HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2926 Amend adoption of transportation plan update .' . COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2926 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE BOZEMAN URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN 1991 UPDATE, AS PREPARED BY ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES, WITH MODIFICATIONS BY ADOPTING THE BOZEMAN URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN 1991 UPDATE WITH MODIFICATIONS, AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO, AND SUPERSEDING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2911. WHEREAS, the State of Montana Department of Transportation has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Bozeman City-County Planning Board, the City of Bozeman, and Gallatin County to have future transportation projects for the Bozeman urban area be based on a continuing, comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by the State and the local community; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board held a pUblic hearing on October 13, 1992, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update and held eight work sessions to further review the recommendations of the Plan; and WHEREAS, the City-County Planning Board forwarded its recommendation for approval of the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update at its regular meeting of January 12, 1993, subject to several modifications as set forth in Appendix "A" to Plannning Board Resolution No. P-9301; and WHEREAS, the City Commission conducted its public hearing on the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update at its regular meeting of February 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the City Commission accepted written testimony through 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 10, 1993; and WHEREAS, the City Commission conducted work sessions on February 22, March 1, March 8, March 22, March 29, April 19 and April 26, 1993, on the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update in preparation for adoption of said plan; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did on the 26th day of April 1993, adopt Commission Resolution No. 2911, adopting by reference the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update, with modifications as set forth in Exhibit" A", attached to that resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did on the 1 Oth day of May 1993, ratify the amendments adopted by the County Commission at its regular meeting of May 4, 1993; and WHEREAS, the City Commission did on the 21 st day of June 1993, consider comments and recommended revisions to Exhibit "A" as forwarded by Peccia and Associates regarding ----..----.---.. ..-..-...-. , specific elements contained in Commission Resolution No. 2911; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved some of the revisions to Exhibit "A" recommended by Peccia and Associates; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined it appropriate to adopt a new resolution to incorporate all changes to the draft Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update into one document. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the City Commission hereby adopts the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update, with the modifications set forth in Exhibit" A", attached hereto and by this reference made a part of the Bozeman Urban Transportation Plan 1991 Update. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of July 1993. ATTEST: C?~J~ 4, ROBIN L. SULLIVAN . Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: //'"7, ! ~/// 1/ /; (/ rfatU~-if.'(J-t AUL J. L City At1Jfney , , - 2 - ~- EXHIBIT "A" BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2926 (JULY 19_ 1993) GALLATIN COUNTY COMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 93-20 (JULY 13_ 1993) TCC RESOLUTION NO. T-9301 (MAY 12_ 1993) CONSISTING OF REQUIRED CHANGES TO THE BOZEMAN URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN 1991 UPDATE DRAFT REPORT Based On A Recommendation From The Bozeman City-County Planning Board Contained In Board Resolution No. P-9301 (Adopted January 12, 1993) -----~~-----------------------------------~---------------------- The following changes need to be incorporated into the final BOZEMAN URBAN TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE prior to publication and implementation: 1. TITLE PAGE -- Change title of document to reflect the year in which the UPDATE will be adopted, i . e . , 1993. 2. TITLE PAGE -- Change "Prepared for" block to read "Bozeman City-County Planning Board" (since the contract for preparation of the UPDATE was with the Board) ; reference adoption by Resolution of City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, and Transportation Coordinating Committee as listed above. 