HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - Appendix I - Water Sewer Storm Design Report JOB NO. B23-090 MONTANA | WASHINGTON | IDAHO | NORTH DAKOTA | PENNSYLVANIA JANUARY 2024 406.586.0277 tdhengineering.com 234 East Babcock Street Suite 3 Bozeman, MT 59715 CLIENT ENGINEER MIDTOWN 8 TH LLC 767 Fifth Ave., 37th Floor New York, NY 10153 TD&H Engineering 234 East Babcock Street, Suite 3 Bozeman, MT 59715 Engineer: Cody Croskey, PE ASPEN 8 MIXED -USE BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT Image courtesy of KSQ Design 01/18/2024 B23-090 Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building Page 1 of 4 ASPEN 8 MIXED-USE BUILDING ENGINEERING DESIGN REPORT JANUARY 2024 Purpose and Introduction The purpose of this report is to explain how water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage improvements will be designed to meet the City of Bozeman requirements and Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS) to provide service to a new residential building in downtown Bozeman, Montana. The project is located at the NE corner of (future) N. 8th Avenue and W. Aspen Street, west of N. 7th Ave. The parcel is comprised of Lots 13-18 and the south 35 feet of Lot 12 in Block 2 of Durston's 2nd Subdivision, located in the SE1/4 of Section 1, T2S, R5E, Gallatin County, Montana and is 1.4 acres in size. The property is currently vacant and is located within the (B-2M) Community Business District-Mixed and Midtown Urban Renewal District (URD). Proposed development includes new site improvements and construction of a new multi- story residential building with internal parking garage and ground-floor commercial space. Public infrastructure improvements are also proposed with this development including the extensions of W. Aspen Street and N. 8th Avenue around the project, adjacent alley widening and paving improvements, replacement & realignment of the existing 8” clay sewer main in the alley, and installation of new stormwater retention facilities. The design for these improvements is being addressed separately through a public infrastructure submittal to the City Engineering Department. Design Report Water The new residential mixed-use building is expected to have 289 new dwelling units and 2,422 S.F of undesignated commercial / retail space. The new estimated domestic water demands for the project are summarized in Table 1 below with supporting assumptions and calculations provided in Appendix A in accordance with C.O.B. DSSP Section V.A.4 and the 2017 Water Facility Plan. Table 1: Estimated New Water Demands Average Day Max. Day Peak Hour New Building Demand 106,684 gpd 170.4 gpm 222.3 gpm Irrigation for site landscaping and roof-top planter & garden features will also be supplied from the building’s public water supply. A new 4-inch domestic water service line and 6-inch fire service line will be extended to the new building from the existing 8-inch water main in W. Aspen Street. Final service B23-090 Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building Page 2 of 4 sizing will be verified by the mechanical engineer in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, actual fixture unit counts, and fire protection system requirements. The service lines will be Class 51 ductile iron and will be installed per the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS). The fire flow requirement for the new building is 1,500 gpm based on building size and construction type as determined following International Fire Code Appendix B criteria. Fire hydrant flow reports were provided by the City Engineering Department for the nearest existing fire hydrant to confirm available fire in accordance with C.O.B. DSSP Section V.A.4 (max day + fire flow = 1,670 gpm). The hydrant flow data indicates an available fire flow of 5,400 gpm before dropping below a residual pressure of 20 psi. The project fire flow determination and fire hydrant flow reports are provided in appendix A. Two existing fire hydrants will also be adjusted to grade along N. 8th Avenue with installation of the new roadway improvements. The new building’s Fire Department Connection (FDC) will be located within 100-feet of existing fire hydrant #1368. Sewer The new residential mixed-use building is expected to have 289 new dwelling units and 2,422 S.F of undesignated commercial / retail space. The new estimated domestic sewer demands for the project are summarized in Table 2 below with supporting assumptions and calculations provided in Appendix B in accordance with C.O.B. DSSP Section V.B and the 2015 Wastewater Facilities Plan. Table 2: Estimated New Sewer Demands Average Day (gpd) Peak Hour (gpm) New Building Demand 40,498 - Lot