HomeMy WebLinkAbout011e Wetland Functional AssessmentMDT Montana Wetland Assessment Form (revised March 2008)
1. Project Name:4840 Fowler Lane 2. MDT Project #:Control #:
3. Evaluation Date:05/31/2023 4. Evaluator(s):B Schultz 5. Wetlands/Site #(s):
6. Wetland Location(s): i. Legal:T2S,R5E,23
ii. Approx. Stationing or Mileposts:
iii. Watershed:
Watershed Name, County:Upper Missouri, Gallatin
7. a. Evaluating Agency:
b. Purpose of Evaluation:
Wetlands potentially affected by MDT project
Mitigation wetlands; pre-construction
Mitigation wetlands; post-construction
8. Wetland size: 2.080 acres (measured)
9. Assessment area (AA): 2.080 acres (measured)
10. Classification of Wetland and Aquatic Habitats in AA
HGM Class
Water Regime % of AA
S EM F PP 100.00
Abbreviations:(see manual for definitions)
HGM Classes: Riverine (R), Depressional (D), Slope (S), Mineral Soil
Flats (MSF), Organic Soil Flats (OSF), Lacustrine Fringe (LF);
Cowardin Classes: Rock Bottom (RB), Unconsolidated bottom (UB),
Aquatic Bed (AB), Unconsolidated Shore (US), Moss-lichen Wetland
(ML), Emergent Wetland (EM), Scrub-Shrub Wetland (SS), Forested
Wetland (FO)
Modifiers: Excavated (E), Impounded (I), Diked (D), Partly Drained
(PD), Farmed (F), Artificial (A)
Water Regimes: Permanent / Perennial (PP), Seasonal / Intermittent
(SI), Temporary / Ephemeral (TE)
11. Estimated relative abundance:(of similarly classified sites within the same Major Montana Watershed Basin, see definitions)
12. General condition of AA:
i. Disturbance: (use matrix below to determine [circle] appropriate response – see instructions for Montana-listed noxious weed and aquatic
nuisance vegetation species (ANVS) list)
Conditions within AA Managed in predominantly natural state; is not
grazed, hayed, logged, or otherwise converted;
does not contain roads or buildings; and noxious
weed or ANVS cover is >=15%.
Land not cultivated, but may be moderately
grazed or hayed or selectively logged; or has
been subject to minor clearing; contains few
roads or buildings; noxious weed or ANVS cover
is <= 30%.
Land cultivated or heavily grazed or logged;
subject to substantial fill placement, grading,
clearing, or hydrological alteration; high road or
building density; or noxious weed or ANVS cover
is > 30%.
Predominant conditions adjacent to (within 500 feet of) AA
AA cultivated or heavily grazed or logged;
subject to relatively substantial fill placement,
grading, clearing, or hydrological alteration; high
road or building density; or noxious weed or
ANVS cover is > 30%.
AA not cultivated, but may be moderately grazed
or hayed or selectively logged; or has been
subject to relatively minor clearing, fill placement,
or hydrological alteration; contains few roads or
buildings; noxious weed or ANVS cover is <=
AA occurs and is managed in predominantly
natural state; is not grazed, hayed, logged, or
otherwise converted; does not contain roads or
occupied buildings; and noxious weed or ANVS
cover is <= 15%.
low disturbance low disturbance moderate disturbance
moderate disturbance moderate disturbance high disturbance
high disturbance high disturbance high disturbancehigh disturbance
Comments: (types of disturbance, intensity, season, etc.): Agricultural field with hydric soils.
ii. Prominent noxious, aquatic nuisance, & other exotic vegetation species: Common tansy and Canada thistle were observed.
iii. Provide brief descriptive summary of AA and surrounding land use/habitat: Majority of area is agricultural or developed.
13. Structural Diversity: (based on number of "Cowardin" vegetated classes present [do not include unvegetated classes], see #10 above)
Existing # of “Cowardin” Vegetated Classes in AA Initial
Is current management preventing (passive)
existence of additional vegetated classes?Modified Rating
>= 3 (or 2 if 1 is forested) classes H NA NA NA
2 (or 1 if forested) classes M NA NA NA
1 class, but not a monoculture M <-- NO YES -->L
1 class, monoculture (1 species comprises >= 90% of total cover)LL NA NA NA
Comments: Area is mostly hayed for alfalfa. Some fringe not is hay is also wetland.
