HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3416 Intent to create SID 669,downtown special improvement district - - ~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3416 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 669; DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman (the "City"), Montana, as follows: Section 1. Prooosed Imorovements: Intention To Create District. The City proposes to undertake certain local improvements (the "Improvements") to benefit certain property located in the City. The Improvements consist of the installation of new historic street lighting and construction of new sidewalks along Main Street from Rouse Avenue to Grand Avenue, as more particularly described in Section 5. The total estimated costs of the Improvements are $1,160,000.00. The costs of the Improvements are to be paid from the special improvement district bonds hereinafter described. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, a special improvement district (the "District") for the purpose of financing costs of the Improvements and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including such incidental costs, to be financed by the Bonds are $1,160,000.00. The Bonds are to be payable primarily from special assessments to be levied against property in the District, which property will be specially benefitted by the Improvements in an amount not less than $1,160,000.00. Section 2. Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 669 of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3. Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof) and more particularly described on Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District is shown on Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4. Benefitted Prooertv. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibits A, Band C are hereby declared to be the special improvement district and the territory which will benefit and be benefitted by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefitted by the Improvements. Section 5. General Character of the Imorovements. The general character of the Improvements is replacement of the lighting fixtures and sidewalks along Main Street between Rouse Avenue and Grand Avenue, including the removal of existing light poles and existing concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, the replacement of existing signs and sign poles, the acquisition and installation of new historic light fixtures, construction of new sidewalks, planting of street trees and providing metal grates and guards around those trees. The First Security Bank and The Baxter Hotel have previously constructed certain Improvements in compliance with the downtown improvement plan. A portion of the proceeds from the bonds will be used to acquire the certain previously-funded Improvements that are in compliance with the downtown improvement plan. ----- - ---.. - .. ... ----.....---..-.- - ,..~"" Section 6. Engineer and Estimated Cost. Stahly Engineering and Associates, Bozeman, Montana, shall be the engineer for the District. The Engineer has estimated that the costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, is $1,160,000.00. Section 7. Assessment Method. 7.1. ProDertv To Be Assessed. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements, as specified herein. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefitting from the Improvements, based on the frontage method of assessment described in Section 7-12-4163, M.C.A., as particularly applied and set forth in this Section 7. 7.2. Frontage. All properties in the District bordering or abutting the streets upon which the Improvement will be made will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements. The total estimated cost of the Improvement is $1,160,000.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District bordering or abutting such streets for that part of the costs of the Improvement that the lineal footage of such lot, tract or parcel bordering or abutting such streets bears to the total lineal footage of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District bordering or abutting such streets. The total lineal footage of the lots, tracts or parcels bordering or abutting such streets and to be so assessed is 3481.50 feet. The costs of the Improvement per lineal foot shall not exceed $333.19. The assessment for each lot, tract or parcel of land for the Improvement is shown on Exhibit C hereto. 7.3. Assessment Methodology Eauitable and Consistent with Benefit. This Commission hereby determines that the method of assessment and the assessment of costs of the Improvements against the properties benefitted thereby as prescribed in this Section 7 is equitable and in proportion to and not exceeding the special benefits derived from the Improvements by the lots, tracts and parcels to be assessed therefor within the District. Section 8. Pavment of Assessments. The special assessments for the costs of the Improvements shall be payable over a term not exceeding nineteen years, each in equal semiannual installments of principal, plus interest, or equal semiannual payments of principal and interest, as this Commission shall prescribe in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds. Property owners have the right to prepay assessments as provided by law. Section 9. Method of Financing: Pledae of Revolving Fund: Findings and Determinations. The City will issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,160,000.00 in order to finance the costs of the Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District. This Commission further finds it is in the public interest, and in the best interest of the City and the District, to secure payment of principal of and interest on the Bonds by the Revolving Fund and hereby authorizes the City to enter into the undertakings and agreements authorized in Section 7-12-4225 in respect of the Bonds. In determining to authorize such undertakings and agreements, this Commission has taken into consideration the following factors: (a) Estimated Market Value of Parcels. The estimated market value of the lots, parcels or tracts in the District as of the date of adoption of this resolution, as estimated by the Gallatin County Assessor for property tax purposes, is set forth in Exhibit C hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). It is estimated the special assessments to be levied under Section 7 against each lot, parcel or tract in the District are less than the increase in estimated market value of the lot, parcel or tract as a result of the construction of the Improvements. (b) Diversitv of ProDerty OwnershiD. The properties within the District front along Main Street in the central business district of the City. - 