Infiltration 210 - Total Sewer Demand 40,708 110.44 An existing 8-inch clay sewer main will be replaced and re-routed in the alley east and north of the new building. The design for this sewer main replacement is being addressed separately through a public infrastructure submittal. A new 10-inch sewer service is proposed to extend from the new building to the sewer main being replaced in the alley east of the site. Final service sizing for this project will be verified by the mechanical engineer in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and actual fixture unit counts. It should be noted that the large building sewer is being driven by UPC standards and large overall building fixture counts, while the sewer main will be sized to handle the contributing drainage basin flows at full build-out following C.O.B. DSSP Section V.B. A second 4-inch sewer service with grease interceptor is also proposed on the east side of the building in the event that a food service tenant occupies one of the available commercial spaces in the future. The new sewer service lines will be SDR-26 PVC and will be installed per the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Modifications to Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS). The 10-inch service line is expected to require a manhole connection to the sewer main in the alley due to its size. B23-090 Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building Page 3 of 4 Storm Drainage Existing Conditions: The existing project site consists of a vacant field that slopes generally to the north-east. No existing stormwater management controls are evident at the site. There is not a readily available storm sewer or outfall adjacent to the property and site runoff flows via existing overland drainage paths to N. 7th Avenue where it eventually enters the City’s storm sewer system. Stormwater Quantity: The proposed site development includes a new large multi-story building with an internal parking garage and new concrete sidewalks, hardscape plazas, surface parking areas, and landscaped open spaces. All of the stormwater from the building roof areas will be collected and conveyed via internal roof drain piping to an underground infiltration chamber on the east side of the building, adjacent to the alley. Stormwater from the surface parking and landscaping areas adjacent to the alley will join the alley runoff and be conveyed by valley gutter to an underground infiltration chamber located in the alley north of the building. Since there is not a readily available opportunity to convey the 25-year storm event from the site to the City’s storm drain system without crossing private properties, the infiltration chambers for the roof drains and alley are proposed to be oversized to capture and retain the full volume of the 25-yr, 2-hr storm on site. Then only the very large and infrequent storms that would not normally be required to be conveyed within the City’s storm drain system would be allowed to overflow via existing drainage paths to N. 7th Avenue. Stormwater runoff from the widened storefront sidewalks and landscaped open spaces adjacent to N. 8th Avenue and W. Aspen Steet will drain toward the streets and be conveyed via curb and gutter to new underground infiltration chamber systems proposed in the boulevards. The stormwater systems for N. 8th Avenue and W. Aspen Street are being designed to retain & infiltrate the 10-yr, 2-hr design storm from the newly improved street sections, and will be oversized slightly to include runoff from these adjacent site areas. Runoff from large storm events in these areas will be conveyed via public right-of- way to the existing storm drain system in N. 7th Avenue. Stormwater runoff calculations for the above-mentioned drainage areas are provided in Appendix C. Detailed design and construction plans for the stormwater systems proposed with the public right-of-way are being addressed separately through a public infrastructure submittal. Stormwater Quality: As mentioned previously, stormwater runoff from the building roof, parking areas, sidewalks, and landscape areas as well as from adjacent right-of-way improvements will be collected and routed to sub-surface infiltration chamber facilities designed to capture and fully retain/infiltrate the flow from either the 10-yr, 2-hr or 25-yr, 2-hr storm events. The design storm retention volumes have also been confirmed to have enough storage capacity to capture the first half inch of rainfall from the building and associated impervious areas as shown in the stormwater runoff calculations provided in Appendix C. Infiltration: A geotechnical drilling investigation was conducted at the site on July 23, 