HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2823 evising CDBG income guidelines ----.. - .' ~~ .~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2823 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, BUDGETING THE USE OF PROGRAM INCOME FROM THE 1984 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman received a Housing and Ne i ghborhood Rev ita 1 i zat ion Commun i ty Deve 1 opment Block Grant award in 1984; and WHEREAS, as part of that CDBG award, $163,504.00 was loaned to property owners for the purposes of rehabilitating low and moderate income housing; and WHEREAS, program income continues to be generated through loan repayments and it is antlcipated that approximately $24,000.00 of additional income will be earned per year for the next ten ( 10 ) years; and WHEREAS, the City successfully closed out the Program in 1988; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to continue rehabilitation of housing and neighborhoods by use of low interest or deferred payment loans ln the target area and also in special areas outside the target area as determined by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, Commission Resolution No. 2688 committed 1984 CDBG program income for this purpose through June 30, 1988; and WHEREAS, Commission Resolution No. 2736 committed the 1984 CDBG program income from June 30, 1988 forward to housing and neighborhood revitalization in the target area identified by the City Commission until such time as the Commission finds no need to continue low and moderate income rehabilitation efforts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman that: This Resolution hereby modifies Commission Resolution No. 2736, and the City hereby commits the 1984 CDBG program income from June 30, 1988 forward to assist low and moderate income people/families in their housing and neighborhood revitallzation efforts until such time as the Commission finds no need to continue low and moderate income housing and rehabilitation efforts. .--..--....- --.---..---- -.----..- ~.~ .. . _.___.._.____..._____._____.______.~____.____._.___. .__. ~'.J' ,4 .' - Said income shall be utilized to further the housing efforts initiated ln the target area identified by the City Commission. Said income may be utilized to further housing efforts outside the identified target area when determined appropriate by the City Commission. No greater than fifteen percent (15%) of the program income earned during this period will be utilized for administrative purposes. The remaining funds shall be utilized for orojects identified and selected by the City of Bozeman Loan Review Committee, and approved by the Bozeman City Commi 55 ion. Sa i d funds sha 11 be loaned for those projects that will produce an lncome near that which may be found ln the private sector. However, they may be granted or loaned at a very modest interest rate in those cases identified by the City of Bozeman Loan Review committee as critical and demanding immediate attention, or in other cases identified by the City Commission. I PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commi ss i on of the City of i .: Bozeman at its regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of March, 1991. , ATTEST: Gf~ f~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ / >-;7 /~ ... BRU E E.BECKER~ I City Attorney . t. . ----- .- -.--." ...- .... ~ --.----. .. ---