HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-06 mvTHE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA November 20 , 2006 A. Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. - Community Room, Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence B. Public Service Announcement - Vietnam Vet erans Me morial Update ( Dingman ) C. D. Authorize the absence of Commissioner Becker *Consider a motion to authorize the absence of Commissioner Becker. Minutes E. - October 23, 2006 Outstanding - November 6 , November 9 (Policy Meeting), and November 13, 2006 *Conside r a motion to approve the minutes of October 23, 2006 as submitted. Consent F. 1. Authorize payment of c laims (LaMeres) 2. Approve Cattail Lake Park Master Plan (Windemaker) 3 . Authorize City Manager to sign Release and Reconveyance of Sanitary Sewer Easement ? C ascade Development (Stodola) 4 . Adopt Resolution 3979, West Lincoln Street Annexation (Cooper) 5. Authorize the City Manager to sign the W est Lincoln St reet Annexation Agreement (Cooper) 6 Adopt Ordinance 1680, W est Lincoln St reet Zone Map Amendment (Coope r) 7 . Authorize City Manager to sign W est Lincoln St reet Annexation Public Street and Utility Easements, Snowload, LLC (Stodola) 8 . Approve Fowler Place Subdivision final plat (Cooper) 9 . Approve the monthly building report (Poulsen) *Consider a motion to approve Consent items 1 ? 9 as listed above. Public comment G. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for com ments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. H. Action Items 1. Special Improvement Lighting District No. 696, L aurel Glen Subdivision Phase II, continued from November 6, 2006 Resolution 3977, (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion to a d opt Commission Resolution No. 3977 creating Special Improvement Lighting District No. 696, L aurel Glen Subdivision Phase II. continued from Nov. 6, 2006 2. Lincoln Park Condos Site Plan, #Z - 06193 , ( Epple for Kozub) *Consider a motion to approve a pplication No. Z - 06193 , Lincoln Park Condos Site Plan , with the REVISED site plan and with the revised conditions and code provisions outlined in the staff memo. 3. L andfill Convenience Center C onditional U se P ermit, #Z - 06245 (Knight) - PUBLIC open and contin ue to November 27, 2006 HEARING , * Open the public hearing , take public comment and c onsider a motion to continue the hearing of application no. Z - 06245 , Landfill Convenienc e Center Conditional Use Permit, to November 27, 2006 . 4. Peet? s Hill Parking Lot Certificate of Appropriateness , #Z - 04112 - A - PUBLIC HEARING ( Epple for Kozub) *Consider a motion to approve application no. Z - 04112 - A, Peet?s Hill Parking Lot Sketch Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness. 5. B axter Ap ar t ments , Mi nor Sub division Preliminary Plat , #P - 06055 ( S anford ) ? PUBLIC HEARING *Consider a motion to conditionally approve application no. P - 06055, Baxter Apartments Mino r Subdivision Preliminary Plat, based on the Planning Board?s recommendations with conditions listed on Page 2 of Planning Board R esolution #P - 06055. 6. Tract 4A o f Mi nor Sub division 162C Mi nor Sub division Prel iminary Plat , # P - 06056 ( S anford ) ? PUBLIC HEARING *Consider a motion to conditionally approve application no. P - 06056, Tract 4A of Minor Subdivision 162C Minor Subdivision Prel iminary Plat, based on the Planning Board?s recommendation with conditions listed on Pages 2 - 3 of Planning Board Resolution #P - 06056. 7. Establish purpose, scope and schedule of bi - monthly City Commission policy m eetings ? PUBLIC HEARING *Consider a motion to amend Commission Rules of Procedure defining the purpose, scope and schedule of bi - monthly City Commission policy meetings . FYI/Discussion I. Adjournment J. City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requ ires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582 - 2306 (TDD 582 - 2301). Please note that agenda submissions must be received by the City Manager the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting. For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel twenty. Repeats are aired at 5 PM on Wednesday and Friday and 1 PM on Sunday .