HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 - Annexation & Lot Mergers - Bozeman Haus Two, LLC - Gran Cielo II2826756
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PO Box 1230
Bozeman,MT 549771-1230
THIS AGREEMENT made and enteredintothis d-l*day of tvey o»I ,
Mby and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN,a self-governingmunicipal corporation
organized and existingunder itsCharterand the laws of the Stateof Montana with officesat 121
N.Rouse Avenue,Bozeman,Montana 59771-0640,hereinafterreferredtoas "City",and Bozeman
Haus Two,LLC,15267 SE Rivershore Drive,Vancouver,WA 98683,hereinafterreferredto as
WHEREAS,Landowner is owner in fee of a tractof certainrealproperty,hereinafter
referredto as the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION situatedin GallatinCounty,Montana,and
more particularlydescribedas follows:
An areaof land comprised describedas follows:
A tractof land being Tract 1 of Certificateof Survey No.2074 and TractA of Certificate
of Survey No.1861,alllocatedintheNorth Half of the Southwest Quarterof Section23,
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 1
Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularly
describedas follows;
BEGINNING atthe One-Quarter corner common to Section22 &23 of saidTownship
and Range,which isa 1.5"aluminum cap;
thenceN 89°48'37"E a distanceof 1335.12'toa 2"aluminum cap "4955S"attheCW
1/16 cornerof saidSection23;
thenceN 89°46'57"E a distanceof 1335.02'toa calculatedpointatthe centerof said
thence S 00°10'17"W a distanceof 1332.94'to a calculatedpointatthe CS 1/16 cornerof
thence S 89°52'06"W a distanceof 1332.12'to a 2"aluminum cap "4955S"atthe SW
1/16cornerof saidSection23;
thence S 89°49'11"W a distanceof 1331.64'to a 2"O.D.ironpipe atthe S 1/16 corner
common tosaidSections22 &23;
thence N 00°06'11"W a distanceof 1330.70'to thepointof beginning,
containing81.512 acres,more or less.
SUBJECT to alleasements of record or apparentfrom visualinspectionoftheproperty.
All as depictedon the GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Map.
WHEREAS,the Landowner petitionedthe City forannexationto the City of the GRAN
WHEREAS,the GRAN CIELO II ANNEXATION isnot within the corporatelimitsof
the City or other municipalityand may thereforebe annexed to the City in accordance with the
provisionsof thisAgreement and Title7,Chapter 2,Part46,Mont.Code Ann.;and
WHEREAS,allpartiesrecognizetheannexationoftheGRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION
pursuant to Section 7-2-4601,et seq.,Mont.Code Ann.will allow the GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION to connect to and utilizeCity services,includingmunicipal water and sewer
service,parks and recreation,fireand policeservices,and the City'stransportationsystem;and
WHEREAS,Section 7-2-4610,Mont.Code Ann.provides that a municipality and
landowner can agree to theprovisionsof servicestothe areatobe annexed;and
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 2
WHEREAS,the partiesrecognize additionaldevelopment on the GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION willimpact area parks,recreation,transportation,police,and fireservices,and
that future improvements may require additionalpublic infrastructurestreetimprovements
includingtransportationfortrafficcirculationand the provisionsof parks,recreation,police,and
WHEREAS,the Landowner findsthisAgreement willprovide forthe most satisfactory
and dependable water supply and sewer supply or service,and provide transportation,parks,
recreation,policeand fireservicefordevelopment of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION;and
WHEREAS,the partieshave determined thatitisin the bestinterestsof the City and
Landowner,and in furtheranceof thepublichealth,safetyand welfareof the community to enter
intoand implement thisAgreement.
IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained,the
partiesheretoagree as follows:
The above recitalsaretrueand correct.
The Landowner filed an application for annexation of the GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION with the City on March 25,2022.By execution of thisAgreement,the City
manifestsitsintentto annex theGRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION tractpursuantto theterms and
conditionsof thisAgreement.Subjectto theprovisionsof Title7,Chapter 2,Part46,Mont.Code
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 3
Ann.the City shall,upon executionof thisAgreement,adopt a Resolutionof Annexation of the
GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.Further,upon the executionofthisAgreement,theLandowner
shalldo allthingsrequiredby thisAgreement and allthingsnecessaryand proper toaid and assist
the City in carryingout the terms,conditionsand provisionsof thisAgreement and to effectthe
The Citywill,upon annexation,make availableto the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION
existingCity servicesonly totheextentcurrentlyavailable,or asprovided inthisAgreement.
