows: Beginnlng at the East quarter corner of said Section 14; Thence West along the east-west quarter line, a distance of 142.69 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence through a curve to the right having a central angle of 2 - .0: _'~~""!""",,,!, . .-/ .. . filM 155PACf4113 yo (;H3'00", a radius ot 300.0'" teet, and an arc length ot 471.24 feet; Thence West, a distance ot 142.81 teet; Thence North 0000Y'16" Est, a d1stance ot 300.00 feet to a point on the east-west quarter line; Thence East along the east- west quarterline, a distance ot 442.00 teet to the true point ot beginning, and containing 2.6"'4 acres. The above-described tract 1S depicted on Certticate ot survey No. 1245A on t1le and ot record 1n the oftice ot the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular and stated session thereot, held on the 26th day ot February ROBER lif.IiJiff' . . .". ..:..... . . ..' . ' ,," "" '.'~ "".' " ' n!".'.:, '," " ,., . .... r . , NO. 27M . A .~. 01 the CII, ~Iit,of 1M' CItJ 0' , rtfft~l\)tt of .ublt~ltto\t =:u-:;=:~:= It. oorporate limit. two · tract. 01 land contlgllOIl. to Ioaaman end being mora partlelllarl, de.crlbact b, CarttIIoa- of 811rftJ No. STATE OF MONTANA, } '328 and '\UIA whlohoarllf- . Iet- are' Of! fila and 0' County of Gallatm, 6S. raoord In 1M otfIca of the ~ttnCOIIn" Clark end Vivie Portnell being duly sworn Raoordar, BoHmen, Moft. , 'tana. . .. k City of Bozeman deposes and says: That..s..he IS Pn nrl ]?-"I1 (:1 pr State of Montana County of Gallatin ofthe Bozeman Dail Y Chronicle a newspaper of general circulation \. Mary Cain Lathrop, Act~ng , , Clerk of the City Cornrnilaion printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and that the ~nt:ed~~by~ toregoing Is thoW'tt\II: ..ahd . . correct title and' nqmber of notIce hereunto annexed ( Commission Resoltlt~on No. 2780 Comml8&ldn . ~kln No. 2780 p8I$Id arKI adopted at a regula' session tNlreof held on ) , the 26th day of February, - , 1990, has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said DIIted this 27th day of Febru- ary. 1990, . MARY CAIN loA THAOP for 1 cunsecative: insertion AotlngCli!ln< of - the commission - day of M-"Iuh H)O--, and the last on the 19 QO ".." '..,..... S~JJ&i~Wom to before me this 5th day of''-''. March 19 90 i::.:;':;Z\Jt~'q~.4/~i>~ \:.~~.t!AAK ~ ~~J - ~ "\" ,:,~~, \ \ , "" c." ~ ~-:" ;; ". ,~.1.~'i6.i.............A... ".'. :.,L. ~). J Notary Public for the State of Montana, residing at J ,. ,,"i(,...r'''''.' ~ Bozeman, Montana ",.. . .' .,",\.<.w.~ " ~ i ..,.j. ~~'i,~",~."'.....-Jj . NOTARY PUBLlC,for the state 01 Montana ..._.~.. p,- "",;J [;)l:'un. Montana ',::<".:, :c~r;:;0S July 6. 1990 -~ . -.-..----- ..- -.---... --..,..- -,-~-_..,~-~,~_.~ ~~._~,,,- - ,-~---. "- . . I II I "~ I e MOUNTAIN VISTA SUB. _I 8 I .........-.- - I \ ' ADVANCED I / TECHN~LOGY I 'Ul ,~ .1 I. _51 I _ _. ~ N~. 9: II : L~,,~:"N:..I i ' , I ,H~IEL[j ~I~t T I C.O.S. /243/i ~ I ~ ; I APPROX. SCALE, ,.. ~ SOO' - ' I :51 ::J I I ' C , I I TRACTS TO BE ANNEXED - CJ) I , I Former City Limits __~~ ~ ~ ~i-~ ~~ ~f -- - ~ ~ i _____ 19 ---1s -- - f ii ANNEXATION MAP Ii, _t: 5~~1/ RESOLUTION NO. 2180 I · . r f DATE OF ADOPTION: 2/26/90 : !I lJ-J! L. L__~! -:-. - · - aQV Blvd. - · - 310477 )INDEXED~IS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON THE 22ND DAY OF AUGUST , A.D., 19 95 OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER) C.OUNTY OF GALLATIN ) AT 3:22 PM., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK 155 STATE OF MONTANA ) OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, rAnE 4111 Fee $ 24.00 ShenB] I. Cheney RECORDER. By~ifl?/2 ./7'1). O@mYL"'5 DEPUTY RT: CITY OF BOZEMAN, PO BOX 640, BOZEMAN MT 59771 - ---" .--...-- - --