HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3381 Intent to create SID 667, water COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3381 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 667; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE AN EXTENDED SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 667 FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman (the "City"), Montana, as follows: Section 1. Proposed Improvements: Intention To Create District. The City proposes to acquire certain existing local improvements (the "Improvements") to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of water improvements, including the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of a 12-inch water trunk main extending from the existing Valley Unit Trunk water main within the Valley West Annexation, as more particularly described in Section 5. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $575,000.00. The costs of the Improvements are to be paid from the special improvement district bonds hereinafter described. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the "District") for the purpose of financing costs of the Improvements and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, and the funding ofa deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including such incidental costs/ to be financed by the Bonds are $575,000.00. The Bonds are to be payable primarily from special assessments to be levied against property in the District, which property will be specially benefitted by the Improvements in an amount not less than $575,000.00. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 667 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and more particularly described on Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) / which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District is shown on Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefitted Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibits A and B are hereby declared to be the extended special improvement district and the territory which will benefit and be benefitted by the Improvements and will be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The Improvements, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefitted by the Improvements. Section 5. The Improvements. The District will acquire the following water improvements: engineering, design, construction, inspection, and engineering certification and installation and construction of a 12-inch water trunk main, including trench excavation, backfill, bedding material, ductile iron water main, valves and valve boxes, pressure reduction vaults, fittings, hydrants, service line stubs and other necessary appurtenances, from the existing Valley Unit Trunk water main approximately 100 feet west of Flathead Avenue in Durston Road to Cottonwood Road, in Cottonwood Road from Durston Road to Auto Plaza Drive, and in West Babcock Street from Ferguson Road to Cottonwood Road, in the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "Improvements"). - '- Section 6. Engineer and Estimated Cost. Morrison-Maierle shall be the engineer for the District. The Engineer has estimated that the costs of acquiring the Improvements, including Revolving Fund, administrative fees and all other incidental costs, to be $575,000.00. The Improvements are currently owned by Valley West L.L.C. The purchase price of the Improvements shall not exceed $503,518.50. Section 7. Assessment Methods. 7.1. Property To Be Assessed. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements, as specified herein. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefitting from the Improvements, based on the area method of assessment described in Section 7-12-4162, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in this Section 7. 7.2. Assessable Area. