HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Annexation & Lot Mergers - 1801 Willow Way, LLC and 1805 Willow Way, LLC - 1801 and 1805 Willow Way Annexation, App 230162816276
PO Box 1230
Bozeman,MT 549771-1230
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
THIS AGREEMENT made and enteredintothis day of ,
2023,by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN,a self-governingmunicipal corporation
organizedand existingunder itsCharterand thelaws ofthe.Stateof Montana with officesat121
N.Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59771-0640,hereinafterreferredto as "City",and 1801
Willow Way,LLC and 1805 Willow Way,LLC,P.O.Box 4730,Bozeman,MT 59772,hereinafter
referredto as "Landowner".
WHEREAS,Landowner isowner in fee of a tractof certainrealproperty,hereinafter
referredto as the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION situatedinGallatinCounty,
Montana,and more particularlydescribedas follows:
An areaof landcomprised describedasfollows:
Those parcelsdescribedinDocument Nos.2509637 and 2542963,which togethercomprise
Tract7 and Tract8,Beatty'sSubdivision,[PlatE-26],accordingtotheplatthereof,on file
and of recordin the officeof the Clerk and Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana,except
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
thatpartof saidTract 8 thatwas conveyed forstreetrightof way accordingto Film 125,
Page 385,and thatpartof theeast4.25 feetof Tract 11,Beatty'sSubdivision,adjacentto
said Tract 7 and Tract 8,and the adjacentportions of Willow Way and west Kagy
Boulevard rightof ways,and locatedinthe Southwest Quarterof Section13,Township 2
South,Range 5 EastofP.M.M.,alldescribedas follows:
Beginning atthe northwestcornerof Tract7 of saidBeatty'sSubdivision;thenceeasterly
091°30'00",assumed azimuth from north,315.62 feetalong the northlineof saidTract7
and itseasterlyextensiontotheeastrightofway lineofWillow Way;thencesouthwesterly
204°15'33"azimuth 298.83 feetalongsaidrightofway linetothecenterlineofWest Kagy
Blvd;thence westerly 270°57'39"azimuth 203.85 feet along said centerline;thence
northerly001°24'44"azimuth 277.48 feetalong the west propertylineand itssoutherly
extension;thence easterly091°30'00"azimuth 4.25 feetalong the westerlyextensionof
thenorthlineof Tract7 tothepointof beginning.
Area of Lots =46,173 squarefeet,1.0599acresor 4,289.6squaremeters.
Area of Kagy Blvd and Willow Way ROW =24,620 square feet,0.5652 acresor 2,287.4
All asdepictedon the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Map.
WHEREAS,theLandowner petitionedtheCityforannexationtotheCityofthe 1801 and
WHEREAS,the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION is not within the
corporatelimitsof the City or othermunicipalityand may thereforebe annexed to the City in
accordance with the provisionsof thisAgreement and Title7,Chapter 2,Part46,Mont.Code
WHEREAS,thepartiesrecognizethe annexationof the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION pursuantto Section7-2-4601,etseq.,Mont.Code Ann.willallow the 1801 and
1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION toconnecttoand utilizeCityservices,includingmunicipal
water and sewer service,parksand recreation,fireand policeservices,and theCity'stransportation
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
WHEREAS,Section 7-2-4610,Mont.Code Ann.provides that a municipalityand
landowner can agreetotheprovisionsof servicestotheareato be annexed;and
WHEREAS,thepartiesrecognizedevelopment on the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION willimpact areaparks,recreation,transportation,police,and fireservices,and
thatfuturedevelopment may requireadditionalpublic infrastructure,includingtransportation,
capacityformunicipalwater and sewer services,parks,recreation,police,and fireservices;and
WHEREAS,theLandowner findsthisAgreement willprovide forthe most satisfactory
and dependable water supply and sewer supply or service,and provide transportation,parks,
recreation,police and fireservicefor development of the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
WHEREAS,the partieshave determined thatitisin the best interestsof the City and
Landowner,and in furtheranceofthepublichealth,safetyand welfareof the community to enter
intoand implement thisAgreement.
IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained,the
partiesheretoagreeas follows:
The above recitalsaretrueand correctand arehereby incorporatedintothisAgreement.
