HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 -Appendix G - Existing Plat Minor Sub 494 Final Plat FINAL PLAT-CERTIFICATES ; ��p�Argtu;9nn�pFtra Im. ,`yygaiq ;„l xyorros �� ;, YELLOWSTONE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 494 A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 AND SWIM SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,P.M.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA j ,off:r r t THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5 MINOR LOT SUBDIVISION p 5. 3 B' THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE REQUEST OF MADISON ENGINEERING OWNER OF RECORD: GILHOUSEN COMMUNITY PROPERTY TRUST ,�re„ '• r i al.n.'99 Tip to CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR z7° I,the undersigned property owner,do hereby certify that I have caused to be surveyed, I,Karen M.Gilhousen,and I,Chris G.Budeski,a registered professional engineer I,Michael S.Lapp,the undersigned,Registered Land Surveyor,do hereby - subdivided and platted into lots,blocks,roads and alleys,as shown by this plat hereunto Included, licensed to practice in the State of Montana,hereby certify that the following improvements, certify that between October 13th,2014 and January,2017,1 surveyed and ---ti-� the following described tracts of land,to-wit: required to meet the requirements of this title or as a condition(s)of approval of platted the same as shown on the accompanying plat and as described in iJ s the Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision No. accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act '•I- LEGAL DESCRIPTION have been Installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications,or (MCA§78-3-101 through§78-3-825),and the Bozeman Municipal Code. A tract of land being the SWtl4NW1/4 and the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 24,Excepting therefrom fin a plat.ncially guaranteed and covered by the Improvements agreement accompanying Dated this ISM day of�Vy ,2017 this , r r' soar r + sar9 r t that portion conveyed to the State of Montana in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded June 30,1964 in .• •Y.4 ••. Book 146 of Deeds,Page 24,Records of Gallatin County,located in the NW1/4 and SW1/4 of The following Improvements have been financially guaranteed in accordance with :•'�,O N TA,y' Section 24,Township 2 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M.,City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana, the ImT TVs Agreement for the Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision m •''' •.9m'•. being more fully described as follows: No. _: Michael S.Lapp,PL ° MICHAEL S.'. i '• Beginning at the NW 1/16 corner of said Section 24,thence along the West line of C.O.S.252 Montane Reglstrati No.18342 L.S. LAPP S 01°07'36"W a distance of 1322.36 feet to the C-W 1/16 corner of said Section 24,said point 1.The following landscape Improvements: 18342 LS :¢; a.South a re Avenue street frontage and the watercourse setback planting plan also being the Northwest corner of C.O.S.782;thence along the West line of C.O.S.792 and the West line of the Plat of Alder Creek Subdivision,Phase 5,respectively,S 00°5923"W a distance of landscape requirements;b.Common Open Space,Lot 2,Block 1 including the detention facility; CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER �hA(f pN�,•' NOTES: 1329.61 feet to the SW 1/16 corner of said Section 24;thence along the North line of the SW1/4SW1/4 of said Section 24 N 89°44'49"W a distance of 1300.07 feet toe point on the East rl ht-of-wa line c.North/South trail corridor;and P g y d.West Graf Street,street frontage. 