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements. The total estimated cost of the water improvements is $575,000.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs of the Improvements that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 18,393,645.60 square feet. The costs of the Improvements per square foot of area, exclusive of interest, shall not exceed $0.031261. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the Improvements is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.3. Assessment Methodologies Eauitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission hereby determines that the method of assessment and the assessment of costs of the specific Improvements against the properties benefitted thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 are equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the respective Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed therefor within the District. Section 8. Payment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the Improvements shall be payable over a term not exceeding nineteen years, each in equal semi- annual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semi-annual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. Section 9. Method of Financina: Pledge of Revolvina Fund: Findinas and Determinations. The City will issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $575,000.00 in order to finance the costs of the Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District. This Commission further finds it is in the public interest, and in the best interest of the City and the District, to secure payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds by the Revolving Fund and hereby authorizes the City to enter into the undertakings and agreements authorized in Section 7-12-4225, Montana Code Annotated, in respect of the Bonds. In determining to authorize such undertakings and agreements, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) Estimated Market Value of Parcels. The estimated market value of the lots, parcels or tracts in the District as of the date of adoption of this resolution, as estimated by the Gallatin County Assessor' Office for property tax purposes, as well as the estimated market value of the lots, parcels, or tracts after the Improvements have been completed, as estimated by Morrison-Maierle, Inc., based on the current market values of the properties for property tax purposes, are set forth in Exhibit C hereto, which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof. The special assessments to be levied under Section 7 against each lot, parcel or tract - 2 - - in the District is less than the increase in estimated market value of the lot, parcel or tract as a result of the construction of the Improvements. (b) Diversity of Prooerty Qwnershio. Of the 21 lots, parcels or tracts in the district, approximately 18 lots, parcels or tracts are vacant. In one instance, 4 lots, parcels or tracts are held by one owner, representing 53.38 percent of the total area upon which costs are being assessed. In another instance, 3 lots, parcels or tracts are held by one owner, representing 21.77 percent of the total area upon which costs are being assessed. In another instance, 8 lots, parcels or tracts are held by one owner, representing 3.62 percent of the total area upon which costs are being assessed. All of the six remaining lots, parcels, or tracts in the district are owned by separate or different individuals or corporations. (c) Comoarison of Soecial Assessments and ProDerty Taxes and Market Value. The estimated market value of the lots, parcels or tracts in the district exceeds the sum of the delinquent property taxes and current property taxes. There are no mortgage backed bonds; however, there are $24,417.33 in outstanding SID assessments on a portion of the property within the district. (d) Delinauencies. As noted in Subparagraph