HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2817 Creating Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board .- --- . .' . \ .. . COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2817 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, CREATING THE BOZEMAN AREA BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD AND ESTABLISHING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES THEREOF. WHEREAS, bicycling is a popular and healthy form of alternative transportation used by a number of Bozeman residents and visitors for vocational, recreational and for other transportation purposes in the city of Bozeman and in the surrounding Gallatin Valley; and WHEREAS, the city of Boze man has designated certain bikeways and paths such as the Gallagator Linear Park and the Sourdough Trail; and WHEREAS, one of the proposed goals of the 1990 Bozeman Area Master Plan update is to provide enhanced vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman city Commission is working on a parks, open space and Trails Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the advice of bicyclists concerning their usage of the city's streets and suggestions on how to improve the transportation network would be beneficial to the city commission in the development of the Urban Area Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, traffic congestion, limited parking facilities, increasing fuel costs, concern for personal health, and concern for energy conservation have combined to make the bicycle an increasingly attractive alternative to the use of the automobile; and WHEREAS, the advice of bicyclists in developing community- wide bicycle education and safety programs would be beneficial to the City Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: 1 \ ~ _ ,..____.. _no .""_._ ~ . .. . Section 1 Creation, appointment, vacancies and authority That a Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as "board", be created and designated to act as the advisory board to the City Commission on matte rs relating to bicycling in the Bozeman area. This board shall consist of five ( 5 ) members to be appointed by the City commission. Members of this board shall serve one ( 1 ) year terms. Each member may be reappointed without any limitation on the number of reappointments. vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments for the balance of the term remaining. Section 2 Qualifications Persons of legal age may be appointed to the board. A majority of the board shall be residents of the city. Nonresident members of the board shall have some interest in the ci ty by virtue of working in the city, owning property in the city, or entering the city frequently for any lawful purpose. In addition, the board members should be knowledgeable of bicycling and/or traffic safety in the Bozeman area. Section 3 Service without pay, expenses The City shall pay any expenses of the board which have been authorized by vote of the City commission prior to said expense being incurred. Members shall serve without compensation for their time and services. section 4 Duties and Responsibilities The Board shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1. The board shall provide advice and recommendations to the City commission on matters before the City Commission which may have an impact on bicycling, in so far as it may relate to usage of public streets and other public ways by bicycles. 2 --..- .,,-_., ,,---- -.--.. --- ....- - .------------ - _._-_._--_._._,~,._- "J' . " . 2. The board shall provide advice and recommendations to the city commission regarding bicycling issues pertaining to the Parks, Open Space and Trails Master plan and the Bozeman Urban Area Transportation Plan. 3. The board may have such other duties and responsibilities as the City Commission, from time to time, may direct. section 5 cooperation of city officers and employees All City officers and employees shall cooperate with the board by providing information and facilities. Any dispute as to such cooperation shall be settled by the city Manager. section 6 City Policy The actions of the board shall be advisory only and shall not constitute policy of the City and shall not be binding upon the city Commission or upon the City. The City may adopt all or any part of any recommendation of the board, with or without any changes made by the city Commission, as City policy. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at its regular and stated meeting held on the j 24th day of September ,1990. II ~~ I " RoiERT . AWKS, Mayor ' ATTEST: ~.~~ : Clerk of the commission , APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' .~ \~ 3 1 ~ __ .... I -.-----.... - .-. - -_......, .,:,:,~.~. .. .-. .- , H' .. '. ' ,'........,....' __n_.,. , . . . " " .. BYLAWS OF THE BOZEMAN AREA BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I - CREATION The Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as "Board", was created september 24 , 1990 by City Resolution # 2817 ARTICLE II - OBJECTIVES The Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Commission in matters relating to bicycling in the Bozeman area. ARTICLE III - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES -- - The Board shall have the following duties and responsibilities: 1- The Board shall provide advice and recommendations to the City Commission on matters before the city Commission wh i c'h may have an impact on bicycling, in so far as it may relate to usage of pUblic streets and other public ways by bicycles. 