2 - ------- The 208 properties, all of which contain well-established businesses, are owned by 113 property owners. (c) Comoarison of Soecial Assessments and Prooertv Taxes and Market Value. The total- estimated market value of the properties within the District is $32,301,325. (d) Delinauencies. At the present time, there are a total of 4 delinquencies in the payment of speCial assessments, totalling $378.38, and 37 delinquencies in the payment of property taxes levied against the property, totalling $29,664.61. (e) The Public Benefit of the Imorovements. The Improvements will enhance the safety of the walking, public in the downtown business district through the replacement of aging sidewalks. The Improvements will also result in the removal of weakened light standards that have proven a safety hazard as they snap due to structural deficiencies. The Improvements will also enhance the appearance of the downtown area and help to preserve its historic appearance and enhance the value of the properties. Section 10. Public Hearing: Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the, notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of making the Improvements may make and file with the Clerk of the Commission until 5:00 p.m., M.S.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (December 14, 2000), written protest against the proposed Improvements, or against the extension or creation of the District or both, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen, (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on Monday, the 18th day of December 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana. Section 11. Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on Wednesday, November 29 and Wednesday, December 6, 2000, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last. known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 27th day of November 2000. ATTEST: MA R~1~aYor @JJ;~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,~/ - 3 - -------- NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 669 AND TO ISSUE THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 669 BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $1,160,000.00 SECURED BY THE CITY~S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on November 27, 2000, the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention to Create Special Improvement District No. 669 (the "District") for the purpose of financing the costs of certain local improvements (the "Improvements") and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with ,the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds of the City drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, and the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Funq (the "Revolving Fund"). The Improvements shall be constructed and installed pursuant to plans and specifications prepared by Stahly Engineering and Associates, and approved by the City Engineer. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") is on file with the Clerk of the Commission which more specifically describes the nature of the Improvements, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A map of the proposed District also accompanies the Resolution. The Improvements consist of the acquisition and installation of new historic street lighting and construction of new sidewalks along Main Street from Rouse Avenue to Grand Avenue. The total estimated costs of the Improvements, including all incidental costs, are $1,160,000.00. The City would issue the Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,160,000.00 in order to finance the costs of the Improvements. Principal of and interest on the Bonds will be paid from special assessments levied against the property in the District in the aggregate principal amount of $1,160,000.00 and such payment will be secured by the Revolving Fund. Subject to the limitations of Montana Code Annotated, Section 7 -12-4222, the general fund of the City may be used to provide loans to the Revolving Fund or a general tax levy may be imposed on all taxable property in the City to meet the financial requirements of the Revolving Fund. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the costs of the Improvements, as specified herein. The costs of the Improvements shall be assessed against the property in the District benefitting from the Improvements, based on the frontage method of assessment described in Section 7-12-4163, M.C.A. All properties in the District bordering or abutting the streets upon which the Improvement will be made will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements. The total estimated cost of the Improvement is $1,160,000.00 and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District bordering or abutting such streets for that part of the costs of the Improvements that the lineal footage' of such lot, tract or parcel bordering or abutting such streets bears to the total lineal footage of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District bordering or abutting such streets. The total lineal footage of the lots, tracts or parcels bordering or abutting such streets and to be so assessed is 3481 .50 feet. The costs of the Improvements per lineal foot shall not exqeed $333.19. On Monday, December 18, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing and pass upon all writ~en protests" against the creation or extension of the District, or the making of Improvements that may be filed in the period hereinafter described. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and the making of the Improvements may be filed by an agent, person, firm or. corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the Improvements. Such protests must be delivered to the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street, Bozeman, Montana, not later than 5:00 p.m., M.S.T., on Thursday, December 14, 2000. ---... ..--.-----. --.-------...... -- Further information regarding the proposed District or the Bonds or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the Clerk of the Commission at the Municipal Building, 411 East Main Street or by telephon~at (406) 582-2320. Dated: November 28, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA ~J~ Clerk of the Commission (Publication Dates: Wednesday, November 29, and Wednesday, December 6, 2000) -.-- .- --------.----.-.----.... .. - -.---. -- "\ ;; i I r BOUNDARY OF MAIN IMPROVEMENTS S.I.D. I i' ST. SIDEWALK 1 ----- LOCA TED IN THE N1/2 SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE , ~ j 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN) MONTANA) GALLA TIN COUNTY, D! ] [. I I I CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. ! , I II L I CD ~ ~d w !< ..!.