c above, there are no delinquent outstanding special assessments against the property in the district. There are, however, a total of $7,448.37 in delinquent property taxes. The estimated market value of the lots, parcels or tracts in the district exceeds the sum of the delinquent and current property taxes and outstanding special assessments. (e) The Public Benefit of the Imorovements. The public benefit resulting from the Improvements is the provision of safe, central, publicly- owned water distribution and treatment for the service area as it is developed at urban densities in conformance with the City's Master Plan and zoning designations, and an increase in the fire protection facilities available in the service area. (f) Newly Platted Subdivision. The district includes newly annexed lands, known as the Valley West Annexation; and subdivision of this property has received preliminary plat approval. The Improvements have already been constructed without any significant financial problems. The property owners are not contributing to the costs of the Improvements, other than through the assessments to be levied against their land, nor are they providing any security to secure payment of special assessments levied in the district. Section 10. Public Hearina: Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of acquiring the Improvements may make and file with the Clerk of the Commission until 5:00 p.m., M.D.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (August 31, 2000), written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District or both, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 5th day of September 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in Commission Room of the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Section 11. Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on August 16 and August 23, 2000, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll - 3 - ..- . -.--- --..--.......-. ---- . . -- for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 7th day of August 2000. M~fu:tf;; Mayor A nEST: (l~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission - 4 - .-.. .. - VALLEY WEST SJD. BOUNDARY FOR WATER IMPROVEMENTS V.;JJley West S.LD Bour.:doT}' for Wc{er J:npr,::'-...ement-s The l-egol Des-::rip1ion of the Voffey W-est S.LD. Boundary fo-r W-:Jter Fmpr;)~<em-eIHs is os (ollowS: "'" "eu: A T...-nd o.f LC<1-:3 10coted ;1'1 portions oi S-edio:15 9 and 10, To.....,.,sn'p 2 Scmih, Range 5 East P.~_M.. City .... """"'" """" of 8-:J-z-eman. 11ontoflo, bE'll1'g more podicuhr+:., de$crib-ed os fello.....s: " 'fS9'lS"E -'5.0" u. SOnNr08\it ~.OCI Commencjng (It the no~tr.e-Cl:st corner of soid Section 9. .;:]150" bein-q the northwest .;;::ome~ of ~oid Sectiorl u SI59"~'x:. 600"". " N01"06'.j}C;t <OoC"" 1.J. an:) T'L'e Point .:}f Beginning: LS 'S89'~1.08""" 288-_~' i " ttl7fi'OO.,U"W ~1. r T~e.'l(:e -::JIang the- N.;)-dh line oJ soid $e.ctiQI1 10, South 89"59"25 "Eo-s'.: 0 di-st-ance of 45.01 fe-e-j; " ~'OO"" 4"59:86-' " -s~'J8""" ~;_I.c' Thence Ie-Gv1nq said Nmth lirle. of Se-cliQr\ 1{), 'South D1'O-E:OER West a d'5-tc:."ce of 40800 feet: _A_'~~ Thence- South 8S'59'25" Eo-st a dislO:'lce of 600.00 feet; -C".m'~ OF s~ I Thof!n.-c--e Nodn OrD6'Of3" Lo-st a disto.....ce- of 408_00 feet to 5oi-d Horth line of S-edio., 10: 11J1J2 Then-:::e along -s':Jid No-d-h li(lE' of SecVO:'l 10, SQuth 89"59'25" Eas! CI dis~a"'ce- of 621.4-0 feet; ~:~~ Tnence te-:Jv1ng 'S-oid North I;ne- of Section 1 O. 5cu~h OQ.O'ff34 ~ We"it (j. ,-ji'slQIl;:e of 89-8-54 fe-et; .....r ~ 10ft ~-CC~ -..- The-nce' Nodh 88.30'24 M East a distDnce: of 6J9_D 7 feet: Clft. "-1/2, ~ Th-enc-e- North OO'10.31w West 0 dist(tnce Qf 881.78 feet, to s,:)id North lin-€' -of Sediofl 10: IIft/Z .IV;! /2, S~1/<J, Thell-:::-: Qlcng 'S';:lld Morth tine of Sedion 10, Sout:t1 89" 59' 25 R E-os t .0 di-sto., ce- of 738_56 f ee-t to the """''''''''' ~.Jless~ North 1/4 corner Qf :roid Section 10; ~'2'jJ pna \ '25J Cb"1;rt41t~ar~y Thence cQnt-i-l1uinq (jbnq said North ';:ne- of Sedion 10" South 89"S9'4r fO's~ a -distonc'!'