HomeMy WebLinkAbout23100 Staff Report Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 1 of 16 Application No. 23100 Type Site Plan Project Name North Park Wyndham Site Plan Summary Site plan application to build a 4-story, 124-room extended stay hotel on the northwest corner of Wheat Drive and Mandeville Lane within the North Park Master Site Plan (Application #15273). Site improvements include access, parking, walkways, landscaping, and stormwater retention. One departure was requested from the building materials requirements in BMC 38.530.060.C.3 and approval of the departure is supported by staff. Zoning M-1 Growth Policy Industrial Parcel Size 96,805 square feet Overlay District(s) None Street Address 2215 Wheat Drive Legal Description S36, T01 S, R05 E, Acres 22.4, Tract 1 of Lease, City Of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana Owner York ESH, LLC, State of Montana & Bozeman TRAX Partners, LLC, 5148 US 89, Livingston, MT 59047. Applicant Same as Owner Representative DJ&A, 220 West Lamme 1D, Bozeman, MT 59715 Staff Planner Danielle Garber Engineer Mikaela Schultz Noticing Public Comment Period Site Posted Adjacent Owners Mailed Newspaper Legal Ad 4/19/24 – 5/10/24 4/19/24 4/19/24 N/A Advisory Boards Board Date Recommendation Development Review Committee 4/18/24 The application is adequate, conforms to standards, and is sufficient for approval with conditions and code provisions Recommendation The application is adequate, conforms to standards, and is sufficient for approval with conditions and code provisions as noted below. Decision Authority Director of Community Development Date 5/30/24 Full application located in the City’s Laserfiche Repository for Application 23100, and at 20 E. Olive Street. Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 2 of 16 FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPEAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE A) PURSUANT to Chapter 38, Article 2, Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC), and other applicable sections of Ch.38, BMC, public notice was given, opportunity to submit comment was provided to affected parties, and a review of the Site Plan described in this report was conducted. The applicant proposed to the City a Site Plan (SP) to permit a hotel structure with associated site improvements. The purposes of the Site Plan review were to consider all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of Ch. 38, BMC; to evaluate the proposal against the criteria of Sec. 38.230.100 BMC, and the standards of Ch. 38, BMC; and to determine whether the application should be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. B) It appeared to the Director that all parties and the public wishing to examine the proposed Site Plan and offer comment were provided the opportunity to do so. After receiving the recommendation of the relevant advisory bodies established by Ch. 38, Art. 210, BMC, and considering all matters of record presented with the application and during the public comment period defined by Ch. 38, BMC, the Director has found that the proposed Site Plan would comply with the requirements of the BMC if certain conditions were imposed. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before them regarding this application, the Director makes the following decision. C) The Site Plan has been found to meet the criteria of Ch. 38, BMC, and is therefore approved, subject to the conditions listed in this report and the correction of any elements not in conformance with the standards of the Title. The evidence contained in the submittal materials, advisory body review, public testimony, and this report, justifies the conditions imposed on this development to ensure that the Site Plan complies with all applicable regulations, and all applicable criteria of Ch. 38, BMC. On this ______ day of ________________, 2024, Anna Bentley, Director of Community Development, approved with conditions this Site Plan for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman as authorized by Sec. 38.200.010, BMC. D) This Director of Community Development’s project decision may be appealed by filing a documented appeal with and paying an appeal fee to the Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman within 10 working days after the date of the final decision as evidenced by the Director’s signature, following the procedures of Sec. 38.250.030, BMC. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 3 of 16 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. The applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) on City standard form for the following: a. Street improvements to Mandeville Lane between the development's western boundary and 7th Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. b. Street improvements to Wheat Drive between Mandeville Lane and 7th Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of the improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the filed SID waiver prior to final site plan approval CODE PROVISIONS 1. Resolution No. 3519. The subject property is located within the Solvent Site Payback District. The applicant is required to pay a proportionate share based on Commission Resolution No. 3519. Please contact Marcy Yeykal at myeykal@bozeman.net for a determination of the amount. The payback must be fulfilled prior to site plan approval. The adopted commission resolution requires the pro-rated cost of the water main to be paid prior to connecting to city services. The calculated rate for this payback is as follows: Rate = $0.082/square foot + Consumer Price Index Adjustment (CPIA). 