14A. Habitat for Federally Listed or Proposed Threatened or Endangered Plants or Animals:
i. AA is Documented (D) or Suspected (S) to contain (circle one based on definitions contained in instructions):
Primary or critical habitat (list species)Secondary habitat (list species)Incidental habitat (list species)
No usable habitat
ii. Rating (use the conclusions from i above and the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Highest Habitat Level doc/primary sus/primary doc/secondary sus/secondary doc/incidental sus/incidental None
Functional Points and Rating 1H .9H .8M .7M .3L .1L 0L0L
Sources for documented use (e.g. observations, records, etc):A review of USFWS Information, Planning and Conservation System database for the
site listed the Canada Lynx and grizzly bear as threatened species, the North
American wolverine as proposed threatened and the monarch butterfly as candidate
for T&E in the area. Proposed activities on the at the 4840 Fowler Lane Property are
not expected to impact these species as there are no critical habitats for these or any
federally listed species within the project area.
Incidental habitat (list species)
i. AA is Documented (D) or Suspected (S) to contain (circle one based on definitions contained in instructions):
ii. Rating (use the conclusions from i above and the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
No usable habitat
14B. Habitat for plant or animals rated S1, S2, or S3 by the Montana Natural Heritage Program: (not including species listed in14A above)
Primary or critical habitat (list species)Secondary habitat (list species)
S1 Species: Functional Points
and Rating
doc/primary sus/primary sus/incidentalHighest Habitat Level Nonedoc/secondary doc/incidental
1H .8H .7M .6M .2L .1L 0L
S2 and S3 Species: Functional
Points and Rating .9H .7M .6M .5M .2L .1L 0L0L
Sources for documented use (e.g. observations, records, etc):NO state listed Plants or animals within the area.
14C. General Wildlife Habitat Rating:
i. Evidence of overall wildlife use in the AA (circle substantial, moderate, or low based on supporting evidence):
Substantial (based on any of the following [check]):Minimal (based on any of the following [check]):
observations of abundant wildlife #s or high species diversity (during any period)
abundant wildlife sign such as scat, tracks, nest structures, game trails, etc.
presence of extremely limiting habitat features not available in the surrounding area
interviews with local biologists with knowledge of the AA
few or no wildlife observations during peak use periods
little to no wildlife sign
sparse adjacent upland food sources
interviews with local biologists with knowledge of the AA
Moderate (based on any of the following [check]):
observations of scattered wildlife groups or individuals or relatively few species during peak periods
interviews with local biologists with knowledge of the AA
common occurrence of wildlife sign such as scat, tracks, nest structures, game trails, etc.
adequate adjacent upland food sources
ii. Wildlife habitat features (Working from top to bottom, circle appropriate AA attributes in matrix to arrive at rating. Structural diversity is from #13. For
class cover to be considered evenly distributed, the most and least prevalent vegetated classes must be within 20% of each other interms of their
percent composition of the AA (see #10). Abbreviations for surface water durations are as follows: P/P = permanent/perennial; S/I =
seasonal/intermittent; T/E = temporary/ephemeral; and A = absent [see instructions for further definitions of these terms])
Structural diversity (see #13)High Moderate Low
Class cover distribution (all
vegetated classes)Even Uneven Even Uneven Even
Duration of surface water in
>=10% of AA P/P S/I T/E A P/P S/I T/E A P/P S/I T/E A P/P S/I T/E A P/P S/I T/E A
Low disturbance at AA (see
#12i)E E E H E E H H E H H M E H M M E H M M
Moderate disturbance at AA
(see #12i)H H H H H H H M H H M M H M M L H M L L
High disturbance at AA (see
#12i)M M M L M M L L M M L L M L L L LL L L L
iii. Rating (use the conclusions from i and ii above and the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Evidence of wildlife use (i)Wildlife habitat features rating (ii)
Exceptional High Moderate Moderate
Substantial 1E .9H .8H .7M
Moderate .9H .7M .5M .3L
Minimal .6M .4M .2L .1L.1L
Few birds were observed on site (magpie, American robin). Other likely species that utilize that site are voles, mice, deer, racoon,
14D. General Fish Habitat Rating: (Assess this function if the AA is used by fish or the existing situation is “correctable” such that the AA could be
used by fish [i.e., fish use is precluded by perched culvert or other barrier, etc.]. If the AA is not used by fish, fish use is not restorable due to habitat
constraints, or is not desired from a management perspective [such as fish entrapped in a canal], then mark X
Type of Fishery:Cold Water (CW)Warm Water (WW)Use the CW or WW guidelines in the user manual to complete the matrix
i. Habitat Quality and Known / Suspected Fish Species in AA (use matrix to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Duration of surface water
in AA Permanent / Perennial Seasonal / Intermittent Temporary / Ephemeral
Aquatic hiding / resting /
escape cover Optimal Adequate Poor Optimal Adequate Poor Optimal Adequate Poor
Thermal cover optimal /
suboptimal O S O S O S O S O S O S O S O S O S
FWP Tier I fish species 1E .9H .8H .7M .6M .5M .9H .8H .7M .6M .5M .4M .7M .6M .5M .4M .3L .2L
FWP Tier II or Native
Game fish species .9H .8H .7M .6M .5M .5M .8H .7M .6M .5M .4M .4M .6M .5M .4M .3L .2L .2L
FWP Tier III or
Introduced Game fish .8H .7M .6M .5M .5M .4M .7M .6M .5M .4M .4M .3L .5M .4M .3L .2L .2L .1L
FWP Non-Game Tier IV
or No fish species .5M .5M .5M .4M .4M .3L .4M .4M .4M .3L .3L .2L .2L .2L .2L .1L .1L .1L
Sources used for identifying fish sp. potentially found in AA:
ii. Modified Rating (NOTE: Modified score cannot exceed 1 or be less than 0.1)
a) Is fish use of the AA significantly reduced by a culvert, dike, or other man-made structure or activity or is the waterbody included on the current
life support, or do aquatic nuisance plant or animal species (see Appendix E) occur in fish habitat?