! of 6.30.01 feet: ~.!tt-Ik{t;"""""'1 11.102 Th-er.--c-e le(].....ing said North tine of SediG-n ! 0 Sou:th OO'2B'OJ~ West a dis.t-QfI-ce of 1320.00 fe-eL t.1}1~_~ ~5.[~~Sn:-<<r. 9{)'R~ ...X'.. 1(:3-7!'01:1lJoCli[S ...,-~ I Ihe-n_:::e N~rth. 89'5-9"42" West a di-s.tanc-e ol 630.01 -feet to tt-.e Nertn -Sadh mjd--section- ril1e: of said r- 45' ~"-I)4"I t1 ~.2') M~' .......i'2~.IIUIi~ .- ~~ ':;sq"~if~l't 'S-e-cbol1 lv, C\l.-IIISJ'OkR'O'_ S1t1,8I5' '.<11 ""0' Thence- oFonq said North-South mid-secbon line of Sectio-n. 10. SOIJ'th. GO"28'03" 'He:st a di'S:tance of CtNfifit:ot~ or ~ Of""'" 2573_90 f-eet: ~ y" #1829 1'= ~~ -~ ::f.:;'::' ~ L--L~ ~ 0t:I '5P<<io1 f-'Ict, Tllen-:::€' 1ea.....illg said North-South mid-S-€'Ctio(] li:'le of Sec~ion to, Nodh 90'00'00" Wr::st 0 d;sl..an-ce of C~",=-...I.. Of ~ """'''' c~t:~ ~~~ 1.355,39 feet '" I"""" YA,((,fY WfSr- u.c " ~ ~ """""" ~ TRKr- I ~JG~~ (""""""",,,,,,,,,,,, ~~~. g 11J(!7 Tl1e~ce South 00"00- 00 W~s.t I;) di-stance of 1328.6.3 fe-et, to the Nodh J"i-ght-of-wny of :Hjgnw-oy 191; 360:) R4'#CH CORP Jr:.=l",..I'3-:50:II: Thence !hrouqh the fol1owin.g fjv-e (5) c-o-ms€s along S"-:Jicj North right-of-.....ay: 61~l'OrOl~ 60' R.I'-III' ~r>1<J tQhd C<:J-. Li-..,,""1~ ~X1'24":( PrJr-t~~::r (1 ~ Thenc€' South B';r51 '08- West -0- diston.ce of 28-8,4-.8 feet; -.- "N- 60' !'t/W #85 S)9.0~' '.~1Ur...~ (2) Thence North 76"'06"44" West a dist.;:mce of 4L23 fe.et: -0" U:w11f1n<J'~C<:J. '_~~JoaIES ~-- -N" {J) l-h-ence- South- 89'51 'Q8~ West 0 distance of 459,86 f.eet: -warc':;!:"11"'E: ~"""""'- 2!19.6~" (4) ThenC'e Sout" 75.54'.38"" West G dL-stance of 4~_10 feeL -- .~ ..rl:ific~f", .(}f (5) Th.enc€ Sou1.h B9-"26'15- west -0 distance- of 1823.6-4 feet; "-> IFle.nce jeo.....ing soid North rr.qht-of~'W-cry of H'9".....ay 191, Noeth OO<40'15H East a di'S-to....ce of 2557.04 fee-\: 'l(jro 100' R....... """" Thel'"K:.e North (\1~02'11" East a d.stoO("'Ic.e of 134G.7Q fee(; c-riticctl!:(Jf~ ll-f€: VECTOR Th-e-r,c-e SDuth 89"~9'43~ West a dj'5=!onc-e Qf 669.96 feet; ~"'s...., SI,. CROUP L1.C. 110058 ]!,TfllOJ....1CII!I[1- Thence North Q1'Q2'1 t ,. E.ast Q <lis-lance oi 28"9.84 f-e.et; 1'0058 m<c' 5 ...----- _n____._.___ -------.-.--..---.--.--.-.. --.-.. - EXHIBIT B Valley West S.I.D Boundary for Water Improvements The Legal Description of the Valley West S.I.D. Boundary for Water Improvements is as follows: A Tract of Land located in portions of Sections 9 and 10, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Montana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 9, also being the northwest corner of said Section 10, and True Point of Beginning; Thence along the North line of said Section 10, South 890 59'25"East a distance of 45.01 feet; Thence leaving said North line of Section 10, South 01 006'08" West a distance of 408.00 feet; Thence South 89059'25" East a distance of 600.00 feet; Thence North 01 006'08" East a distance of 408.00 feet, to said North line of Section 1 0; Thence along said North line of Section 10, South 89059'25" East a distance of 621.40 feet; Thence leaving said North line of Section 10, South 00009'34" West a distance of 898.54 feet; Thence North 88030'24" East a distance of 639.07 feet; Thence North 00010'31" West a distance of 881.78 feet, to said North line of Section 10; Thence along said North line of Section 10, South 89059'25" East a distance of 738.56 feet, to the North 1/4 corner of said Section 1 0; Thence continuing along said North line of Section 1 0, South 89059'42" East a distance of 630.01 feet; Thence leaving said North line of Section 10 South 00028'03" West a distance of 1320.00 feet; Thence North 89059'42" West a distance of 630.01 feet, to the North~South mid-section line of said Section 