The Landowner filedan applicationforannexationof the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION with the City on January 18,2023.By executionof thisAgreement,the City
manifestsitsintentto annex the 1801 AND 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION tractpursuant
totheterms and conditionsofthisAgreement.SubjecttotheprovisionsofTitle7,Chapter2,Part
46,Mont.Code Ann.the City shall,upon executionof thisAgreement,adopt a Resolutionof
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
Annexation ofthe 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION.Further,upon the execution
of thisAgreement,the Landowner shalldo allthingsrequiredby thisAgreement and allthings
necessaryand propertoaidand assisttheCityin carryingouttheterms,conditionsand provisions
of this Agreement and to effectthe annexation of the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
The City will,upon annexation,make availableto the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION existingCityservicesonlytothe extentcurrentlyavailable,or asprovidedinthis
4.Municipal Water ServiceDefined
The term "municipalwater service"asused inthisagreement istheservicesuppliedby the
Cityin accordance with Chapter 40,Article2,Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended,as wellas
any otherterms and conditionswhich applytothe City'sprovisionof municipalwater service,but
does not includethe extensionof linesor constructionof necessaryimprovements atany costto
theCityfordeliveryofwater toand withinthe 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION.
Nothing inthisAgreement shallobligatetheCitytopay forright-of-wayacquisition,engineering,
construction,and othercostsforthe deliveryof water to or withinthe 1801 and 1805 WILLOW
WAY ANNEXATION including,but not limitedto,any impact fees,hook-up,connection,or
development chargeswhich have been ormay be establishedby the City.
5.Municipal Sewer ServiceDefined
The term "municipalsewer service"as used inthisAgreement istheservicesuppliedby
theCityinaccordancewith Chapter 40,Article3,Bozeman Municipal Code,asamended,aswell
as any otherterms and conditionswhich applytothe City'sprovisionofthisservice,butdoes not
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
includethe extensionof linesor constructionof necessaryimprovements atany costto the City
for collectionof sewage at and within the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION.
Nothing inthisAgreement shallobligatetheCitytopay forright-of-wayacquisition,engineering,
construction,and othercostsforthecollectionof sewage servicestoor withinthe 1801 and 1805
WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION including,but not limited to,any impact fees,hookup,
connection,or development chargeswhich may be establishedby theCity.
6.Water Rights
The Landowner specificallyrecognizesand agreesthe Landowner must satisfythe City's
water adequacy code upon furtherdevelopment or subdivisionofthepropertyinaccordancewith
Section38.410.130,Bozeman Municipal Code.The City willcalculatethetotalamount of water
thatmust be offsetin accordance with 38.410.130 BMC atthe time of furtherdevelopment or
subdivisionof theproperty.The Landowner must transferany usefulwaterrightsthatexistforthe
propertytotheCitypriorto development.
The City has determined thatthe followingwater rightsthatexistfor thispropertyare
usefulfortheCity and shallbe transferredtotheCityupon furtherdevelopment or subdivisionof
The amount ofthecalculateddemand offsetby thetransferof theseusefulwaterrightswill
be determined by the City at the time of futuredevelopment.Ifthe calculateddemand isnot
completely offsetby the transferof these useful water rights,the Landowner must offsetthe
remaining calculateddemand in accordance with 38.410.130BMC priorto development.Ifcash
in lieuof water rightsare used to offsetany portionof the calculateddemand,the Landowner
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
acknowledges thattheratesforcash in-lieuwaterrightsmay increaseover time as establishedby
Resolutionofthe CityCommission.
7.Water and Sewer Connections
Landowner understandsand agreesthatconsistentwith theAgreement forPublicSanitary
Sewer and Water Connection and Consent toAnnexation and under no conditionnot laterthan 60
days aftertheCityCommission approvaloftheAnnexation Agreement,theexistingresidenceson
thepropertiesmust be connectedtoCitywater and sewer utilities.The Landowner of 1801 Willow
Way,atitsown expense,must connectany futuresanitarysewer servicetothe 10-inchPVC sewer
main locatedin eitherKagy Boulevard or Willow Way.The Landowner must properlyabandon
the existingon-sitesepticand leach fieldpriorto connectionto the City sanitarysewer system.