1, e�iavd'oCte r✓I�''>. ty. 1.Federal,state and local plans,policies,regulations,and/or conditions of subdivision Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin Coun of South 19ih Avenue;thence along said right-of-way line the two(2)following courses;7)N 00°02'55"E approval that may limit the use of the property,including the location,size,and use are a distance of 152.86 feet;2 N 00°3525"E a distance of 2508.45 feet to a point on the South line Montana,do hereby certify that the foregoing Instrument was filed In P The subdivider herebywarrants against defects In these Improvements shown on the Conditions of Approval sheet. of Lot 3,South University District Phase I;thence along the South line of said Lot 3 S 89°20'00"E a g P my once at: for a period of two years from the date of acceptance by the City of Bozeman. distance c to any fast to the Point of Beginning.Said tract containing in area 79.883 Acres,along with the Buyers d property should ensure that they have obtained and reviewed all sheets of and subject to any easements. The subdivider grants possession of all public infrastructure Improvements to at�_o'clock .M.this {'A da of •u 2017 P j P the City of Bozeman,and the City hereby accepts possession of all public y the tat and all documents recorded and filed in conjunction with the tat and that Infrastructure Improvements,subject to the above indicated warranty. ,,q I/ buyers i property are strongly encouraged to contact the local planning department and ' The above described tract of land Is to be known and designated as Yellowstone Theological Institute P 1 ty• and recorded in Book //1;^Ar of Plats on Page 'f � become informed of any limitations on the use of the properly prior to closing. Minor Subdivision y q ,City of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana;and the lands Records of the Clerk and Recorder,Gallatin County,Montana. included in all streets,avenues,alleys and parks or public squares(including the 30 foot wide public access and trail easement crossing Lots 1 and 4 of Block 1)shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated (� ,/�yAy�s„ / I A/201 aA0W),7•7 SHEET INDEX: to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment.Unless specifically listed herein,the lands r G — 3 Document Number Included in all streets,avenues,alleys,and parks or public squares dedicated to the public are accepted K n M.Gilhousen Sheet 1-Final Plat-Certificates for public use,but the CI accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same.The owners agree that the Subdivider ///�/t 1, J Sheet 2-Final Plat-Lot Layout P City P P tY 9 9 <, ,d' a✓.✓'flq(''�1 b`( I�iWK WQfT�City has no obligation to maintain the lends included in all streets,avenues,alleys and parka or � Shea[3-Conditions of Approval public squares hereby dedicated to public use.The lands Included in all streets,avenues,alleys and parks \ Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County Vr' or public squares dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for maintenance Include __7 ILA/201 7 West Graf Street,Arnold Street,South 151h Avenue and South 19th Avenue. Chris G.Budeski,PE The undersigned property owner,hereby grants unto each and every person,firm or corporation,whether Registration No.10825 PE 2600277 �} public or private,providing or offering to provide telephone,electric power,gas,internet,cable television, n /_�<y Pape: 1 or 3 :vmar2en e3,21 M am "" $26.00 V water or sewer service to the public,the right to the joint use of an easement for the construction, I•' [�� /�_lpp1� cWiol I Mill,-W it i co.t n, maintenance,repair and removal of their lines and other facilities in,over,under,and across each area Dlreclr of Public Works APPROVED AS TO FORM �� designated on this plat as"Utility Easement"to have and to hold forever. _ • oa The undersigned property owners hereby dedicate a ditch easement as shown on this plat to those Ply. Y persons and lands legally entitled to the water under an appropriated water right or permit of an Irrigation CERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS r n district or other private or public entity formed to provide for the use of the water right. V/ DATED this 19 day of JULY 2617 1,Director of Public Works,City of Bozeman,Montana,do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and has found the same to p conform to the law,approves it,and hereby accepts the dedication to the wi.. 