4.Municipal Water Service Defined
The term "municipalwater service"as isused inthisagreement shallbe the servicewhich
is suppliedby the City in accordance with Chapter 40,Article2,Bozeman Municipal Code,as
amended,as well as any other terms and conditions which apply to the City'sprovision of
municipal water servicebut does not includethe extensionof linesor constructionof necessary
improvements at any cost to the City for deliveryof water to and within the GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION.Nothing in this Agreement shallobligatethe City to pay for right-of-way
acquisition,engineering,construction,and othercostsfor the deliveryof water to or within the
GRAN CIELO II ANNEXATION to include,but not limitedto,any impact fees,hook-up,
connection,or development charges which have been or may be establishedby the City.
5.Municipal Sewer Service Defined
The term "municipal sewer service"as isused inthisAgreement shallbe the servicewhich
issupplied by the City in accordance with Chapter 40,Article3,Bozeman Municipal Code,as
amended,as well as any otherterms and conditionswhich apply to the City'sprovisionof this
servicebut does not includethe extensionof linesor constructionof necessaryimprovements at
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 4
any costto the City forcollectionof sewage atand withinthe GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.
Nothing inthisAgreement shallobligatetheCitytopay forright-of-wayacquisition,engineering,
construction,and othercostsforthe collectionof sewage servicesto or withinthe GRAN CIELO
II ANNEXATION to include,but not limitedto,any impact fees,hookup,connection,or
development charges which may be establishedby theCity.
6.Water Rights
The Landowner specificallyrecognizes and agrees the Landowner must provide water
rightsor cash in-lieuof water rightsupon furtherdevelopment or subdivisionof the propertyin
accordance with Section 38.410.130,Bozeman Municipal Code.The City will calculatethe
amount of waterrightsorcash-in-lieuthereofdue atthetime offurtherdevelopment orsubdivision
of the propertybased on the annual demand for volume of water the development willrequire
multipliedby themost currentannual unitpricein effecton thedatethewater rightsaretransferred
or payment-in-lieuof waterrightsistobe made totheCity.As such,theLandowner acknowledges
thatthe ratesforcash in-lieuof water rightsmay increaseover time as establishedby Resolution
of theCity Commission.The applicantmust perform a water rightssearchto determine ifany exist
forthisproperty.The Landowner must transferany water rightsthatexistforthispropertyto.the
City of Bozeman priorto development thatthe City of Bozeman determines are usefulfor City
purposes.Ifinsufficientwater rightsexist,theLandowner must pay cash inlieuof water rights,in
an amount determined by theDirectorof PublicUtilities,priorto development.
7.Comprehensive Water and Waste Water Design Report
Priorto futuredevelopment of the propertythe City may requirethe Landowner to have
prepared by a ProfessionalEngineer,atLandowner's soleexpense,a comprehensive designreport
evaluatingexistingcapacityof sewer and water utilitiesin the area.The reportmust include
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 5
hydraulicevaluationsof each utilityfor both existingand post-development demands,and the
reportfindingsmust demonstrate adequate capacityto servethe fulldevelopment of the land.If
adequate infrastructurecapacityisnot availablefor the proposed development,the reportmust
identifywater or wastewater system improvements necessary forthe proposed development.If
improvements to thiswater or wastewater system are necessary,the Landowner agrees priorto
development of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION to complete,atLandowner's expense,the
necessarysystem improvements to servetheproposed development.