The abandonment of the septicsystem and connection to the sanitarysewer system must be
completed by November 15th,2023.The Landowner of 1805 Willow Way,at itsown expense,
must connect futuresanitarysewer servicefrom eitherthe 10-inchPVC sewer main locatedin
eitherKagy Boulevard or Will Way.The Landowner must properlyabandon the existingonsite
septictank and leachfieldpriortoconnectiontothe Citysanitarysewer system.
The Water and sewer servicesmust be constructedin accordance with design and
specificationsapproved by the City prior to the installationof the water and sewer lines.
Landowner must contactthe City Water and Sewer Division to obtaindetailsof construction
requirements.Landowner must notifytheCityWater and Sewer Superintendenta minimum of48
hours priorto constructionof the servicesand disconnectionof the well and septicsystem
The Landowner,at itsown expense,must extend a City standardwater main (8-inch
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
diameter)withinthepublicstreetand utilityeasement locatedwith theWillow Way right-of-way
in ordertoprovidefuturewater servicetoboth 1801 and 1805 Willow Way.The water extension
must extend to the northern property boundary of 1801 Willow Way and must include the
installationofa City standardfirehydrantattheend ofthenorthernpropertyboundary.Both 1801
and 1805 Willow Way must connect to the Willow Way water main extensionto take water
service.Water servicemust not be taken from the 12-inchmain locatedin Kagy Boulevard.The
Landowner must completelydisconnecttheon-sitewell from thehouse priorto connectiontothe
Citywater system toprotecttheCity'ssystem from crosscontamination.Landowner has executed
an Improvements Agreement forphased constructionofthewatermain extensiontotheCitywater
main from 1801 and 1805 Willow Way.
Landowner furtherunderstandsand agreesthatpriorto connectiontothe Citywater and
sewer system,theexistingon-sitesewage treatmentsystem (septictankand leachfields)must be
properlyabandoned and certificationprovided to the City Water and Sewer Division thatthe
abandonment occurred.The Landowner must reporttheabandonment tothe GallatinCityCounty
Health Department.In additiontoabandonment oftheseptictankand leachfield,theLandowner
must demonstrate thatthe sanitarysewer linesfrom the houses to the septictank has been
completelydisconnectedfrom the existingsepticsystem priorto the Landowner connectingthe
sanitarysewer linecoming from thehouses totheCitysanitarysewer system.
Certificationthatthereisno physicalconnectionbetween an on-sitewelland thedomestic
water linecoming from the City'swater supply to thehouse must be provided.The CityWater
and Sewer Divisionmay perform an inspectionof thepropertyto confirm thatthedisconnection
of thewell and septicsystem abandonment areproperlycompleted.Landowner understandsand
agreesthatifLandowner failstoproperlyabandon theexistingsepticsystem or failstodisconnect
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
theexistingwell from thedomestic water pipingas requiredherein,theCitymay,upon ten day's
writtennoticetotheLandowner,terminatewater and/orsewer servicestotheproperty.The cost
of alldisconnectsand subsequentreconnectsshallbe borne by Landowner.
8.Comprehensive Sewer and Water Design Report
Priorto futuredevelopment of the propertythe City may requirethe Landowner to have
preparedby a ProfessionalEngineer,atLandowner's soleexpense,a comprehensive designreport
evaluatingexistingcapacityof sewer and water utilitiesin the area.The reportmust include
hydraulicevaluationsof each utilityfor both existingand post-development demands,and the
reportfindingsmust demonstrateadequate capacityto servethe fulldevelopment oftheland.If
adequate infrastructurecapacityisnot availablefor the proposed development,the reportmust
identifywater or wastewater system improvements necessaryfortheproposed development.If
improvements to thiswater or wastewater system are necessary,the Landowner agreespriorto
development of the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION tocomplete,atLandowner's
expense,the necessarysystem improvements toservetheproposed development.
9.Future Development Limitations
The Landowner shallbe responsiblefor installingallfacilitiesrequiredto provide full
municipal servicestothepropertyin accordance with the City'sInfrastructureMaster Plans and
allCity regulations,policiesand guidelinesthatmay be in effectat the time of any future
development.Landowner understands and agrees Landowner has no right,eithergranted or
implied,forittofurtherdevelop any ofthe 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION until
itisverifiedby theCitythatthe necessarymunicipalservices,includingbut not limitedtopolice
and fireprotection,parks and recreation,transportation,and sewer and water capacity,are
availableto allor the relevantportionof the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION to
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
serve the proposed development.Notice is hereby provided to the Landowner thatpriorto
additionaldevelopment oftheproperty,theLandowner willbe solelyresponsibleforinstalling,at
Landowner's sole expense,any facilitiesor infrastructurerequiredto provide fullmunicipal
servicesto the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION in accordance with the City's
infrastructureplans,adopted Growth Policies/Community Plans,and allothercityregulations,
policiesand guidelinesthatmay be in effectatthetime of development.