2 . The Board shall provide advice and recommendations to the City Commission regarding bicycling issues pertaining to the parks, open space and Trails Master Plan and the Bozeman Urban Area Transportation Plan. 3 . The Board may have such other duties 'and responsibilities as the city Commission, from time to time, may direct. ARTICLE IV ~ OFFICE OF AGENCY, STAFF SUPPORT The Board shall maintain its offices in the office of the City staff person designated to assist the Board. The staff person so designated shall attend all meetings of the Board and will be responsible to assist the Board in the scheduling of meetings, preparation and distribution of agendas and meeting minutes, and providing notification of Board activities to interested parties. The staff person shall serve as the liaison between the Board, the City Manager, and the city Commission. ARTICLE V - MEMBERSHIP A. Selection The Board shall consist of five (5) members selected by the city commission. Persons of legal age may be appointed to the Board. A majority of the Board shall be residents of the city. Nonresident members of the Board shall have some interest in the city by virtue of working in the city, 1 " ' "" '. . ... . , . " owning property in the city, or entering the city frequently for any lawful purpose. In addition, the Board members should be knowledgeable of bicycling and/or traffic safety in the Bozeman area. B. Terms of Members Members of the Board shall be appointed to serve a one year term. Terms of the members shall expire on December 31. Initial terms shall expire on December 31 of the year following appointment. Each member may be reappointed without any limitation on the number of reappointments. C. Resignations and Vacancies Resignations from the Board shall be submitted in writing to the city Commission through the Chairman. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments for the balance of the term remaining. D. Removal from office 1. Any appointee may be removed from office by a majority vote of the city Commission. 2 . Three ( 3 ) unauthorized consecutive absences from regularly scheduled Board meetings shall be grounds for removal as a member of the Board. Absences shall be authorized by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES -- - A. The Board shall elect from its members a Chairman, Vice- Chairman and Recording Secretary at its first regular meeting of each calendar year. B. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall exercise the duties normally conferred by parliamentary procedure on such officers. The Chairman may call special meetings, and generally perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board or city Commission. The Chairman shall initiate items for discussion and recognize all matters brought up for discussion before the Board. C. The Vice-Chairman and Recording Secretary shall vote as members of the Board. D. The Chairman shall vote only to break a tie vote. E. The Vice-Chairman shall have the authority to act as Chairman in the absence or disability of the Chairman. 2 --..-,----. -_._-~,_._--_..- ,-...--... ---. -."..-.--..--- -.---.. . .. .. - ._-~-_.._........_.... . r~ . . " ~ . . ... . , F. In the event of the absence of the Chairman and vice- Chairman, the members of the Board shall select an Acting Chairman. G. The Recording secretary shall be responsible for taking, preparing and distributing the minutes of all meetings. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGS -- A. Schedule of Meetings The Board shall hold regularly scheduled meetings as frequently as necessary to fulfill its function and not less often than quarterly. A regular meeting place for the Board shall be established. B. special Meetings The Chairman of the Board, the staff person assisting the Board, or any two ( 2 ) members of the Board may call special meetings of the Board as needed. C. Quorum A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. D. open Meetings and Documents All meetings, committee meetings and documents of the Board shall be open to the public. Reasonable public notice shall be given prior to meetings. E. Rules of Order Meetings of the Board shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws. A member of the Board or the City staff person assisting the Board may be designated by the Board Chairman to serve as parliamentarian. No action of the Board is official, however, unless authorized by a majority of members present at a properly called meeting at which a quorum is present. F. Conflict of Interest - Any Board member may exercise his legal rights as to his own personal interests in a matter pending before the city or any of its agencies, and may testify as a witness in any administrative or judicial proceeding. However, a member of the Board who has a personal interest in an item under consideration by the Board shall declare a conflict of 3 .--."..-..- ...n_.____.._ ...______._.._._ . -...-.--.-------. - ,n ____ .' , 1/1:4. ,>:' ....... ,~ ... ., . , . ..... . .. interest and shall not participate in the Board discussion and vote taken on the item. Such disqualification shall be entered into the Minutes of the meeting. In addition, no Board member shall represent any other individual or entity before the Board. ARTICLE VIII - OPERATING POLICY -- A. Discrimination Prohibited No person shall, on the basis of race, creed, sex, sexual preference, color, age, national origin, marital status, handicap, religion, membership or any other constitutionally recognized right shall be excluded from membership or participation in, or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity acted upon by the Board. ARTICLE IX - COMMITTEES Special committees of the Board may be appointed by the Chairman for purposes and terms which the Board approves. Ex officio members may be nominated by the Board for selection by the City Commission. ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS - - Bylaw amendments may be introduced in writing by any member of the Board at a regular meeting. Action by a majority of the Board on the amendments may be taken on second reading at any future regular meeting. 4 \ .