HomeMy WebLinkAbout23201 Staff Report Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 1 of 14 Application No. 23201 Type Site Plan Project Name Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Summary Site plan application to build a 4,936 square foot building addition at the rear of the existing Bob Wards retail space, a new loading dock, and a trash compactor. The addition and the loading dock are designed to align with the existing back building line for the Target building. The property is zoned B-2, Community Business District. Zoning B-2 Growth Policy Regional Commercial and Services Parcel Size Pad area 18,700 square feet. Overall PUD parcel size 4.62 acres. Overlay District(s) None Street Address 3011 Max Avenue Legal Description Gallatin Center Subdivision, Phase 2, S35, T01 S, R05 E, Lot 9, Acres 3.3, City Of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana Owner BW Bozeman LLC, 1075 N. Main Street Suite 120, Logan, UT 84341 Applicant Same as Owner Representative Woodbury Corp., 2733 E. Parley’s Way Suite 300, Salt Lake City, UT 84109 Staff Planner Danielle Garber Engineer Suzanne Ryan Noticing Public Comment Period Site Posted Adjacent Owners Mailed Newspaper Legal Ad 4/3/24 – 4/24/24 4/3/24 4/3/24 N/A Advisory Boards Board Date Recommendation Development Review Committee 3/28/24 The application is adequate, conforms to standards, and is sufficient for approval with conditions and code provisions Recommendation The application is adequate, conforms to standards, and is sufficient for approval with conditions and code provisions as noted below. Decision Authority Director of Community Development 5/28/24 Full application located online in the City’s Laserfiche Repository for Application 23201 Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 2 of 14 FINDINGS OF FACT AND APPEAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE A) PURSUANT to Chapter 38, Article 2, Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC), and other applicable sections of Ch.38, BMC, public notice was given, opportunity to submit comment was provided to affected parties, and a review of the Site Plan described in this report was conducted. The applicant proposed to the City a Site Plan (SP) to construct a commercial addition at 3011 Max Avenue. The purposes of the Site Plan review were to consider all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of Ch. 38, BMC; to evaluate the proposal against the criteria of Sec. 38.230.100 BMC, and the standards of Ch. 38, BMC; and to determine whether the application should be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. B) It appeared to the Director that all parties and the public wishing to examine the proposed Site Plan and offer comment were provided the opportunity to do so. After receiving the recommendation of the relevant advisory bodies established by Ch. 38, Art. 210, BMC, and considering all matters of record presented with the application and during the public comment period defined by Ch. 38, BMC, the Director has found that the proposed Site Plan would comply with the requirements of the BMC if certain conditions were imposed. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before them regarding this application, the Director makes the following decision. C) The Site Plan has been found to meet the criteria of Ch. 38, BMC, and is therefore approved, subject to the conditions listed in this report and the correction of any elements not in conformance with the standards of the Title. The evidence contained in the submittal materials, advisory body review, public testimony, and this report, justifies the conditions imposed on this development to ensure that the Site Plan complies with all applicable regulations, and all applicable criteria of Ch. 38, BMC. On this ______ day of 2024, Anna Bentley, Director of Community Development, approved with conditions this Site Plan for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman as authorized by Sec. 38.200.010, BMC. D) This Director of Community Development’s project decision may be appealed by filing a documented appeal with and paying an appeal fee to the Clerk of the Commission for the City of Bozeman within 10 working days after the date of the final decision as evidenced by the Director’s signature, following the procedures of Sec. 38.250.030, BMC. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 3 of 14 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. Additional conditions of approval and code corrections may be identified during staff review and will be included with the final report provided to the Director of Community Development. 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. CODE PROVISIONS 1. BMC 38.540.040. Maintenance of parking areas. The applicant is required to provide updated parking lot striping and maintenance of the subject property's parking areas. This must be completed prior to occupancy of the building addition. 