8.Future Development Limitations
The Landowner shallbe responsiblefor installingallfacilitiesrequiredto provide full
municipal servicesto the propertyin accordance with the City'sInfrastructureMaster Plans and
all City regulations,policiesand guidelinesthat may be in effectat the time of any future
development.Thus,Landowner understandsand agreesLandowner has no right,eithergrantedor
implied,for itto furtherdevelop any of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION untilitisverified
by the City thatthe necessary municipal services,includingbut not limitedto police and fire
protection,parks and recreation,transportation,and sewer and water capacity,are availableto all
or a portionof the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.Notice isthusprovided to the Landowner
thatpriorto additionaldevelopment of the property,theLandowner willbe solelyresponsiblefor
installing,at Landowner's sole expense,any facilitiesor infrastructurerequiredto provide full
municipal servicesto the GRAN CIELO II ANNEXATION in accordance with the City's
infrastructureplans,adopted Growth Policies/Community Plans,and allother cityregulations,
policiesand guidelinesthatmay be in effectatthetime of development.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 6
9.Stormwater Master Plan
Landowner understands and agrees a Stormwater Master Plan for the GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION fora system designed to remove solids,oils,grease,and otherpollutantsfrom
the runofffrom publicstreetsand otherimpermeable surfacesmay be requiredto be provided to
and approved by the City Engineer at the time of any future development.The plan must
demonstrate thatadequatetreatmentof runofffrom publicstreets,otherimpermeable surfaces,and
allfuturelotswillbe achieved by providing spot elevations,flow directionarrows,detention
and/orretentionbasindetails(includingbasinsizingcalculationsand basintypicalsections),outlet
structuredetails,and culvertcapacity calculations.The plan must also locate and provide
easements foradequate drainageways withinthe GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION to transport
treatedrunoff to the stormwater receiving channel.The plan shall include sitegrading and
elevationinformation,typicalstormwater detention/retentionbasinand dischargestructuredetails,
basin sizingcalculations,and stormwater maintenance plan.Landowner recognizesthe City may
requiresuch Stormwater Master Plan to be implemented in allor partas a conditionof approval
of development of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.
10.Waiver of Right-to-ProtestSpecial Districts
A.Landowner shallexecute a Waiver of Right-to-ProtestCreationof Special
Districts(SID)or SpecialImprovement Districtsforstreetand transportationimprovements
includingdesignand engineering,paving and subsurfaceimprovements,curb and gutter,
sidewalk and stormwater drainagefacilities,and fiberopticconduitforthe following streets
identifiedby theDevelopment Review Conunittee for:
a)South 27th Avenue between Stucky Road and Blackwood Road includinglighting,
signalization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage,
b)streetimprovements to Stucky Road between Fowler Lane and South 19th Avenue
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 7
includinglighting,signalization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage,
c)streetimprovements to West Graf Streetbetween Fowler Lane to South 19thAvenue
includinglighting,signalization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage,
d)streetimprovements to Fowler Lane between Blackwood Road and Stucky Road
includinglighting,signalization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
The Landowner agreessuch SID willprovide a mechanism forthe fairand equitableassessment
of constructionand maintenance costsfor such improvements.The waiver isattachedheretoas
Exhibit"A"and ishereby incorporatedin and made a partofthisAgreement.
B.Landowner has executed a Waiver of Right-to-ProtestCreationof SpecialImprovement
Districts("SID")or SpecialDistrictsforthefollowingIntersectionimprovements identifiedby the
Development Review Committee includinglighting,signalizationand channelization,paving,
curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainagefor:
a.Intersectionimprovements atSouth 27th Ave and West Graft Streetincluding
lighting,signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm
b.Intersectionimprovements atFowler Lane and West Graf Streetincludinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
c.Intersectionimprovements atWest Graf Streetand South 19thAve includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
d.Intersectionimprovements atStucky Road and South 19th Avenue includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
e.Intersectionimprovements to Fowler Lane and Stucky Road including lighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
f.Intersectionimprovements to Fowler Lane and Blackwood Road includinglighting,
signalization/channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
The Landowner agreessuch SID willprovide a mechanism forthe fairand equitableassessment
of constructionand maintenance costsfor such improvements.The waiver isattachedheretoas
Exhibit"B"and ishereby incorporatedinand made a partof thisAgreement.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 8
The Landowner agrees such SID or specialdistrictswillprovide a mechanism forthe fairand
equitableassessment of constructionand maintenance costsforsuch improvements.
C.Landowner agreesthatintheevent a specialdistrictor an SID isnot utilizedforthe
completion of these improvements as described in subsectionA above,the Landowner shall
participatein an alternativefinancingmethod forthe completion of the improvements on a fair
share,proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the basisof the squarefootageofproperty,
taxable valuationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the development or a combination
D.Landowner understands and agreesthatthe City willchoose creationof a SID or
specialdistrictor an alternativefinancingmethod forthe completion oftheimprovements and may
use eitherfinancingoption atany time.