2021. Groundwater was not observed in 5 boreholes that were drilled to a depth of 20- B23-090 Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building Page 4 of 4 feet. However, 2021 was a regionally dry year so additional well log information was reviewed to verify anticipated groundwater depths. Four monitoring wells were drilled at the adjacent U-Haul facility in May of 1990. All 4 well logs reported groundwater encountered at depths ranging from 20.5 to 21.5 feet below the ground surface. Therefore, it is anticipated that groundwater will be sufficiently deep even with seasonal fluctuations to allow for a full retention/infiltration strategy to be successful at this site. Over-excavation below the infiltration facilities or connections to deep dry wells will also be required to tie the systems into the deeper native gravels below. The geotechnical investigation logs and well logs are provided in Appendix C. APPENDIX A Water Calculations Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building 802-910 N. 8th Aveneue Date: 01.19.24 New Water Demand Calculation Domestic Water Demand - New Building: Residential Use: Residential Units =289 units People =627.1 people (2.17 people/unit) Residential Flow =106,612 GPD (170 gpcd)(Per COB Design Standards) Commercial Use: Unassigned Retail =2,422 sf 0.056 acres Commercial Flow =71 GPD 1,285 gal/acre/day per Table 3.9, 2017 Water Facility Plan Peak Hour Demand: Average Day Demand =106,684 GPD (All Uses) Average Day Demand =74.1 gpm (GPD / 1,440 minutes) Maximum Day Demand =170.4 gpm (Ave. Day x Peaking Factor = 2.3) Peak Hour Demand =222.3 gpm (Ave. Day x Peaking Factor = 3) Fire Flow Requirement - New Building: IBC Construction Type =1A & IIIA Fire Flow Calculation Area =225,839 sf Automatic Fire Sprinkler System =Yes Fire Sprinkler System Type =NFPA 13R Required Fire Flow =1,500 gpm (per IFC Appendix B) (Per COB 2015 Wastewater Facilities Plan) CITY OF BOZEMAN Fire Flow Request Form PHONE (406) 582-3200 FAX (406) 582-3201 Date June 13, 2023 Location North 7th Avenue and West Aspen Street Pressure Zone South (HGL 5125) GIS Hydrant ID# 1368 Adjacent Main Size 8-inch DI Model Scenario Maximum Day Demand, Steady State, Fire Flow Reference 2017 Water Facility Plan Update1 Hydrant Curves An Excel Spreadsheet with hydrant curves has been provided for the requested location Requested Location via the Bozeman Infrastructure Viewer2 If you have questions or need further information feel free to email. Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK 1 https://www.bozeman.net/home/showpublisheddocument/4977/636420174896170000 2 https://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/?viewer=infrastructure GIS Hydrant # Available Flow (gpm)Residual Pressure (psi)1368 0 136.22 200 135.63 400 134.7 600 133.45 800 131.89 1,000.00 130.04 1,200.00 127.92 1,400.00 125.52 1,600.00 122.84 1,800.00 119.9 2,000.00 116.7 2,200.00 113.23 2,400.00 109.51 2,600.00 105.54 2,800.00 101.32 3,000.00 96.86 3,200.00 92.15 3,400.00 87.2 3,600.00 82.01 3,800.00 76.58 4,000.00 70.92 4,200.00 65.03 4,400.00 58.9 4,600.00 52.54 4,800.00 45.95 5,000.00 39.14 5,200.00 32.09 5,400.00 24.83 5,600.00 17.34 5,800.00 9.63 6,000.00 1.67 Hydrant Curve 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000Residual Pressure (psi)Available Flow (gpm) Hydrant Curve 1368 Data Disclaimer: Water distribution information is calculated using hydraulic modeling software and is subject to variation. Actual field conditions may vary. This information is provided to the requestor for evaluation purposes only, without warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to any expressed or implied warranty arising by contract, stature, or law. In no event regardless of cause, shall the City be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind whether such damages arise under contract, tort, strict liability or inequity. APPENDIX B Sewer Calculations Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building 802-910 N. 8th Aveneue Date: 01.19.24 New Sewer Demand Calculation Average Day Sewer Demand : Residential Use: Residential Units =289 units Population =627.1 people (2.17 people/unit) Residential Flow =40,387 GPD (64.4 gpcd) Commercial Use: Unassigned Retail =2,422 sf 0.056 acres Commercial Flow =111 GPD 2,000 gal/acre/day per Table 2-13, Zone B2-M, 2015 Wastewater Facilities Plan Infiltration: Property Size =1.40 acres Infiltration Flow =210 GPD (150 gpd/acre per COB Design Standards) Total Development Average Day Demand: 40,708 GPD (residential + commercial + infiltration) Total Development Peak Sewer Flow: Average Day Demand =40,498 GPD (residential + commercial) P =0.6271 (population/1,000) Peaking Factor =3.92 