3. PAGE 1-2, Section 1.3 Transportation Goals and Objectives -- Change the last sentence of the introductory paragraph to read: "The primary goals and objectives for the transportation system and associated implementation strategies were set forth in the 1990 BOZEMAN AREA MASTER PLAN UPDATE. In May of 1991, the Planning Board further refined and expanded upon the adopted set of goals, objectives, and implementation strategies for inclusion in this transportation plan update. They are. as follows:" 4. PAGE 1-8, Other Studies -- An add it ional "other' study" should be listed: "University Parking Plan Update (1991)" 5. PAGE 5-1, CHAPTER 5: DOWNTOWN PARKING ANALYSIS -- Include "Draft Chapter 5" as presented by the consultant. 6. PAGE 6-5, Section 6.4 Truck Route System -- Change the narrative found at the bottom of page 6-5 to read as follows (and make appropriate modifications to Figure 6-2 as well): "There is no designated truck route system in the greater Bozeman area at this time. As a result, commercial trucks 1 '. ---------- ....-..--"...------. ----- . tend to use a wide variety of routes through town. The Bozeman community has expressed a desire to limit truck traffic on residential streets and on Main Street through downtown. This issue was mentioned throughout the scoping process and was identified as an issue in the 1981 Transportation Plan. "Truck count data, field observations, and public testimony indicate that there are two types of truck traffic which need to be dealt with as part of the transportation planning process. The first is "LOCAL TRUCK TRAFFIC," meaning those trucks whose trips originate or terminate within the urban planning area, or whose trips include making pick-ups or deliveries (including fuel stops or driver changes) within the area while en route to other destinations. "The second type of truck traffic is "REGIONAL, THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC," meaning truck trips which do not originate or terminate within the urban planning area, and which do not make pick-ups or deliveries within the area. "LOCAL TRUCK TRAFFIC can impact community facilities and neighborhoods by utilizing residential streets while getting from one point within the urban area to another. REGIONAL, THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC can impact traffic flows, air quality, and noise levels in Bozeman's downtown core by utilizing Main Street to make connections between Four Corners and the East Interchange. "LOCAL TRUCK ROUTES "Figure 6-2 depicts recommended local truck routes for trucks whose trips originate or terminate in the Bozeman Urban Area, or whose trips involve pick-ups or deliveries (including fuel stops or driver changes) in the area. Consideration should be given to signing these streets as "LOCAL TRUCK ROUTES." These designated streets are: Main Street and its associated one-way couplets (Mendenhall and Babcock Streets); North 7th Avenue / U.S. Highway 10; North 19th Avenue (existing portion); Durston Street; South 19th Avenue; North Rouse Avenue / Bridger Canyon Drive; Griffin Drive; Tamarack Street; and Kagy Boulevard. In addition, Oak Street and (future sections of) North 19th should be designated as local truck routes on future roads. "The following streets and roads should be signed for "NO THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC -- Local pick-ups and deliveries only: " North Broadway Avenue, North Wallace Avenue, and North Church Avenue between Mendenhall and Peach Streets. "Designation of two additional streets for no through truck traffic, 1. e. , South Willson Avenue between Babcock and Kagy 2 ~ and South Church Avenue between Main and Kagy, should be implemented when recommended improvements to Highland Boulevard between M~in Street and Kagy Boulevard, including signalization of the Highland / Main intersection, are completed. "REGIONAL. THROUGH TRUCK ROUTE ALTERNATIVES "In developing a strategy to address the issue of REGIONAL, THROUGH TRUCK TRAFFIC in the downtown area, several alternatives were considered. These included: A. Designation of a temporary truck by-pass route around and through the northeast neighborhoods, utilizing Broadway Avenue and Peach Street; B. Utilization of Kagy Boulevard and Bozeman Trail Roads as a potential permanent truck by-pass; C. Designation of the proposed "Northeast Arterial Loop" / Oak Street connection as a potential truck route on future roads; and D. Utilization of North 7th Avenue / Main Street, and North 19th Avenue / Main Street (when constructed) as potential truck by-pass routes. "Each of these alternatives posed unique problems. Using Broadway Avenue and Peach Street, even on a temporary basis, would result in unacceptable volumes of truck traffic going through an established residential neighborhood. Kagy Boulevard and Bozeman Trail Road would direct a large volume of truck traffic through the Montana State University campus and past established residential neighborhoods. Utilization of the "Northeast Arterial Loop" could not occur until a very