HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2789 Intent to subsidize for 6 months Lions Club recycling program -- - . "-;?" .., -'f COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2789 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING ITS INTENT TO SUBSIDIZE FOR A PERIOD OF SIX ( 6) MONTHS THE GALLATIN EMPIRE LION'S CLUB RECYCLING PROGRAM UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. WHEREAS, it IS the public policy of the State of Montana to maximize recycling from solid wastes to protect public health, welfare and the qualIty of our natural envIronment and to encourage and support the separation of solid waste at its source to maximize the value of such wastes for reuse; and WHEREAS, local governments are given the primary responsibility for adequate solid waste management; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is actively developing a recycling program as part of its solid waste management program; and WHEREAS, the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club is a nonprofit service corporation sponsoring a program for the recycling of paper and aluminum cans in the communIty, and in so dOIng employing clients of REACH, I nc . , a nonprofit corporation assisting the developmentally disabled, to collect, sort and package the recyclable materials; and WHEREAS, the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club has set up a foundation to use the proceeds from its recycling program to help those in need in the community; and WHEREAS, the current costs incurred by Gallatin Empire Lion's Club paper recycling program exceed the income to the extent that the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club is losing the sum of $17.77 per ton in the recycling of paper caused by the reduction of prices paid for said recyclable paper; and WHEREAS, the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club program provides a significant outlet to the public for recycling which lessens the impact on the City's solid waste disposal site by relieving the disposal site of handling said material; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is willing to assist the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club paper recycling program during those months when its costs exceeds its income. 1 ...... .-...-.. - -.-- --- ~ _ Or NOW, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: l. That the City of Bozeman will subsidize the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club newpaper recycling program by contributing up to, but not exceeding, the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($225.1313) in anyone month period during the effective period of this resolution. 2. The subsidy shall be paid by the City upon submission of a documented claim by the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club that the subsidy is needed by showing the current market rate received for the paper, the amount of paper shipped, and costs incurred. The claim for the subsidy must be approved by the City Manager. 3. This resolution shall be in effect is for six ( 6) months from April 25, 19913; however, the City may terminate the subsidy sooner, but hereby gives its assurance that if the Ci ty decides to terminate the subsidy that it will provide at least three ( 3) months notice to the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club of the termination. The City will terminate the program immediately upon cessation of the newspaper recycling program by the Ga llatin Empire Lion's Club or upon implementation of its own curbside recycling program. ~ 4. Upon a showing of continuing need, the City may consider , an extention of the subsidy upon application by the Gallatin Empire Lion's Club, up to that point in time when the City's recycling program is commenced. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular session ot the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, this 19913. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~L~~ ~B%!?J~ . <- Clerk of the Commission City Attorney . 2 --- . -. ---- -.------- -- ----.".