HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2486 Killed-Replaced by Res #2470 ......,.....----. -.....--...---". .-.-...------- - ftLL8/J - ;PE PlftC C; P 8Y COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2486 RES. ;1/0. ~~10 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA, SERVICED AND FROM WHICH GARBAGE WAS COLLECTED AND REMOVED DURING THE YEAR. TO DEFRAY THE COST AND EXPENSE OF COLLECTING AND DISPOS- ING OF GARBAGE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 696 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 8th day of January, 1940, regularly pass Ordinance No. 696, entitled: AN ORDINANCE DEFINING GARBAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION THEREOF BY AND UNDER THE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE AND FOR DEFRAYING THE COST OF SUCH COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF WHICH SUCH SERVICE IS RENDERED, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. which Ordinance No. 696, passed as aforesaid is hereby referred to and made a part of this Resolution for further particulars in respect to the basis and method of assessing the cost against property herein assessed, and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman did regularly pass Resolution No. 2403 on the 26th day of July 1982, which Resolution eliminated the annual landfill assessment against all residents of the City of Bozeman and established a uniform landfill gate fee to be paid by all users; and WHEREAS, to defray the cost of residential garbage collection for the coming assess- ment year, the Commission must now establish a tax to be levied for said services; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of said Ordinance No. 696 and the Bozeman Municipal Code and the laws of the State of Montana, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONT ANA: Section 1. That to defray the estimated cost and expense of collecting and dispos- ing of garbage in the City of Bozeman. for the Fiscal Year 1984, there is hereby levied and assessed against the property and the several lots, pieces and parcels of land thereof within the City of Bozeman as set forth in Schedule "A", which is attached hereto and made a part of, a tax that of a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and/or owners and the sum assessed against the same is set forth in the assessment list in Schedule II A"; that the several sums set opposite the names of said owners and the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land for said purpose; that the several -- ----- --.------- n. - 2 - sums be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list and owned by them; that the said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof be made in the manner and in accordance with Ordinance No. 696 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and the laws of the State of Montana governing the collection of Special Improvement Taxes; that failure to pay such assessment when the same shall become due and payable shall make such persons and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Sect ion 2. That the base garbage collection tax levied in Fiscal Year 1984 be established in accordance with the policy established by Resolution No. 2403, referenced above. Section 3. That the base rate for residential garbage collection shall be $46.00 for a 4-room, l-unit residence, and that all resulting fees are set forth in Schedule B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Sect ion 4. That this assessment be levied for the Fiscal Year of July 1, 1983, through June 30, 1984, and be billed in October 1983 as are all other special assessments. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 11 th day of October 1983. Mayor ATTEST: Clerk of the City Commission