11.Public Street and UtilityEasement
The Landowner understands and agreesthata public streetand utilityeasement must be
provided for deliveryof municipal servicewith futuredevelopment and such easement shallbe
provided atthe Landowner's soleexpense.A rightof way for South 27thAvenue,classifiedas a
Collectorinthe Bozeman TransportationMaster Plan (TMP),has a minimum right-of-wayROW
width of 90 feet.The applicantmust provide theirrespectiveSouth 27th StreetROW from the
centerlineof the existingROW as a publicstreetand utilityeasement where South 27th Avenue
isadjacentto the propertypriorto the adoption of Resolutionof Annexation.Easement recorded
on December 22,2005 see Document Number 2251837.
The Landowner understands and agreesthata public streetand utilityeasement must be
provided concurrentwith signatureof thisagreement forGraf Streetisadjacentto or crossesthe
GRAN CIELO II ANNEXATION to include half of the 90-foot required rightof way for a
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 9
collectoradjacentto the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.The Landowner,atitssoleexpense,
has createdsuch easements in a locationand form agreeabletothe City and the easement willbe
filedattheGallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office.A publicstreetand utilityeasement must
be provided priortothe adoption of Resolutionof Annexation.
The Landowner understands and agrees thata public streetand utilityeasement must be
provided fordeliveryof municipal servicewith futuredevelopment and such easement shallbe
provided attheLandowner's soleexpense.A rightof way forFowler Lane,classifiedas a Minor
Arterialin the Bozeman TransportationMaster Plan (TMP),has a minimum right-of-wayROW
width of 100 feet.The applicantmust provide theirrespectivewidth forFowler Lane ROW from
the centerlineof the existingROW as a public streetand utilityeasement where Fowler Lane is
adjacentto the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.The Landowner,atitssoleexpense,has created
such easements in a locationand form agreeableto the City and the easement willbe filedatthe
GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's Office.A public streetand utilityeasement must be
provided priorto the adoption ofResolution ofAnnexation.
The Landowner,at itssole expense,has createdsuch easements in a locationand form
agreeabletothe City and the easements willbe filedatthe GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder's
Office.The Landowner furtherunderstands and agrees thatadditionalpublic streetand utility
easements may be requiredfor deliveryof municipal serviceswith futuredevelopment,and in
such event,the easement shallbe provided attheLandowner's soleexpense.
The Landowner understands and agreesthatatthe time of futuredevelopment the portion
of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION and itsrelatedtransportationinfrastructurefrontingthe
GRAN CIELO II ANNEXATION this property must be improved to a City standard at
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 10
Landowner's expense.
13.Impact Fees
Landowner acknowledges thatannexation and development of theirpropertywillimpact
the City'sexistingstreet,water and sewer infrastructure,and the City'sfireservice.As approved
by the City,theLandowner and itssuccessorsmust pay:
A)Fire impact fees equal to the amount per Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as
amended,attime of issuanceof a buildingpermit.
B)Transportationimpact feesequal to the amount per Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,
or as amended,attime of issuanceof a buildingpermit.
C)Water impact fees as requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,at
the time of connection to citywater services.
D)Sewer impact feesas requiredby Chpt.2,Art.6.Div.9 BMC,or as amended,at
the time of connection to citysewer services.
The amount of impact feethe Landowner or itssuccessorspay forconnectionto thecity's
water and sewer services,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on the provisionsof the Bozeman
Municipal Code,as amended,in effectat the time of applicationfor a permit to connect.The
amount of streetor fireimpact feesto be paid,ifany,shallbe calculatedbased on theprovisions
of the Bozeman Municipal Code,as amended,in effectat the time an applicationfor building
permit issubmitted.