final MDEQ list of waterbodies in need of TMDL development with listed “Probable Impaired Uses” including cold or warm water fishery or aquatic
b) Does the AA contain a documented spawning area or other critical habitat feature (i.e., sanctuary pool, upwelling area, etc.- specify in
comments) for native fish or introduced game fish?
iii. Final Score and Rating:NA Comments:Water may be perennial or intermittent. Fish populations not likely supported due to
lack of connections and potential for channel to be dry during irrigation off season.
14E. Flood Attenuation: (Applies only to wetlands subject to flooding via in-channel or overbank flow. If wetlands in AA are not flooded from
in-channel or overbank flow, mark
i. Rating (working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Estimated or Calculated Entrenchment (Rosgen 1994, 1996)Slightly entrenched - C, D,
E stream types
Moderately entrenched – B
stream type
Entrenched-A, F, G stream
% of flooded wetland classified as forested and/or scrub/shrub 75%25-75%<25%75%25-75%<25%75%25-75%<25%
AA contains no outlet or restricted outlet 1H .9H .6M .8H .7M .5M .4M .3L .2L
AA contains unrestricted outlet .9H .8H .5M.5M .7M .6M .4M .3L .2L .1L
Entrenchment ratio (ER) estimation – see User’s Manual for additional guidance. Entrenchment ratio = (flood-prone width)/(bankfull width) Flood-prone
width = estimated horizontal projection of where 2 x maximum bankfull depth elevation intersects the floodplain on each side of the stream.
8 /
3 =
Entrenchment ratio
Slightly Entrenched
ER = >2.2
Moderately Entrenched
ER = 1.41 – 2.2
ER = 1.0 – 1.4
C stream type D stream type E stream type B stream type A stream type F stream type G stream type
NA and proceed to 14E.)
If yes, reduce score in i above by 0.1.
If yes, add 0.1 to the adjusted score in i or iia.
NA and proceed to 14F.)
ii. Are ≥10 acres of wetland in the AA subject to flooding AND are man-made features which may be significantly damaged by floods located within 0.5
mile downstream of the AA (circle)?Comments:Possible intermittent waterway. Will be unknown until irrigation season ends in
November. Water is free flowing through the site.
14F. Short and Long Term Surface Water Storage: (Applies to wetlands that flood or pond from overbank or in-channel flow, precipitation, upland
surface flow, or groundwater flow. If no wetlands in the AA are subject to flooding or ponding,
i. Rating (Working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating. Abbreviations for surface water durations
are as follows: P/P = permanent/perennial; S/I = seasonal/intermittent; and T/E = temporary/ephemeral [see instructions for further definitions of these
Estimated maximum acre feet of water contained in wetlands
within the AA that are subject to periodic flooding or ponding >5 acre feet 1.1 to 5 acre feet <=1 acre foot
Duration of surface water at wetlands within the AA P/P S/I T/E P/P S/I T/E P/P S/I T/E
Wetlands in AA flood or pond >= 5 out of 10 years 1H .9H .8H .8H .6M.6M .5M .4M .3L .2L
Wetlands in AA flood or pond < 5 out of 10 years .9H .8H .7M .7M .5M .4M .3L .2L .1L
Comments:Loy-lying area with high groundwater. Ponding and flooding likely in this area.