10.Stormwater Master Plan
Landowner understands and agrees a Stormwater Master Plan for the 1801 and 1805
WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION fora system designedtoremove solids,oils,grease,and other
pollutantsfrom therunofffrom publicstreetsand otherimpermeable surfacesmay be requiredto
be provided to and approved by theCityEngineeratthetime of any futuredevelopment.The plan
must demonstrate that adequate treatment of runoff from public streets,other impermeable
surfaces,and allfuturelotswillbe achievedby providingspotelevations,flow directionarrows,
detentionand/or retentionbasin details(includingbasin sizingcalculationsand basin typical
sections),outletstructuredetails,and culvertcapacitycalculations.The plan must alsolocateand
provide easements for adequate drainage ways within the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION to transporttreatedrunoffto the stormwater receivingchannel.The plan shall
includesitegrading and elevationinformation,typicalstormwater detention/retentionbasinand
discharge structuredetails,basin sizing calculations,and stormwater maintenance plan.
Landowner recognizesthe Citymay requiresuch Stormwater Master Plan tobe implemented in
totalor inpartas a conditionof approvalof development of the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
11.Waiver of Right-to-ProtestSpecialDistricts
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
A.Landowner shallexecute a Waiver of Right to Protestthe Creation of Special
Districtsor Special Improvement Districts(SIDs)for streetand transportationimprovements
includingdesignand engineering,paving and subsurfaceimprovements,curb and gutter,sidewalk
and stormwater drainagefacilities,and fiberopticconduitfor:
a.Streetimprovements toKagy Boulevard between South 19*Avenue and South lithStreet
includingdesignand engineering,paving and subsurfaceimprovements,curb and gutter,
sidewalkand stormwaterdrainagefacilities,and fiberopticconduit.
The Landowner agreessuch SID willprovide a mechanism forthefairand equitableassessment
of constructionand maintenance costsforsuch improvements.The waiver isattachedheretoas
Exhibit"A"and ishereby incorporatedintoand made a partofthisAgreement.
B.Landowner shall execute a Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of Special
Improvement Districtsor Special Districtsfor Intersectionimprovements includinglighting,
signalizationand channelization,paving curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainagefor:
a.Intersectionimprovements at South 19*Avenue and Kagy Boulevard,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
b.Intersectionimprovements at South 11thStreetand Kagy Boulevard,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
c.Streetimprovements to Willow Way between Kagy Boulevard and W.Lincoln Street,
includinglighting,signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm
d.Intersectionimprovements at Willow Way and Kagy Boulevard,including lighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
e.Intersectionimprovements at Willow Way and W.Lincoln Street,includinglighting,
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
The Landowner agreessuch SID or specialdistrictswillprovide a mechanism forthe fairand
equitableassessmentof constructionand maintenance costsforsuch improvements.The waiver is
attachedheretoas Exhibit"B"and ishereby incorporatedinand made a partof thisAgreement.
The Landowner agreessuch SID or specialdistrictswillprovide a mechanism forthe fairand
equitableassessmentof constructionand maintenance costsforsuch improvements.The waiver is
attachedheretoas Exhibit"B"and ishereby incorporatedin and made a partof thisAgreement.
C.Landowner agreesthatintheeventa specialdistrictoran SID isnotutilizedforthe
completionoftheseimprovements as describedinsubsectionA and B above,theLandowner shall
participatein an alternativefmancing method forthe completion of the improvements on a fair
share,proportionatebasisasdeterminedby theCity on thebasisofthesquarefootageofproperty,
taxablevaluationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the development or a combination
12.Public Streetand UtilityEasement
The Landowner understandsand agreesthata publicstreetand utilityeasement must be
provided at the time Landowner returnsthe signed annexation agreement for theirrespective
portionofKagy Boulevard Right of Way so thatthereisa totalof 60 feetofRight ofWay from
thecenterlineoftheexistingRight ofWay and to thenorthas a publicstreetand utilityeasement
where Kagy Boulevard isadjacenttotheproperty.Any easement necessarytocreatethefullwidth
of 60-footpublicstreetand utilityeasement must be providedpriortothe adoptionof Resolution
of Annexation.