Landowner furtherunderstands and agrees thatany improvements,eitheron-siteor off-
site,necessaryto provide connection of the GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION municipal services
and which are wholly attributableto the property as determined exclusivelyby the City are
considered"projectrelatedimprovements"asdefinedinChapter 2,Article6,Division9,Bozeman
Municipal Code,as amended,and as such,arenot eligibleforimpact feecredits.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 11
IfLandowner defaultson thisconditionat the time such isto be performed,and should
defaultnot be remedied or correctedwithin thirty(30)days afterwrittennoticeby City to the
Landowner and Landowner/Developer of such default,Citymay atitsoption:
A)Declare the amounts owing for impact fees immediately due and payable
and City shallhave the rightand privilegeto take legal action against
Landowners for the collectionof such sum,including the entry of any
judgment.In addition,the City may,atitsoption,enforcepayment of such
amount by levyingan assessment on the property.
B)Elect any other remedy availableto City under the laws of the Stateof
14.Charges and Assessments
Landowner understandsand agreesthatafterthisAgreement isrecorded the GRAN
CIELO IIANNEXATION willbe subjectto City assessmentsforarterialand collectorstreets,
streetmaintenance,and treemaintenance on the same basisas allotherpropertiesin the City.
15.Additional Terms
The partiesrecognizethesedocuments must be filedand ofrecordwith theGallatinCounty
Clerk and Recorder priortothe saleofany landwithinthe GRAN CIELO IIANNEXATION.The
partiesfurtheragree thatthe City may filethesedocuments atany time.
16.Governing Law and Venue
This agreement shallbe construedunder and governed by thelaws ofthestateof Montana.
In the event of litigation,venue isin the EighteenthJudicialDistrictCourt,in and forCounty of
Gallatin,Stateof Montana.
17.Attorney's Fees
In the event itbecomes necessaryforeitherpartyto thisAgreement to retainan attorney
to enforce any of the terms or conditionsof thisAgreement,then the prevailingparty shallbe
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 12
entitledto reasonableattorney'sfeesand costs,to includethesalaryand costsof in-housecounsel
includingCity Attorney.
No waiver by eitherparty of any breach of any term,covenant or agreement shallbe
deemed a waiver of the same or any subsequent breach of thissame or any otherterm,covenant
or agreement.No covenant,term or agreement shallbe deemed waived by eitherparty unless
waived in writing.
19.Invalid Provision
The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisagreement shallnot affectthe
otherprovisionshereof,and thisAgreement shallbe construedinallrespectsas ifsuch invalidor
unenforceableprovisionwere omitted.
20.Modifications or Alterations
No modificationsor amendment of thisAgreement shallbe validunless evidenced by a
writingsignedby the partieshereto.
21.No Assignment
Itisexpresslyagreed thatthe Landowner and/or Landowner/Developer shallnot assign
thisAgreement inwhole or inpartwithout priorwrittenconsent of the City.
This Agreement shallbe binding upon,inureto the benefitof and be enforceableby the
partiesheretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assignsand specificallyto any subsequent
purchaser of the annexed property.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 13
23.Covenants to Run with the Land
The partiesintend thatthe terms of thisAgreement shallbenefitthe GRAN CIELO II
ANNEXATION and shallbe covenants running with the land and shallnot expireattheirdeaths
or upon transferof ownership of theproperty.
The undersigned Landowner affirmsthatthey have authorityto enterintothisAgreement
and to bind themselves to thisAgreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartiesheretohave caused thisagreement to be executed the
day and year firstabove written.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 14
Bozeman aus Two,LLC
By:Ka 4/cceq),'
Title:Hu a3 er
On this day of N o v',2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary
Public forthe Stateof Mo;1tenafliersonallyappeared ay A troé ,known to me to be
the of Bozeman Haus Two,LLC,known to me to be the
landowner thatexecuted thewithin instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the
same forand on behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe
day and year firstabove written.
NotahÍ)u biiî (PrintedName Here)
StateofWashington Notary Public forthe Stateof
s i 8 06 Residing at ,we
MY COMMISSIONEXPlRES My Commission Expires:[n /3 /1g%
October31,202e (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 15
WCity Clerk
On this day of ,202,beforeme,a Notary Public forthe
stateofMontana,personallyappeared)eff-MihetirlrandMike Maas,known to me to thepersonscdescribedinandwhoexecutedtheforegoinginstrumentasCityManagerandCityClerkrespectively,
ofthe City of Bozeman,whose names aresubscribedto thewithininstrumentand acknowledged tome
atthey executed the same forand on behalfof saidCity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe day and
year firstabove written.