14G. Sediment/Nutrient/Toxicant Retention and Removal: (Applies to wetlands with potential to receive sediments, nutrients, or toxicants through
influx of surface or ground water or direct input. If no wetlands in the AA are subject to such input,
i. Rating (working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating [H=high, M=moderate, or L=low])
Sediment, nutrient, and toxicant input
levels within AA
AA receives or surrounding land use with
potential to deliver levels of sediments, nutrients,
or compounds at levels such that other functions
are not substantially impaired. Minor
sedimentation, sources of nutrients or toxicants,
or signs of eutrophication present.
Waterbody on MDEQ list of waterbodies in need of TMDL
development for “probable causes” related to sediment,
nutrients, or toxicants or AA receives or surrounding land
use with potential to deliver high levels of sediments,
nutrients, or compounds such that other functions are
substantially impaired. Major sedimentation, sources of
nutrients or toxicants, or signs of eutrophication present.
% cover of wetland vegetation in AA >= 70%< 70%>= 70%< 70%
Evidence of flooding / ponding in AA Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
AA contains no or restricted outlet 1H .8H .7M .5M .5M .4M .3L .2L
AA contains unrestricted outlet .9H.9H .7M .6M .4M .4M .3L .2L .1L
Comments:High ground water and good flowing within channel. Sediments, nutrients and toxicants are able to enter or exit the system.
14H Sediment/Shoreline Stabilization: (Applies only if AA occurs on or within the banks or a river, stream, or other natural or man-made drainage,
or on the shoreline of a standing water body which is subject to wave action. If 14H does not apply,
i. Rating (working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
% Cover of wetland streambank or
shoreline by species with stability
ratings of >=6 (see Appendix F).
Duration of surface water adjacent to rooted vegetation
Permanent / Perennial Seasonal / Intermittent Temporary / Ephemeral
>= 65%1H .9H .7M
35-64%.7M .6M .5M
35%.3L.3L .2L .1L
Comments:Small amount of wetland is influenced by waterway. Wetland most likely impacted by high groundwater.
14I. Production Export/Food Chain Support:
i. Level of Biological Activity (synthesis of wildlife and fish habitat ratings [circle])
General Fish Habitat
Rating (14D.iii.)
General Wildlife Habitat Rating (14C.iii.)
ii. Rating (Working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating. Factor A = acreage of vegetated wetland
component in the AA; Factor B = level of biological activity rating from above (14I.i.); Factor C = whether or not the AA contains a surface or subsurface
outlet; the final three rows pertain to duration of surface water in the AA, where P/P, S/I, and T/E are as previously defined, and A = “absent” [see
instructions for further definitions of these terms].)
NA and proceed to 14G.)
NA and proceed to 14H.)
NA and proceed to 14I.)
ii. Rating (Working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating. Factor A = acreage of vegetated wetland
component in the AA; Factor B = level of biological activity rating from above (14I.i.); Factor C = whether or not the AA contains a surface or subsurface
outlet; the final three rows pertain to duration of surface water in the AA, where P/P, S/I, and T/E are as previously defined, and A = “absent” [see
instructions for further definitions of these terms].)
A Vegetated component >5 acres Vegetated component 1-5 acres Vegetated component < 1 acre
B High Moderate Low High Moderate Low High Moderate Low
C Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
P/P 1H .7M .8H .5M .6M .4M .9H .6M .7M .4M .5M .3L.3L .8H .6M .6M .4M .3L .2L
S/I .9H .6M .7M .4M .5M .3L .8H .5M .6M .3L .4M .2L .7M .5M .5M .3L .3L .2L
T/E/A .8H .5M .6M .3L .4M .2L .7M .4M .5M .2L .3L .1L .6M .4M .4M .2L .2L .1L
iii. Modified Rating (NOTE: Modified score cannot exceed 1 or be less than 0.1.) Vegetated Upland Buffer (VUB): Area with >= 30% plant cover, = 15%
noxious weed or ANVS cover, and that is not subjected to periodic mechanical mowing or clearing (unless for weed control).
a) Is there an average >= 50 foot-wide vegetated upland buffer around >= 75% of the AA
iv. Final Score and Rating: 0.40M Comments:Development is encroaching on this property and buffers are decreasing on the wetland
If yes, add 0.1 to the score in ii
14J. Groundwater Discharge/Recharge: (check the appropriate indicators in i & ii below)
i. Discharge Indicators
The AA is a slope wetlandX
Springs or seeps are known or observed
Vegetation growing during dormant season/drought
Wetland occurs at the toe of a natural slope
AA permanently flooded during drought periods
Wetland contains an outlet, but no inlet
X Shallow water table and the site is saturated to the surface
ii. Recharge Indicators
Permeable substrate present without underlying impeding layer
Wetland contains inlet but no outlet
Stream is a known ‘losing’ stream; discharge volume decreases
iii. Rating (use the information from i and ii above and the table below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Duration of saturation at AA Wetlands FROM GROUNDWATER
P/P S/I T None
Groundwater Discharge or Recharge 1H1H .7M .4M .1L
Insufficient Data/Information N/A
Comments:Wetland has a slope in the northeast corner of the property where the majority of the wetland persists.
