HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2766 Implementing tax abatement for historic preservation: 12-04-89 .... . '.! ""- ~- COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2766 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, IMPLEMENTING THE TAX ABATEMENT AUTHORIZED BY g15-24-1601 MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED ET SEQ. FOR HISTORIC RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES UNDERGOING REHABILITATION, RESTORATION, EXPANSION OR NEW CONSTRUCTION MEETING THE CRITERIA ESTABLISHED BY g15-24-160S AND/OR glS-24-1606. WHEREAS, Chapter 424 of the laws of 1989 of the State of Montana, as codified by g15-24-1601 et seq. Montana Code Annotated (MCA) , authorized the governing body of each city or county to confer the tax benefits described by glS-24-1603 MCA to qualify as an historic or commercial or residential properties by resolution establishing the process for the use of the tax abatement provisions described therein; and WHEREAS, the City Commission determines that it is in the public's interest to encourage the rehabilitation, restoration or expansion of certified historic, commercial and residential properties or new construction that meets design review criteria compatible with an historic district by conferring said tax benefits on improvements from those restorations, rehabilitations, expansions or new constructions involving certified historic properties and districts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Bozeman, Montana, as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to g15-24-1601 through g15-24-1608 MCA, the City Commission does hereby approve the tax benefits as set forth in said statutes for those improvements made by restoration, rehabilitation, expansion or expansion of certified historic commercial or residential properties or qualifing new construction within an historic district which meets the design criteria during the construction period, which is not to exceed twelve (12 ) months and five (5) years following completion of said construction, in those situations where such improvements preserve certified historic commercial or residential properties, or encourage appropriate new construction meeting the design criteria to be architecturally compatible within the historic districts. The tax abatement is limited to One Hundred percent ... ---- --.-- .--..-.. ---",",'.. , ~1o........,.!. (100%) of the increase in taxable value caused by the rehabilitation, restoration, expansion or new construction and applies to only those properties which do not receive any other exemption or special evaluation provided by Montana Law during the period of abatement. Section 2. Definitions "Construction period" as used herein shall mean a period of time from the date of issuance of the required building permit until the project is substantially completed or a period of twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of said building permit whichever period is shorter. Section 3. The owner of the property must comply with the following provisions in order to be considered for those tax benefits described herein: 1. The owner of the property is solely responsible for supplying to the Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Commission and the City Commission all information and documents necessary to evaluate the project. If sufficient information and documentation is not supplied by the owner for consideration to make an informed decision, the application will be denied. 2. The Bozeman City Commission hereby designates the Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Council as its local review board and hereby directs said board to establish an application and review process to certify eligible properties as specified in ~15-24-1604 Montana Code Annotated and which must include, but is not limited to, the design review criteria based on the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Preservation Projects or other standards approved by the State Historic Preservation Office. 3. The local review board shall approve or deny any application for the tax abatement and report its recommendation to the local governing body which shall then either approve or deny said recommendation. 4 . All taxes, assessments and SID obligations on any property proposed for tax abatement must be current before any tax abatement will be considered. -2- --.,.-..-...-- -- ..- --- ---_.~.. ~ -- - ..;,.....r-.... ._ ,1 -: ""',,1 5. Following certification, and during the creative tax abatement of property which is altered in any way that adversely affects those elements that qualify it as historically contributing, must be disqualified from receiving the tax abatement. If the historic property has received a tax abatement under this part is disqualified, the owner is liable for back taxes, interest and a penalty. These investments must be extended against the property in the next general real property tax roll, to be collected and distributed in the same manner as the currently assessed real property tax. The back taxes, interest and penalty must equal the sum of the following: a. The difference in the total real property taxes due during the years the tax abatement was in effect and the total of real property taxes which would have been due had the special assessments not been in effect for those years; b. Interest on the amount calculated in subsection 2a. at the rate for delinquent property taxes provided for in ~15-16-102 MCA; plus c. a penalty of 15% on the sum of subsections 2a. and 2b. Back taxes, interest or penalty may not be imposed on a , property transferred to an ownership that makes the property ~ exempt from property taxation or if the property is destroyed by fire or an act of God. . Section 4. . This resolution shall be effective upon approval. Dated this 4th day of December , 1989. ATTEST: G!~ ex! d~ . Clerk of the City Commission .L APPROVED AS T~: > . ~~ :L .C ../ .~ -3- _.~. -. .-. - ----