HomeMy WebLinkAbout019 - Site Plan Checklist SPSP SITE PLAN CHECKLIST SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS This handout provides details for application requirements outlined in the project checklists. If these requirements are met, it will minimize delays that can occur when an application is disorganized, incomplete or not formatted correctly. These requirements are mandatory per BMC 38.220. APPLICATION SET 1. Create and submit a Planning application using the ProjectDox portal; 2. Project narrative describing the project type, proposed use scope, size (dwellings, building size(s), building height(s), number of buildings, number of total parking spaces) intent, and phasing, if applicable. The narrative must include a response to the City’s conceptual review comments. If requesting a waiver from conceptual review, a letter from the director must be included. 3. Noticing Checklist Form N1 and materials. 4. For departures, a departure narrative must be provided stating which Section(s) of the Bozeman Municipal Code are proposed for departure, the scope and extent of the proposed departure(s) and a response to the required departure criteria. A summary and response to the criteria must be provided for each departure. a. Project applicants must successfully demonstrate to the review authority how the proposed departure meets the purpose(s) of the standard and other applicable departure criteria that apply to the specific standard. b. Either through a separate exhibit of departure request within the narrative or through a site plan or building elevation, clearly show any proposed departure related to the request. Ensure that the separate sheet number is referenced in the departure narrative. 5. Traffic study. Street, traffic, and access information required in Section 38.220.060.A.11, BMC or a waiver, in writing, from the Engineering Division that the requirement is waived prior to application submittal. 6. Water rights information. If cash-in-lieu is proposed a cash-in-lieu of water rights calculation and payment amount certified by the City’s Engineering Division. 7. If water wells are proposed, a letter is required from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation confirming their intent to issue a permit or exemption. 8. Stormwater Design Report. 9. Digital copy(ies) of most current plat and existing easements if recorded separately from the plat. 10. If Concurrent Construction is requested. Concurrent Construction must be requested at time of Site Plan application per Section 38.270.030, BMC. For Site Plans requiring public infrastructure extensions or upgrades on site or directly adjacent to site use CCON checklist. For Site Plans requiring off-site public infrastructure improvements use CCOFF Checklist. DIGITAL SUBMITTALS & NAMING PROTOCOL 1. Create and submit a Planning application using the ProjectDox portal; a. After completing your Development Review Application, you will receive a Notification Letter (example) via email. Please download this document and obtain owner’s signature. Upload as a PDF to the “Documents” folder in ProjectDox. 2. The digital copies must be separated into two categories: Documents and Drawings. a. The Documents folder should include items such as application forms, narrative, response to City comments, supplemental documents, technical reports, easements, legal documents, etc. b. The Drawings folder should include items such as site plans, civil plans, landscape plans, photometric plans, elevations, etc. All drawing files must be drawn and formatted for a 24” x 36” sheet file or 11” x 17” sheet file. Plan pages shall be properly oriented in landscape mode. Refer to our Quick Guide for additional information; 3. Naming protocol. All files should be numbered and named according to their order listed on your provided Submittal Checklist. File names should start with a numeric value followed by the document name. The numeric value at the beginning of the file name ensures the order in which they are displayed. Refer to our Quick Guide for additional information; Site Plan Checklist Page 1 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST 11. If the property is located within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD), include Commercial Certificate of Appropriateness (CCOA) or Demolition (DEM) applications and required materials. a. You may only apply for deviations in conjunction with a development proposal. Standards and criteria for deviations are contained in Section 38.340, BMC. i. Either through a site plan or separate exhibit, clearly show any proposed deviations related to site requirements such as yards/setbacks, lot coverage, parking or other applicable standards. Ensure that the separate sheet number is referenced if it is within the plan sheet. ii. Either through the building elevation or separate exhibit clearly show any proposed deviations related to building construction such as height, second story additions, or other applicable standards. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PLAN SHEET LISTED BELOW 1. Use a conventional scale such as 1:20 or 1/4:1. 2. Plans/drawings must not contain disclaimers such as “Not to Scale” or “Preliminary” and “Not for Construction”. 3. Boundary line of property with dimensions annotated on plans/drawings. Ensure lot line is shown in a heavy, solid line. 4. Title Box Requirements: drawing name, sheet name, date. If new sheets are updated or revised, a new date must be applied to the sheet. 5. Legend. 6. Compass rose or an arrow indicating which direction is north. 7. Building location. 8. Ingress and egress points. 9. Approximate centerlines of existing watercourses, required watercourse setbacks, and the location of any 100-year floodplain 10. The approximate location of significant drainage features. 11. The location and size of existing and proposed streets and alleys, utility easements, utility lines, driveways and sidewalks on the lot and/or adjacent to the lot. 12. Location and extent of street vision triangles extended to the center of the right-of-way including adjacent street intersections and all alley and driveway access points. 