'A 1/��/l t.d City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as K en M.Gilhousen, being dedicated to such use. O Trustee of the Gilhousen Community Property Trust DATED this I day of �tkRRMbtr , AD\7- State McNtkN� ) Z s•s• �� t� APPROVED AS TO FORM _ County of GRLIXIIA ) � Director f Public Works On this 16 day of .TuLV 2011 City of Bozeman,Montane ,before me, •°Pt.4 a Notary Public in and for said state,personally appeared Karen M.Gilhousen,Trustee of the City Attorney Gilhousen Community Property Trust,known to me to be the person who signed the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER Witness my hand and seal the day and year herein above written. I, f the Treasurer of Gallatin County Montana do hereby certify Mat fhe accompanying Plat has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied opp the land to be surveyed have been paid. pl U&7�0 p � �] yZe yk1° r er,w� 17 *1 Signature Dated this ClmelS BUDCeSKI �; Printed name I ' Gallatin Co my Notary Public for the State of MONTIWA �.S A° eozorne,n,na>,t�ana Residingat 8&acmkm�M awT*uuk - * cr N,cYc; Myeomm:ss'nE'xplrosJ Novamberl2G,201D CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA Mycommission expires NeNLMSett it, 20f9 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW The Final Plat of Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision No. Gallatin County,Montana,is within the City of Bozeman,Montana,a first-cla s mu Icipality, and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pursuant to §76-1-601 at seq.,MCA,and can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequate municipal facilities.Therefore,under the provisions of§76-4-125(2)(d)MCA, this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department of Environmental — Quality review. ,r DATED this 1 day of fir- Mbex ADA APPROVED AS TO FORM YL //✓ City Attome Director of Public Works ' City of Bozeman,Montana MERIDIAN LAND PROJECT SURVEYOR: MSL SHEET MADISON ENGINEERING DRAWN BY: MSL 1 OF 3 .. 895 Technology Boulevard SURVEYING, INC. Suite 203,bozeman,not 59718 64 BRECKEN COURT,BOZEMAN,MT 59718 REVIEWED BY: MSL 148-22 o (406)586.0262 1(406)586-5740 FAX Phone(406) 579-1746 e-mall: meridiansurveying@yahoo.com v DATE: 6113117 PROJECT NO.MT-020.051-24-14822-15 NOTES: FINAL PLAT-LOT LAYOUT OO Property corner-set Meridian A.C.on 518 inch diameter rather ----- 1.Federal,state and local plans,policies,regulations,and/or conditions of subdivision Z YELLOWSTONE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 494 sapprovhown may limit ihe s of Approval rovalf the property,including the location,size,and use are • Property comer-easement comer in noted shown on the Conditions of Approval sheet. o Property or easement corner-nothing found or set A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 AND SW1/4 SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 2 2.Buyers of property should ensure that they have obtained and reviewed all sheets of the plat and all documents recorded and filed In conjunction with the plat and that Section comer-found monument as noted SOUTH,RANGE 5 EAST,P.M.