The Landowner,at itssoleexpense,has createdsuch easements in a locationand form
agreeableto the City and the easement willbe filedatthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
Office.The Landowner furtherunderstandsand agreesthatadditionalpublicstreetand utility
easements may be requiredfordeliveryof municipal serviceswith futuredevelopment and such
easement shallbe providedattheLandowner's soleexpense.
The City'sCapitalImprovement Plan (CIP)ProjectReport forFiscalYears 2024-2028
identifiesaprojectthatisscheduledforFY 2025 and FY 2026 to reconstructKagy Boulevard to
a principalarterialstandard.The Landowner understandsand agreesthatshouldtheLandowner
decidetodevelop thepropertyon 1805 Willow Way thatfrontsKagy Boulevard priortotheCity's
CIP projectforKagy Boulevardard,theLandowner willbe requiredtopay itsproportionalshare
in cash inlieutowards theKagy CIP Program.Landowner understandsand agreesthatatthetime
of futuredevelopment on either1801 or 1805 Willow Way,theportionof theparceland itsrelated
transportationinfrastructurefrontingor adjacentto Willow Way willneed to be improved to a
localstreetstandardfrom Kagy Boulevard to the northernboundary of the respectiveproperty
being developed atLandowner's expense.
14.Impact Fees
Landowner acknowledges thatannexationand development of theirpropertywillimpact
theCity'sexistingstreet,water and sewer infrastructure,and the City'sfireservice.As approved
by the City,theLandowner and itssuccessorsmust pay:
A)Fire impact fees equal to the amount per Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as
amended,attime of issuanceof a buildingpermit.
B)Transportationimpact feesequalto the amount per Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,
or asamended,attime of issuanceofa buildingpermit.
C)Water impact feesas requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,at
thetime of connectionto citywater services.
D)Sewer impact feesas requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,at
thetime of connectionto citysewer services.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
The amount of impact feethe Landowner or itssuccessorspay forconnectionto thecity's
water and sewer services,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on the provisionsof the Bozeman
Municipal Code,as amended,in effectat the time of applicationfora permit to connect.The
amount of streetor fireimpact feesto be paid,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on theprovisions
of the Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended,in effectatthe time an applicationforbuilding
permit issubmitted.
Landowner furtherunderstands and agreesthatany improvements,eitheron-siteor off-
site,necessary to provide connectionof the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION
municipalservicesand which arewholly attributabletothepropertyas determined exclusivelyby
theCityareconsidered"projectrelatedimprovements"as definedinChapter 2,Article6,Division
9,Bozeman Municipal Code,asamended,and as such,arenot eligibleforimpact fee credits.
IfLandowner failsto pay requiredimpact feeswithinthirty(30)days afterwrittennotice
by City to theLandowner,the Citymay,atitsoption:
A)Declare the amounts owing forimpact feesimmediately due and payable
and City shallhave the rightand privilegeto take legalactionagainst
Landowners for the collectionof such sum,includingthe entry of any
judgment.In addition,theCity may,atitsoption,enforcepayment of such
amount by levyingan assessmenton theproperty.
B)Elect any other remedy availableto City under the laws of the Stateof
15.Charges and Assessments
Landowner understandsand agreesthatafterthisAgreement isrecordedthe 1801 and
1805 WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION willbe subjectto City assessmentsforarterialand
collectorstreets,streetmaintenance,and treemaintenance on thesame basisas allother
16.Additional Terms
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
The partiesrecognizethesedocuments must be filedand ofrecordwiththeGallatinCounty
Clerk and Recorder priorto the saleof any land within the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY
ANNEXATION.The partiesfurtheragreethatthe Citymay filethesedocuments atany time.
17.Governing Law and Venue
This agreement shallbe construedunder and governed by thelaws oftheStateofMontana.
In the eventof litigation,venue isin theEighteenthJudicialDistrictCourt,inand forCounty of
Gallatin,Stateof Montana.