10; Thence along said North-South mid-section line of Section 10, South 00028'03" West a distance of 2573.90 feet; Thence leaving said North-South mid-section line of Section 1 0, North 90000'00" West a distance of 1355.39 feet; Thence South 00000'00" West a distance of 1328.63 feet, to the North right-of-way of Highway 191; Thence through the following five (5) courses along said North right-of-way; (1) Thence South 89051 '08" West a distance of 288.48 feet; (2) Thence North 76006'44" West a distance of 41.23 feet; (3) Thence South 89051 '08" West a distance of 459.86 feet; (4) Thence South 75054'38" West a distance of 41.10 feet; (5) Thence South 89026'15" West a distance of 1823.64 feet; Thence leaving said North right-of-way of Highway 191, North 00040' 15" East a distance of 2557.04 feet; Thence North 01 002' 11" East a distance of 1340.70 feet; Thence South 89019'43" West a distance of 669.96 feet; Thence North 01002'11" East a distance of 289.84 feet; Thence North 24035'59" East a distance of 437.25 feet; Thence North 01 002'11" East a distance of 659.22 feet; to the North line of said Section 9; Thence along said North line of Section 9, North 89047'04" East a distance of 1816.88 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 454 acres, more or less, along with and subject to existing easements, rights-of- way and park dedication. ~~ , ; i V ALLEY WEST WATER IMPROVEMENTS SERVICE AREAS TOTAL SERVlCE AREA: 23.428,310_40 SQUARE fEE T DATE- 5116101} PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CAlCULA nONS LAST R EVlSEO. 5130100 199B OUTSTANDING GROSS R.O.W. ASS ESSED ASS ESSEO ESTtMA TED IMPROVED I EST1MA TED 510 DEUNQUE NT PROPERTY OWNER LEGAL DESC RIPT10N PARCEL NUMBER ~ ACRES ~ ASSESSED SQ, fT. V A.LUE ASSESSMENT UNIMPROVED IMPROVED VALUE ASSESSMENTS ~ ASSESSMENTS WIHN SID BOUNDARY TOTAL SIO AREA ASSESSMENT~ :$575,000):<0 ASS ESSED SO. FT . 16.39J,645.60 SQUARE FEET ASSESSM EN r RATE: so _OJ 126080 PER SQUARE FOOT A Pa~d"tgm Properties f'oliKK1 of SE1/..(SE1/4-, Seclion 9. C.O.S. #1005 RGG 27 '02 17_:503 -0.000 17.530 763,606.80 $3-6,847,00 $23,870.96 U $60,717.% B Joseph C. Billoo, SIJS.3n P. Biillion L 1 , B 1, J -c. Billion Au~o Plaza SiLlbdMs.ion ROO 2JJ.8J .1;.8.6 \1.(100- 4.860 2~ 1 ,701.60 Sfi(l8,17G_00 $6,617.96 , $614,787:96 C Billion. Family LiP:Iaed Pal'tr.ers.hip t.2., B 1, J. C. amioo Au!-Q Plaza Stlbdi\tis.ion RGG 23 Ja3 DOl 0.000- -O.'97D 41,:253.20 ir.dlJde in ->'8" abQve $1,320..87 U $1,320_67 0 BilHol1 Family limited PartnersJ1ip LJ. B 1, J. C_ Billion Auto Plaza Subdlvisiio.n RGG 2-3383 L37 0.000 1.:370 '59,677.20. inc\lJ'jein.B" above $1,865.56 U $1,S65.5.fi E B~I.ioo F amHy limiled Partnership \.4. Bt, J.C Bijlion AutQ PJaza SLPMivision RGG 2:3383 -3.14 0._ 3.1-40 136.778 AD il1dude in ~6h .above ~,27 5_80 U S-4.275.B{I mlliofl Farn.i:l)' Lim~ed Partnership l1A, 82., J.C. 8i1ion Aulo PLaza SubdMsion RGG "32066 2.55 0.000 2_:5-50 111.078.00 $54.4.,365.00 $.3.41'2_'39 I $5<17, 5-:l7 :,J-5I p 8.11orJ Famiy limited Partnets~p L4, B2, J.C. Billion A'Uto Pl.az.a Sub!1i'lision not avaiabJe- 0.13- G.OOO 0_130 5.662.SG $0.00 1177.02 I $177.02 H ailfion Famiy Umited P.ar1nefship- L', 83. J.C. Billion Aulo Pt,aza St.lbdMs.ion RGG 32069 G.fl1 0.000 0.910 39:6:39.6--0 $.(1,3a.6.00 -11.239.1:7 U $42.,621.17 Richard J. Vl,lfefSerna, ar\d Kathy R. VViefrema L2, B-3, J.C. B~liOf1 Auto Plaza SubdMsion RGG 32<170 0.52 4).(100 O.52D 22,651.2{I $81,111.'1JO $708-.{I9 , $a1,-B~9.1}9 $677.5\ J 81UiOn. Family Umi'ted Partnership L.-3, B3, J. C. Bilfioo Auto Plaza SubdNWon RGG 32071 1.35 O_OOIJ 1.35D 58,:806.00 $32.714.00 $1,838.-32 U $34.-552.32- HH JC Billion- AtJto P1aza SubdWsioo - Dedicated P-ut:fic Right--of -w:a'l JC Billion- Auto praza . Oedlca!ed P1Jblic Right-of-Way not av-ailabie :3-67 3.670 0.000 1>.00 not ap,pfC,able $0.00 na-t applicable (lot applicable K R&D Hofdjng Co TRACT '1;. C.O.S. :11-846 RGG ~1005 1'31.63 4.020 15J5-1O 679,971.61} S45,3:]'1.00 $21.256.46 U $66.567.46 L Vajle~ WesllLC TRACT S. C.O.S_ in0058 RGG 39709 136.17 1G.70riJ 125.47-0 5,-465,-413-2fJ $4,'5< 1'5.00 '$17Q,e.'55.C6 U $175,360_06 ~ V.alley Wesl LLC TRACT 1-A. C.O.S. _'(!