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY,MONTANA buyers of property are strongly encouraged to contact the local planning department and become informed of any limitations on the use of the property prior to closing. BASIS Imo'.a 1/4 Comer-nothing found,set monument as noted Morita THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5 MINOR LOT SUBDIVISION OF BEARINGTHIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE REQUEST OF MADISON ENGINEERING Montana State Plane Coordinate memo 1/4 Comer-found monument as noted SHEET INDEX: System(Single Zane)Grid bearings OWNER OF RECORD: GILHOUSEN COMMUNITY PROPERTY TRUST Property line Sheet 1-Final Plat-Certificates Sheet 2-Final Plat-Lot Layout ---------- Section line Sheet 3-Conditions of Approval _ Interior aliquot part division line I AREAS: - Easement Total lot area=73.482 Acres (RI) Record dimension per C.O.S.2161 I I Public street and roadway easements=6.501 Acres (R2) Record dimension per M.D.T.R/W plans(S-243(1)) Total Area=79.983 Acres I I I I fl (M) Measured dimension u > I I I ) A.C. Aluminum cap II C.C.R.F. Certified corner recordation form w I I I I L7 Line number designation 0 1 I Lot A,Minor Sub.No.235A W a3 Shady Lane Public Park Shady Lane Public Park Lot 1,Block 5, I x' I I la I Southbridge Sub.Ph.3 Southbridge Sub.Ph.1 Southbrdgs Sub.Ph.1A I m Lot 1,Block 4, WIM comer Sec 24.Nothing found- l9 Lot 2,Minor Sub.No.236 al (Plat ref J-655) (Plat f J507) (plat W. J50B) = Southbridge,Sub.Ph 1 I I position established through single Lot 1,Minor Sub.No.236 I (Plat ref.J507) Lola Minor S 0 No 235A ie I N1/IBSec 24.Nothing 5 I I Hope Lutheran Church P PD per C.O.S.252 Sal Meridian B E( 582917(R7 rounWor sal Position g . ............... ........ ........... ..... ..L... .........,, ............j. .l „.. 00 3424 W( )5323 1 V(M) aalaenane rou h c n la I - A.C. I I .............. .,,.... J.�L _ prop No p CO3 2681. ---------- - ,' J.-SOMBRID01- Ep WIDE UnLITYER3PMEMPE6 MINOReUB.No.4BE - - -- - -- �------------------ -------------- \, PER MPTPLANa R ER MDT PLRNS �(��------- .....,,�,,,,. zo root wise dltDn zeea oe Ri -10 idededicated....... ............... ......... (..) roetl y maintenance easement .. ,,, ,,. .. ER MINoa ,, Rr u a M,zse -zee' wa South 19th Avenue 286906'(RI) 7srootwiaedlroh -- _JT_O1 DZ ______-__ __ 041Mi___--_-_---_--__-_-__-_---_-_-_- N00347A"E`•. 6323.16' A 2858.07 M) maintenance easement z7I14 ���I�\�133z.oa'M N 00°02'55"E M -------- �•z4 r __ ( I ( ) N00°343MW(R2) 1332.03'(R7) _.-__ ____-_ 1332.09'(R1) 152.813'M ( ) T z4 a 1329.53'(R1aM) L1 (q L3 LB 1328.83'(R1dM) �zs v ( ) N00°35'25"E M b W1/4c--WN1/i8M- • • � 2508.45'M Le Section corner. J N00°02'S6"E ifi2b5' • • - N00°35'25- 1170.18_______-- _-__110 -_---_-__ _-_-_ -_ __--- N00°86'25°E 81205- -- - Ng0_36�25"E 149 ' Ng0°38'28"E 181_83' m Found A.C.per ___-__-__-__ _____-__-__ _ _ _-__ _-________-_ - _ __-_____-__ _ _____ C.C.R.F.4-064 ________.�_______ __ - ____-__- ___ EIRRIW 11DdR __ -_ -_____-__ ______ Ls B'Wlp ERBEMEm 91H68ec.24.Nothing round � r � asB�3azs•w a4aa�-�-- ---- -?-------- N Dl•BT3E'E II4.46' I Section comer. S1/76 Sec.24.Nothing round tor hrough Politic establishedp NBO•erBBc 1NAD• r set.Position established Nrou9h single proportion Per I I L2 -- --_-_- _-� \4� 1 ( IFound A.C.Der through single proportion per Thorpe Bk.18,Pg.93 70 toot wide public 10 Too(wide publlo 10'wise eeelceted L8 L7 +8. ,""• :C.C.ft.F.&880 9 foot wide public- ,iy\ i 6 ThorpeBk.18,PB•99 sidewalk easement utility!...merit roadway \` utility I lolly.-e�t M Lot 3 / 10 LINE BEARING DISTANCE I Lot 2,Common L1 N 00°35'2B"E 664.46' Area=7.644 Acres z I ' � i gg°43'38 • Open Space 'sP° L2 N 00°35'25"E 664.42 ; I 3 ° 6576 ��°• Area=1.826 Acres L3 N 00°35'25"E 224.44' , h eoz'*" 'E 3 °3, o�� L1 L4 N 02°52'32"E 224.44' //'40'B1 L5 N 02152'32"E 224.45' ' z \ NOB•1Ba1'E I LB N 0013115"E 183.04' L7 N 00131*35"E 183.19'L8 N 01°10'17"E 151,46' H s z 9 w j L9 N 01*10*17"E 151.41' / L10 S 00°4$00"W 27.23' o 6 R L11 3 00°40'00"W 36.03' I I g° / s '�a 499sm = Storm y L12 301°70'17"W 151.49 ,�• �$ �' �' drainage /°? w, easement 35'widdeted 36 � •I � �' �4 m � roadway � W i e //� I 9. � 30 foot wide public \ 4' m BLOCK �g I z I < sty• 46.8�0'OB"E // Lot 1 easement xcess a bell o�� O �� g Woreew 77 / Area=15.069 Acres aeemen h�7 O c a e.4z' i7s' • • sbd,F 2 o I o P N 33.98' E r a 747. I m uv UnPlaaed z T,, z eceea.lerw ��b'W°^ w Lot 1 ,• I5` B L O C K 1 • �" 3 Lot development subjectrill 1•q9 B o.eat m£' O b, to further subdivision review (See Conditions of Approval Sheet) •I w w I ryj • esrBzww �'y'E i �l,..