Peak Sewer Demand =158,818 GPD (avg. day demand)*(peaking factor) + Infiltration Flow =210 GPD (not peaked) Total Peak Flow =159,028 GPD (residential + commercial + infiltration) Peak Sewer Flow =110.44 GPM (peak flow)/(24 hrs/day)/(60 min/hr) Values per C.O.B. 2015 Wastewater Facilities Plan 𝑄𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑔 =18 +𝑠ℎ𝑛𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠𝑛𝑑𝑛𝑑𝑛𝑛𝑙𝑑1/2 4 +𝑠ℎ𝑛𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑠𝑛𝑑𝑛𝑑𝑛𝑛𝑙𝑑1/2 Aspen 8 Mixed-Use Building 802-910 N. 8th Aveneue Date: 01.19.24 10" Sewer Service Pipe Capacity Input Values d =0.83 ft =10" y =0.625 ft =75% Calculated Values (Equations from Fluid Mechanics by Chow) Theta (Θ)4.19 rad 2*arccos(1-y/(d/2)) Area (A)0.44 ft2 (1/8)*(Θ-sinΘ)d2 Wetted Perimeter (P)1.75 ft 0.5Θd Hydraulic Radius (R )0.25 ft (.25)*(1-(sinΘ)/Θ)d Top Width (T)0.72 ft (sin 0.5Θ)d Mannings Equation (Equation from Fundamentals of Mechanics by Munson) n =0.013 (per COB Design Standards) S0 =0.0104 ft/ft (min. 1/8" per foot for 6" services) Q =2.04 cfs Q = 1.49/n*A*R2/3*S00.5 Q =917.62 gpm Q gpm = (Q cfs)(7.48 gal/ft3)(60 sec/min) V =4.66 ft/s V = Q/A Results A 10" diameter sewer service at the min. 1/8" per foot slope flowing 75% full has the capacity for 917.62 gpm. Appendix C Storm Water Calculations N. 8TH AVE.W. ASPEN ST.ALLEYN. 7TH AVE.W. JUNIPER ST.DESIGNED BY:QUALITY CHECK:JOB NO.FIELDBOOKDRAWN BY:DATE:B23-090 SW BASINSREV DATE REVISION ASPEN 8 MIXED-USE BUILDING BOZEMAN, MONTANA STORM DRAINAGE BASINS & RETENTION FACILITY SIZING CJC01.19.24B23-090SHEETEX-1.DWGEngineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com BASIN 1:CAVE = 0.90I25 = 0.50A = 0.84 ACV25 = 2,981 CFRRV = 1,442 CFBASIN 2:CAVE = 0.76I25 = 0.50A = 0.66 ACV25 = 1,968 CFRRV = 940 CFBASIN 3:CAVE = 0.66I10 = 0.41A = 1.14 ACV10 = 2,220 CFRRV = 1,406 CFBASIN 4:CAVE = 0.74I10 = 0.41A = 0.44 ACV10 = 952 CFRRV = 609 CF Aspen 8 Mixed-use Building Date: 01.19.24 Basin RRV (First 0.5") Calculations Post-Development Condition: Basin #Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (AC) Impervious Area (SF) Gravel Area (SF) Unimproved Area (SF) Landscape Area (SF) 1 Building - Roof Area 36,436 0.84 36,436 0 0 0 Runoff Reduction Volume (First 0.5" of Rainfall): P =0.5 Inches (Water Quality Rainfall Depth) Rv =0.95 (Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.9(I) I =100.0%(Percent Impervious Area Draining to Facility) A =0.84 AC (Total Drainage Area) RRV =0.033 AC-FT (Runoff Reduction Volume)* 1,442 CF Post-Development Condition: Basin #Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (AC) Impervious Area (SF) Gravel Area (SF) Unimproved Area (SF) Landscape Area (SF) 2 Surface Parking & Alley 28,624 0.66 23,488 0 0 5,136 Runoff Reduction Volume (First 0.5" of Rainfall): P =0.5 Inches (Water Quality Rainfall Depth) Rv =0.79 (Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.9(I) I =82.1%(Percent Impervious Area Draining to Facility) A =0.657 AC (Total Drainage Area) RRV =0.0216 AC-FT (Runoff Reduction Volume)* 940 CF *RRV = PRvA/12 per Montana Post-Construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual Eq. 3-1 Aspen 8 Mixed-use Building Date: 01.19.24 Basin RRV (First 0.5") Calculations Post-Development Condition: Basin #Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (AC) Impervious Area (SF) Gravel Area (SF) Unimproved Area (SF) Landscape Area (SF) 3 N. 8th Aveneue 49,531 1.14 34,749 0 0 14,782 Runoff Reduction Volume (First 0.5" of Rainfall): P =0.5 Inches (Water Quality Rainfall Depth) Rv =0.68 (Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.9(I) I =70.2%(Percent Impervious Area Draining to Facility) A =1.14 AC (Total Drainage Area) RRV =0.032 AC-FT (Runoff Reduction Volume)* 1,406 CF Post-Development Condition: Basin #Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (AC) Impervious Area (SF) Gravel Area (SF) Unimproved Area (SF) Landscape Area (SF) 4 W. Aspen Street 18,958 0.44 15,188 0 0 3,770 Runoff Reduction Volume (First 0.5" of Rainfall): P =0.5 Inches (Water Quality Rainfall Depth) Rv =0.77 (Dimensionless Runoff Coefficient, Rv=0.05+0.9(I) I =80.1%(Percent Impervious Area Draining to Facility) A =0.435 AC (Total Drainage Area) RRV =0.0140 AC-FT (Runoff Reduction Volume)* 609 CF *RRV = PRvA/12 per Montana Post-Construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual Eq. 3-1 Aspen 8 Mixed-use Building Date: 01.19.24 Retention Volume Sizing Calcs Rational Formula "C" Values Per MTDEQ 8 "C" Impervious Area/Pond Surface 0.9 Gravel Area 0.8 Unimproved Area 0.3 Lawn/landscape 0.1 Post-Development Basin (C Value) Determinations: Basin #Basin Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (Acres) Impervious Area (SF) Gravel Area (SF) Unimproved Area (SF) Landscape Area (SF) Composite Cave 1 Building - Roof Area 36,436 0.84 36,436 0 0 0 0.90 2 Surface Parking & Alley 28,624 0.66 23,488 0 0 5,136 0.76 3 N. 8th Aveneue 49,531 1.14 34,749 0 0 14,782 0.66 4 W. Aspen Street 18,958 0.44 15,188 0 0 3,770 0.74 Runoff Volume Calcs (10-yr, 2-hr): Basin #Basin Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (Acres) Composite Cave CCf (Cf = 1.0) 10 yr - 2hr i (in/hr) Flow Q10 (cfs) Volume V10 (cf) 3 N. 8th Aveneue 49,531.00 1.14 0.66 0.66 0.41 0.31 2,220 4 W. Aspen Street 18,958.00 0.44 0.74 0.74 0.41 0.13 952 Runoff Volume Calcs (25-yr, 2-hr): Basin #Basin Description Total Area (SF) Total Area (Acres) Composite Cave CCf (Cf = 1.1) 25 yr - 2hr i (in/hr) Flow Q25 (cfs) Volume V25 (cf) 1 Building - Roof Area 36,436 0.84 0.90 0.99 0.50 0.41 2,981 2 Surface Parking & Alley 28,624 0.66 0.76 0.83 0.50 0.27 1,968 REVISIONSHEETDESIGNED BY:QUALITY CHECK:JOB NO.FIELDBOOKDRAWN BY:DATE:B21-055 GEOTECHREV DATE NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ANE 9TEN MIXED USE BOZEMAN, MONTANA GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TEST PIT LOCATION OVERVIEW B21-05520210730.DWGDFCEngineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.comSOUTH BUILDINGNORTH BUILDINGN. 8TH AVE.W. ASPEN ST.U-HAULGALLATIN VALLEYFURNITURECAT'SPAWALLEYNOTES:·DISPLAYED TEST PIT & BORING HOLE LOCATIONS & ELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATEFIGURE 1 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 TOPSOIL: Lean CLAY, appears firm, dark brown, moist Lean CLAY, soft to very stiff, medium brown, slightly moist Poorly-Graded GRAVEL with Sand, dense to very dense, light grayish brown, slightly moist 1.5 16.0 4-4-5 2-1-2 3-3-4 5-8-13 4-9-18 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #1SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 22, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 2 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,787.25 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 1 of 2 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 Bottom of Boring 21.5 Ground water not encoun- tered 18-35- 40 75 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #1SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 22, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 2 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,787.25 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 2 of 2 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 TOPSOIL: Lean CLAY, appears firm, dark brown, moist Lean CLAY, firm to stiff, medium brown, slightly moist - See Figures 21 and 23 for unconfined compression and consolidation test results Poorly-Graded GRAVEL with Sand, dense to very dense, light grayish brown, slightly moist 1.5 16.2 6-5-4 PUSH 3-3-5 4-4-5 2-4-23 T LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #2SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 3 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,785.53 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 1 of 2 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 Bottom of Boring 20.6 Ground water not encoun- tered 40-50/ 2"50/2" LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #2SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 3 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,785.53 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 2 of 2 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 TOPSOIL: Lean CLAY, appears firm, dark brown, moist Lean CLAY, firm to stiff, medium brown, slightly moist Poorly-Graded GRAVEL with Sand, dense to very dense, light grayish brown, slightly moist 1.5 15.5 4-5-2 3-3-2 3-3-3 4-5-7 17-33- 46 79 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #3SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 4 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,785.58 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 1 of 2 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 Bottom of Boring 21.5 Ground water not encoun- tered 16-38- 42 80 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #3SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 4 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,785.58 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 2 of 2 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 TOPSOIL: Lean CLAY, appears firm, dark brown, moist Lean CLAY, soft to stiff, medium brown, slightly moist Poorly-Graded GRAVEL with Sand, dense to very dense, light grayish brown, slightly moist 1.5 16.3 4-3-2 2-1-3 3-3-4 3-5-4 4-8-16 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #4SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 5 