HomeMy WebLinkAbout014 - Appendix M - Historic Plat DURSTONS SECOND S U B D I IV I S PO N A SUBDIVISION OF BOZEMAN, MAON_T_ANA SCALE 100' o wndersigned., T, and EEMI 'NITT-T.�F903, husband or., fie any nn� P111ALTY GO., InG., a montana Gornoration hers o f, the -,ollovn.ng de,,crribed lan.6, hereby cer-,ft, the� They Lave caused to be surimyed ambdiviIed and olatte,d into 11ots, Paooks, St rests, Avenues SURVEYED AND DRAWN IN NOVEMBER OF 1950 BY as shown on the. at: and 0,._-tif icate of Furvcy hereunto annPXad, Lb. fc!_J,wi he �­­Ibed trim, an, to-ait: A parcel of land lyl�ug Ll the Nest F 11' c' the Southeast n r-ldr u WA NE H. BABCOCK s Tow Two (P) South, Pange Five �51 East, V.P N, en 108cd nithin the ing me an MONTANA STATE 'REG.NO. 115ES to ..it Beginning at tbe Southeast comer of' *Bid wi 04", ueotion 1; thence t4.lest along th.e u c,1' b''o 0, sa,*a Section 1, 43 7 feet r., North along line 3°O feet, Iiet of and parallel i n bana 3rate 111g1ralV Departfaen,. desh Mght of Vav line 199g.o feet to the, �rah I'me of PoYal 17i8to, a 43 3 d V � 7 92 feet to the !%'set vision of B'o,"ma"a, Mc,�tania; thence E�asr, c;lina the, Sz�ut.h- 'Ine of Sall, Royel 7isT� n 00,0�31 'Amr of said IN-h �`M� C-_-�ctjon thence Seuth along, the 14,a s t line of s a Son io 1, f feet to the ntof oeginalng. •'07 - -- MMY ­, D STOMDT laic! containL 20.0 a�1en, M-e or less, __3 is to be krio,,d a.,� 701TS � 3:01N to the City of l Dozr ran ' "C'uht"Y' or Call-tin, ­Wse ol, 1.1ontana, and IhP lctj� included it, all Streets, �`,venues and _1111eys shovm on cai.! Plat are hereby granted, donated an,c ded,_.cated to the a:.:e of the n,,blie. forever. Dated thin 10-- day rf 3eptember. P­ D., 12EI. t ROYAL VISTA SUBDIVISION PeubSR t. Will1L 437,92' .el vVi't'11asn 130,oV 7 iso.67 0 CD c� Atte�t Fy Ioalfrr President 130, M us�ilatla. �mi 2a. 1�5' before mo, 11 A. Soling e r, a y p notarjhlic a', n h 1 s 10 day of Se,1.1,1,F-1.� W� -,son an' r -1 'AUlliamson. hus- h a u b e r, u,. 11 i;�, he .�n and ror t per��oLoliy apoe- red R nand snij 11141fe, kno,%n to re to be tot e o s wi-,cso n-ins are sub2c-ribed to 'hn forrp' i e ificate D of Dedication, a.nil Laura 1�;. Maxey, ,,cnowr to m to he th, -rcff�,Ie-nt of the �,­,noration thnt execated em..r -- - 'thel ac- �j the - tifleate of Dedlcalion, and the aidtReuben �1. 1111119­son "", I rje I - for-groing C`,, -cte ir nd 1 VI d u -1 0 T1 1- - , , - !-he a6 ,he of Defticat on a d �,a id> z km�wl_ciged to _y exOCU�, - - Laura D_ Ma7ey to �ime th--t Dur-_ton Co., Tne3,, P Zeeuted the `oT�,ocirg (�crtifioate W of Ded� �j e �et foi,th, -xhln.i rerson�, rnu lcorzinretl'IC are kngn for tfte 0,,,as an, purl'o-s ther to me to be tre owners of �-_cord of the property desur1bod in rala Ce,tifioatq of Dedilati=� > Cj 2 > I.N, 4=70S "IMSTREO.' bare hereunto -set my hand end affixed, my Not.rial 31.al, at ny office in Bozeoaan, -Vontama, the dR7 and yer�,r ttil' ca_7titioate f1r.,t above writz-n, L Jr. ra lo nor C4 Fotary 'u"n- S,--10, at My Co "', . 