expensive and difficult road construction project is completed, and would closely parallel Interstate .90 for much of its length. And the intersections of both North 7th Avenue and Main Street and North 19th Avenue and Main Street are not suitable for handling major volumes of trucks making left and right hand turns. "In addition, data generated in the Fall of 1992 by civil engineering students in the CE 454 class at MSU indicates that truck travel times between Four Corners and the East Interchange are virtually identical whether travelling via Main Street or Jackrabbit Lane / Interstate 90. This is in spite of the fact that the Jackrabbit Lane / 1-90 route is approximately nine miles longer than the Main Street route. The Jackrabbit Lane route is also considered safer due to fewer intersections and less traffic, and puts less wear and tear on vehicles because of fewer starts and stops. 3 . . "These findings lead to the conclusion that utilization of Interstate 90 and Jackrabbit Lane as the through truck by- pass route around Bozeman is the logical solution to the long-standing problem of regional through truck traffic on Main Street through downtown. However, it is recognized that the existing interchange at 1-90 and Jackrabbit Lane is not suitable for handling an increased volume of truck traffic at this time. Also, the community of Belgrade has not been involved in discussions regarding the potential use of their interchange as part of a Bozeman truck by-pass. "Plans for the reconstruction of the 1-90 interchange at Jackrabbit Lane should result in the facility being better- suited to handle an increased volume of truck traffic. Strategies would need to be developed and implemented in conjunction with residents of Belgrade to assure that increased truck traffic on the reconstructed interchange would not impact their quality of life or compromise safety in any way. "With these thoughts in mind, a long range strategic plan to reduce the number of regional, through trucks on Main Street through downtown Bozeman is hereby established to include: a. Taking the appropriate and necessary steps to get Main Street / Huffine Lane removed from the "National Network," so that further negotiations may occur to designate 1-90 and Jackrabbit Lane as the regional, through truck route. These actions should be: 1) contingent on Bozeman and Gallatin County reaching agreement with the MDT regarding the completion of the "Bozeman-to-Four Corners" project and future maintenance of Main Street; and 2) timed such that removal from the National Network becomes effective only when the 1-90 Jackrabbit Lane interchange is reconstructed to a standard suitable for hand ling increased volumes of truck traffic; b. Working with the community of Belgrade and the Montana Department of Transportation to assure that any and all concerns pertaining to increased truck traffic at the 1-90 / Jackrabbit Lane interchange are fully addressed, to assure no decrease in quality of life in that community and no compromise of safety, c. Engaging in a comprehensive program of communication and education with the Montana Motor Transport Association and other appropriate groups to make them aware of study results comparing travel time, safety, and equipment wear, in an effort to encourage voluntary 4 ----" ; usage of Jackrabbit Lane rather than Huffine Lane / Main Street. d. Developing and implementing a signage program designating 1-90 and Jackrabbit Lane as the regional, through truck routes, while discouraging to the maximum extent possible such truck traffic on Main Street and Huffine Lane. e. Continuing to allow regional, through truck traffic to utilize Main Street / Huffine Lane until items a., b. , and d. above are accomplished. "The Bozeman City-County Planning Office, working with the Transportation Coordinating Committee, shall be generally responsible for carrying out the Regional Truck Route strategies outlined above." 7. PAGE 6-8, Section 6.5 Recommended TSM Improvements -- Add a third paragraph to this narrative section, as follows: "Although recommended TSM improvements are for the most part not prioritized, some are considerably more critical to the successful implementation of the PLAN UPDATE than others. As such, particular effort should be made to complete the following recommended TSM's in as timely a fashion as possible: NW7 -- North 20th Avenue closure on south side of West Beall Street (to provide a permanent solution to cut- through traffic problems on North 20th) NE2 -- Intersection improvements at North Rouse Avenue and Peach Street (to facilitate increased usage of Rouse by trucks, pedestrians, and bicyclists) NE3 -- Through truck traffic restrictions on residential streets in Northeast neighborhood (to address immediate traffic safety concerns of residents in the area) NE4 -- Designation of Tamarack Street between North 7th and Rouse as a local truck route (to encourage trucks to utilize this route to gain access to the Northeast industrial areas) NEB -- Signalization of the Tamarack Street / North 7th Avenue intersection (to facilitate increased volumes of truck traffic) NWl -- Intersection improvements at North 7th. Avenue and West Main Street (to generally improve traffic 5 - "", -.