° t Area=38.407 Acres 10 foot wide public I W col W 7 utility easement 8 l o L I82s Z o 73 00 co N 10 foot wide public utility easement 0 foot wide public $ utility easement H Lot 4 b• b •g Lot development subjectto further subdivision review 900°01.2A"W (See Conditions of Approval Sheet) 103.10' • s Area=10.519 Acres 80o,ona"E 252.03' 23 section comer, p b 'p N t�eq, ^1g� Found A.C.Per c' n S N d• N C.C.R.F.4484 �� �\J J • 0 i ' �`,j \ • 800°00'00"E 459.18' ^s m C. ro 30 Foot wide public street 20 foot anc ditch I o\°r.m mom'• 10 fool Wide public �N m per Oct. No.247061 maintenance easement m$. 20 foot wide Bitch Vu r,J' •I� per Dac.No.2478615 10 foot wide public 1111�� maim u ty m.-int w < J¢ enenca easement ____ BN S 00°59'23P W(M) • - - - - - - - - - - ---s io aa23 Wi33o.a3=----- I k l e I p�1 1324.301(M) $ ----------- - -------------------------- wW SW 1/16 •52,07'• • -__-__-__-___________-__-__ W1/16 Sec.24,Nothing round sec.24. South 15th Avenue S00°59'23"WM 1329.81'(M) 801'0738°W 1145,08' rest.Poslllon estebllshetl S00.09'00"E M 1328.68'Ri C-W 1/i6 through single proportion. Found B.C. S 61°0T38"W(M)1322.36'(M) z so I > 30'wide dedicated 800°00'45"E(Ri) 1322.41'(Ri) BPoint eginning z� N --� c R F�ir fx�3r 5 3; �Fx i9 i6 l�2 B B �( �( N G g roadway 30'wwededicated Nwv1s Z ItV �� �K 0 3 3 3 6 ] 3 .� roadway NW 1/6C- x 1 3:• � Y 3 � � � � � ro C.O.S.792 c 0 `m C.O.S.252 rop N o SE114NW114 Plot of Alder Creek SubdWl5lon - Phase 5(Plat Ref.J-479) lB �, PROJECT SURVEYOR: MSL SHEET Si/4 comer Sec.24. mZl D -_- 0 MADISON ENGINEERING MERIDIAN LAND f- _ DRAWN MSL 2 of 3 • z3 :4 Found A.C.per Q ___ D.0.8.2083 m SURVEYING, INC. Found a 2600277 1 inches Suite Technology Boulevard ���/J Found eanderone11V p,E" z°r3 D4/201]e3:Y1:33 Ph Fe°.82600 Suite 203,bowman,hit 59718 846RECKEN COURT,BOZEMAN,MT 69718 REVIEWED BY: MSL 148-22 c:ueu„c°1 1 nr PLRT (406)586.02621(406)586-5740 FAX IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPP1111111111111111111111111111111114IIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIpp Sale l"=100' Phone l: m 579-1746 e-mail: meridiansurveying@yahoo.com DATE: 6113117 1 PROJECT NO.MT- SHEET INDEX: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Sheet 1-Final Plat-Certificates YELLOWSTONE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 494 Sheet 2-Final Plat-Lot Layout Z Sheet 3-Conditions of Approval A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NW1/4 AND SW1/4 SECTION 24,TOWNSHIP 2 o I I I SOUTH COUNTY, I I 'RANGE 5 EAST P.M.M.'CITY OF BOZEMAN'GALLATIN eaas C ,MONTANA O I I . I I I BASIS OF BEARING THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 5 MINOR LOT SUBDIVISION o I I Montana State Plane Coordinate THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED AT THE REQUEST OF MADISON ENGINEERING I I I I I I System(Single Zone)Grid bearings OWNER OF RECORD: GILHOUSEN COMMUNITY PROPERTY TRUST Oinch—I -- _--__-___-_J :I L---__--__J L_____ ____ _______ ___________ /)I IL- Scalel"=100' ------ --- -- ------ -- ------- Y I �� Lr ..� lnwaaaedicaiea�2orootwidemmn .`_. _ � , _,— — _ 1 �roatlwa melQtanance ealema \ �I ---_ -_ -?= I_\ mot wide ditch - - --- -� -=J / m > J � melntenenra ease sS CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL •�.... -- •/ .r /Mandeville Creek _�__—_ __ __ _-4_—__ / — —__— _j —_ __ __'--_— _ _ __ 1.Per Section 36.36.020-All areas reserved for open space and other common ! 