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,787.84 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 1 of 2 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 Bottom of Boring 21.5 Ground water not encoun- tered 44-46- 31 77 LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #4SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 5 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,787.84 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 2 of 2 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 TOPSOIL: Lean CLAY, appears firm, dark brown, moist Lean CLAY, firm to stiff, medium brown, slightly moist - See Figures 22 and 24 for unconfined compression and consolidation test results Poorly-Graded GRAVEL with Sand, dense to very dense, light grayish brown, slightly moist 1.5 17.0 5-5-2 4-3-3 PUSH 3-4-5 7-7-9 T LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #5SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 6 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,789.76 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 1 of 2 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 Bottom of Boring 20.8 Ground water not encoun- tered 36-50/ 2"50/2" LEGEND LOG OF SOIL BORING Hole #5SPT blows per foot Atterberg Limits Field Moisture content ANE - North 8th Improvements Bozeman, MontanaGroundwater Level Grab/composite sample 1-3/8-inch I.D. split spoon Logged by:Derek Christensen, PE 2-1/2-inch I.D. split spoon Drilled by:O'Keefe Drilling Truck-mounted CME-75 with 8-inch HSA2-1/2-inch I.D. ring sampler GNP = Granular and Nonplastic 3-inch I.D. thin-walled sampler Note: The stratification lines represent approximate boundaries between soil types. Actual boundaries may be gradual or transitional. July 23, 2021 B21-055-001 No sample recovery Figure No. 6 SheetGRAPHICLOGSOIL DESCRIPTION SURFACE:Native Grasses SURFACE ELEVATION:4,789.76 ft DEPTH (FT)GROUNDWATERSPT BLOWCOUNTSSAMPLEDEPTH (FT)PENETRATION RESISTANCE/MOISTURE CONTENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 = BLOWS PER FOOT = MOISTURE CONTENT 2 of 2 8/24/2021 Montana's Ground-Water Information Center (GWIC) | Site Report | V.11.2021 https://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/sqlserver/v11/reports/SiteSummary.asp?gwicid=122118&agency=mbmg&reqby=M&1/1 MONTANA WELL LOG REPORT Other Options This well log reports the activities of a licensed Montana well driller, serves as the official record of work done within the borehole and casing, and describes the amount of water encountered. This report is compiled electronically from the contents of the Ground Water Information Center (GWIC) database for this site. Acquiring water rights is the well owner's responsibility and is NOT accomplished by the filing of this report. Go to GWIC website Plot this site in State Library Digital Atlas Plot this site in Google Maps View scanned well log (5/25/2007 3:16:06 PM) Site Name: U-HAUL CENTER * MW-1 GWIC Id: 122118 Section 1: Well Owner(s) 1) U-HAUL CENTER (MAIL) N/A BOZEMAN MT N/A [05/08/1990] Section 2: Location Township Range Section Quarter Sections 02S 05E 1 SE¼ NE¼ SW¼ SE¼ County Geocode GALLATIN Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum 45.687948 -111.046501 TRS-SEC NAD83 Ground Surface Altitude Ground Surface Method Datum Date Addition Block Lot Section 3: Proposed Use of Water MONITORING (1) Section 4: Type of Work Drilling Method: AIR ROTARY Status: NEW WELL Section 5: Well Completion Date Date well completed: Tuesday, May 8, 1990 Section 6: Well Construction Details There are no borehole dimensions assigned to this well. Casing From To Diameter Wall Thickness Pressure Rating Joint Type 1.5 31 2 PVC Completion (Perf/Screen) From To Diameter # of Openings Size of Openings Description 10 31 2 .010 SCREEN Annular Space (Seal/Grout/Packer) From To Description Cont. Fed? 2 6 BENTONITE Section 7: Well Test Data Total Depth: 31 Static Water Level: 21.5 Water Temperature: Unknown Test Method * Yield gpm. Pumping water level feet. Time of recovery hours. Recovery water level feet. * During the well test the discharge rate shall be as uniform as possible. This rate may or may not be the sustainable yield of the well. Sustainable yield does not include the reservoir of the well casing. Section 8: Remarks PROJECT: MTG-007 BORING: MW-1 Section 9: Well Log Geologic Source Unassigned From To Description 0 3 SANDY GRAVEL.(BACKFILL)-OLIVE BROWN-DRY. 30-35% MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND. 3 13 SILTY CLAY. DARK YELLOWISH BROWN-MOIST;15-25% SILT COHESIVE. 