1,x 14, 1953 SFA I IERTTt`TCA�J_ OF 5?jMM7 STAT-, OF 110�,7 A"" 0 JUNIPER STREET e o County of Gallatin 130' r-160 1, -X;YVM H. BAR CO: -Reg''st.red Surveyor end Civil Eegi nee r, under the la,,_s r' the 3tate ti 0 of Yo +'an do hereby '2ertllv that I am a Surveyor 2nginecr, and as such adle 1 m t 'y n �, of DTJP,-TCIqS SECOND TJT.Ml7I31CV_ a subdivision of the City of Bozeran, County of Gallatin, Stat a of onlana, I o f 6'shown on this plat; that su-,h survey was node in strict accordo-noe with the. , , 1 itio '47; fSection 11-601 1 11-611- inclusive) rf the Pol Code, Rcv,�cd Ca des oc ;o tba--, such eurvev ­,s coarumcnoeo on the 7th day of October, 19,", and compIpIted on the 6th OD ember, 19jO; �hat, iron monuments, as regal and were seat at street intersecti-s and bl"k o-r, ej-S, Iq and 12 inch iron Spikes set at all lot �orpera. Wayne TT. Babcock ­e-rate ,Stave of Fontana Regi-stration TTo. (STAL) W I > Sub"ribed an, maorn to before zne, this 10 day of September, A.D., 1951. ti 2q (D m T1. A. Rojihpar jr. (qFAL) he�Stcte Of For.F= Residing at Rozeman, Yontans, w YY Conmissiml Expiro.s january 14, 1953 x GERTIFICAM OF ✓DIPFCTOZI z 2 Z wz L) > W O IT!-I.-6 OF m(zo MT�Y OF q ss > -A CTTY OF BOMMAN co ro til W x W 1, 3 FENDER-ON Director of Public Service of th City of the Stkmarviso- of -.'Ists of so, 8 ty 30ze,,, Cit" rr_n Montane, and as stwh CO) Par. , of Eozeen, do hei�aby certify that I ha,, examined the rlat of Subdon, a sub0v , - .1� -,itY Or"Bozemdn 'o regulations governing the pl��, t-c I - unty 'of CalletiP, State of Yon- 0 ti-,g of < 2 vcuues and Alleys are o�'oroper widH . Such ha�6 b11,1 complied with; the 3�r,ets, re rotermlnoUl- with Q,�­ '�kn 2 ,.a a P -e the same, eF st Map PvW�F�, y as nea- a-, Praoti ble. 1- thereforen an ra T prom 0�q _r Title 11, of the Politics" Code, Ss 1­77Z,-5 of the Revised e,d,, of Yontafla, lq47. Tinted this 17th .may of OctobZl� A.11, 1951. If. r_,Henderson. 7Trecto^ O ?,In ice 0, .IsCJ CitV of nozeman, m County of Gallatin, State of �!ontpna 0 0 ASPEN STREET w jProject Area K 130, to x ram STATE OR MOMANA kjND RMORDSR'S C-na" 1� 0 m : as. Gottnty of Gallatin 1 hereby ce.-ify that the foregoing instrmtert was filed for eeeard in-T.y office orrs tae day of Nov. A.D., 11,451. at 2,00 I �.�_, and recorded On Page OD 73ook r of Plate, R a County, Montana® recording fee i Earl Talton 39 STATE OF MOMIANA : FF ul lounty Of GaIlLt%ni 1, E 1 Wsltan, Clark and Rocordpq� in anj to be a -:"r said county, do hex"Y Celtify the forerojn of the City o� Bo�e.pll �ull' true a'' cornect coPY Of the crigir,01 plat cl -17, T.MS r 7L1, _g a 071T�Mnl% a subdivision Callatin County, Montana, npw n tje er of Cal.latin C"unty, Mma.tana. 01 a 0 f the Clerik and Record 'WIld'S 3 MY hane end official x seal, this 1nci av of M1v _., A.-,,)4, 1951. Earl Walton Ir - an ai o"i —v, io, 0 0 Z '0 OD `eye 00.- SOUTH LINE-W 1/2 SE 1 4 130,04' SEC.1-725 R5E-MPW' - D U RSTON ROAD 6 DURSTON SUBDIVISION BE 1R. 1/2 SE 1/4 SECJ, T2S R5EMPM to G) W CA