18.Attorney's Fees
In theevent itbecomes necessaryforeitherpartyto thisAgreement toretainan attorney
toenforceany of theterms or conditionsof thisAgreement orto give any noticerequiredherein,
then the prevailingpartyor the partygivingnoticeshallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sfees
and costs,includingfees,salaryand costsof in-housecounselincludingtheCityAttorney'sOffice
A waiver by eitherpartyofany defaultorbreachby theotherpartyof any term orcondition
of thisAgreement does not limitthe otherparty'srightto enforcesuch term or conditionor to
pursue any availablelegalor equitablerightsintheeventof any subsequentdefaultorbreach.No
covenant,term oragreement shallbe deemed waived by eitherpartyunlesswaived inwriting.
The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisagreement shallnot affectthe
otherprovisionshereof,and thisAgreement shallbe construedinallrespectsas ifsuch invalidor
unenforceableprovisionwere omitted.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
21.Modificationsor Alterations
No modificationsor amendment ofthisAgreement arevalidunlessevidencedby a writing
signedby thepartieshereto.
22.No Assignment
Itisexpresslyagreed thatthe Landowner shallnot assignthisAgreement in whole or in
partwithoutpriorwrittenconsentof theCity.
This Agreement shallbe binding upon,inureto the benefitof and be enforceableby the
partiesheretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assignsand specificallyto any subsequent
purchaserof theannexed property.
24.Covenants to Run with the Land
The partiesintend thatthe terms of thisAgreement shallbenefitthe 1801 and 1805
WILLOW WAY ANNEXATION and shallbe covenants running with the land and shallnot
expireattheirdeathsor upon transferof ownership of theproperty.
The undersignedaffirmsthatthey have authorityto enterintothisAgreement and tobind
Landowner tothisAgreement.
The undersignedaffirmsthatthey have authorityto enterintothisAgreement and tobind
Landowner tothisAgreement.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartiesheretohave caused thisagreement tobe executedthe
day and year firstabove written.
18 LLC,a Mon limited
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limited
liabilitycompany,Managing Member
STATE OF A1o½m )
COUNTY OF (m ))q¾h )
On this /7 day of OG 4 olcr ,2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary
PublicfortheStateof M o q¼nm ,personallyappeared
_.lecyn ,known tome tobe the landowner thatexecutedthewithin
instrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executedthesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe
day and year firstabove written.
¢mel L.93McHer
MUEL L sAGSTETTER (PrintedName Here)
NotantP G ntana Notary PublicfortheStateof MonMui
09 °inoat.Residing at ||aM n (e>cin4y
ozeman,Montªªª,.My Commission Expires:(2/22/2c a c,
y Ce°e 22 26 (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
1805 Wil(o Wa ,LLC,a Montan li ·ted
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limited
liabilitycompany,Managing Member
COUNTY OF (palla+i0 )
On this day of ()(do bCr ,2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary
Publicforthe Stateof A/lon.jcAcq ,personallyappeared
y £,.Zoly,,n ,known tome tobe the landowner thatexecutedthewithin
instrument,and acknowredged tome thatthey executedthesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe
day and year firstabove written.
(PrintedName Here)
.Nota P b c Notary PublicfortheStateof MnAh,
ousmi.fortheStateofMontana Residing at (gq liq4 o o /
SEAL soze ,o ana My Commission Expires:14/;72/2g4
My CommissionExpires:(Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)December22,2026
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016
··-..By:J elich ityManager
ATTEST:1883 .
City Clerk
On this day of 9(fM1 ,2023,beforeme,a Notary Publicforthe
stateofMontana,personallyappeared JeffMihelich and Mike Maas,known tome tothepersons
describedinand who executedtheforegoinginstrumentas CityManager and City Clerkrespectively,
of theCityof Bozeman,whose names aresubscribedtothewithininstrumentand acknowledged tome
thatthey executedthesame forand on behalfof saidCity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
rinte Name Here)7d N ½--(
..ota ublicfortheStateofMontana
o .feri o ana My Commission Expires:()(,-(F 202.
t (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear).SEAL soze .Montana
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 18
The undersignedowner oftherealpropertysituatedintheCounty of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,
and more particularlydescribedas follows:
The propertydescribedinDocument No.2542963 and 2509637,filesof theofficeof theClerk
and Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana,and being partsofLot 8 and Lot 7,BEATTY'S
SUBDIVISION [PlatE-26],accordingtotheplatthereof,on fileand of recordinthe officeof the
Clerkand Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana,and locatedintheSouthwest Quarterof Section13,
Township 2 South,Range 5 East of P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana.