---:---:""':".-..-." .-- ..... --.-- -- ; flows in this area) NW9 -- Signalization of North 7th Avenue and Griffin Drive (to address long-standing safety and delay problems) NW10 -- Signalization of North 7th Avenue and Westbound 1-90 ramps (to address long-standing safety and delay problems; and to improve attractiveness of using North 7th exit rather than the east interchange for truck traffic) SE25 -- South Willson Avenue pedestrian bulbs and lane striping (to address immediate pedestrian and bicycle safety concerns) SE27 -- Highland Boulevard bicycle and pedestrian path (to address immediate pedestrian and bicycle safety concerns) SE4 -- Installation of pedestrian bulbs on Babcock at Black, Tracy, and Bozeman Avenues (to address immediate pedestrian safety concerns) NE7 -- Installation of pedestrian bulbs at intersection of Willson and Mendenhall (to address immediate pedestrian safety concerns)" 8. RECOMMENDED TSM IMPROVEMENTS -- The following modifications should be made to the recommended TSM's as they appear in Table 6-1 (pp. 6-9 through 6-14), Table 9-1 (pp. 9-3, 9-4 ), Appendix 1 (pp. A-1 - A-22), and Figure 6-3. SW8 -- Modify to read as follows: "Provide for the installation of engineered "traffic circles" at the intersections of 6th Avenue with Koch and Story Streets, upon a finding and determination by the City Commission that the installation of such facilities would be in the public interest (see SYSTEM-WIDE TSM PROJECT S6). SW14 -- Modify to read as follows: "Designate South 6th Avenue (Grant to Cleveland) and Cleveland (6th to 8th) as an east route through and around campus. Continue to prohibit parking on the west side of this section of South 8th Avenue on a 24-hour basis; prohibit parking on the east side of this section of South 6th between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Stripe bike lanes along both sides of this route. "A partial closure of South Sixth Avenue just north of its intersection with Cleveland, consisting of a curbed landscape extension placed perpendicular across the northbound travel 1 an e , should be considered for 6 . ...--..-.-... ..---... --.__._-----_._~.. . ._.u_._._. __._. ..__._.._._._.._..__...________..._._. ._. .-....-...--.-...- -_.._._--~-----_. installation in an effort to address traffic concerns of area residents. Consideration of this alternative should only occur after the implementation of a neighborhood parking district in the area, and after an assessment of how the parking district affects traffic and circulation patterns. .. "It is also recommended that Cleveland Street be closed through the MSU campus between South 8th and South 11th, should the administrative closure of South 11th between Cleveland and Grant ever be effectuated as described in TSM SW16 below, and that pedestrian signage and crossings be considered for implementation on both legs of the intersection of South 8th and Cleveland." SW16 -- Modify to read as follows: "Consider an, administrative closure of South 11th between Cleveland and Grant upon the completion of Kagy Boulevard to 19th Ave (to an interim standard) , and upon implementation of the proposed neighborhood parking district northeast of campus. Analysis of probable effects on traffic patterns and circulation should be completed prior to any such administrative closure to assure that local streets in the area would not be required to carry significant additional traffic load s . An administrative closure of South 11th should also be contingent on a review of past ordinances and resolutions pertaining to other street closures through campus, and only after necessary modifications, if any, are made thereto. SE3 -- Delete this TSM as written (School District practice which created the need for this recommendation has ceased); replace with a recommendation to eliminate parking and establish bike lanes between 3rd and Rouse Avenues on Menden hall Street and Babcock Street in accordance with AASHTO standards, when replacement of lost on-street parking spaces is provided in alternate locations. Develop "problem statement" language, cost estimates, and sources of funding accordingly. SE4 -- Modify to allow for use of 6-foot wide "bulbs" on both sides of street, rather than specifying 10-foot bulb on north side. Also, make provision for same installation at intersection of Babcock and Bozeman. SE5 -- Modify to make implementation of this T5M contingent on: 1 ) completion of SE6 modifications to Rouse Avenue between Mendenhall and Babcock; and 2) completion of SE21 modifications to South Wallace between Babcock and Main Streets. SE14 -- Modify by deleting first sentence of recommendation; 7 replace with statement regarding