(ri ed Name Here)(Q wn,k
NotaryPublic Residing at h
oTARia.fortheStateofMontana My Commission Expires:O(g -ll -2-026----÷ Residingat:.*.SEAL.*Bozeman,Montana (Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 16
The undersigned owner of therealpropertysituatedinthe County of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,
and more particularlydescribedas follows:-
A tractof land being Tract 1 of Certificateof Survey No.2074 and TractA of Certificateof
Survey No.1861,alllocatedintheNorth Half of the Southwest Quarterof Section23,
Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularly
describedas follows;
BEGINNING atthe One-Quarter cornercommon to Section22 &23 of saidTownship and
Range,which isa 1.5"aluminum cap;
thence N 89°48'37"E a distanceof 1335.12'to a 2"aluminum cap "4955S"atthe CW 1/16
corner of saidSection23;
thence N 89°46'57"E a distanceof 1335.02'to a calculatedpointatthe centerof saidSection
thence S 00°10'17"W a distanceof 1332.94'to a calculatedpointatthe CS 1/16 cornerof said
thence S 89°52'06"W a distanceof 1332.12'toa 2"aluminum cap "4955S"atthe SW 1/16
cornerof saidSection23;
thence S 89°49'11"W a distanceof 1331.64'toa 2"O.D.ironpipe atthe S 1/16 corner
common to saidSections22 &23;
thence N 00°06'11"W a distanceof 1330.70'to the pointofbeginning,
containing81.512 acres,more or less.
SUBJECT to alleasements ofrecordor apparentfrom visualinspectionof theproperty.
All as depictedon the GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Map.
IN CONSIDERATION of receivingapproval for annexation of the subjectpropertyfrom the
City of Bozeman,along with accompanying rights and privilegesand for other and valuable
consideration,the receiptof which ishereby acknowledged,and in recognitionof the transportation
impacts to:
a.Streetimprovements to S.27th Avenue between Stucky Road and Blackwood Road.
b.Streetimprovements to Stucky Road between Fowler Lane and South 19thAvenue.
c.Streetimprovements to West Graf Streetbetween Fowler Lane to South 19thAvenue.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 17
d.Streetimprovements to Fowler Lane between Blackwood Road and Stucky Road.
For improvement districtsfor the design and engineering,constructionand maintenance of
followingimprovements:forstreetand transportationimprovements includingdesign and engineering,
paving and subsurface improvements,curb and gutter,sidewalk,stormwater drainage facilities,
broadband,and other dry utilitiesfor the aforementioned streetimprovements.
Landowner agrees the City has the sole rightto controlthe design and constructionof such
improvements and may include any of the above components and others necessary to ensure such
improvements comply with all adopted City infrastructureplans and requirements.Further,the
Landowner waives itsrightor to make any writtenprotestagainstthe sizeor area or creationof the
districtbe assessedin response to a duly passed resolutionof intentionto createone or more special
improvement districtswhich would includethe above-describedproperty.
In theevent a specialdistrictor specialimprovement districtisnotutilizedforthe completion of
these improvements,the developer agrees to participatein an alternatefinancing method for the
completion of saidimprovements on a fairshare,proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the
basisof the square footage of property,taxablevaluationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the
development or a combination thereof.Landowner understands and agreesthatthe City will choose
creationof a SID or specialdistrictor an alternativefinancingmethod for the completion of the
improvements and may use eitherfinancingoptionatany time.
This waiver ismade forthebenefitof the propertydescribedhereinshallbe a covenant running
with the land.
The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiswaiver shallextend to,and be binding upon the
successors-in-interestand assignsof theLandowner.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 18
DATED this /7M day of 8 V^Å er ,2023.
Bozeman aus Two,LLC
By:ay A k Mw/
11<xd :ss
On this day of N o V 2023,beforeme,the undersigned,a Notary Public
forthe Stateof MopWna rsonallyappeared to,<C;,known tome to be the
of Bozeman Haus T o,LLC,known tome tobe thelandowner that
executed the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on behalf
of landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealtheday and
year firstabove written.
Ñotary Publi (ÜO"/7
StateofWashington (PrintedName Here)
SARAH J HOWARD Notary Publicforthe Stateof (MA
MY COM SS ON P ES Residing at \poo en .