2. BMC 38.410.060- Front setback utility easements must be ten feet wide, and must always be provided unless written confirmation is submitted to the community development department from all utility companies providing service indicating that front setback easements are not needed. Prior to final site plan approval, the subdivision exemption dedicating the ten-foot front setback utility easement along Mandeville Lane must be approved and recorded. 3. BMC 38.410.060.C- The applicant must extend the water and sewer easement to a minimum of nine feet past the proposed fire hydrant. Prior to final site plan approval, the subdivision exemption establishing this easement must be approved and recorded. 4. BMC 38.410.060.A- The applicant must provide a public drainage easement over the stormwater facilities that accept drainage from the Mandeville Lane right-of-way. Prior to final site plan approval, the subdivision exemption establishing this easement must be approved and recorded. 5. BMC 37.270.030- Wheat Drive is currently under construction for phase 1 of the North Park Development and must be constructed and accepted prior to building permit approval. 6. Code Provision BMC 38.270.040- The portion of the shared use path in the 20-foot wide right-of-way easement for the North Park Master Site Plan must be installed for the portion adjacent to the subject property, or subject to an approved improvements agreement and financially secured, prior to occupancy of any building on site. 7. BMC 38.270.030.C- The applicant has requested concurrent construction of infrastructure and the site plan buildings. Prior to building permit approval, the applicant must meet the following requirements: Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 4 of 16 a. Provide an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City on City standard form. The applicant must submit the original signed hard copy of the dedication to the City. The template of the dedication is provided in the City Documents and Staff Reports folder. b. Provide a letter from the Fire Marshall supporting approval of concurrent construction and indicating that adequate fire protection services are available from the existing hydrants and water supply to meet needs during construction. c. Receive infrastructure plan and specification approval from the Engineering Division. 8. BMC 38.410.130. Water Adequacy: Prior to finalizing the cash-in-lieu of water rights (CILWR) fee please provide the total annual irrigation water demand or provide directions to where it can be found on the plan set. The CILWR fee must be finalized and paid prior to final site plan approval. 9. BMC 38.540.050.A.5. Bicycle Parking. Based on the proposed spacing of the Dero Arc bike racks at the west and south entrances and the requirements of this section for 2-feet of space per bike, the application is short four of the required 14 bicycle parking spaces. Four additional bicycle parking spaces must be provided prior to final plan approval. 10. BMC 38.520.040.D. Non-Motorized Circulation and Design. Section D requires pathways that are adjacent to perpendicular or angled parking to be a minimum of 7-feet wide. Where a 6-foot sidewalk is proposed adjacent to perpendicular parking spaces it must be widened to 7-feet prior to final site plan approval. The proposed future EV chargers located along the east side of the building are not permitted to encroach into the 7-foot required pathway circulation width. Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 5 of 16 Figure 1: Current Zoning Map Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 6 of 16 Figure 2: Site Overview Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 7 of 16 Figure 3: Site Plan Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 8 of 16 Figure 4: Landscape Plan Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 9 of 16 Figure 5: East Elevation (Wheat Drive) Figure 6: East Elevation (Interior) Figure 7: South (Mandeville Lane) and North (Interior) Elevations Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 10 of 16 Figure 8: Rendered Elevations East and South Figure 9: Rendered Elevations West and North Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 11 of 16 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Plan Review, Section 38.230.100, BMC In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the Director of Community Development shall consider the following: 1. Conformance with Article 1 - Consistency with the City’s adopted Growth Policy 38.100.040.D Meets Code? Growth Policy Land Use Industrial Yes Zoning M-1, Light Manufacturing District Yes Comments: The project conforms to the requirements of the M-1 zoning district. The 2020 Community Plan designation of Industrial correlates with the M-1 zoning district. The proposed project conforms to this designation by providing employment and services to the community adjacent to significant transportation corridors. 2. Conformance with Article 1 - All other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations (38.100.080) Condominium ownership No Comments: Additional steps will be required including but not limited to review of required easements, building permits and infrastructure plans. The Building Division of the Department of Community Development will review the requirements of the International Building Code for compliance at the time of building permit application. 