14K. Uniqueness:
i. Rating (working from top to bottom, use the matrix below to arrive at [circle] the functional points and rating)
Replacement potential
AA contains fen, bog, warm springs
or mature (>80 yr-old) forested
wetland or plant association listed
as “S1” by the MTNHP
AA does not contain previously cited
rare types and structural diversity
(#13) is high or contains plant
association listed as “S2” by the
AA does not contain previously cited
rare types or associations and
structural diversity (#13) is low-
Estimated relative abundance (#11)rare common abundant rare common abundant rare common abundant
Low disturbance at AA (#12i)1H .9H .8H .8H .6M .5M .5M .4M .3L
Moderate disturbance at AA (#12i).9H .8H .7M .7M .5M .4M .4M .3L .2L
High disturbance at AA (#12i).8H .7M .6M .6M .4M .3L .3L .2L .1L.1L
14L. Recreation/Education Potential: (affords “bonus” points if AA provides recreation or education opportunity)
i. Is the AA a known or potential rec./ed. site: (circle)(if ‘Yes’ continue with the evaluation; if ‘No’ then mark X NA and proceed to the
overall summary and rating page)
ii. Check categories that apply to the AA:Educational/scientific study;Consumptive rec.;Non-consumptive rec.;
Other :
iii. Rating:
Known or Potential Recreation or Education Area Known Potential
Public ownership or public easement with general public access (no permission required).2H .15H
Private ownership with general public access (no permission required).15H .1M
Private or public ownership without general public access, or requiring permission for public access .1M .05L
Comments:NO recreational or educational potential exists on this site.
General Site Notes
Wetlands on site are common in the Gallatin Valley. The waterway is an irrigation facility and is intermittent.
Function & Value Variables Rating
Units: (Actual
Points x Wetland
Indicate the four
most prominent
functions with
an asterisk (*)
A. Listed/Proposed T&E Species Habitat L 0.00 0.001
B. MT Natural Heritage Program Species Habitat L 0.00 1 0.00
C. General Wildlife Habitat L 0.10 1 0.21
D. General Fish Habitat NA
E. Flood Attenuation M 0.50 1 1.04
F. Short and Long Term Surface Water Storage M 0.60 1 1.25 *
G. Sediment/Nutrient/Toxicant Removal H 0.90 1 1.87 *
H. Sediment/Shoreline Stabilization L 0.30 1 0.62
I. Production Export/Food Chain Support M 0.40 1 0.83 *
J. Groundwater Discharge/Recharge H 1.00 1 2.08 *
K. Uniqueness L 0.10 1 0.21
L. Recreation/Education Potential (bonus points)NA
Totals: 3.90 10.00 8.11
Percent of Possible Score 39%
Category I Wetland: (must satisfy one of the following criteria; otherwise go to Category II)
Score of 1 functional point for Listed/Proposed Threatened or Endangered Species; or
Score of 1 functional point for Uniqueness; or
Score of 1 functional point for Flood Attenuation and answer to Question 14E.ii is "yes"; or
Percent of possible score > 80% (round to nearest whole #).
Category II Wetland: (Criteria for Category I not satisfied and meets any one of the following criteria; otherwise go to Category IV)
Score of 1 functional point for MT Natural Heritage Program Species Habitat; or
Score of .9 or 1 functional point for General Wildlife Habitat; or
Score of .9 or 1 functional point for General Fish Habitat; or
"High" to “Exceptional” ratings for both General Wildlife Habitat and General Fish/Aquatic Habitat; or
Score of .9 functional point for Uniqueness; or
Percent of possible score > 65% (round to nearest whole #).
Category III Wetland: (Criteria for Categories I, II, or IV not satisfied)
Category IV Wetland: (Criteria for Categories I or II are not satisfied and all of the following criteria are met; otherwise go to
Category III)
"Low" rating for Uniqueness; andX
Vegetated wetland component 1 acre (do not include upland vegetated buffer); and
Percent of possible score 35% (round to nearest whole #).
Summary Comments: Wetland is categorized as a Category III wetland.