13 19 SANDY GRAVEL.MODERATE BROWN-MOIST;25-30% MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND-TRACE TO 15% CLAY. 19 31 CLAYEY GRAVEL.GRAYISH RED-MOIST TO WET-SATURATED FROM 25-27' AND 30-31'; 20-30% CLAY;15-20% MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND. Driller Certification All work performed and reported in this well log is in compliance with the Montana well construction standards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge. Name: Company:PRO PUMP & EQUIPMENT INC License No:MWC-171 Date Completed:5/8/1990 8/24/2021 Montana's Ground-Water Information Center (GWIC) | Site Report | V.11.2021 https://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/sqlserver/v11/reports/SiteSummary.asp?gwicid=122119&agency=mbmg&reqby=M&1/1 MONTANA WELL LOG REPORT Other Options This well log reports the activities of a licensed Montana well driller, serves as the official record of work done within the borehole and casing, and describes the amount of water encountered. This report is compiled electronically from the contents of the Ground Water Information Center (GWIC) database for this site. Acquiring water rights is the well owner's responsibility and is NOT accomplished by the filing of this report. Go to GWIC website Plot this site in State Library Digital Atlas Plot this site in Google Maps View scanned well log (5/25/2007 2:21:54 PM) Site Name: U-HAUL CENTER * MW-2 GWIC Id: 122119 Section 1: Well Owner(s) 1) U-HAUL CENTER (MAIL) N/A BOZEMAN MT N/A [05/08/1990] Section 2: Location Township Range Section Quarter Sections 02S 05E 1 SE¼ NE¼ SW¼ SE¼ County Geocode GALLATIN Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum 45.687948 -111.046501 TRS-SEC NAD83 Ground Surface Altitude Ground Surface Method Datum Date Addition Block Lot Section 3: Proposed Use of Water MONITORING (1) Section 4: Type of Work Drilling Method: AIR ROTARY Status: NEW WELL Section 5: Well Completion Date Date well completed: Tuesday, May 8, 1990 Section 6: Well Construction Details There are no borehole dimensions assigned to this well. Casing From To Diameter Wall Thickness Pressure Rating Joint Type 1 31 2 PVC Completion (Perf/Screen) From To Diameter # of Openings Size of Openings Description 20.5 31 2 0.010 SCREEN Annular Space (Seal/Grout/Packer) From To Description Cont. Fed? 1 17 BENTONITE Section 7: Well Test Data Total Depth: 31 Static Water Level: 20.5 Water Temperature: Unknown Test Method * Yield gpm. Pumping water level feet. Time of recovery hours. Recovery water level feet. * During the well test the discharge rate shall be as uniform as possible. This rate may or may not be the sustainable yield of the well. Sustainable yield does not include the reservoir of the well casing. Section 8: Remarks Section 9: Well Log Geologic Source Unassigned From To Description 0 0.6 ASPHALT 0.6 4 SANDY GRAVEL.OLIVE BROWN-DRY.30-35% MED TO COARSE SAND. 4 13 SILTY CLAY.DARK YELLOWISH BROWN-DRY.20-30% SILT. 13 17 GRAVELLY SAND.MODERATE BROWN-SATURATED AT 13' BUT DRY AT 13.5';20-30% GRAVELS INCREASING W/DEPTH- 15-20% CLAY- MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND. 17 31 CLAYEY GRAVEL.GREYISH BROWN-SATURATED FROM 23'- 23.5' AND FROM 27-31';20-35% CLAY DECREASING W/ DEPTH;15-20% COARSE SAND- COARSE GRAVELS. Driller Certification All work performed and reported in this well log is in compliance with the Montana well construction standards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge. Name: Company:PRO PUMP & EQUIPMENT INC License No:MWC-171 Date Completed:5/8/1990 8/24/2021 Montana's Ground-Water Information Center (GWIC) | Site Report | V.11.2021 https://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/sqlserver/v11/reports/SiteSummary.asp?gwicid=122120&agency=mbmg&reqby=M&1/1 MONTANA WELL LOG REPORT Other Options This well log reports the activities of a licensed Montana well driller, serves as the official record of work done within the borehole and casing, and describes the amount of water encountered. This report is compiled electronically from the contents of the Ground Water Information Center (GWIC) database for this site. Acquiring water rights is the well owner's responsibility and is NOT accomplished by the filing of this report. Go to GWIC website Plot this site in State Library Digital Atlas Plot this site in Google Maps View scanned well log (5/25/2007 2:21:37 PM) Site Name: U-HAUL CENTER * MW-3 GWIC Id: 122120 Section 1: Well Owner(s) 1) U-HAUL CENTER (MAIL) N/A BOZEMAN MT N/A [05/09/1990] Section 2: Location Township Range Section Quarter Sections 02S 05E 1 SE¼ NE¼ SW¼ SE¼ County Geocode GALLATIN Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum 45.687948 -111.046501 TRS-SEC NAD83 Ground Surface Altitude Ground Surface Method Datum Date Addition Block Lot Section 3: Proposed Use of Water MONITORING (1) Section 4: Type of Work Drilling Method: AIR ROTARY