1 ) rt l _ t_—__—__ __ �__—_ '� ,I �-_ _ -�-� —F _ _ areas as identified on the plat are to be owned and maintained by the Yellowstone ` \I 1 1--—-�---r -—-I----___I_-_L_ I-- I_ __1 _ _ I _ I_ \_ �_ - TheologicallnstiWteAssociation. I I -� - --- -i--- / I \ / Mandyvllle \ I I o root wlaa tic �'- \ / '10 fool wide Public 1a win Beal iea \'I I uolmot wine Rubli f a tlewalk e / utility easement roadway 2.Per Section 38.39.030.B.2 Sidewalks.The final plat and property owners' I I I linty aeaamem I 10 fool wide public I I psemen \ \\/ y ( \ association documents shall Include language stating that"upon the third 1 I \� I I / I I I 1 I e wetland setback I I I I I utility easement I \ I r I ( I f/ a ( IMgatl/n dlt anniversary of the plat recordation of any phase of the subdivision,any lot owner 1 I / 1 I I I I P I I 1 ` / \ I 60'wetland setback / 1 1' \ I who has not constructed said sidewalk shall,without further notice,construct within ) \ I ( ! I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 l ( / I Lot 3 I R I \ / 1 I I I \ I I 1 I Are 7.644 Acres I I \\ / / J t' __ Lot 2,Common ^ ®•, 30 days,said sidewalk for their lot(s),regardless of whether other improvements / I\ / I I I I I I I I 1 I /have been made upon the lot" I I \\ \ I I I 1 \ I I I is / / r�/ - Open Space /> � \\ I /1 I 1 1 . \ / i Area=1.36Acres / 3.Due to the potential of high round water tables in the area of this subdivision,It is recommended that structures with crawlspaces or full or partial basements not be constructed without first consulting a professional engineer licensed in the State of ( 1 V I \ \ I I I \ Montana and qualified In the certification of residential and commercial construction. No crawl spaces or basements should be constructed such that sump pumps are required to pump water from these spaces.Sump pumps are not allowed to connect to the sanitary sewer system.Sump pumps are also not allowed to be connected to the drainage system unless capacity Is designed Into the drainage / I system to accept the pumped water.Water from sump pumps may not be / J ( \ ) / \ ( 1 e�ege discharged onto streets,such as Into the curb and gutters where they may create a // i I I \ ( / \ J 1 / 1 / 1 I \ \ I I ! \ I \ / \\ \ \ \ \\ / err6ement / 36'wide I I I 35' safety hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. / / I / \ / I I 1 / / 1 \ \ ( \ 1 \ / / / dedicated `I / / / dwa I I 9a yT� II 4.All downstream water user facilities will not be Impacted by this Subdivision.No // // I // // ) J �/ J � /�J I I • I I \ • ) l � I /i ®( / / � II I J ®/ I / / /� // � - changes or modifications shall be made to the agricultural water user facilities as I / / / i / / ( \ \ 1 / / // I / / / uu they cross the proposed development without the written consent of the Ditch / / / / / i / / ( I \ % \ / / \ I 30 mot wide public / / / I W Company and the persons legally entitled to the water under an appropriated water 1 / I/ \ / / / B L o C(K / \ \ \ ( ( 1 \ / \ I 1 gccess enp bell ( ( / / rq J T / / , l \ • \ • • \ \/ / J Lot 1 epee ant / 0 right or permit of an Irrigation district or other private or public entity formed to I I I \ / ( / / 1 / / / / >� / / � ) / / � provide for the use of the water right on the subdivision lots.In addition,a 20 foot I \( \ s�� i / Area=15.069 Acres I / P g \\ I I I ��� / �/ I / / l� \ \ I I I // / / / I M / \ \ I 1 /' / I I z wide easement(Measured 10 feet on either side of the centerline)Is hereby (\ ` \`\ ) I ( / \ ( i \ / / l i 1 / • • / / 1 \ { / h ! ! 1 1 / established along all irrigation canals and ditches on-site. lid//1 5.If a utility easement is greater than the building setback required under Chapter )I I I // // 1 / 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code(B.M.C.)said easement shall apply. ) 7 \(( \ 1 1 \ \ � Lot 9 / /.' / / 1 B; L O C Lot development subje \ / � / � / I / - � / / L! V 1 + 6.