3. Conformance with Article 2, including the cessation of any current violations (38.200.160) Meets Code? Current Violations None Yes Comments: There are no current violations on the property. 4. Conformance with Article 2 - Submittal material (38.220) requirements and plan review for applicable permit types (38.230) Meets Code? Site Plan Yes Submittal requirements 38.220.100 Yes Phasing of development 38.230.020.B No. of phases: 1 Yes Comments: The commercial building and site improvements are proposed to be completed in 1 phase. Any additional use permit (Conditional Use Permit) 38.230.120 or (Special use Permit) 38.230.120 NA Comments: No conditional or special uses are proposed. 5. Conformance with Article 3 - Zoning Provisions (38.300) Meets Code? Permitted uses 38.310 Hotel Yes Form and intensity standards 38.320 Zoning: M-1 Setbacks (feet) Structures Parking / Loading Yes Front Block Frontage Block Frontage Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 12 of 16 Rear 3 None Side 3 None Alley NA NA Comments: Hotels are principal uses in the M-1 zoning district. The application is providing 10-foot setbacks along the two street frontages (Wheat Drive and Mandeville Lane) meeting the Other Block frontage requirements, and 3-foot setbacks along the north and west property lines meeting the rear and side requirements for the M-1 district. Lot coverage 13% Allowed 100% Yes Building height 48’ 6” Allowed 50-feet Yes Comments: Lot coverage and building height form and intensity standards are met with the proposed design. Applicable zone specific or overlay standards 38.330-40 NA Comments: The project is not within an overlay district, or zoning district with specific standards General land use standards and requirements 38.350 NA Comments: No setback or height encroachments are requested with the proposed design. No other general land use standards are applicable. Applicable supplemental use criteria 38.360 Yes Supplemental uses/type None NA Comments: No supplemental use criteria are applicable to this application. Wireless facilities 38.370 NA Affordable Housing 38.380.010 NA Affordable housing plan NA Comments: No wireless facilities are proposed. No affordable housing incentives are requested with the proposed uses. 6a. Conformance with Article 4 - Community Design Provisions: Transportation Facilities and Access (38.400) Meets Code? Streets 38.400.010 Yes Street and road dedication 38.400.020 NA Access easements NA Level of Service 38.400.060 Yes Transportation grid adequate to serve site Yes Comments: Adjacent streets exist to serve the site, no additional dedication is needed. Wheat Drive is currently under construction for Phase 1 of the North Park Development, code provision 5 requires the street be accepted by the City prior to building permit approval. No new traffic impact study was required by the Engineering Division however, a peak-hour trip generation letter was provided by the Applicant to ensure that the proposed project would not exceed the original assumed trip estimates reviewed with the North Park Master Site Plan and the North Park TIS was provided. Level of service standards for arterial and collector streets serving the site was evaluated by engineering. A Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID’s) for future transportation improvements is required to be provided by the applicant ensuring participation in funding of future infrastructure improvements that may be required to offset impacts created by development of the property. Sidewalks 38.400.080 Yes Comments: Sidewalks will be constructed along Mandeville Lane and Wheat Drive Drive access 38.400.090 Access to site: 2 Yes Fire lanes, curbs, signage and striping Yes Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 13 of 16 Comments: Two accesses are proposed, one from each street frontage. Engineering evaluated the spacing and dimensions of the accesses for conformance with Article 4 requirements. Street vision triangle 38.400.100 Yes Transportation pathways 38.400.110 NA Pedestrian access easements for shared use pathways and similar transportation facilities Yes Public transportation 38.400.120 NA Comments: No transportation pathways or public transportation facilities are proposed with this application. A shared use path was approved with the North Park Master Site Plan and per code provision 6 the portion adjacent to this development must be constructed prior to occupancy. 6b. Conformance with Article 4 – Community Design Provisions: Community Design and Elements (38.410) Meets Code? Neighborhood centers 38.410.020 NA Comments: This project does not trigger neighborhood center requirements. Lot and block standards 38.410.030-040 Yes Midblock crossing: rights of way for pedestrians alternative block delineation NA Comments: This project does not trigger lot and block standards. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area, have provisions been made in the plan to avoid interfering with public access to and use of that area Yes Provisions for utilities including efficient public services and utilities 38.410.050-060 Yes Easements (City and public utility rights-of-way etc.) Yes Water, sewer, and stormwater Yes Other utilities (electric, natural gas, communications) Yes CIL of water Yes Comments: Requirements were reviewed by engineering. Payment of CIL of water rights is a required with code provision 8. Municipal infrastructure requirements 38.410.070 Yes Comments: Municipal water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems proposed with this project have been reviewed by engineering. Concurrent construction was requested with this application and approval is required prior to building permit approval. Grading & drainage 38.410.080 Yes Location, design and capacity of stormwater facilities Yes Stormwater maintenance plan Yes Landscaping: native species, curvilinear, 75% live vegetation 38.410.080.H NA Comments: Location, design and capacity of stormwater facilities was reviewed by engineering. No surface ponds are proposed with this application. Grading and drainage was reviewed by engineering. Watercourse setback 38.410.100 NA Watercourse setback planting plan 38.410.100.2.f NA 6c. Conformance with Article 4 – Community Design Provisions: Park and Recreation Requirements (38.420) Meets Code? Parkland requirements 38.420.020.A NA NA Cash donation in lieu (CIL) 38.420.030 NA Improvements in-lieu NA Comments: No parkland is required for commercial uses. Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 14 of 16 Park Frontage 38.420.060 NA Park development 38.420.080 NA Recreation pathways 38.420.110 NA Park/Recreational area design NA Comments: No parks are proposed or required with this application. 7a. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Block Frontage Standards (38.510) Meets Code? Block frontage classification Other Yes Departure criteria None requested Yes Comments: Both Mandeville Lane and Wheat Drive are designated Other block frontages. The project meets the building placement, façade transparency, parking location, and sidewalk width requirements. A front facing building entrance with weather protection and with sidewalk connections from both streets is provided. The building architecturally addresses the Wheat Drive street frontage. For transparency requirements, over 10% is required for the East and South elevations facing both street frontages, 12% is provided on the south elevation, and 15% from the east elevation. A 10-foot landscaped screen between sidewalks and parking areas is provided and meets the mandatory landscaping requirements of 38.550. 7b. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Site Planning and Design Elements (38.520) Meets Code? Design and arrangement of the elements of the plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community, neighborhood, and other approved development and produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive development Yes Relationship to adjacent properties 38.520.030 NA Non-motorized circulation and design systems to enhance convenience and safety across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to paving patterns, pathway design, landscaping and lighting 38.420.040 Yes Comments: Pedestrian paths through the site, including to service areas, and connecting to both streets and the nearby shared use path are provided. Contrasting concrete crosswalks and appropriate landscaping are provided and meet the requirements of this section. The sidewalks adjacent to perpendicular parking must be widened to 7-feet to meet the requirements of this section. EV charges are not permitted to encroach into this sidewalk width. Design of vehicular circulation systems to assure that vehicles can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the general community 38.420.050 Yes Internal roadway design 38.520.050.D NA Comments: No internal roadways are proposed. Vehicular accesses and parking lot circulation areas meet the requirements of 38.400 and 38.540. No inter-site connectivity is proposed or achievable. On-site open space 38.520.060 Total required NA NA Total provided NA NA Comments: No commercial open space is required for developments in industrial zones. Location and design of service areas and mechanical equipment 38.520.070 Yes Comments: Utility meters are to be screened by landscaping. Solid waste will be collected via one enclosure on the northwest side of the lot. The enclosure meets the screening standards in this section and adequate adjacent landscaping is provided. Three condensing units on the roof will be screened by a Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 15 of 16 7d. Conformance with Article 5 – Parking (38.540) Meets Code? Parking requirements 38.540.050 Yes Yes Parking requirements residential 38.540.050.A.1 NA Reductions residential 38.540.050.A.1.b NA Parking requirements nonresidential 38.540.050.A.2 142 spaces Reductions nonresidential 38.540.050.A.2.c None Provided off-street 145 spaces Provided on-street 0 Bicycle parking 38.540.050.A.4 10 Comments: Based on the parking factor for hotel uses of 1.1 spaces per guest room plus 1 space per employee on maximum shift, the required parking for the 124 rooms and maximum 6 employees calculates to 142 required parking spaces. 