2. BMC 38.550.100. Maintenance of landscaped areas. The applicant is required to replace any landscaping damaged or removed during the construction process prior to occupancy of the building addition. Disturbances to ground cover are required to be seeded with a mix appropriate for the disturbed location. Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 4 of 14 Figure 1: Current Zoning Map Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 5 of 14 Figure 2: Demolition Plan Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 6 of 14 Figure 3: Site Plan Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 7 of 14 Figure 4: Floor Plan Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 8 of 14 Figure 5: Elevations Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 9 of 14 ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. Plan Review, Section 38.230.100, BMC In considering applications for plan approval under this title, the Director of Community Development shall consider the following: 1. Conformance with Article 1 - Consistency with the City’s adopted Growth Policy 38.100.040.D Meets Code? Growth Policy Land Use Regional Commercial and Services Yes Zoning B-2, Community Business District Yes Comments: The project conforms to the requirements of the B-2 zoning district. B-2 is an implementing district of the 2020 Community Plan designation of Regional Commercial and Services. This application conforms to the Community Plan by expanding an existing commercial retail development with well- integrated open space and pedestrian facilities at a scale compatible with the surrounding uses. 2. Conformance with Article 1 - All other applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations (38.100.080) Condominium ownership No Comments: Additional steps will be required including but not limited to review of final site plan approval and building permits. The Building Division of the Department of Community Development will review the requirements of the International Building Code for compliance at the time of building permit application. 3. Conformance with Article 2, including the cessation of any current violations (38.200.160) Meets Code? Current Violations None Yes Comments: There are no current violations on the property. 4. Conformance with Article 2 - Submittal material (38.220) requirements and plan review for applicable permit types (38.230) Meets Code? Site Plan Yes Submittal requirements 38.220.100 Yes Phasing of development 38.230.020.B No. of phases: 1 Yes Comments: The project is to be completed with one phase as an addition. All applicable site plan submittal requirements have been met. Any additional use permit (Conditional Use Permit) 38.230.120 or (Special use Permit) 38.230.120 NA Comments: No conditional or special uses are proposed. 5. Conformance with Article 3 - Zoning Provisions (38.300) Meets Code? Permitted uses 38.310 Retail Yes Form and intensity standards 38.320 Zoning: B-2 Setbacks (feet) Structures Parking / Loading Yes Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 10 of 14 Front NA NA Rear 10-feet 10-feet Side NA NA Alley NA NA Comments: Retail is a principle use within the B-2 District. The addition does not propose any changes to front or side setbacks and the addition and loading area is located over 10-feet from the rear property line. Lot coverage 26% Allowed 100% Yes Building height 26-feet Allowed 50-feet Yes Comments: Lot coverage and building height form and intensity standards are met with the proposed design. Applicable zone specific or overlay standards 38.330-40 NA Comments: The project is not within an overlay district, or zoning district with specific standards General land use standards and requirements 38.350 MA Comments: NA Applicable supplemental use criteria 38.360 NA Supplemental uses/type None NA Comments: No uses with supplemental use criteria are proposed. Wireless facilities 38.370 NA Affordable Housing 38.380.010 NA Affordable housing plan NA Comments: No wireless facilities are proposed. No housing is proposed. 6a. Conformance with Article 4 - Community Design Provisions: Transportation Facilities and Access (38.400) Meets Code? Streets 38.400.010 NA Street and road dedication 38.400.020 NA Access easements NA Level of Service 38.400.060 Yes Transportation grid adequate to serve site Yes Comments: Adjacent streets exist to serve the site, no additional dedication is needed. No new traffic impact study was required by the Engineering Division as the addition does not change the existing uses and simply expands storage and loading areas. Sidewalks 38.400.080 Yes Comments: Sidewalks both within and adjacent to the site along all street frontages already exist. No new walkways are proposed or required. Drive access 38.400.090 Access to site: Multiple Yes Fire lanes, curbs, signage and striping Yes Comments: The drive access and vehicular circulation areas are existing and meet engineering and fire access standards. Street vision triangle 38.400.100 NA Transportation pathways 38.400.110 NA Pedestrian access easements for shared use pathways and similar transportation facilities NA Public transportation 38.400.120 NA Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 11 of 14 Comments: No new transportation pathways are proposed with this application. Vehicular access is already constructed. A pedestrian connection to the front of the building from the public sidewalk along Max Avenue is existing. No new transit stops are proposed. A Streamline bus stop exist adjacent to the site on Max Avenue. 