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all potential purchasers of Lot 4,Block 1 and Lot II� \ \\ \ J \ \ \ to further subdivision revive,\ \ \ / / • • / / \ / / ( l / \ 1 I / I {-- - ' 1,Block 2,of the Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision,City of I ; \\ \ / (\ \ \ (S96•gondltionspf Approval Sheet). Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana,that the final tat of the subdivision was I l ® Area=38?107 Acre 1 \ i J i i I > 1 \ \ l "It P \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / mmotwiaePuegc approved by the Bozeman City Commission without completion of on and off site II \ \ `'\(' \ / \ \ I ` \ \ \ \ .,k \ \ ! - utility easement / / \ \ ) l I /\ 1 \ \ 1 ° •�I / (r�•� / improvements required under the Bozeman Municipal Code,as is allowed in \ \ \\�\ \ I 1 ( I \ \ \ \ \ \ I / I ) l \ \ \ I \ \ \ - •t I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Chapter 38.39 of the Bozeman Municipal Cade.As such,this Restriction is filed I \ \ \ \ / / N \ \ / \ \ \ \ with the final plat that stipulates that any user of these lots is subject to further I / / ) > I \ ) J \ 1 I 'I\ \ / / / u I \ \ subdivision,and no development of these lots shell occur until all on and off site I I ( I J 1 / / // / \/ / / J / / \) J .r ) / / - 1 I 1 ; / 7 / 1\ \ \ J \IL \ '� �` improvements are completed as required under the Bozeman Municipal Coda. THEREFORE,BE ADVISED,that Building Permits will not be Issued for Lot 4,Blockwlae Publl 1 and Lot 1,Block 2,of the Yellowstone Theological Institute Minor Subdivision,City •aumset S —'.� / \ of Bozeman,Gallatin County,Montana until all required on and off site / I Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Bozeman.No building or / / Ir \ 1 ®I \ [ \ \ \ I \ I \I \ structures are permitted to be constructed on these lots until this restriction is lifted. <> / \ \\ ! \ \ 1 \\ v This restriction runs with the land and is revocable only by further subdivision and the written consent of the City of Bozeman. \ \ ` ` \ \ l \ \ 1 / 10 foot wide public l \ \ / \ \ ( i/ J \ l / 1 I I\ A6 Q \ \ \\ r \ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ ( uanty easement ) 7.No parkland dedicated with this subdivision.Development on land Initially (III > \) \ / 1 \ ` / / / / I / J \ \\ \ \ \ ( / L O exempP d from park dedication is required to provide park dedication if further ICI J <I /) �/ , 1 I 1) \' ; // / ` \ \I \I \\ \ ( develo merit of the site does not continue to meet the criteria for exemption. III I ✓ \ LO Z 8.Maintenance of stormwater infrastructure Is the responsibility of the property Lot development subject t ; owners association. I I I I I / / / / I 1 \ IbI / / /\ 1 \ further subdivision revie _ III I I I ( / ! / / / / ll I 1 I J f / \ 1 ( _ > (Sed'Condltlon of Approval Shy t) II / / / A • • \ \ / I' \ I i• I I 11 I J / /rl \ rAFea= 0.519-Acres 9.Maintenance of private streets within the subdivision are the responsibility of the I I I / / / / // / // / ( // / J /`1 1 \ \ \ \ \ I I 1 • • \ / I 73 property owners association. 1 I1 I `\ / / / / / // / / �� \ \ \ q • /! f J _ 10.Maintenance of the pedestrian walks shall be the responsibility of the property ( / / I ( _-v 1 / ( / / / r / / l V • I \ owners association. ) ( / / / 1 J / / I \ / 1 I \ \ / - / / / \ \ \ r r (I� I\ 11.Legal and physical access is provided to the site through West Graf Street. III } / / \ \ ` I { / / /' / / / I \\ \ \ • t / \ \ JI 1 1 \ I I 1 \ ` \ c \,1 I I/ ( 90 Fool wide public sheet I 20 toot wide ditch(1 / 1 / , ( \ \ I 1 ',( \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1 \ \ 60 Welland setback I 1 12.Water right cash-in-lieu(CIL)payments for this subdivision have been deferred. •7L-1 end wolty easement mein ante a•eerrf�t / / --\ \10 foot wide brit \ - - ---en L--1-- \ \ en \ \ Future development will be required to pay CIL prior to site plan approval for each 1 \ Per R.Ro.2478816 r--- - - -- --10 mot wide pubs --- -1- \ 1 \ �1 1/ \'--_ _- \ jy I zo toot wiaa akch ( ( ---j_-L- `mniry easement \ \ L l Wowal(Es - u ry -- 14 __7__- -malnten�nce asaTenT lot per BMC 36.23.180. ----✓-----�-- _—__—__�__—__ _ gar Ditc nn �eaement� -r----r--- I - - -a_—_ 7_—__ _—_ - \ •-.