(J,B RGG 39709 7.4t 0-.060 7_35G 320,166.00 ilndw1e ffI "l. above $10.-00.8.65 U .$10.-008.65 Varley West UC TRACT "3A, C.O_S. jt100SC ROO 39708- 57.7.0 3.710 53.990 2,351,804..40 5J,346.00 $73,51'5L29 U :S7",6€5.2.9; 10 Val!ey 'l/'lest LlC TRACT 4, C.O.S. #10058 RGG 3.9707 40'~S ~.-840 36.61{1 1,681,.851.-60 $t,-344.00 $52,576.03 U SS3.-9-20.0J R ,,",0110'" Raf'1do, Inc. POO-ion 01 NiE1J4S:E1I4, Section 9, C.O.S. #100-5 RGG 3'9.38-6 4-0.82 1_840 38-.980 1.697.968..60 $J.5CJ.4.DO $5-3,079.&6 U :$5-6,583.86 T Mictlae:l W. OelalOey, lfear.a In~nd TRACT e, C.O.S. t-1872 RGG 31145 55.aS 0.9,0 54..940 2.3- -S3.f3.W4.00 $74.:8' 2. 9'2 U $112.915.'92 U Delane.,.'& Company, hc.., OdCKd Trus.1. TRACT A. C.O.S. .'f872 RGG 31147 20.35 2.5-8D 11_770 774,061.21) S7.995.00 $24.1'97.17 U $32.192.71 ~G Michael w. O~;:3-ne)', Ileana Il'\dreJaoo TRACT 2. C.O_S. .1846 RGG 33464 T9.58 0.350 ~9.23G 637 ,-6Sa .80 $7;&92.00 $-26,1'SSa3 U $33.877 ..88 The Vector Group, UC TRACT A. C.O.S. #'61,"3 RGG 3514 19-.09 2.110 16.980 739,5--48.80 SI5-,-317.00 S2J,122.01 U $38,43'9.01 :524,-417.33 ;$6,770.76 ,OT AL5, 454.1J5 31.79-0 422.260 1B.: $1,-469,733.0D $5'75,OOO.IJB S 2,1J44.7J3 ,08 $24,417.33 $7,44U1 .; '.23 3"S,C-D6 ,Oc.;:::; ......-3:[~~ w[: ~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3381 Intent to create SID No. 667 - improvements consist of water improvements, including the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of a 12-inch water trunk main extending from the existing Valley Unit Trunk water main within the Valley West Annexation. Parcel Name and MailinQ Address Descriotion A Paradigm Properties Portion of SE%, SE%, 1 71 5 Kenyon Drive Section 9, Bozeman, Montana 59715 cas NO.1 005 B Joseph C. Billion J.C. Billion Auto Plaza Susan P. Billion Subdivision 105 Silverwood Drive Block 1, Lot 1 Bozeman, Montana 59715-9276 C, D, E, F, G, Billion Family Limited Partnership J.C. Billion Auto Plaza H, J 105 Silverwood Drive Subdivision Bozeman, Montana 59715-9276 Block 1, Lots 2, 3 4 Block 2, Lots 1 A, 4 Block 3, Lots 1, 3 K RD Holding Co. cas No. 1846, Tract 1 230 Coronado Road Corrales, New Mexico 87048-9522 L, M, N, 0 Valley West cas No.1 005B, Tracts 4, 5 % Rick Barber and Parcel A-1 3599 Sourdough Road cas No. 1005C, Tract 3A Bozeman, Montana 59715 R Norton Ranch, Inc. Portion of NE%, SE%, 8459 Huffine Lane Section 9 Bozeman, Montana 59718-9421 cas No.1 005 T,V Michael W. Derlaney cas No. 1872, Tract B Ileana Indreland cas No. 1846, Tract 2 101 East Main Street Bozeman, Montana 59715-4795 U Oxford Trust cas No. 1872, Tract A Delaney & Co., Inc. 1 01 East Main Street Bozeman, Montana 59715-4795 GG The Vector Group, LLC cas No. 1610, Tract A 125 West Mendenhall Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 I Richard J. Wiersma J.C. Billion Auto Plaza Kathy R. Wiersma Subdivision 10400 Churchill Road Block 3, Lot 2 Manhattan, Montana 59741.8416 S Douglas Lance Smith E Y:z, W Y:z, SE y., Section 3, James E. Esperti T2S, R5E Jeffrey P. Radick P.O. Box 7302 Bozeman, Montana 59771-7302 This is to certify that I did personally mail, on the 11th day of August 2000, postage prepaid, a copy of the attached Notice in Re to the foregoing owners in Special Improvement District No. 667. (?~/~ , -'. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN - Clerk of the Commission '-. - - -'~ -. ----- -- ----- -----...