6b. Conformance with Article 4 – Community Design Provisions: Community Design and Elements (38.410) Meets Code? Neighborhood centers 38.410.020 NA Comments: This project does not trigger neighborhood center requirements. Lot and block standards 38.410.030-040 NA Midblock crossing: rights of way for pedestrians alternative block delineation NA Comments: This project does not trigger lot and block standards. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or public open space area, have provisions been made in the plan to avoid interfering with public access to and use of that area NA Provisions for utilities including efficient public services and utilities 38.410.050-060 Yes Easements (City and public utility rights-of-way etc.) Yes Water, sewer, and stormwater Yes Other utilities (electric, natural gas, communications) Yes CIL of water Yes Comments: Requirements were reviewed by engineering. CIL of water rights was reviewed by engineering and no additional fee is triggered by this addition. Public utility easements and lines exist along the rear the of the property and are not proposed to be impacted by the proposed addition. New service lines are proposed and must be coordinated with engineering. Private utilities will need to be relocated and the applicant is required to coordinate with Northwestern Energy. Municipal infrastructure requirements 38.410.070 Yes Comments: Municipal water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems proposed with this project have been reviewed by engineering. Grading & drainage 38.410.080 Yes Location, design and capacity of stormwater facilities Yes Stormwater maintenance plan Yes Landscaping: native species, curvilinear, 75% live vegetation 38.410.080.H NA Comments: No surface ponds are proposed. Grading and drainage has been reviewed by engineering and found to be adequate. Watercourse setback 38.410.100 Yes Watercourse setback planting plan 38.410.100.2.f Yes Comments: A 75-foot wide public open space, trail, and stream corridor is platted at the rear of the subject property. The applicant is not proposing to encroach into this easement. No new setback plantings are required, however if plantings are disturbed they are required to be replaced prior to occupancy. 6c. Conformance with Article 4 – Community Design Provisions: Park and Recreation Requirements (38.420) Meets Code? Parkland requirements 38.420.020.A NA NA Cash donation in lieu (CIL) 38.420.030 NA Improvements in-lieu NA Comments: NA Park Frontage 38.420.060 NA Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 12 of 14 Park development 38.420.080 NA Recreation pathways 38.420.110 NA Park/Recreational area design NA Comments: No parks or required parkland are proposed or required with this application. 7a. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Block Frontage Standards (38.510) Meets Code? Block frontage classification Mixed NA Departure criteria None requested NA Comments: Block frontage is not applicable. This is a rear addition with a loading dock. The storefront and public parking and circulation areas are not proposed to be impacted. 7b. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Site Planning and Design Elements (38.520) Meets Code? Design and arrangement of the elements of the plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community, neighborhood, and other approved development and produce an efficient, functionally organized and cohesive development Yes Relationship to adjacent properties 38.520.030 NA Non-motorized circulation and design systems to enhance convenience and safety across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to paving patterns, pathway design, landscaping and lighting 38.420.040 NA Comments: The proposed addition will align the rear of the building with the adjacent retail site to the north and follows the established loading dock pattern in the neighborhood. No new non-motorized circulation systems are proposed or required. Design of vehicular circulation systems to assure that vehicles can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the general community 38.420.050 NA Internal roadway design 38.520.050.D NA Comments: NA, vehicular circulation is existing. On-site open space 38.520.060 NA Total required NA NA Total provided NA NA Comments: No new commercial open space triggered by this application. Location and design of service areas and mechanical equipment 38.520.070 Yes Comments: Mechanical equipment will be placed in an established service area that functions as an alley for the subject property along a loading area used for deliveries. New gas and electric meters area proposed along the drive access and will be screened from properties to the west via existing landscaping along the watercourse. A code provision requires the applicant to replace any impacted plants along the watercourse and maintain grass seed for any disturbed areas. A trash compactor is proposed within the building. 7c. Conformance with Article 5 – Project Design: Building Design (38.530) Meets Code? Compatibility with, and sensitivity to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods and other approved development 38.530.030 Yes Building massing and articulation 38.530.040 NA Building details, materials, and blank wall treatments 38.530.050-070 NA Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 13 of 14 7d. Conformance with Article 5 – Parking (38.540) Meets Code? Parking requirements 38.540.050 NA NA Parking requirements residential 38.540.050.A.1 0 Reductions residential 38.540.050.A.1.b NA Parking requirements nonresidential 38.540.050.A.2 0 Reductions nonresidential 38.540.050.A.2.c 0 Provided off-street Existing Provided on-street 0 Bicycle parking 38.540.050.A.4 Existing Comments: 38.540.010.A. allows the applicant to net out floor areas used exclusively for storage. The purpose of the addition is to provide additional storage and no additional parking is triggered with this application. A code provision per 38.540.040 requires the applicant to refresh striping and provide maintenance to the parking lot on the subject property prior to occupancy. Loading and uploading area requirements 38.540.080 Yes First berth – minimum 70 feet length, 12 feet in width, 14 feet in height Yes Additional berth – minimum 45 feet length NA Comments: One loading dock is required with this application. Two loading docks are proposed and meet the dimensional requirements of this section. 7e. Conformance with Article 5 – Landscaping (38.550) Meets Code? Mandatory landscaping requirements 38.550.050 NA Drought tolerant species 75% required NA Parking lot landscaping NA Additional screening NA Street frontage NA Street median island NA Acceptable landscape materials NA Protection of landscape areas NA Irrigation: plan, water source, system type NA Residential adjacency NA Comments: No landscaping is proposed or required per this section. Street frontage and parking area landscaping exists at the front of the site. The addition to the rear does not trigger any additional landscaping. However, a code provision has been added that any disturbed vegetation, if applicable, along the watercourse at the rear of the site must be replaced prior to occupancy. Landscaping of public lands 38.550.070 NA Comments: Street frontage landscaping exists. 7f. Conformance with Article 5 – Signs (38.560) Meets Code? Allowed SF/building 38.560.060 NA NA Proposed SF/building NA NA Comments: No signs are proposed with this application. The applicant is required to obtain a sign permit prior to the installation of any signage with a commercial message that is viewable from a public way. 7g. Conformance with Article 5 – Lighting (38.560) Meets Code? Site lighting (supports, cutoff, footcandles, temperature) 38.570.040 Yes Building-mounted lighting (supports, cutoff, footcandles, temperature) 38.570.040.B Yes Comments: The addition will be primarily constructed with CMU and concrete to match existing materials along the rear of the building. No articulation, massing, or blank wall standards are triggered. Staff Report Al’s Sporting Goods Site Plan Application No. 23201 May 28, 2024 Page 14 of 14 Comments: Existing wall mounted LED lighting is proposed to be relocated and included on the addition. Photometrics were provided demonstrating that the lighting does not exceed the intensity requirements at the rear of the subject property. 8. Conformance with Article 6 – Natural Resource Protection Meets Code? Floodplain regulations 38.600 NA Wetland regulations 38.610 NA Comments: NA 9. Relevant Comment from Affected Parties (38.220) Meets Code? Public Comment Yes Comments: A public notice period was conducted meeting the requirements of this section and detailed on page 1 of this report. No public comment has been received as of the writing of this report. 10. Division of Land Pertaining to Subdivisions (38.240-Part 4) Meets Code? Subdivision exemptions NA Required easements Yes Comments: No additional easements are required. The application does not trigger any boundary line changes or aggregations.