use of signage as a means of making the motorist aware of problem. Leave second sentence as is, regarding parking restrictions on west side of Willson. Revise cost estimates accordingly. SE18 -- Modify to read as follows: "Provide for the installation of engineered "traffic circles" at the intersections of Alderson Street with South 4th and South 5th Avenues, upon a finding and determination by the City Commission that the installation of such facilities would be in the public interest (see "SYSTEM-WIDE TSM PROJECT S6). SE2l -- Modify to call for two north-bound lanes and one south-bound lane for this section of South Wallace. SE25 -- Add a new TSM calling for the construction of pedestrian "bulbs" at the intersections of South Willson Avenue with Garfield, College and Dickerson Streets immediately, and at other selected Willson intersections as deemed necessary by the Commission in the long run. Installation of bike lanes in accordance with AASHTO standards will be considered at a future date. Develop " problem statement" language, cost estimates, and sources of funding accordingly. SE26 -- Add a new TSM calling for the signing of South Church Avenue between Main Street and Kagy Boulevard, and South Willson Avenue between Babcock Street and Kagy Boulevard, for "NO THROUGH TRUCKS --Local Pick-Up and Delivery Only." Develop "problem statement" language, cost estimates, and sources of funding accordingly. Specify that this TSM should only be implemented when recommended improvements to Highland Boulevard between Main Street and Kagy Boulevard, including signalization of the Highland and Main intersection, are completed. SE27 -- Add a new TSM calling for the construction of an all-weather separated bicycle path and pedestrian walkway in the Highland Boulevard right-of-way (west side) between Kagy Boulevard and Main Street. Develop "problem statement" language, cost estimates, and sources of funding accordingly. NE3 -- Modify to read as follows: NE3 - North Wallace, North Broadway, and North Church (all sections between Mendenhall and Peach) Problem: Excessive truck traffic. Recommendation: Sign these portions of Wallace, Broadway, and Church as "No Through Trucks -- Local Pick-Ups And Deliveries Only." Designate Tamarack from Front Street to North 7th Avenue as the local east-west truck route, and 8 ; North Rouse as the local north-south truck route. NE4 -- Modify to reference the designated portion of Tamarack as a "locaL" truck route. NE 7 -- Modify to include a problem statement regarding pedestrian safety at the intersection of Mendenhall and North Willson, and a recommendation for the installation of pedestrian bulbs at said location. Develop cost estimates and provide possible funding sources. NE13 -- Add a new recommended TSM as follows: "NE13 - Front Street From Rouse Avenue to McAdow Street. Problem: Existing right-of-way is undeveloped and therefore underutilized as a prospective solution the problem of truck access to businesses in the northeast area. Recommendation: Construct this portion of Front Street to an interim, two lane paved street standard, with design considerations for future expansion for service as part of the Northeast Arterial Loop. (Develop cost estimates and list sources of funding accordingly.) NW1 -- Modify to include acquisition of additional right-of- way at the northwest corner of the intersection, to better facilitate truck turning maneuvers. NW5 -- Modify to recognize presence of stop signs recently installed at this intersection (8th and Lamme); recommend 4- way stop if warrants are met. 8. RECOMMENDED MAJOR NETWORK IMPROVEMENTS -- The priority listing of the recommended major network improvements should be re-ordered in Section 7.4 (pages 7-5 through 7-18) and in Table 9-3 (pages 8-6, 8-7), as follows (previous priority listed in parenthesis): Project No. 1 West Babcock Street and West Main (2) 2 College Street and South 18th Ave. (1) 3 Highland Blvd, Holly to Kagy (11) 4 Oak Street, North 7th to Rouse (6) 5 South 19th Ave., Main to Kagy (4) 6 7th Ave., Main to Babcock (5) 7 Rouse Ave., Juniper to Griffin (13) 8 Griffin Drive, Rouse to North 7th (15) 8 College Street, 18th to W. Main (9) 10 So. 3rd, Kagy to Wagonwheel (8) 11 Highland Boulevard, Main to Holly (11) 12 No. 18th, Main to Durston (3) 13 Black Ave., Main to Mendenhall (12) 14 West Babcock, Main to Ferguson (14 ) 8 15 Kagy Blvd'l Willson to So. 19th (16) 16 So. 7th1 Kagy to Grant (17) 17 Sourdough Road (18) 18 Northeast Arteriall Rouse to Main (10) 19 So. llthl Cleveland to Grant (19) AdditionallYI M aj 0 r Improvements 3 and 11 (Highland Boulevard between Holly and KagYI and between Main and Holly) should include widening of shoulders to accommodate road bicycle traffic, in accordance with Section 4.5 and Figure 4.1 of the PLAN UPDATE. 10. PAGE 7-13, Major Recommendation 10 (8) -- Modify by deleting County Road Fund as a possible funding source. 