13. Location and extent of snow storage areas. 14. Fire lanes and signage. 15. Location of trash enclosures. 16. Phasing lines as applicable. PLAN SHEETS The intent of the plan sheets is to depict all the required site information in a clear manner and to not have overly congested plans. The plans listed below are categorized based on the type of information that must be displayed on each sheet. Depending on the scale and complexity of the project, we recommend that each plan be split up into the categories listed below on individual plan sheets if the a plan becomes congested when trying to accommodate all of the required information. When in doubt, produce an extra sheet that separates the information. Site Plan Checklist Page 2 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 SITE PLAN CHECKLIST COVER SHEET REQUIREMENTS 1. Name of project/development. 2. Name and mailing address of developer and owner. 3. Name and mailing address of applicant team (i.e. engineer, architect, planner, landscape architect, etc.). 4. Location of project/development by street address and legal description. 5. Location/vicinity map, including the area within one-half mile of the site and zoning labeled. 6. Legal Description with metes and bounds format; include the lot, block and subdivision name. 7. Table of contents. If revisions are required, the title sheet and table of contents must be updated to reflect all revised sheets with new dates. 8. Parcel and site coverage information: a. Zoning district, community plan designation b. Parcel size(s) in gross acres and square feet c. Parking table, how much is required and how much is provided d. Open space calculations (if applicable) e. Parkland requirements (if applicable). See parkland requirements below. f. Density and floor area ratio breakdown. If residential, must be presented as net residential density. g. Location, percentage of parcel and total site, and square footage for the following: i. Existing and proposed buildings and structures ii. Driveway circulation and parking areas iii. Semipublic land areas such as recreational, open space, and landscape areas iv. Public street right-of-way 9. Location of City limit boundaries, and boundaries of Gallatin County’s Bozeman Area Zoning Jurisdiction, within or near the development. 10. ADA certification block that states acknowledgment of State and Local Accessibility requirements. Can be placed under General Notes on the cover sheet. Site Plan Checklist Page 3 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 GENERAL CIVIL PLAN The general civil plan and utility plan can be combined as long as the plans are not overly congested. The grading and drainage plan must be its own separate plan sheet. 1. Overall plan with no contours. Sheet must be stamped and signed by a licensed Montana Professional Engineer. 2. Surface retention/detention pond perimeters labeled. 3. Street and site lighting. 4. Adjacent streets to a distance of 150 feet, except for sites adjacent to major arterial streets where the distances shall be 200 feet. Include full width of the street with curb, gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches, intersections and street lighting on both sides of the street. 5. Traffic flow on and off site. 6. Construction route map showing construction entrance location and how materials and heavy equipment will travel to and from the site. 7. Construction management plan including exterior construction period material staging, spoils location and construction trash enclosure location(s). A trash container type must be provided and detailed (40 yard roll off, fenced enclosure, etc.). If spoils storage is proposed a timeline for removal must be provided. UTILITY PLAN 1. Utility and utility right-of-way and easements, existing and proposed with plat book and document numbers. Include: a. Electric SITE PLAN CHECKLIST GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 1. Topographic contours at a minimum internal of 2 feet, or as determined by the Director. Include sufficient spot elevations and slope arrows. 2. On-site retention/detention location, include size, volume and relevant elevations 3. Invert elevations for all stormwater conveyance infrastructure including pipes, control structure, overflows, curb chase, etc. 4. Water quality improvement facilities. 5. Surface stormwater facilities must demonstrate compliance with Section 38.410.080, BMC including cross sections for each facility. 6. Significant rock outcroppings, slopes of greater than 15 percent or other significant topographic features. 7. Designate drainage and waterway related items, including all drainage ways, streets, arroyos, dry gullies, diversion ditches, spillways, reservoirs, etc. which may be incorporated into the storm drainage system. Include the name of the drainage way (where appropriate), the downstream conditions, and any downstream restrictions. 8. Surface water, including: a. Ponds, streams and irrigation ditches (include classifications based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District; note classification of each feature on plans). b. Watercourses, water bodies and wetlands (include classifications based upon a determination of the Gallatin Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, or Wetland Delineation Report; note classification of each feature on plans). Include dimensions of watercourse setbacks including Zones 1 and 2. c. Floodplains as designated on the Federal Insurance Rate Map or that may otherwise be identified as lying within a 100 year floodplain through additional floodplain delineation, engineering analysis, topographic survey or other objective and factual basis. d. The flood hazard area(s) as identified with a floodplain analysis report in compliance with Article 6, BMC, if required. Site Plan Checklist Page 4 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 SITE PLAN 1. The location, identification and dimensions of existing and proposed data, on-site and to a distance of 100 feet (200 feet for Planned Unit Developments) outside the site boundary, exclusive of public rights-of-way. 2. Block frontage classification per Section 38.510, BMC. 3. Setbacks, building footprint and any proposed encroachments. Any setback or property line encroachments must be clearly shown and noted with encroachment type (i.e. awning, weather protection, cantilever, lighting, eave, etc). 4. Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, crosswalks, loading areas and docks, bikeways, including typical details and interrelationships with vehicular circulation system, indicating proposed treatment of points of conflict. b. Natural gas c. Telephone, cable, optic fiber and similar utilities d. Water mains and services, including fire services e. Sanitary sewer f. Storm sewer 2. Existing utilities and connections to be abandoned and/or removed (water and sewer). 3. Fire hydrant locations. 4. Size, location and material type of existing and proposed sewer, water and storm drain pipe. 5. Proposed water meter location and size. 6. Above ground utilities including poles, cabinets, boxes, manholes, pullboxes, etc. 7. Show and label required grease and/or sand/oil interceptors. 8. Show and label the location(s) of proposed gas and electric meters per standards. 9. Dimensional mechanical rooms to verify water service lay lengths meet minimum requirements. SITE PLAN CHECKLIST BUILDING DESIGN AND SIGNAGE 1. Front, rear and side elevations of all buildings, structures, fences and walls with height dimensions and roof pitches. Show open stairways, exterior lighting, weather protection, awnings, parapet walls, mechanical equipment and other projections from exterior building walls. Building elevations must include proposed exterior building materials, windows and doors including a color and material palette for all proposed features keyed to the building elevations. 2. Provide transparency calculations for any elevation that faces a street and is a block frontage. Provide minimum and maximum height of transparency from grade. Provide area of transparency and percentage in relation to the total facade. 3. Provide elevations, cross sections and details of all ground mounted and rooftop mechanical screening. Include meter banks for utilities on elevations. 4. Floor plans that include all floors and roof plan. Annotate/designate uses for all rooms and areas. A seating/serving area layout is required for all restaurants. 5. Color and Material Palette a. Color and material palettes are required for all new buildings and structures. A color and material palette must include all the proposed exterior building materials for all structures and site details. b. The exterior building materials must include all siding, trim, roofing, windows, stairways, doors, balconies, railings, storefront, glass/glazing, walls, mechanical screening, trash enclosures, accessory equipment enclosures (generator, etc.), awnings and other architectural elements. c. Each material must be keyed to the building elevations. d. Color perspectives that depict the building accurately and with the proposed building materials are encouraged to be submitted with each application. The color perspective does not satisfy the color and materials palette requirement. e. There may be instances where a physical material sample must be provided for larger more complex projects. This will be assessed at formal acceptance of the application. 6. Exterior signs if applicable. Include building frontage dimension(s) and maximum sign area calculation, provide sign dimensions and square footage of each. Note — The review of signs in conjunction with this application is only review for sign area compliance with Section 38.560, BMC (Signs). A sign permit must be obtained from the Building Division prior to erection of any and all signs, additional design guidelines apply for signs within zoning overlay districts. Site Plan Checklist Page 5 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 5. Parking facilities: a. Circulation aisles and dimensions b. Parking spaces and dimensions (ADA, compact, motorcycle, etc.) c. Number of parking spaces, existing and proposed, and total square footage of each d. On-street parking spaces and dimensions e. Bicycle parking, existing and proposed, and its location 6. If applicable, identify historic, cultural and archaeological resources. Describe and map any designated historic structures or districts, and archaeological or cultural sites. 7. Identify any major public facilities, including schools, parks, shared use pathways, trails, etc. located adjacent to the site. 8. Location of open space with dimensions. Ensure to show open space amenities as referenced in 38.520.060. 9. Location of cluster mailboxes (in coordination with the United States Postal Service). LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. Plan preparer must be: a state registered landscape architect; an individual with a degree in landscape design and two years of professional design experience in the state; or an individual with a degree in a related field (horticulture, botany, plant science, etc.) and at least five years of professional landscape design experience, of which two years have been in the state. 2. Existing and proposed grade that complies with maximum allowable slope and grade. 3. Complete landscape legend providing a description of plant materials shown on the plan, including typical symbols, names (common, botanical, and cultivar names), locations, quantities, container or caliper sizes at installation, heights, spread and spacing and identification of drought tolerant and/or native and adapted species. The location and type of all existing trees on the lot over 2.5 inches in caliper must be specifically indicated. SITE PLAN CHECKLIST LIGHTING PLAN AND DETAILS 1. Lighting plan and electrical site plan, complete with all structures, parking spaces, building entrances, traffic areas (both vehicular and pedestrian), vegetation that might interfere with lighting, and adjacent uses, containing a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type. 2. A photometric lighting plan that contains a layout of all proposed fixtures by location and type and extends the photometric information to the property boundaries and rights of way. For fueling canopies a second photometric plan is required to specifically analyze the light output underneath the drip line of the fuel canopy. 