--. -- NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE AN EXTENDED SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 667 AND TO ISSUE THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 667 BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $575,000.00 SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on August 7,2000, the City Commission ofthe City of Bozeman, Montana (the UCity"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 667 (the UDistrict") for the purpose of financing the costs of acquiring certain existing local improvements (the "Improvements") and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds of the City drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The Improvements have been constructed and installed pursuant to plans and specifications prepared by Morrison-Maierle, and approved by the City Engineer. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A map of the proposed District accompanies this notice. The general character of the Improvements is to acquire the following water improvements: engineering, design, construction, inspection, and engineering certification and installation and construction of a 12-inch water trunk main, including trench excavation, backfill, bedding material, ductile iron water main, valves and valve boxes, pressure reduction vaults, fittings, hydrants, service line stubs and other necessary appurtenances, from the existing Valley Unit Trunk water main approximately 100 feet west of Flathead Avenue in Durston Road to Cottonwood Road, in Cottonwood Road from Durston Road to Auto Plaza Drive, and in West Babcock Street from Ferguson Road to Cottonwood Road, in the City of Bozeman, Montana. The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, are $575,000.00. The Improvement is currently owned by Valley West L.L.C. The purchase price of the Improvement shall not exceed $503,518.50. The City would issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $575,000.00 in order to finance the costs of acquiring the existing Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District in the aggregate principal amount of $575,000.00 and such payment will be secured by the Revolving Fund. Subject to the limitations of Montana Code Annotated, Section 7-12-4222, the general fund of the City may be used to provide loans to the Revolving Fund or a general tax levy may be imposed on all taxable property in the City to meet the financial requirements of the Revolving Fund. Assessable Area. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements, including the engineering design, construction, inspection and engineering certification of a 12-inch water trunk main extending from the existing Valley Unit Trunk water main within the Valley West Annexation. The total estimated cost of the water improvements is $575,000.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs of the Improvements that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 18,393,645.60 square feet. The costs of the Improvements per square foot of area shall not exceed $0.031261. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the Improvements is on file with the Clerk of the Commission. On Tuesday, the 5th day of September 2000, in the Commission Room, City Hall, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all written protests against the creation or extension of the District, or the acquiring the Improvements that may be filed in the period hereinafter described. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and acquiring of the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at City Hall, 411 East Main Street, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana, not later than 5:00 p.m., M.D.T., on Thursday, August 31, 2000. Further information regarding the proposed District or the Bonds or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from Miral D. Gamradt, Administrative Services Director, City of Bozeman, at City Hall, 411 East Main Street, or by telephone at (406)582-2300. Dated: August 8, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA tl~ J ~ Clerk of the Commission Legal Ad (Publication Dates: Friday, August 11, 2000 and Friday, August 18, 2000) ~