All as depictedon the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Map.
IN CONSIDERATION of receivingapproval for annexationof the subjectpropertyfrom the
City of Bozeman,along with accompanying rightsand privilegesand for other and valuable
consideration,the receiptof which ishereby acknowledged,and in recognitionof the transportation
impacts to:
a.Streetimprovements to Kagy Boulevard between South 19thAvenue and South 11thStreet
including design and engineering,paving and subsurface improvements,curb and gutter,
sidewalkand stormwaterdrainagefacilities,and fiberopticconduit.
which willbe caused by the development of the above-describedproperty,theowner has waived and
does hereby waive foritself,itssuccessorsand assignsforevertherighttoprotestthecreationof one or
more specialdistrictsor specialimprovement districtsforthe designand engineering,constructionand
maintenance of followingimprovements:forstreetand transportationimprovements includingdesign
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 19
and engineering,paving and subsurface improvements,lighting,fiberopticconduit,curb/gutter,
sidewalk,storm drainage facilities,and other dry utilitiesfor the aforementioned street
Landowner agrees the City has the solerightto controlthe design and constructionof such
improvements and may include any of the above components and othersnecessary to ensure such
improvements comply with all adopted City infrastructureplans and requirements.Further,the
Landowner waives itsrightor to make any writtenprotestagainstthe sizeor areaor creationof the
districtto be createdin response to a duly passed resolutionof intentionto createone or more special
improvement districtswhich would includetheabove-describedproperty.
In theeventa specialdistrictor specialimprovement districtisnot utilizedforthecompletionof
these improvements,the developer agrees to participatein an alternatefinancingmethod for the
completion of the improvements on a fairshare,proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the
basisof the square footageof property,taxablevaluationof theproperty,trafficcontributionfrom the
development or a combination thereof.Landowner understandsand agreesthatthe City willchoose
creationof a SID or specialdistrictor an alternativefinancingmethod for the completion of the
improvements and may use eitherfinancingoptionatany time.
This waiver ismade forthebenefitof thepropertydescribedhereinshallbe a covenantrunning
with theland.
The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiswaiver shallextend to,and be binding upon the
successors-in-interestand assignsof theLandowner.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 20
DATED this day of Ü(,tc ,2023.
ay,LLC,a Mo ed
liabilitycompa y
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limited
liabilitycompany,Managing Member
STATE OF M o0f anc3 )
COUNTY OF bq })q h'O )
On this day of (~)(,6 bet',2023,beforeme,theunderspi ed,a Notary Public
fortheStateof M c,M.o A ,personallyappeared Jef Îry
L.k'c,/ph ,
known tome tobe the landowner thatexecutedthewithininstrument,and acknowledged to me that
theyexecuted thesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
(PrintedName Here)
AMUBL L SAGSTETTER Notary Publicforthe Stateof Mo&4rA AA
..NotaryPublic Residingat (?cA}|q (mM-
My Commission Expires:|2 /2 /74
§ei!eman,Montana (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
My CommissionExpires:
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 21
DATED this 17 day of CZ-W ,2023.
1805 W ay,LLC,a Monta mited
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limited
liabilitycompany,Managing Member
On this ()day of ()(Jobcr ,2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Public
fortheStateof /lAcq4ana ,personallyappeared 'Tef /.c,lgt,n ,
known to me tobe thelandowner thatexecutedthewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome that
they executedthesame forand on behalfoflandowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
(PrintedName Here)
,,,,SAMUEL L SAGSTETTER Notary PublicfortheStateof A/leAtotAA
NotaryPublic Residing at (pc4OcANA (cu /AfortheStateofMontana
My Commission Expires:f2/12/20hSEALsozeotana(Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
My CommissionExpires:+,o,o December22,2026
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 22
The undersignedowner ("Landowner")oftherealpropertysituatedin theCounty of Gallatin,
Stateof Montana,and more particularlydescribedasfollows:
The propertydescribedinDocument No.2542963 and 2509637,filesof theofficeof theClerk and
Recorder,GallatinCounty,Montana,and being partsof Lot 8 and Lot 7,BEATTY'S SUBDIVISION
[PlatE-26],accordingtotheplatthereof,on fileand of recordinthe officeoftheClerkand Recorder,
GallatinCounty,Montana,and locatedintheSouthwest Quarterof Section13,Township 2 South,
Range 5 EastofP.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana.