~t BO ZEMAN BOZEMAN ~,- ........1 f , OJi IGI '11 " DrUG }\iA I I DESCRIPllON OF S.I.D. 0 ~~j I TO f},' IT T W} SI E I 0 Ht CD i Bl DC EI B LOC K I Tracts af land located ;n the narth ane-half af Sectian 7, Townsh;p 2 0.. ! I Sauth, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian, Montana, GoUatin Coun ty, -<i.. ; Montana, C;ty of Bozeman, being more particularly described os "~5 1 2 i J 4 5 6 ~ 7 8 9 10 " f 1 2 3 . 5 6 7 , 8 g W 11 i 12 13 ,. 15 16 \7 15 g CJa. ~ , - c foil aws: I i I 3!!:.5~ I i w "j" r EXHIBIT "A" '\ ", BOUNDARY OF MAIN ST. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS S.I.D. I I LOCATED IN THE N1/2 SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, -RANGE ;! I : 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MONTANA, GALLATIN COUNTY, 0 i I - i CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. :: , ! fa ~ ~ I- ",' . " TRACY'S TRACY'S BOZEMAN:!: ~; I A DI IOJY " A Df IO ' " OR GI"^ AL I f g H I 8 OC Br B OC v A TO'! 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I 1 > W" :! i' I iE ; , i;! , i ~ 1() " I 12 13. 1.t 15 ;-5 ,-: i ~8~ :!!;:u 112 1.3 , ''':' j 15, 16 1 '!7 18 ~9 2,;) 2"~ i 22_::=1 I ~ I " ' -: lJi! ! 'j ~ !' , " ~ Q. , , . ' W .. " !" " ~L_".-.l-,,- " ,,; ",I e ~ cr:I ~ c- t-= c '" CO z Z Z 5 ~ m III t GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ~ g .~ ~G Hi0 '!" 0 ~ ( IN FEET :1 C<LSI'~-NE~_ OIi'Aw.-~~ -:HE':>U:- !~-t.1./Bosl -~I.!o TE ...llLJ..lLQQ D....f:;- 805-C'ISlO S<-IEO::T 1 OF 2 ~ / MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - SJ.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT PARCEL # ADDRESS OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE VALUATION ASSESSMENT SID TAXES (ft\ ASSESSMENTS 1 Kirwan, Peter M. Tracy's Addition, Block B: RGH5749 131 W. Main 5 Hill SI. Western strip 0.86' wide at South end & 1.43' 53.860 $ 274,492 $ 17,945.60 Bozeman, MT wide at North end Lot 8; All Lots 9 & 10 Firth, Cyril C. & Dorthy A. Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2 129 W. Main 977 Stratford Ln West 5.5' Lot 7; Lot 8, EXCEPTING Western 32.640 $ 311,513 $ 10,875.31 RGH5748 Bloomfieldhills, MI ~~ 'no { strip 0.86' wide at South end & 1.43' wide at North end 3 Hill, Tyler H. & Carla Tracy's Addition, Block B: RGH6654 125 W. Main 1417 S. 5th Ave. East 22.5' Lot 7 22.500 $ 425,074 $ 7,496.77 Bozeman, MT 4 Schnee, Steven P. & Jean M. Tracy's Addition, Block B: 121 W. Main 108 Silverwood Dr. 56.000 $ 251,092 $ 18,658.63 RGH4510 Bozeman, MT All Lots 5 & 6 5 105 W. Main Robert W. Broadbent Tracy's Addition, Block B: 33.520 $ 405,754 $ 11,168.68 (1) All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Baxter Hotel Corporation Tracy's Addition, Block B: 13.949 $ 168,848 $ 4,647.67 $ 1,310.86 (2) All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Danny Kamp Tracy's Addition, Block B: 14.589 $ 176,599 $ 4,861.02 RGH1621 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Martha Kelsey Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.528 $ 42,707 $ 1,175.54 RGH22564 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main James David Berg Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.899 $ 47,196 $ 1,299.10 $ 410.19 RGH22565 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main A!fred Stoffel Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.468 $ 41,982 $ 1,155.59 RGH22566 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main David Kostella Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.196 $ 26,586 $ 731.80 RGH22568 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Adeline Gwynne Living Trust Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.494 $ 42,291 $ 1,164.09 RGH22570 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main James Vorhees Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.751 $ 33,297 $ 916.52 RGH27656 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Allen Sands Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.196 $ 26,586 $ 731.80 $ 256.07 RGH22573 All Lots 1-4 5 Tracy's Addition, Block B: m 105 W. Main James & Marg Lenon 3.528 $ 42,707 $ 1,175.54 >< RGH22574 All Lots 1-4 I 5 105 W. Main Dorothy Bradley Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.494 $ 42,291 $ 1,164.09 OJ RGH22575 All Lots 1-4 -i jgm 11/20/2000 Page 1 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates () MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft' VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES 5 105 w. Main John Piastuck Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.751 $ 33,297 $ 916.52 RGH27661 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Bernie DeFrancisco Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.235 $ 27,057 $ 744.76 RGH22577 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main David Ball Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.196 $ 26,586 $ 731.80 RGH22578 All Lots 1-4 5 Tracy's Addition, Block B: RGH22579, 105 W. Main John & Laurie Shadoan 5.763 $ 69,764 $ 1,920.31 22582 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Marjorie Paisley Tracy's Addition, Block B: 3.494 $ 42,291 $ 1,164.09 RGH22580 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Arthur Thompson Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.751 $ 33,297 $ 916.52 RGH22581 All Lots 1-4 5 105 W. Main Melanie Troftgruben Tracy's Addition, Block B: 2.196 $ 26,586 $ 731.80 RGH22583 All Lots 1-4 6 Fletcher, Robert C. & Kathy A. Tracy's Addition, Block A: 43 W. Main 43 W. Main 25.000 $ 270,860 $ 8,329.74 RGH3488 Bozeman, MT West 25' Lot 13 7 33 W. Main Robert C. Fletcher Tracy's Addition, Block A: 14.395 $ 74,282 $ 4,796.21 RGH4175 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 Tracy's Addition, Block A: RGH4177 33 W. Main Ballerno Corporation 24.756 $ 127,750 $ 8,248.51 $ 1,069.47 4178 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 33 W. Main Cactus Records Tracy's Addition, Block A: 17.421 $ 89,897 $ 5,804.44 RGH4161 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 33 W. Main Chas Beach Tracy's Addition, Block A: 3.351 $ 17,290 $ 1,116.37 RGH4162 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 33 W. Main Thomas Ryan Tracy's Addition, Block A: 3.025 $ 15,612 $ 1,008.03 $ 138.73 RGH4163 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 Tracy's Addition, Block A: RGH4164 33 W. Main Steven Ungar 6.376 $ 32,902 $ 2,124.40 $ 1,063.38 4166 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 Tracy's Addition, Block A: RGH4165 33 W. Main Barbara Allen 10.616 $ 54,784 $ 3,537.27 4167,4169 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 7 33 W. Main Stephen O'Brien Tracy's Addition, Block A: 3.025 $ 15,612 $ 1,008.03 RGH4168 All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 2 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association ASSESSED OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT MARKET SID FRONTAGE SID TAXES BUILDING # PROPERTY OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS PARCEL # ADDRESS (fU Tracy's Addition, Block A: 4.034 $ 20,819 $ 1 ,344.23 7 33 W. Main Sarah Epstein All Lots 10-12, East 3' Lot 13 RGH4170 Harte, Richard E. & Karen K. 18,325.44 Tracy's Addition, Block A: 55.000 $ 402,698 $ 8 23 W. Main 3553 Sourdough Rd. West 27' Lot 8; All Lot 9 RGH1610 Bozeman, MT Russell-Vorrell Partnership Tracy's Addition, Block A: 53.800 $ 430,792 $ 17,925.61 9 17 W. Main 1731 2nd Street SW West 24.8' Lot 6; All Lot 7; East l' Lot 8 RGH5277 Rochester, MN 55902 Sylvester, John P. & Nancy I. Tracy's Addition, Block A: 72.000 $ 661,204 $ 23,989.66 10 7-11 &23W. 324 N. Pokegama Ave. West 12.8' Lot 3; All Lots 4 & 5; RGH5109 Main Grand Rapids, MN 55744 East 3.2' Lot 6 One West Main L.L.C. Tracy's Addition, Block A: 43.200 $ 353,208 $ 14,393.80 11 1 W. Main 1 W Main All Lot 2; East 15.2' Lot 3 i ; RGH4222 Bozeman, MT 59715 I Anderson, Page B. & Brigitte M. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 48.000 $ 284,900 $ 15,993.11 12 3 E. Main 11511 Madison Rd All Lots 1 & 2; West 9' Lot 3 ; RGH5593 Three Forks, MT 59752 , 5,214.82 Kleimer, Gretchen Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 42.000 $ 411,400 $ 13,993.97 $ 86.32 $ 13 7 E. Main 709 S. Wilson East 19' Lot 3; West 23' Lot 4 RGH5540 Bozeman, MT 59715 Hoffart, Leon & Miller, Vickie A. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 7.750 $ 195,350 $ 2,582.22 14 9 & 11 E. Main 9751 Forest Creek Dr. East 5' Lot 4; West 26' Lot 5 RGH4173 Bozeman, MT 59715 Bryan, Mark A. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 50,650 $ 2,425.07 $ 672.25 7.278 $ 14 9& 11 E. Main 11 E. Main East 5' Lot 4; West 26' LotS RGH21437 Bozeman, MT 59715 Bartlo, Mary M. & Christopher D. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 7.278 $ 50,650 $ 2,425.07 14 9 & 11 E. Main 712 S. Wilson East 5' Lot 4; West 26' Lot 5 RGH21438 Bozeman, MT 59715 Bryan, Mark A. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 7.278 $ 50,650 $ 2,425.07 14 9 & 11 E. Main 11 E. Main Suite D East5'Lot4;West26' LotS RGH21437 Bozeman, MT 59715 Fechter, John & Ruth Trust Bozeman Original Townsite, B!ock F: 31.415 $ 254,150 $ 10,467.16 15 17 E. Main P.O. Box 970 East 4.83' Lot 5; All Lot 6 RGH2604 CarlsborQ, WA 98324 Smith, Robert Orton Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 26.670 $ 137,150 $ 8,886.17 16 23 E. Main 405 Park PI West 26.67' Lot 7 RGH5606 Bozeman, MT 59715 Stahly Engineering Associates jgm 11/20/2000 Page 3 of 17 MAl N STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED PARCEL # ADDRESS OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT 1ft) VALUATION ASSESSMENT SID 17 27 E. Main Newhaller, Pamela A. ASSESSMENTS TAXES RGH22498 Unit A P.O. Box 6354 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 7.800 Bozeman, MT 59771-6354 East 1.33' Lot 7; All Lot 8; West 9.67' Lot 9 $ 217,160 $ 2,598.88 17 B&P Real Estate RGH27581 27 E. Main 27 E. Main #C Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: Bozeman, MT 59715 East 1.33' Lot 7; All Lot 8; West 9.67' Lot 9 7.800 $ 156,210 $ 2,598.88 17 Lehrkind, Carl & Sally RGH2848 27 E. Main 27 E. Main Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: Bozeman, MT 59715 East 1.33' Lot 7; All Lot 8; West 9.67' Lot 9 7.800 $ 133,330 $ 2,598.88 17 Prugh & Lenon Property Mngmt RGH27583 27 E. Main 27 E. Main Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: Bozeman, MT 59715 East 1.33' Lot 7; All Lot 8; West 9.67' Lot 9 7.800 $ 100,040 $ 2,598.88 17 Prugh & Lenon Property Mngmt RGH27585 27 E. Main 27 E. Main Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: Bozeman, MT 59715 East 1.33' Lot 7; All Lot 8; West 9.67' Lot 9 7.800 $ 86,650 $ 2,598.88 18 29 E. Main Kilbride, Daniel D., Trustee RGH3834 2849 Westwood Dr Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: Billings, MT 59102-148 East 18.33' Lot 9; West 3.5' Lot 10 21.830 $ 220,000 $ 7,273.53 19 Bradford, Robert & Louise; Opal J. Dieruf RGH2362 33-39 E. Main Revocable Living Trust Bozeman Original Townsite, Block F: 222 E. Main East 24.5' Lot 10; All Lots 11 & 12 80.500 $ 1,219,000 $ 26,821.77 20 Bozeman, MT 59715 RGH6613 101 E. Main Delaney, Michael W. RGH27970; 101 E. Main Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: RGH27972-75 Bozeman, MT 59715 All Lot 1; West 24.5' Lot 2 40.425 $ 506,452 $ 13,469.19 20 101 E. Main G & M Enterprises LLC RGH27971 2504 W. Main St. Ste E Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: Bozeman, MT 59718-3966 All Lot 1; West 24.5' Lot 2 12.075 $ 151,278 $ 4,023.27 $ 1,899.95 21 109-113 E. Phillips Book Store Inc. RGH5048 Main P.O. Box 280 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 59.500 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 3.5' Lot 2; All Lots 3 & 4 $ 363,500 $ 19,824.79 22 Evans, Robert O. & Annette R. RGH3980 117 E. Main 604 S. Wilson Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: Bozeman, MT 59715 All Lot 5 14.000 $ 87,700 $ 4,664.66 22 Evans, Robert O. & Annette R. RGH2587 115 E. Main 604 S. Wilson Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: Bozeman, MT 59715 All Lot 5 14.000 $ 87,700 $ 4,664.66 jgm 1112012000 Page 4 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft} VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSE~SMENTS TAXES 23 119,121 E Evans, Robert O. & Annette R. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 604 S. Wilson 28.000 $ 153,200 $ 9,329.31 RGH2586 Main Bozeman, MT 59715 All of Lot 6 24 Sandi land, Douglas S. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: RGH6316 123 E. Main 123 E Main S1. West 24.55' Lot 7 24.550 $ 135,750 $ 8,179.81 Bozeman, MT 59715 25 Nygard Family LLC Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 127 E. Main 3113 Johnson Rd 22.450 $ 108,450 $ 7,480.11 $ 685.97 RGH3978 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 3.45' Lot 7; West 19' Lot 8 26 Nygard Family LLC Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 129 E. Main 3113 Johnson Rd 27.500 $ 253,300 $ 9,162.72 $ 1,468.61 RGH4252 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 9' Lot 8; All of Lot 9; West 18' Lot 10 26 Nygard Family LLC Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 131 E. Main 3113 Johnson Rd 27.500 $ 263,500 $ 9,162.72 $ 1,661.20 RGH4251 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 9' Lot 8; All of Lot 9; West 18' Lot 10 27 Gallatin Lodge of AF & AM Bozeman Original Townsite, Block E: 13 N. Bozeman P.O. Box 35 32.500 $ 255,450 $ 10,828.67 $ 1,576.32 RGH2829 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 10' Lot 10; All of Lot 11 28 Three V Partnership clo L Strobel Bozeman Original Townite, Block D: RGH6242 201 E. Main 1417 Harris Ave Apt D All of Lot 1 ; West 25.5' Lot 2 53.500 $ 494,300 $ 17,825.65 Bellingham, WA 98225 29 211-215E. Ferraro, Ralph A. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: RGH2272 Main 211 E Main East 2.5' Lot 2; All Lot 3 & 4; West 13.5' Lot 72.000 $ 287,100 $ 23,989.66 Bozeman, MT 59715 5 30 Robert L. Sanks Trust Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 219 E. Main 411 W. Dickerson 26.000 $ 179,300 $ 8,662.93 RGH4059 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 14.5' Lot 5; West 11.5' Lot 6 31 Bates, Ann C Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 223 E. Main 223 E. Main 13.250 $ 143,880 $ 4,414.76 $ 25.17 RGH6401 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 16.5' Lot 6; West 10' Lot 7 31 Bates, Ann C Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 221 E. Main 223 E. Main 13.250 $ 119,580 $ 4,414.76 $ 712.66 RGH29080 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 16.5' Lot 6; West 10' Lot 7 32 American Legion Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: RGH2831 225 E. Main P.O. Box 936 East 18' Lot 7; West 8.33' Lot 8 26.330 $ 83,473 $ 8,772.89 Bozeman, MT 59715 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 5 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS (ft1 VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES 33 Pope, Leandra Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: RGH 1572 229 E. Main 1508 S. Wilson East 19.67' Lot 8; All Lot 9; West 8.63' Lot 27.380 $ 200,500 $ 9,122.73 Bozeman, MT 59715 10 33 Pope, Leandra Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: RGH2764 231 E. Main 1508 S. Wilson East 19.67' Lot 8; All Lot 9; West 8.63' Lot 28.920 $ 167,650 $ 9,635.85 Bozeman, MT 59715 10 34 Sharbert Enterprises, Inc. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 237 E. Main P.O. Box 6760 25.180 $ 336,850 $ 8,389.72 RGH6298 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 19.37' Lot 10; West 5.81' Lot 11 35 Artcraft Printers Inc, The Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 241 E. Main 6673 S. 3rd 50.190 $ 304,000 $ 16,722.79 RGH4976 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 22.19' Lot 11; All Lot 12 36 Graff, Robert F. & Helori M. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 303 E. Main 6673 S 3rd 28.000 $ 242,400 $ 9,329.31 RGH3051 Bozeman, MT 59715 AU Lot 13 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 37-38 311,313 & 315 Perell, John S. & Elizabeth C All Lot 14; Lot 15, EXCEPTING the East RGH6307 E. Main 13502 Andalusia Dr. 10.33' of the North 60.4'; West 3.66' of the 70.410 $ 366,4 77 $ 23,459.89 $ 2,255.81 Camarillo, CA 93012 East 17.25' of the South 62.8' & West 10.75' of the South 89.6' Lot 16 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-BA Montana Financial Services, Inc. East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH4898 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.601 $ 32,867 $ 866.77 $ 199.17 $ 835.39 Bozeman, MT 59718 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Overland Express Land & Livestock Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39 - BB Phi! Schneider East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH3740 321 E. Main 321 E Main EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.643 $ 8,123 $ 214.21 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39 - BC Wendy Cowdrey East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH4899 321 E. Main 1007 Berthot Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 6.070 $ 76,690 $ 2,022.46 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; AI! Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 6 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - 5.1.0. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS (fU VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Overland Express Land & Livestock Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-1A Phil Schneider East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH3741 321 E. Main 321 E Main EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 12.190 $ 154,011 $ 4,061.55 Bozeman, MT 59715+C13 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-1 B Sobrepena, Robert East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH3742 321 E. Main 1417 S. Church EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.336 $ 29,514 $ 778.34 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-1C Cowdrey, Wendy East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH4900 321 E. Main 1007 Berthot Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 5.518 $ 69,718 $ 1,838.60 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-10 Cowdrey, Wendy East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH4901 321 E. Main 1007 Berthot Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.138 $ 1,748 $ 46.11 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-1E Baide, Barbara East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH2621 321 E. Main 321 E. Main EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.839 $ 10,602 $ 279.58 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-1 F c/o Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1355 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.768 $ 34,970 $ 922.22 $ 452.66 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2A cia Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1220 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.194 $ 15,083 $ 397.78 $ 198.67 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 7 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft} VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2B c/o Aspen Properties East 1 0.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1221 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 3.014 $ 38,079 $ 1,004.22 $ 492.26 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2C c/o Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1222 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.362 $ 17,208 $ 453.81 $ 225.71 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-20 Montana Financial Services, Inc. East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1223 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.931 $ 24,401 $ 643.51 Bozeman, MT 59718 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2E Montana Financial Services, Inc. East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1224 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Dr EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 3.747 $ 47,342 $ 1,248.50 Bozeman, MT 59718 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National & Montana Financial Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2F Services East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1225 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.914 $ 11 ,553 $ 304.68 $ 153.28 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2G c/o Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1226 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.622 $ 33,133 $ 873.77 $ 439.00 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2H c/o Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1227 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.129 $ 14,265 $ 376.18 $ 188.04 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 8 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS IfU VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2J c/o Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60A' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH 1228 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.541 $ 6,839 $ 180.36 $ 93.40 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2K clo Aspen Properties East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH 1229 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.194 $ 15,083 $ 397.78 $ 198.67 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89B of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Atlantic National Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-2L c/o Aspen Properties East 1 0.33' of the North 60A' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH 1230 321 E. Main 115 W. Kagy Blvd #0 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.279 $ 3,519 $ 92.81 $ 50.91 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-P1 Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60A' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1260 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.746 $ 9,429 $ 248.65 $ 57.16 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-P2 Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1261 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East o AOO $ 5,057 $ 133.37 $ 30.69 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-P3 Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60A' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1262 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East OA53 $ 5,721 $ 150.88 $ 34.67 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-P4 Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60A' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1263 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.453 $ 5,721 $ 150.88 $ 34.67 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 9 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft} VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-P5 Gillespie, Dale East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1711 321 E. Main 321 E. Main EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.967 $ 24,855 $ 655.47 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-3A Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1231 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.179 $ 14,895 $ 392.82 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-3B Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1232 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.846 $ 23,317 $ 614.91 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-3C Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1233 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.200 $ 27,799 $ 733.10 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-30 Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1234 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.228 $ 15,515 $ 409.16 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-3E Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1235 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.562 $ 19,731 $ 520.35 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-3F Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1236 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.127 $ 26,869 $ 708.59 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 10 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft} VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3G Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1237 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.618 $ 7,813 $ 206.04 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3H Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1238 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.258 $ 15,891 $ 419.08 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block. D: 39-3J Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1239 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.543 $ 32,126 $ 847.21 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3K Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1240 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.160 $ 14,652 $ 386.40 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3L Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1241 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.658 $ 8,311 $ 219.17 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3M Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH 1242 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.357 $ 4,515 $ 119.07 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3N Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1243 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.036 $ 13,092 $ 345.25 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 11 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - SJ.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS lft\ VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-3P Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1244 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.279 $ 3,519 $ 92.81 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-4A S Double M East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1245 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Drive EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.928 $ 11,730 $ 309.35 Bozeman, MT 59718-8303 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4B S Double M East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1246 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Drive EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.629 $ 20,583 $ 542.82 Bozeman, MT 59718-8303 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-4C S Double M East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1247 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Drive EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.755 $ 9,539 $ 251.57 Bozeman, MT 59718-8303 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-40 S Double M East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1248 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Drive EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.027 $ 32,867 $ 342.33 Bozeman, MT 59718-8303 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-4E Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1249 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1 .464 $ 18,492 $ 487.67 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4F Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1250 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 2.683 $ 33,896 $ 893.91 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 12 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft' VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4G Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1251 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.112 $ 14,054 $ 370.64 $ 85.27 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4H Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1252 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.097 $ 13,855 $ 365.38 $ 84.10 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4J Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1253 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite 416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.246 $ 3,110 $ 82.01 $ 18.97 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4K Oasis Telecommunications East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1254 321 E. Main 321 E. Main Suite416 EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.466 $ 5,887 $ 155.26 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4L Butler, Mack. 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1255 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 1.437 $ 18,160 $ 478.91 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4M Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1256 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.466 $ 5,887 $ 155.26 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; AU Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block 0: 39-4N Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1257 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.466 $ 5,887 $ 155.26 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 13 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS (ft\ VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-4P Butler, Mack 0 Jr East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1258 321 E. Main 3343 Kent Spur Road EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.434 $ 5,478 $ 144.46 Bozeman, MT 59715 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block D: 39-4Q S Double M East 10.33' of the North 60.4' Lot 15; Lot 16, RGH1259 321 E. Main 9713 Cougar Drive EXCEPTING the West 3.66' of the East 0.279 $ 3,519 $ 92.81 Bozeman, MT 59718-8303 17.25' of the South 62.8' & the South 89.6' of the West 10.75'; All Lots 17-19 Fraternal Order of Eagles 326 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: 40 East 0.58' of the North 80' & the East 2.58' 0 RGH2779 316 E. Main P.O. Box 274 the South 60' Lot 14, EXCEPTING the South 44.580 $ 325,602 $ 14,853.60 Bozeman, MT 59715 10' Lot 14; North 130' Lot 15 Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: East 6.25' of the South 60' Lot 12, 41 Milner, Anna K. EXCEPTI NG the East 6.25 of the South 10' RGH3380 246 E. Main P.O. Box 1798 of said Lot 12; North 130' Lot 13; West 16' of 45.420 $ 309,026 $ 15,133.48 $ 1 ,835.24 Bozeman, MT 59715 the North 130' Lot 14, EXCEPTING the East 0.58' of the North 80' & the East 2.58' of the South 60' of Lot 14 Milner, Anna K. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: 42 238,240 & 242 P.O. Box 1798 Lots 10-12, EXCEPTING the South 10' of 90.000 $ 547,722 $ 29,987.08 RGH2354 E. Main said Lots 10-12, FURTHER EXCEPTING the Bozeman, MT 59715 East 6.25' of the South 60' of said Lot 12 43 Decosse Westgate Partnership Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: RGH2302 234 E. Main 2500 Fairway Dr. East 2.5' Lot 8; All Lot 9 32.500 $ 162,777 $ 10,828.67 Bozeman, MT 59715 44 Tache, Mark & Cooper, Christin Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: RGH6297 232 E. Main 232. E. Main East 5' of the North 130' Lot 7: West 27.5' of 32.500 $ 506,177 $ 10,828.67 Bozeman, MT 59715 the North 130' lot 8 First Security Bank Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: 45 222 E. Main c/o Dennis Bechtold East 25' Lot 5; All Lot 6; West 25' Lot 7; 1 08.500 $ 1,182,540 $ 36,151.09 RGH5935 P.O. Box 910 East 23.5' of the North 130' Lot 4; West 5' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the North 130' Lot 5 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 14 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.!.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT PARCEL # ADDRESS OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE VALUATION ASSESSMENT SID TAXES ift1 ASSESSMENTS Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: Security Bank and Trust Company East 27.6' Lot1; AI! of Lots 2 & 3; West 6.5' 46 208 E. Main c/o Dennis Bechtold Lot 4; West 6.5' Lot 33; All Lots 34 & 35; 96.500 $ 3,328,186 $ 32,152.81 RGH5438 P.O. Box 910 East 27.6' Lot 36; Together with a strip of Bozeman, MT 59715 land approx. 22' wide and adjacent to the southern boundaries of said Lots 33-36 East Main Partners Bozeman Original Townsite, Block B: 47 136 & 140 E. P.O. Box 430 West 8' of the North 80' Lot 8; Lot 9 58.230 $ 597,427 $ 19,401.64 RGH6295 Main Bozeman, MT 59715 EXCEPTI NG the East 1.77' of the North 60'; All Lot 10 Evans, Robert O. & Annette R. & Bozeman Original Townsite, Block. B: 49 128 & 134 E. Cowdrey, Marvin & June East 17' Lot 7; West 22' Lot 8, East 8' of the 48.770 $ 655,955 $ 16,249.66 RGH28094 Main 3032 E. Frontage Rd North 60' Lot 8; West 1.77' of the North 60' Bozeman, MT 59715 Lot 9 50 124 & 126 E. Allied Manufacturing Corp Bozeman Original Townsite, Block B: RGH1169 Main P.O. Box 794 East 13' Lot 6; West 13' Lot 7 26.000 $ 269,714 $ 8,662.93 Bozeman, MT 59715 Gallatin Realty Co., Inc. 51 120 E. Main cia W. J. Sullivan Bozeman Original Townsite, Block B: 28.500 $ 200,770 $ 9,495.91 RGH2836 P.O. 794 East 13' Lot 5; West 17' Lot 6 Bozeman, MT 59715 52 McLaughlin, Donald J. Jr. & Elizabeth L. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block B: 118 E. Main 322 South 7th 20.000 $ 286,519 $ 6,663.79 RGH5984 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 1.5' Lot 4; West 20' Lot 5 First Bank Bozeman Bozeman Original Townsite, Block B: All Lot 53 104 E. Main Attn: Operation Dept 1; Lot 2 EXCEPTING the East 6.26' of the 118.500 $ 3,246,141 $ 39,482.98 RGH2645 P.O. Box 730 South 7'; Lot 3 EXCEPTING the West 26' of Bozeman, MT 59715 the South 7'; West 28.5' Lot 4 54 Westburg, Jim D. & Carol J. Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: 44 E. Main 1772 Moffit Gulch Rd. 45.000 $ 468,653 $ 14,993.54 RGH4940 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 15' Lot 10; All of Lot 11 55 Owenhouse Hardware Company Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: RGH4934 36 E. Main P.O. Box 1187 All Lot 9; West 15' Lot 10 45.000 $ 430,253 $ 14,993.54 Bozeman, MT 59715 56 SBA Partnership Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: RGH2391 32 E. Main P.O. Box 1187 East 25' Lot 6; All Lots 7 & 8 30.000 $ - $ 9,995.69 Bozeman, MT 59715 jgm 11/20/2000 Page 15 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS (ft} VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES 57 26 & 26-1/2 E. SBA Partnership Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: RGH2271 Main P.O. Box 1187 East 25' Lot 6; AI! Lots 7 & 8 55.000 $ 684,550 $ 18,325.44 Bozeman, MT 59715 58 Smith, Robert Orton Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: 18 E. Main 405 Park PI 35.000 $ 333,765 $ 11,661.64 RGH5605 Bozeman, MT 59715 All Lot 5; West 5' Lot 6 59 Masonic Temple Bozeman Original Townsite, Block A: RGH4275 2 - 16 E. Main 14 S. Tracy All Lots 1-4 110.000 $ 882,619 $ 36,650.87 Bozeman, MT 59715 Crawford, Thomas H. III Story's Addition, Block A: 60 clo T. Crawford Enterprises RGH2583 2 W. Main 15 S. Tracy North 103' Lot 1; North 103' of the East 54 .250 $ 673,716 $ 18,075.54 Bozeman, MT 59715 24.25' Lot 2 Russell-Vorrell Partnership Story's Addition, Block A: 61 West 5.75' Lot 2; East 26.25' Lot 3; North 4' RGH5276 10-12 W. Main 1731 2nd Street S.w. of the East 26.25' Lot 20; North 4' of the 32.375 $ 180,619 $ 10,787.02 Rochester, MN 55902 West 5.75' Lot 21 62 Montana Motor Supply Story's Addition, Block A: RGH4415 20 W. Main P.O. Box 580 West 3' Lot 3; All Lots 4 & 5; North 4' Lots 18 63.375 $ 624,154 $ 21,115.90 Bozeman, MT 59715 & 19 63 Brooks, Charles L. Story's Addition, Block A: RGH4172 22 W. Main 2575 Outlaw Lane All Lots 6 & 7; East 6' Lot 8; East 4' of the 14.520 $ 20,044 $ 4,837.91 $ 205.06 Belgrade, MT 59714-8746 North 4' Lot 15; North 4' Lots 16 & 17 63 Gilpin, Michael Story's Addition, Block A: RGH27549 22 W. Main 200 S. 23rd Ste 0-7-145 All Lots 6 & 7; East 6' Lot 8; East 4' of the 25.080 $ 34,622 $ 8,356.40 RGH27554 Bozeman, MT 59718 North 4' Lot 15; North 4' Lots 16 & 17 63 Vanantwerp, Steven C. Story's Addition, Block A: RGH22479 22 W. Main 414 N. 15th Ave All Lots 6 & 7; East 6' Lot 8; East 4' of the 2.640 $ 3,644 $ 879.62 Bozeman, MT 59715 North 4' Lot 15; North 4' Lots 16 & 17 63 DiSanti, Mary Jane Story's Addition, Block A: RGH22480 22 W. Main 309 S. 3rd Ave All Lots 6 & 7; East 6' Lot 8; East 4' of the 22.440 $ 30,977 $ 7,476.78 $ 1,029.80 Bozeman, MT 59715 North 4' Lot 15; North 4' Lots 16 & 17 63 Simons, James H. Story's Addition, Block A: RGH22484 22 W. Main 35 E. Mendenhall Ste 214 All Lots 6 & 7; East 6' Lot 8; East 4' of the 1.320 $ 1,822 $ 439.81 Bozeman, MT 59715 North 4' Lot 15; North 4' Lots 16 & 17 64 Kleimer, Gretchen Story's Addition, Block A: 30 W. Main 709 S, Willson 24.500 $ 188,563 $ 8,163.15 $ 67.72 $ 2,524.70 RGH2008 Bozeman, MT 59715 West 24' Lot 8; East 0.5' Lot 9 jgm 11120/2000 Page 16 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates MAIN STREET BOZEMAN - S.I.D. OWNER ASSESSMENT ESTIMATE (11-20-00) Downtown Bozeman Association BUILDING # PROPERTY ASSESSED MARKET SID OUTSTANDING DELINQUENT OWNER NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE SID PARCEL # ADDRESS 1ft) VALUATION ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTS TAXES Story's Addition, Block A: 65 Decker, Fred H. West 29.5' Lot 9; Eastern portion being 7.5' RGH2730 34-36 W. Main 36 W. Main wide on Main SI. & 9.1' wide at rear Lot 10; 37.000 $ 187,391 $ 12,328.02 Bozeman, MT 59715 East 9.1' of the North 4' Lot 13; West 29.5' of the North 4' Lot 14 Story's Addition, Block A: 65 Stepanzoff, Allegra Western portion being 22.5' wide on Main S1. RGH 1586 40-42 W. Main 1000 N. Point SI. Suite 1007 & 20.9' wide at rear Lot 10; All of Lot 11; 37.500 $ 327,386 $ 12,494.61 San Francisco, CA 94109 North 4' Lot 12; West 20.9' of the North 4' Lot 13 66 Taylor, Robert A Story's Addition, Block B: 1 RGH1461 104 W. Main P.O. Box 1234 All Lots 1-3; East 5' Lot 4 95.000 $ 954,320 $ 31,653.02 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 67 J.B. Lovelace Story's Addition, Block B: RGH3580 122 W. Main 122 W. Main West 25' Lot 4; All Lots 5-7; South 18' Lots 8 115.000 $ 596,100 $ 38,316.82 I Bozeman, MT 59715 & 9; North 53' Lots 12-15 68 Badgley, Glenn E. Story's Addition, Block B: I 136 W. Main P.O. Box 211 60.000 $ 157,590 $ 19,991.38 RGH1331 Bozeman, MT 59715 North 120' Lots 8 & 9 Rouse & Main City of Bozeman Park Bozeman Original Townsite, Block C: 70.000 $ 23,323.28 All of Lots 16 17 18 TOTALS 3481.50 $ 33,570,552 $ 1,160,000 $ 378.38 $ 29,664.61 Bond Size $1,160,000 Assessable Lineal Feet 3481.50 Rate per Lineal Feet $333.19 NOTES: (1) RGH #'s 22543-47, 27635, 22549, 27637, 22551, 27639, 22553-54, 27641-42, 22557, 27644, 22559, 27646, 22561-63, 27615, 22525, 27617, 27619, 22527, 22529, 27621, 22531, 27623-24, 22569 (2) RGH #'s 22534,27626-28.22538,27630,22540-42 The assessed lineal footage amount for condominiums is obtained by dividing the individual owner's market valuation by the total sum of market valuations for that condominium II jgm 11/20/2000 Page 17 of 17 Stahly Engineering Associates -..-----.-- -- . -..------."..-.------ ...- ---- Exhibit "B" CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA SID NO. 669 Legal Description Tracts of land located in the North one-half of Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, being more particularly described as follows: Lots 2 through 13, Block A, Tracy's Addition Lots 1 through 10, Block B, Tracy's Addition Lot 1, excepting the south 35.00 feet; Lot 2, excepting the east 24.25 feet of the south 35.00 feet; Lots 3 through 11; the north 4.00 feet of Lots 12 through 14; the east 6.00 feet of the-north 4.00 feet of Lot 15; the north 4.00 feet of Lots 16 through 20; and the west 5.75 feet of the north 4.00 feet of Lot 21, Block A, Story's Add ition Lots 1 through 9; and the north 53.00 feet of Lots 12 through 15, Block B, Story's Addition Lots 1 through 11, Block A, Original Townsite Lot 1; Lot 2, excepting the east 6.26 feet of the south 7.00 feet; Lot 3, excepting the west 26.00 feet of the south 7.00 feet; and Lots 4 through 10, Block B, Original Townsite Lots 1 through 18; the west 6.50 feet of Lot 33; and Lots 34 through 36, together with a strip of land approximately 22.00 feet wide and adjacent to the southern boundaries of the above-described Lots 33 through 36, Block C, Original Townsite Lots 1 through 19, Block D, Original Townsite Lots 1 through 11, Block E, Original Townsite Lots 1 through 12, Block F, Original Townsite ---...-.- .