145 spaces are provided in the proposed parking areas that meet the dimensional requirements of this section, including 8 spaces for EV charging. Code provision 9 requires 4 additional bicycle parking spaces to be provided based on the 10% metric which requires 14. Loading and uploading area requirements 38.540.080 NA First berth – minimum 70 feet length, 12 feet in width, 14 feet in height NA Additional berth – minimum 45 feet length NA Comments: NA 7e. Conformance with Article 5 – Landscaping (38.550) Meets Code? Mandatory landscaping requirements 38.550.050 Yes Drought tolerant species 75% required Yes Parking lot landscaping Yes Additional screening Yes Street frontage Yes Street median island NA Acceptable landscape materials Yes parapet. Individual room PTAC heating and cooling units are located below each window and will be screened by pre-finished dark bronze colored louvres. 7c. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Building Design (38.530) Meets Code? Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development 38.530.030 Yes Building massing and articulation 38.530.040 Yes Building details, materials, and blank wall treatments 38.530.050-070 Yes Comments: The building is meeting the articulation and massing standards of this section. Only one articulation feature is required in the M-1 district. A varied roofline (5-foot offset), building materials, and horizontal expression serve to break up the elevations and meet façade width requirements. Building materials consist of Bridger Steel 22 gauge wall panels, prefinished metal coping, flashing, and louvres (at PTAC vents), and EIFS. Three colors of EIFS are proposed. A departure from the 25 percent limit on EIFS in 38.530.020 was requested. The EIFS proposed is a smooth stucco finish and is not highly textured as is prohibited in this section. Joint patterns are employed throughout the façade for each color of EIFS proposed. Durability is addressed at the base of the building with a non-EIFS wall base. The departure criteria requires staff to consider the material’s integration and overall façade composition when evaluating the departure request. Given the use of multiple colors used to underscore the building’s articulation and to enhance horizontal expression, and the use of interspersed metal panels staff supports the departure for the use of EIFS on the proposed structure to allow 60% of the exterior finish areas to contain EIFS. Staff Report North Park Wyndham Site Plan Application No. 23100 May 17, 2024 Page 16 of 16 Protection of landscape areas NA Irrigation: plan, water source, system type Yes Residential adjacency NA Comments: The provided landscaping plan conforms to standards. A mixture of shrubs and trees meeting the height and width requirements in this section is proposed to screen the parking and circulation areas. Shrubs and trees are provided in parking islands with a river rock ground cover. Drought tolerant seed mix is proposed within the landscape screening areas along each frontage and in the Wheat Drive boulevard. River Rock is proposed along the west setback in the Mandeville Lane boulevard. No turfgrass is proposed. Landscaping of public lands 38.550.070 Yes Comments: Public landscaping along Mandeville Lane and Wheat Drive is provided.. 7f. Conformance with Article 5 – Signs (38.560) Meets Code? Allowed SF/building 38.560.060 NA NA Proposed SF/building NA NA Comments: No signage is recommended for approval with this application. A sign permit will be required prior to the installation of any signs. 7g. Conformance with Article 5 – Lighting (38.560) Meets Code? Site lighting (supports, cutoff, footcandles, temperature) 38.570.040 Yes Building-mounted lighting (supports, cutoff, footcandles, temperature) 38.570.040.B Yes Comments: Linear lighting is proposed within certain soffits to illuminate portions of the building on the primary (east) elevation. Per 38.570.040.G.7, lighting may be used to accent architectural elements but not to illuminate entire portions of buildings. Where accent lighting is used, the maximum illumination on any vertical surface or angular roof surface may not exceed 5.0 average maintained footcandles. This accent lighting is only proposed along one elevation and only on a portion of that elevation. The average footcandles shown in the elevation photometric plan does not exceed 3.0 footcandles and meets the requirements of this section. Additional building mounted lighting includes two Gardco brand wall sconces that meet the full cut off requirements of this section. The Gardco brand pole lights in the parking lot also meet full cut off requirements. The site photometric plan does not show any light intensity exceeding an average of 0.3-1.0 footcandles at the property lines and meets the requirements of this section which allows 0.3 at property lines with residential adjacency and 1.0 at property lines adjacent to commercial properties and rights of way. 8. Conformance with Article 6 – Natural Resource Protection Meets Code? Floodplain regulations 38.600 NA Wetland regulations 38.610 NA Comments: NA 9. Relevant Comment from Affected Parties (38.220) Meets Code? Public Comment Yes Comments: A public notice period was conducted meeting the requirements of this section and detailed on page 1 of this report. No public comment was provided. 10. Division of Land Pertaining to Subdivisions (38.240-Part 4) Meets Code? Subdivision exemptions NA Required easements Yes Comments: This property is owned by the State of Montana, which requires a certificate of survey to establish rights of way and easements. A subdivision exemption to review a COS establishing new easements is in review with the City of Bozeman and must be approved and recorded prior to final site plan approval per code provisions 2-4.