All as depictedon the 1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Map.
IN CONSIDERATION ofreceivingapprovalforannexationofthesubjectpropertyfrom the
City of Bozeman,alongwith accompanying rightsand privilegesand forothergood and valuable
consideration,thereceiptof which ishereby acknowledged,and inrecognitionof theintersection
a.Intersectionimprovements at South 19*Avenue and Kagy Boulevard,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
b.Intersectionimprovements atSouth 11*Streetand Kagy Boulevard,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
c.Streetimprovements toWillow Way between Kagy Boulevard and W.LincolnStreet,
includinglighting,signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm
d.Intersectionimprovements atWillow Way and Kagy Boulevard,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
e.Intersectionimprovements atWillow Way and W.LincolnStreet,includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 23
which willbe caused by the development of the above-describedproperty,the owner has waived and
does hereby waive foritself,itssuccessorsand assignsforevertherighttoprotestthecreationof one or
more specialdistrictsor specialimprovement districtsforthedesignand engineering,constructionand
maintenance offollowingimprovements:forstreetand transportationimprovements includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
Landowner agreesthe City has the solerightto controlthe design and constructionof such
improvements and may include any of the above components and othersnecessaryto ensure such
improvements comply with all adopted City infrastructureplans and requirements.Further,the
Landowner waives itsrightor to make any writtenprotestagainstthe sizeor area or creationof the
districtto be createdinresponse to a duly passed resolutionof intentionto createone or more special
improvement districtswhich would includetheabove-describedproperty.
In theeventa specialdistrictorspecialimprovement districtisnot utilizedforthecompletionof
these improvements,the developer agrees to participatein an alternatefinancingmethod for the
completion of the improvements on a fairshare,proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the
basisof the square footageof property,taxablevaluationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the
development or a combination thereof.Landowner understandsand agreesthatthe City willchoose
creationof a SID or specialdistrictor an alternativefinancingmethod for the completion of the
improvements and may use eitherfinancingoptionatany time.
This waiver ismade forthebenefitofthepropertydescribedhereinshallbe a covenant running
with theland.
The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiswaiver shallextend to,and be binding upon the
successors-in-interestand assignsofthe Landowner.
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 24
DATED this /7 day of (1-)-n ,2023.
ay)LC,a Montana ted
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limited
liabilitycompany,Managing Member
STATE OF /½ñ¼am )
COUNTY OF b|)q }.iA )
On this /7 day of Qfo ,2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Public
fortheStateof /½onfqu ,personallyappeared efSq-(_.[fc3/ge,,b ,
loown tome to be the landowner thatexecutedthe withininstrument,and acknowledged to me that
theyexecutedthesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
(PrintedName Here)
pdÃh°SAMUEL L SAGSTETTER Notary PublicfortheStateof /\AoAba
e ···NotaryPublic Residing at h(A ||a.y(\£ou A fs
°4 fortheStateofMontana My Commission Expires:/p /2)/2*.SEAL.*
sozeman,Montana (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
.··My CommissionExpires:
December22,2026 -
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 25
DATED this day of O cÃD DC ,2023.
1805 Willow ay,LLC,a Montan itedliability
Title:RSRIP II,LLC,a Montana limitedliability
company,Managing Member
STATE OF 0 M\(1 )
On this Ú day of 0 cA ober ,2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Public
fortheStateof Wlov¼ctn cl ,personallyappeared 3dQW l-40\qtM ,W\amy C
known tome tobe the landowner thatexecutedthewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome that
they executedthesame forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
N ta u (PrintedName Here)
o .fortheStateofMontana Notary PublicfortheStateof b CO
.SÉÃL soze ,Öon ana Residing at 601f MOLO
My CommissionExpires:My Commission Expires:)\-2.6 101(ONovember25,2026
(Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
1801 and 1805 WILLOW WAY Annexation Agreement,Application#23016 26