11. SYSTEM-WIDE TSM PROJECTS -- The following modifications should be made to the System-Wide TSM Projects appearing on pages A-21 and A-22: 53, S4 -- Modify to eliminate City-County Planning Board as possible source of funding. S5 -- Modify recommendation to include truck route signing directed at west-bound truck traffic on I-SO east of the East Interchange as well. Add a new TSM as follows: "56 - Neighborhood Traffic Circles. Problem: In many areas of the City, local residential streets are used by the motoring public as a means to get across or through sections of town, instead of using elements of the Major Street Network. While all of the recommendations contained in this PLAN are designed to make it more attractive for the public to use the Major Street Network rather than local streets, there will continue to be situations where local streets are used inappropriately as collectors or even minor arterials. This situation can result in deterioration of quality of life in affected neighborhoods through increased safety hazards 1 noise, and air pollution. Recommendation: If deemed lawful by the City Attorney, the City Commission shall establish policies and procedures whereby a two-thirds majority of owners of property on the street faces immediately adjacent to a particular intersection of local streets may petition the Commission for the installation of engineered traffic circles at said intersections. The procedures and policies adopted to implement this recommendation shall provide for a public hearing on each such proposal, a requirement for the 10 . . . Commission to produce a determination and written finding that the public interest would be served by such an action, and provisions for the installation of such facilities to be completed on a tempo_rary or trial basis prior to permanent approval. The procedures and policies shall also provide for the fair and equitable assessment of costs of installation and maintenance of such facilities against the owners of property on the street faces immediately adjacent to the particular intersection, unless such properties li e within the City's designated CDBG Housing and Section 8 Rental Rehab Target Areas, in which case the City may install the facility without assessing costs to affected property owners. Minimum engineering standards for traffic circles shall be developed and adhered to when considering requests for the installation of such facilities, to ensure that motor vehicles can continue to move safely through the particular intersections. Where necessary, additional right-of-way may need to be acquired, and/or additional street improvements installed (such as curbing) to accommodate the installation of a traffic circle. The costs of these items shall be included in any traffic circle assessment described above. " 57 -- Add a new system-wide TSM to call for the completion of a long-range Public Transit Development Plan identifying problems and opportunities with individual transit services, exploring consolidation possibilities, and posing alternatives for transit in Bozeman. Develop problem statement and cost estimates accordingly. 58 -- Add a new system-wide TSM calling for more agressive enforcement of local street speed limits in residential areas. Develop problem statement and cost estimates accordingly. S9 -- Add a new system-wide TSM calling for the possible reduction of speed limits on local streets in residential areas throughout the City. Develop problem statement and cost estimates accordingly. 12. MISCELLANEOUS -- The following typographical errors should be corrected and minor modifications made: Page 3, paragraph 3, line 1 -- change "create" to "creative" Page 2-15, Table 2-5 -- add 5th Avenue and Story Street data (spot located on map but not in Table) Page 3-16, Section 3.7 -- second item listed should read "South 19th - Main to Kagy Boulevard" 11 _m__....___., ..._ ,... -- .-..--.... ."'--.---- Page 4-5. second paragraph, beginning of second ~.. sentence -- should reference students, faculty, and staff. not just students and faculty. Page 6-11, Tab1e 6-1, SE8 -- change to read "Kagy Boulevard and Willson Avenue" Page 6-12, Table 6-1, NE5 -- change to "McIllhatten" Page 6-14, Table 6-1, NW11 -- change to "North 19th" Page 7-1, paragraph 1, line 4 -- reference should be to"Chapter 6" Page 7-18, M aj 0 r Project #19, third line of recommendation paragraph -- correct "campus" typo Page 9-2, first sentence, second paragraph -- correct awkward sentence structure After Page A-8, Figure A-1 -- Reverse direction of photo. Page A-14, SE23 -- expand problem statement to reflect Master Plan and POST Plan priorities regarding bike and pedestrian trails. Re-phrase recommendation to reflect need to acquire additional old rai lroad bed to extend existing Gallagator Trail to the south of town and to the northeast of town. Identify Enhancement monies as possible funding source. Page A-17, NE12 -- Delete phrase after end of sentence. Page A2-3, Table 3 -- Delete "Year" in first column. 12