HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2825, Intent to trade Christie Fields for Valley Unit with School District 7 . .... COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2825 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, STATING ITS INTENT TO TRADE PROPERTY HELD BY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR PROPERTY HELD BY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.7 WHEREBY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN WILL GAIN OWN- ERSHIP OF CHRISTIE FIELD AND BOZEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7 WILL OBTAIN OWNERSHIP OF TRACT 2, AS DESCRIBED BY CER- TIFICATE OF SURVEY NUMBER J-92-A, IN THE VALLEY UNIT SUB- DIVISION. WHEREAS, the Bozeman School District No.7 owns Lots 1 through 8, Block 2, Thompson's Fourth Subdivision, which is commonly referred to as Christie Field, and is generally bounded by South Black Avenue, Mason Street and South Rouse Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman owns Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey Number J -92-A, located in the Valley Unit Subdivision, and more generally lo- cated in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of West Babcock Street with Fowler Lane extended; and WHEREAS, Bozeman School District No. 7 is desirous of obtaining Tract 2 of said COS J-92-A for the purposes of building a school in the future; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman is desirous of obtaining the ownership of Christie Field, which has been owned by the School District for futu re school purposes but which has been developed as a City park in the interim; and WHEREAS, the City Commission feels it is in the best interests of both the City and the School District to swap said parcels of land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman: Section 1 That it is their intent to pursue trade of the aforedescribed properties, whereby the City of Bozeman will obtain ownership of Christie Field and Bozeman School District No. 7 will obtain ownership of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey Number J-92-A. Section 2 That the publ ic hearing on the proposed land swap shall be held at 7: 00 p. m. on the 13th day of May, 1991, in the School Board Meeting Room, in the Wi IIson School, located at 404 West Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Section 3 That the Clerk of the Commission is hereby directed to publish notice of ~ ..._.._...._____......._n.. .. ".'. the proposed swap as well as the public hearing once a week for three consec- utive weeks in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman this 25th day of March, 1991. ~ST: ~~ R ~. SULL V N (> Clerk of the Commission -2- --- ------- - ------- --------------- ~ " - NOTICE TO BOZEMAN RESIDENTS NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 7-8-101 (2), Montana Code Annotated, the City Commission has adopted Commission Resolution No. 2825. This Resolution states its intent to trade property in the City's ownership, known as Certificate of Survey No. J-92-A in the Valley Unit Subdivision, for land in School District No. 7's ownership, known as Lots 1 through 8, Block 2, Thompson's Fourth Subdivision. These properties are more commonly known as the undeveloped parkland in Valley Unit Subdivision, gen- erally located south of West Babcock Street and west of Fowler Lane extended, and Christie Fields, respectively. The City Commission and the Board of Trustees for School District No. 7 will conduct a joint public hearing on said proposed land trade at 7:00 p.m. on , Monday, the 13th day of May 1991, in the School Board Meeting Room, Willson . School, 404 West Main Street, Bozeman Montana. At that time, testimony will be taken in support of and in opposition to the proposed land trade. Any and all interested persons are invited to attend. DA TED this 15th day of Apri I 1991. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission Display Ad Publish: Sunday, Apri I 21, 1991 Sunday, Apri I 28, 1991 Sunday, May 5, 1991 , ~