3. Details for all proposed exterior fixtures that are keyed to the fixtures noted in the lighting electrical plan and the photometric lighting plan. The detail must demonstrate compliance with full cut-off requirements in Section 38.570, BMC and be located on the lighting plan sheets. 4. If building lighting is proposed, elevations or similar information must show the illumination on any vertical surface or angular roof surface. Ensure that average footcandles is also depicted. 5. If accent lighting is proposed, provide a depiction of location, direction and intensity of any accent lighting, along with where and to what extent the surface will be illuminated. Site Plan Checklist Page 6 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 4. Size of planting at the time of installation and at maturity. 5. Complete illustration of landscaping and screening to be provided in or near off-street parking and loading areas, including information as to the amount (in square feet) of landscape area to be provided internal to parking areas and the number and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces. 6. Street frontage landscaping, including boulevard details and tree grate details as applicable based upon block frontage. 7. Locations and dimensions of proposed landscape buffer strips, including watercourse buffer zones demonstrating compliance with watercourse setback planting plan requirements per Section 38.410.100, BMC unless previously provided during subdivision review. 8. Location, height and material of proposed landscape screening and fencing (with berms to be delineated by one foot contours). 9. An indication of how existing healthy trees (if any) are to be retained and protected from damage during construction. A public tree protection and/or removal plan must be approved by the Forestry Division Manager. A Public Tree Reimbursement Form may be required. Please contact the City Forestry Division for the form and more information. 10. Size, height, location and material of proposed seating, lighting, planters, sculptures, and water features. 11. Areas to be irrigated and type of proposed irrigation and the irrigation system design plan. a. Include a description of proposed watering methods including any use of high efficiency irrigation technologies and best practice, the source of irrigation water, estimated amount of water consumption broken down by vegetation type in square feet (e.g. turf, shrubs, trees) and total estimated water consumption. DETAIL SHEET REQUIREMENTS The detail sheet requirements can be a separate unified sheet or part of the sheets listed above that it relates to, as long as it does not overly congest the sheet. The requirements below are only if it is applicable to the project. 1. Civil Details: a. Utility trench b. Corporation stop c. Detention/retention infrastructure including drainage swale cross section, pond(s) cross section with structure(s), dry well cross section, and underground storage plan and sections. d. Manholes. 2. Bicycle rack type and detail 3. Provision for handicapped accessibility, including but not limited to, wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, handrails and curb cuts, including signage and construction details and the applicant’s certification of ADA compliance. SITE PLAN CHECKLIST PARKLAND REQUIREMENTS 1. If parkland is proposed, a park plan shall be submitted consistent with Section 38.220.060.A.14, BMC. a. Park plan must include all property boundary dimensions and frontage calculations per Section 38.420.060.A, BMC. Justification for any reduction in frontage must be addressed in the Park Plan narrative. b. If there is any “unacceptable” land being proposed for inclusion within the larger park area per Section 38.420.020.E, BMC, it must be displayed on the park plan drawings and justification provided in the Park Plan narrative. c. Any request for parkland waiver per Section 38.420.100, BMC must be provided in the Park Plan narrative. 2. Provide net density for the project based on the definition in Section 38.700.130, BMC and show calculations including value of all areas reduced. For Master Site Plans, provide an estimate of net density. Provide calculations within the Park Plan narrative and final results on the Park Plan cover sheet. 3. A parkland dedication tracking table per Section 38.420.020.A, BMC must be included on the site plan cover sheet. If you have questions on how to fill out this table, contact the Parks Division. 4. Provide source and amount of parkland credit to be used if previously provided. If credit is from a subdivision, confirm the amount provided and detailed phase information. 5. If the park proposal includes improvements-in-lieu of parkland, provide a table with cost estimates and indicate in which phase of the development the improvements in-lieu will be installed, if applicable. Site Plan Checklist Page 7 of 7 Revision Date: November 2021 REQUIRED FORMS N1, CCOA (if project is within NCOD) DEM (if demolition within the NCOD), WR (if wetlands are on site), CCOFF (Concurrent Construction with off-site improvements) CCON (Concurrent Construction existing infrastructure on-site improvements) 4. Fences, walls, railings and handrails, including typical details. 5. Permanent trash enclosure and refuse collection areas, including typical details and elevations. 6. Curb, asphalt section, sidewalk and drive approach construction details. 7. Trail section. APPLICATION FEE For most current application fee, see Schedule of Community Development fees. Fees are typically adjusted in January. CONTACT US Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59715 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net/planning