HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2743 Adopting procedure and guidelines for RFP process: 3-29-89 .~:--~ -- .... - --~'..-~-_. - ",",.,.~, ~ ----- .~ , r MI. RESOLUTION NO. 2743 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ADOPTING ITS PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND LAND SURVEYING SERVICES FOR PROJECTS WITH AN ESTIMATED FEE EXCEEDING $5,000. WHEREAS, ~18-8-201 Montana Code Annotated (MCA) et seq. requires local government to publicly announce requirements for architectural, engineering, and land surveying services when such fees for services are estimated to exceed the sum of $5,000, and then to negotiate contracts for such professional services on the basis of demonstrated confidence and qualifications for the type of professional services required at a fair and reasonable price~ and, WHEREAS, ~l8-8-204 MCA authorizes local government to establish its procedures and guidelines for the selection of said professional services~ and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, deems it in its best interest to establish such procedures and guidelines for the selection of architectural, engineering, and land surveying services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of " Bozeman, Montana, that Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated It by this reference as though fully set forth herein be adopted and the same is hereby adopted as the City of Bozeman's procedure and guidelines for the procurement of architectural, engineering, and land surveying services for those projects where the estimated fees shall exceed $5,000. Dated this ~4Uday of ~//mJ .' -.. ~- BO ,(WKC , Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: ~ ~ b&:-- ~ Clerk f the Commission ~V~8~: City Attorney , . ~ 't ~ . ~ ...-- ----.. - . . ~ ~ January, 1989 city of Bozeman Consultant Selection Procedure Each Request For Proposals will be published as a legal notice in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and any other newspaper in any other city or state as determined by the City Manager based on the nature and complexity of the services to be provided. The legal notice shall include a brief, general description of the nature of the project and/or the services to be provided, the closing date for proposal submittals, the number of copies to be submitted and the name of a contact person from whom more detailed information can be obtained. A detailed description of the proposed scope of services and the consultant selection criteria shall be prepared for each request and made available to all interested parties. The selection criteria will normally include: 1 } the qualifications of professional personnel to be asslgned to the project; 2 ) capability to meet time and project budget requirements; 3 ) location of firm; 4 ) present and projected workloads; 5 ) related experience on similar projects; and 6 ) recent and current work for the City of Bozeman. Proposals shall include: - For engineering or surveying services: standard Federal Forms 254 and 255, completed in full; For architectural services: state of Montana Form 116, completed in full; - Project Management Chart; - Proposed general time schedule, including start and completion dates; - At the discretion of the firm, no more than 5 typewritten, single-spaced pages more fully describing the firm's qualifications for the specific project; - At the discretion of the firm, a company brochure. Standard Federal Form 254 may be kept on file in the Office of the City Manager and referred to in a specific proposal. It will be the responsibility of the firm to keep its SF 254 current. The City Manager's file will be purged of any SF 254's inactive for more than 36 months. -.-.-...-.---.-.-..- . , ,. ,- Any proposals received after the closing date identified in the legal notice or that are judged non-responsive to the above minimum submittal requirements will be rejected, The selection committee will be made up of not less than 3 nor more than 5 people in the following order: - Department Head affected; - Division Head affected; - City Commissioner; - City Engineering Office representative; - other City staff representative, or a person with specific expertise from at-large. The size and membership of any given selection committee will be established by the City Manager in consultation with the City Commission at the time consultant services are determined to be necessary. The selection committee members will numerically rank the proposals by individually and independently reviewing the proposals based on the criteria identified in the detailed description referred to above. The final numerical ranking will be one point for the most qualified firm, two points for the second most qualified firm, etc. Depending on the complexity of the project, the numerical ranking will be used to "short-list" not less than 2 nor more than 4 firms for further consideration. The "short-listed" firms will be contacted and asked to submit their technical approach proposal to the selection committee. At the time the firms are contacted, they will be informed of the criteria that will be used to rank the technical proposals. Arrangements will be made to interview each firm after sufficient time for the selection committee to review the technical proposals. During the interview of each firm, a list of questions previously formulated by the selection committee will be asked of each of the firms. Additionally, firm-specific questions may be asked by individual members of the selection committee. All questions shall remain confidential prior to the intervlews. The initial consultant selection will be conducted as identified below: A. When the estimated consultant fee for the project is less than $5,000.00, no formal consultant selection procedure need be followed. B. When the estimated fee is between $5,000.00 and $15,000.00, the initial consultant selection shall be based on the numerical ranking of the proposals received in response to the Request For proposals. .-... ------- __.._.._._.____m__ . ..-. - .--..--- - ..-- _._._...__.._.__..._..._.._~_. ... ..~---. ~ . , . C. When the estimated fee is greater than $15,000.00, the initial consultant selection shall be based on the numerical ranking of the proposals, an evaluation of the consultant's technical approach to the project, results of the interview with the selection committee, results of reference checks of each consultant and other investigations the selection committee deems necessary. The consultant selected will be requested to identify specific work tasks to be performed and the specific dollar amount of compensation for each task. This work task/fee schedule will be reviewed by the selection committee and negotiated with the consultant. Should the city and the consultant fail to adopt a mutually acceptable work task/fee schedule, the consultant will receive written notification that negotiations are terminated. After termination, the next highest ranked firm will be contacted and negotiations will begin as identified above, until an acceptable agreement is reached. Upon reaching a mutually acceptable work task/fee schedule, a formal contract shall be prepared by the city Attorney which incorporates said work task/fee schedule. Upon signature by the consultant, the contract will be placed on the City Commission agenda for authorization to proceed. All unsuccessful firms shall be contacted by mail that they have not been selected. If the selection committee has a concensus reason for not selecting the firm, said reason will be included in the letter of notification. Additional analysis of the short comings of a proposal is discouraged and need not be discussed by any member of the selection committee.