Oc ber3 My Commission Expires:§D (3|(Ach
(Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 19
The undersigned owner oftherealpropertysituatedinthe County of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,
and more particularlydescribedas follows:
A tractof landbeing Tract 1 of Certificateof Survey No.2074 and TractA of Certificateof
Survey No.1861,alllocatedintheNorth Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section23,
Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,GallatinCounty,Montana,more particularly
describedas follows;
BEGINNING attheOne-Quarter cornercommon to Section22 &23 of saidTownship and
Range,which isa 1.5"aluminum cap;
thenceN 89°48'37"E a distanceof 1335.12'to a 2"aluminum cap "4955S"atthe CW 1/16
cornerof saidSection23;
thence N 89°46'57"E a distanceof 1335.02'to a calculatedpointatthe centerof saidSection
thence S 00°10'17"W a distanceof 1332.94'toa calculatedpointatthe CS 1/16 cornerof said
thence S 89°52'06"W a distanceof 1332.12'toa 2"aluminum cap "4955S"atthe SW 1/16
corner of saidSection23;
thence S 89°49'11"W a distanceof 1331.64'to a 2"O.D.ironpipe atthe S 1/16 corner
common tosaidSections22 &23;
thence N 00°06'11"W a distanceof 1330.70'tothepointofbeginning,
containing81.512 acres,more or less.
SUBJECT toalleasements of recordor apparentfrom visualinspectionof the property.All as
depictedon the GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Map.
IN CONSIDERATION of receivingapproval for annexation of the subjectpropertyfrom the
City of Bozeman,along with accompanying rights and privilegesand for other and valuable
consideration,the receiptof which is hereby acknowledged,and in recognitionof the intersection
impacts to:
a.Intersectionimprovements atSouth 27th Ave and West Graft Street.
b.Intersectionimprovements atFowler Lane and West Graf Street.
c.Intersectionimprovements atWest Graf Streetand South 19thAve.
d.Intersectionimprovements atStucky Road and South 19thAvenue.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 20
e.Intersectionimprovements toFowler Lane and Stucky Road.
f.Intersectionimprovements to Fowler Lane and Blackwood Road.
which willbe caused by thedevelopment ofthe above-describedproperty,theowner has waived
and does hereby waive foritself,itssuccessorsand assignsforeverthe rightto protestthe creationof
one or more specialimprovement districtsfor these intersectionsincludinglighting,signalization/
channelization,paving,curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
Landowner agrees the City has the sole rightto controlthe design and constructionof such
improvements and may include any of the above components and others necessary to ensure such
improvements comply with all adopted City infrastructureplans and requirements.Further,the
Landowner waives itsrightor to make any writtenprotestagainstthe sizeor area or creationof the
districtbe assessedin response to a duly passed resolutionof intentionto createone or more special
improvement districtswhich would includethe above-describedproperty.
Intheevent a specialdistrictor specialimprovement districtisnot utilizedforthecompletion of
these improvements,the developer agrees to participatein an alternatefinancing method for the
completion of the improvements on a fairshare,proportionatebasisas determined by the City on the
basisof the square footage of property,taxablevaluationof the property,trafficcontributionfrom the
development or a combination thereof.Landowner understands and agreesthatthe City will choose
creationof a SID or specialdistrictor an alternativefinancingmethod for the completion of the
improvements and may use eitherfmancing optionatany time.
This waiver ismade forthe benefitof the propertydescribedhereinshallbe a covenant running
with the land.
The terms,covenants and provisionsof thiswaiver shallextend to,and be binding upon the
successors-in-interestand assignsof the Landowner.
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 21
DATED this /7/A day of h e veds ,2023.
7Bozeman Haus Two,LLC
By:a7 hkfauf
On this 11 ay of N ov'2023,beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Public
forthe Stateof Mo131afia,drsonally appeared a,r£,known to me to be
the p gf of Bozeman Hads Two,LLC,known tome to be the landowner
thatexecuted th withininstrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executed the same forand on
behalfof landowner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe day and
year firstabove written.
Notarh Public N
StateofWashington (PrintedName Here)
SARAH J HOWARD Notary Publicforthe Stateof WA
y cOM s ON P RES Residing at caÆn yW
October31,2026 My Commission Expires:(p /3
(Use 4 digitsforexpirationyear)
GRAN CIELO IIAnnexation Agreement,Application22090 22