HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-06 mvTHE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA November 6 , 2006 A. Call to Order - 6:00 p.m. - Community Room, Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence B. Public Service Announcement C. ? 911 Mil Lev y ( Cashel l/Rosenberry ) Minutes D. ? October 16, October 20 (Joint City - County Meeting) , and October 30, 2006 Outstanding - October 23, 2006 * Consider a motion to approve the minute s of October 16, October 20 (Joint City - County Meeting), and October 30, 2006 as s ubmitted. Consent E. 1. Authorize payment of c laims (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign State Lands East Annexation Agreement (Cooper) 3. Approve Resolution 3974, Resolution of Annexation for State Lands East (Cooper) 4. Provisionally a dopt Ordinance 1677, Init ial Zoning of State L ands East (Cooper) 5. Adopt Resolution 3975 d eclaring Mandeville Farm blighted (Kukulski ) 6. Approve Morgan Annexation (part 46) , #A - 06010 7. Adopt Resolution 3976 transferring ownership of parking lots from the Parking Commission to the City o f Bozeman (Luwe ) 8. Approve Durston Road SID Project ? Amendment No.4 to the Professional Services Agreement (Stodola) 9. Approve Hyalite Transmission Main Project - Amendment No.3 to the Professional Services Agreement (Stodola) 10. Authorize Mayor to sign Findings of Fact and Order for Meadow Creek Subdivision ( Cooper ) 11. Award contract for fire suppression system for Bogert Pavilion to Spring Corporation (Goehrung) 12. Award bid for Side Loader to Rocky Mountain Truck Center (Johnson) 13. Finally Adopt Ordinance 1676 Legends Z one M ap A mendment (Bernard) 14. Approve Baxter Meadows Phase 3A Final Plat (Cooper) 15. Approve Bozeman Gateway Subdivision Planned Unit Development, Phase 3, Final Plat (Cooper) 16. Authorize City Manager to sign Wilda Lane Annexation Agreement (Cooper) 17. Adopt Resol ution 39 78 Wilda Lane Annexation (Cooper) 18. Adopt Ordinance 16 79 Wilda Lane Zone Map Amendment (Cooper) 19. Authorize payment of Buttrey?s Solvent Site Cost Recovery (Luwe) 20. Approve Oak Springs Subdivision, Phase 3, Final Plat (Cooper) 21. Authorize Mayor to sign Fin dings of Fact and Order for LeClair Minor Subdivision (Cooper) 22. Authorize Mayor to sign Findings of Fact and Order for Wierda Minor Subdivision (Cooper) * Consider a motion to approve Consent items 1 ? 22 as listed above. Public comment F. This is the time f or individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. Action Items G. 1. Special Improvement Lighting District No. 696, Laurel Glen Subdivision Phase II open and continue to November 20, 2006 (Rosenberry) - PUBLIC HEARING, . * Open the Special Improvement Lighting District No. 696, Laurel Glen Subdivision Phase II hearing and c onsider a motion to continue to November 20, 2006. 2. Fire Master Plan (Winn) - PUBLIC HEARING *Consider a motion to approve Resolution 3972, a resolution adopting b y r eference t he 2006 Fire Protection Master Plan. opened and 3. Edgewood Townhomes Majo r Subdivisio n Preliminary Plat, #P - 06041 continued from August 28, 2006 (Skelton) * Consider a motion delaying Commission decision on Edgewood Townhomes Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat, #P - 06041 for 4 ? 6 weeks. opened 4. Edgewood Townhomes Preliminary P lanned U nit D evelopment , #Z - 06149 , and continued from August 28, 2006 (Skelton) *Consider a motion delaying Commission decision on Edgewood Townhomes Preliminary P lanned U nit D evelopment , #Z - 06149 for 4 ? 6 weeks. 5. Buffalo Wild Wings Conditional Use Permit /Certificate of Appropriateness, #Z - 06209, opened and continued from October 16, 2006 (Kozub) * Consider a motion to continue the Buffalo Wild Wings Conditional Use Permit/Certificate of Appropriateness, #Z - 06209 to December 4, 2006. Tabled from Oct. 16 , 2006 6. Lincoln Park Condos S ite Plan, #Z - 06193 (Kozub) ( ) * Consider a motion to continue Lincoln Park Condos Site Plan, #Z - 06193 to November 20, 2006. 7. Oak Meadows Condos Site Plan/Certificate of Appropriateness/Deviations (Krueger) Tabled on October 23 , 2 006 with a motion on the floor and vote held in [ abeyance ] * Consider withdraw ing the original motion made by Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Commissioner Becker, on October 23, 2006 to conditionally approve Oak Meadows Condominiums Site Plan/Certifica te of Appropriateness/Deviations as conditioned by Planning Staff including a corrected condition that was requested by City Engineerin g and present a new motion to approve Oak Meadows Condominiums Site Plan/Certificate of Appropriateness with Deviations a s conditioned by Planning Staff in the November 6, 2006 staff report addendum and as shown on the October, 2006 site plan with one deviation to 18.16.050 ?Yards? to allow a maximum encroachment of four feet into the required 20 foot rear yard setback on Lo t 2, Block 5. 8. Delaney/Indreland Fence, Phase II, Z - 06239 ? PUBLIC HEARING * Consider a motion to approve Delaney/Indreland Fence, Phase II, Z - 06239 as conditioned by planning staff. 9. Morgan Zone Map Amendment, #A - 06197 - PUBLIC HEARING * Consider a motion to approve the Morgan Zone Map Amendment, #A - 06197 with contingencies listed on page 2 of the Zoning Commission Resolution #Z - 06197 10. Genesis Business Park Annexation , #A - 06003 - PUBLIC HEARING * Consider a motion to approve the Genesis Business Park Annex ation, #A - 06003 based on the terms and contingencies outlined in the staff report and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. 11. Genesis Business Park Zone Map Amendment, #Z - 06133 - PUBLIC HEARING * Consider a motion to approve the Genesis Business Park Zone Map Amendment, #Z - 06133 for an initial municipal ?BP? zoning designation based on the recommendations outlined in the staff report and Zoning Commission Resolution #Z - 06133. Non - Action Items H. 1. Lower Yards - removal/re placement costs and location suggestions (Arkell) 2. City Lands Inventory Report (Goehrung) I. FYI/Discussion 1. Draft letter from the Commission supporting Streamline ?bussel back? style busses. 2. Willson/College Traffic Signal Installation 3. Commission Policy Meeti ng Schedule Adjournment J. City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582 - 2306 (TDD 582 - 2301). Please note that agenda submissions mu st be received by the City Manager the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting. For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net C ommission meeting s are televised live on cable chan nel twenty . R e peats are aired at 5pm on Wednesday and Friday .