HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2791 Approving tax reduction for Scientific Materials . . ~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2791 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC MATERIALS CORPORATION FOR TAX REDUCTION UNDER SECTION 15-24-1401, ET SEQ, MONTANA CODE AN- NOTATED, AND CITY OF BOZEMAN COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2660. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of June 1987, fol/owing due and proper pub- lic hea ring, the City Commission did adopt Commission Resolution No. 2660, approved and adopted the tax incentive program as set fo r t h in Section 15-24-1402(1), M.C.A., for qualifying improvements and modernized processes of new industry or expanding industry within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Bozeman, Montana; and WHEREAS, on the 26th day of March 1990, the City Commission did adopt Commission Resolution No. 2783, setting the public hearing on the application of Scientific Materials Corporation for tax reduction under Section 15-24-1401 , et seq, M.C.A.; and WHEREAS, on the 7th day of May 1990, fol/owing due notice, the City Commission did conduct the public hearing as set forth in Commission Resolution No. 2783; and WHEREAS, no public protest was submitted prior to or during the public hearing; and WHEREAS, it appears that applicant's taxes have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the application of Scientific Materials Corporation for tax reduction under Section 15-24-1401, et seq, Montana Code Annotated and Commission Resolution No. 2660, be and the same is hereby approved for those qual ifying improvements or modernized processes tota 1/ ing $507,747, as de- scribed in Group Nos. 2 and 3 on Exhibit "A, II attached hereto and incorpor- ated by this reference as though fully set forth herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman __no__ --."'.-- --.....- " ---- - ~--" -.,.--.--.----------------..--...- , , . at a regular and stated session thereof held on the 14th day of May 1990. ROB ATTEST: lf~ ~ Ju~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~, City Attorney ~ . ,., . - 2 - - ....-..---- ------ --..-- .., . . ~ll 8usiness ~ctivities Scientific Materials Client: 48992 01/29/90 07:57 all l oc. I 1 - 999 Gr. I 1 - 999 Tax Depreciation Su.~ary 'ag, 1 ~ ~h Cl lif, ~~oc~r'~sOtscri9fion ~cauired Cost Exp /ArD Prior Du. Net 800k Y. _!2.___ _ Group I 1 - leasehold l~prov,. 1220 1 1 Generai i.prove~ents 7/01/89 9,000 0 131 286 417 8,583 R M 31.5 2 1 hlprovnents 8/01/89 12,899 0 154 409 563 12,336 R " 31. 5 3 1 Electrical hookups 8/01/89 20,404 0 1,457 5,413 6,870 13,534 " " 7.0 10.0 Group Totals 42,303 Oc 1 ,742 6,108 7.850 34,453 Group 1 2 - Manufacturing Eq. 1230 1 1 Equipment setup 8/01/89 11,367 0 812 3,016 3,828 7,539 M " 7.0 10.0 2 1 9 laser Groyth Machines 8/01/89 405,000 0 40,500 145,800 186,300 218,700 U " 5.0 6.0 3 1 lrridiu~ crucibles 3/10/89 45,000 0 0 0 0 45,000 " .. 0.00 0 4 1 Misc. Manufacturing eq. 7/01/89 34,000 0 3,400 12,240 15,640 18,360 U " 5.0 6.0 5 1 Hoist 7/01/89 300 0 21 80 101 199 " " 7.0 10.0 6 1 Yater equip~ent 8/15/89 3,090 0 309 1,112 1,421 1,669 " " 5.0 6.0 7 1 Orill press 12/01/89 195 0 14 52 66 129 " " 7.0 10.0 8 1 Yelder 12/01/89 800 0 57 212 269 531 " " 7.0 10.0 Group Totals 499,752 Oc 45,113 162,512 207,625 292.127 Group I 3 - Office Equip~ent 1240 1 1 Office furniture 7/01/89 2,000 0 143 531 674 1,326 " " 7.0 10.0 2 1 Furniture 7/01/89 1.57L 0 112 417 529 1.042 M " 7.0 10.0 3 1 COlllputer 10/23/89 4,424 0 442 1,593 2,035 2,389 " " 5.0 5.0 Group Totals 7.995 Oc 697 2,541 3,238 4,757 Group I 4 - Organizational Cost 1290 1 1 Organizational Costs 6/01/89 51,588 0 5,159 10,318 15,477 36,111 M ~" 5.00 0 Group Totals 51,588 Oc 5,159 10,318 15,477 36,111 Grand Totals 601,638 Oc 52,7Ll 181,479 234,190 367.448 c - Current Year Section 179 EXHIBIT IIAII