Status: NEW WELL Section 5: Well Completion Date Date well completed: Wednesday, May 9, 1990 Section 6: Well Construction Details There are no borehole dimensions assigned to this well. Casing From To Diameter Wall Thickness Pressure Rating Joint Type 1.5 33 2 PVC Completion (Perf/Screen) From To Diameter # of Openings Size of Openings Description 23 33 2 0.010 SCREEN Annular Space (Seal/Grout/Packer) From To Description Cont. Fed? 2 21.5 BENTONITE Section 7: Well Test Data Total Depth: 33 Static Water Level: 21.5 Water Temperature: Unknown Test Method * Yield gpm. Pumping water level feet. Time of recovery hours. Recovery water level feet. * During the well test the discharge rate shall be as uniform as possible. This rate may or may not be the sustainable yield of the well. Sustainable yield does not include the reservoir of the well casing. Section 8: Remarks Section 9: Well Log Geologic Source Unassigned From To Description 0 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 4 SANDY GRAVEL.OLIVE BROWN-DRY;30-35% MED.TO COARSE SAND 4 16 SILTY CLAY.DARK YELLOWISH BROWN-DRY TO MOIST; 10-30% SILT DECREASING W/DEPTH-TRACE FINE SAND FROM 4'-10'; VERY COHESIVE. 16 23 SANDY GRAVEL MODERATE BROWN- DRY;15-35% MED. TO COARSE SAND- TRACE TO 10% CLAY; CLAY-RICH STRINGERS 23 33 CLAYEY GRAVEL.MODERATE BROWN- WET TO SATURATED- SATURATED FROM 29-33';20-35% CLAY INCREASING WITH DEPTH;15-25% SILT. Driller Certification All work performed and reported in this well log is in compliance with the Montana well construction standards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge. Name: Company:PRO PUMP & EQUIPMENT INC License No:MWC-171 Date Completed:5/9/1990 8/24/2021 Montana's Ground-Water Information Center (GWIC) | Site Report | V.11.2021 https://mbmggwic.mtech.edu/sqlserver/v11/reports/SiteSummary.asp?gwicid=122121&agency=mbmg&reqby=M&1/1 MONTANA WELL LOG REPORT Other Options This well log reports the activities of a licensed Montana well driller, serves as the official record of work done within the borehole and casing, and describes the amount of water encountered. This report is compiled electronically from the contents of the Ground Water Information Center (GWIC) database for this site. Acquiring water rights is the well owner's responsibility and is NOT accomplished by the filing of this report. Go to GWIC website Plot this site in State Library Digital Atlas Plot this site in Google Maps View scanned well log (5/25/2007 2:21:00 PM) Site Name: U-HAUL CENTER * MW-4 GWIC Id: 122121 Section 1: Well Owner(s) 1) U-HAUL CENTER (MAIL) N/A BOZEMAN MT N/A [05/10/1990] Section 2: Location Township Range Section Quarter Sections 02S 05E 1 SE¼ NE¼ SW¼ SE¼ County Geocode GALLATIN Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum 45.687948 -111.046501 TRS-SEC NAD83 Ground Surface Altitude Ground Surface Method Datum Date Addition Block Lot Section 3: Proposed Use of Water MONITORING (1) Section 4: Type of Work Drilling Method: AIR ROTARY Status: NEW WELL Section 5: Well Completion Date Date well completed: Thursday, May 10, 1990 Section 6: Well Construction Details There are no borehole dimensions assigned to this well. Casing From To Diameter Wall Thickness Pressure Rating Joint Type 2 31 2 PVC Completion (Perf/Screen) From To Diameter # of Openings Size of Openings Description 21.5 31 2 0.010 SCREEN Annular Space (Seal/Grout/Packer) From To Description Cont. Fed? 2.5 21 BENTONITE Section 7: Well Test Data Total Depth: 31 Static Water Level: 21 Water Temperature: Unknown Test Method * Yield gpm. Pumping water level feet. Time of recovery hours. Recovery water level feet. * During the well test the discharge rate shall be as uniform as possible. This rate may or may not be the sustainable yield of the well. Sustainable yield does not include the reservoir of the well casing. Section 8: Remarks PROJECT: MTG-007 Section 9: Well Log Geologic Source Unassigned From To Description 0 3 SANDY GRAVEL.OLIVE BROWN-DRY;20-30% MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND. 3 16 SILTY CLAY.DARK YELLOWISH BROWN- MOIST TO WET AT 12';15-20% SILT DECREASING W/DEPTH-TRACE FINE SAND TRACE GRAVELS. 16 22 SANDY GRAVEL.MEDIUM BROWN-DRY TO MOIST;25-35% MED. TO COARSE SAND;15-25% CLAY DECREASING W/DEPTH. 22 31 CLAYEY GRAVEL. GREYISH RED-MOIST TO WET-SATURATED FROM 28' TO B.O.H.;25-35% MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND DECREASING W/DEPTH;20-30% CLAY INCREASING W/DEPTH. Driller Certification All work performed and reported in this well log is in compliance with the Montana well construction standards. This report is true to the best of my knowledge. Name: Company:PRO PUMP & EQUIPMENT INC License No:MWC-171 Date Completed:5/10/1990