HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3414 Intent to grant tax break, Lattice Materials, set public hearing - -.-- COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3414 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE APPLlCA TION OF LATTICE MATERIALS CORPORATION FOR TAX REDUCTION UNDER SECTION 15-24.1401, ET SED, MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED AND CITY OF BOZEMAN COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2660. WHEREAS, at its meeting held on the 22nd day of February 2000, the City Commission acknowledged receipt of an application from Lattice Materials Corporation. Bozeman. Montana, for tax reduction based upon improvements to their business pursuant to Section 15-24-1401. et seq, M.C.A.. and City of Bozeman Commission Resolution No. 2660; and WHEREAS, Section 15-24-1401. et seq. M.C.A., authorizes local government to grant tax reduction for qualifying improvements or modernized processes that represent new or expanding industries whereby said qualifying improvements or modernized processes may be taxed at 50 percent of their taxable value in each of the first five (5) years after the construction permit is issued. and that in each year thereafter. the percentage of taxation shall be increased by equal percentages until the full taxable value is attained in the tenth (10th) year and that in subsequent years, the property shall be taxed at 100 percent of its taxable value; and WHEREAS. the Bozeman City Commission enacted Commission Resolution No. 2660 to implement the tax reduction specified in Section 15.24-1401, et seq. M.C.A., to qualifying new or expanding industry; and WHEREAS, Lattice Materials Corporation, Bozeman, Montana. sets forth in its application certain information regarding the improvements and modernized processes and for which Lattice Materials Corporation requests said tax reduction; and WHEREAS. Section 15-24-1402(2), M.C.A.. requires the governing body to give notice of a public hearing to hear comment. as set forth in Section 76-15-103. M.C.A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. that the Clerk of the Commission be directed to give notice to the public pursuant to the legal requirements of Section 15-24-1402 and Section 76-15-103, M. C.A., of a public hearing to be held upon said application on the 4th day of December 2000. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana. at a regular session thereof held on the 6th day of November 2000. ATTEST: MA~N~~or ~c1'~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission r , --". -- Lattice Materials Corporation Asset listing for Classification Application 1999 Acquisitions - Estimated or ~ Actual Date In ProDerty Acquired Acquired ~ Service STC 10 Saw 148079 3/9/1999 4,753.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 150935 3/9/1999 4,753.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 150951 3/9/1999 4,753.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 150953 3/9/1999 4,753.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 170078 3/9/1999 4,595.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 170079 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Qrtr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 170080 3/9/1999 6,035.00 Qrtr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 170082 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Ortr 3. 2000 STC 10 Saw 170085 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Qrtr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 190574 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Qrtr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 190575 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 210488 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 381612 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Ortr 3,2000 STC 10 Saw 381613 3/9/1999 4.301.00 Ortr 3,2000 STC 10 Saw 381614 3/9/1999 7,545.00 Ortr 3, 2000 STC 10 Saw 442031 3/9/1999 4,301.00 Ortr 3. 2000 Hamco sin 029.0003 7/23/1999 47,149.50 Qrtr 3 or 4.2000 Varian 938 4J leak OetectorwNarian 3/4 hp pump 7/23/1999 4,950.00 Ortr 3 or 4, 2000 raised flooring 7/23/1999 2,750.00 Ortr 3 or 4,2000 Process Engineering 6050 gallon Argon Storage tank 7/23/1999 4,950.00 Ortr 3 or 4,2000 Sowers-ingot chop saw wlTorit dry-flow vacuum system 7/23/1999 2,475.00 Ortr 3 or 4, 2000 Semitool ST-2700 Dual Stack spin/rinse dryer sIn 16574 7/23/1999 2,200.00 Qrtr 1, 2000 Rigaku Dpgs Oefractometer 7/23/1999 6,600.00 Ortr 1, 2000 Speedfam 6BPH-double sided polishing w/process cont sIn 236416-447 7/23/1999 6.600.00 Ortr 1, 2000 Kayex-Hamco CG-3000 sIn 088-0284 10/28/1999 13,200.00 Ortr 3 or 4,2000 Kayex-Hamco CG-3000 sIn 088-0288 10/28/1999 13.200.00 Ortr 3 or 4. 2000 Bow Machine - in development 4/26/1999 49,024.00 Ortr 1, 2000 Perkin Elmer Spectraphotometer 10/20/1999 33,155.40 Oct-99 -. --- _u ___.___.__..____ .__.__.._..... ....._........_ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on the 4th day of December 2000 at the hour of 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room of the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, will hear public comment on the application of Lattice Materials Corporation, for tax reduction pursuant to Section 15-24-1402, Montana Code Annotated, and City of Bozeman Commission Resolution No. 2660, whereby qualifying improvements or modernized processes which represent new or expanding industry may be taxed at 50 percent of their taxable value in each of the first five (5) years after the issuance of the construction permit and that in each year thereafter, the percentage of their taxable value shall be increased by an equal percentage of their taxable value until the full taxable value is attained in the tenth (10th) year and thereafter taxed at 100 percent of its taxable value. For additional information, please contact Robin Sullivan, Clerk of the Commission, at 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, or telephone 582-2320 (TDD 582-2301) during regular business hours. ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the City Commission legal Ad Publish: Thursday, November 16, 2000 Thursday, November 30, 2000 _n.__.._._._ .