�.:.:--- _�- _ — Wo� �. a _� erdE I \ - --- ---- ----- - .. - _ - --r-a --- ti --- .-.a. - I RELATED DOCUMENTS c / \ \ \ 30•wise dedicated �� Waiver of Right to Protest the Creation of Special Improvement roadway \ 30'wltle dedicatee Districts(SIDS)for a park maintenance district per D.C.No.2582463, / \ roadway T7T I Gallatin County Records. t/.a J,„'(,f(,t,k li,h'.,:rl•,v( I"":J.3r il{`r'(`Id'I'�i;y,l:,LEC7,E„NRxAF�SYMBO12 &t�'ABBREVIA AIR Aat�f(tl.atiiu(r" a:;r'^.,,a';iPp� rc`t..•" "+.. Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts CERTIFICATE OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (SID's)for the following per Doc.No.2582462,Gallatin County O Property comer-set Mardian A.C.on518 Inch diameter rebar p Camooltemarker i eCOrds. • Property comer-found monument as noted Concrete The felt and/or graphics shown hereon represent the requirements by the governing body for Section comer-found monument sa noted Fence final plat approval and all conditions of subdivision application have be satisfied.The information shown hereon is current as of . Changes to any land-use restrictions or encumbrances may a.Street improvements to Graf Street including paving,curb/gutter, . 1/4 Comer-nothing found,set menum-t ss noted utility pole be made by amendments to covenants,zoning regulations,easemeMe or other documents as allowed sidewalk,and storm drainage Ice 1/4 Comer-found monument asnoted -. Ovemeade lactic line orcable by law or by local regulations. Properly line ------------- Buried electric line b.Street improvements to S.19th Avenue including paving, -_____—___ Section line ET Transformer DATED this l8 day of J'0 1 Zal r curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage — — — — Interior aliquot part division line �A Pawarme,a, ---------- F—rant sT Welland c.Street improvements to S.15th Avenue including paving, ------- Setback line m Culvert /Td1 t sty curb/gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage Concrete curb ■ sbrmdrainage inlet Contour(Normal) �( Light pole .__. _..-,, -..—_..-._.___. renK M�Gilhousen d.Street improvements to Arnold Street including paving,curb/gutter, —4ee0 Contour pnaes) wminalro 2600277 sidewalk,and storm drainage ___ Paee 3 ct 3 I2104/20n a3:21:as Pa i.e:126.ee Waterline Traffic signal mast arm —►t-- Water valve (R1) Record dimension per C.O.S.2161. Charlotte Mills-cal lalin count+MT PLAT e.Intersection improvements to S.19th Avenue and Graf Street Fire hydrant (R2) Record dimension per M.D.T.R/W plans(s•243(1)) _I�IIII�IIIIIIII�IIII I III I I�IIIIIIIIII�IIIII ' sewer line (M) Measured dimension f.Intersection improvements to Graf Street and S.11th Avenue W PROJECT SURVEYOR: MSL SHEET senita manhole A.C. Aluminum cap MERIDIAN LAND ' ® ty Intersection Improvements to S.19th Avenue and Stucky Road stop sign C.C.R.F. Certmea corner mooraation form 9• P kY w ®w ® MADLSON ENGINEERING 3 OF - ----- ----- Ga.line Monitoring well R j( DRAWN BY: MSL h.Intersection Improvements to S.19th Avenue and Kagy Boulevard -_-----m----- Boned communications line Weiland. 895 Technology Boulevard SURVEYING, INC. JI1p\�/nJfl m Phone pedestal Floodpleln Suite 203,bozernan,mt 59718 64 BRECKEN COURT,BOZEMAN,MT 59718 REVIEWED BY: MSL 148.22 Q Phone service drop (406)586.0262 I(406)586.5740 FAX Phone(406) 579-1748 e-mail: meridlansurveying@yahoo.com DATE: 6113117 PROJECTNO.MT-020.051.24-148.22-15