HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - Narrative 8 ASPEN RC2 - Site Plan Application June 2024 Table of Contents 1. Site Plan Application Information, Forms & Checklists 2. Project team 3. Site plan narrative a. General site information b. Site considerations c. Parkland d. Building design e. Landscaping f. Site Lighting g. Traffic h. Water rights i. Affordable Housing j. Departures Appendices Appendix A - Vicinity Map Appendix B - Existing zoning Appendix C – Block Frontage Appendix D – Existing Survey Appendix E – Affordable Housing Plan Appendix F – Traffic Impact Study Appendix G – Geotech Report Appendix H – Storm Water Maintenance Report Appendix I – Water, Wastewater, & Stormwater Design Report Appendix J – CILWR Determination Appendix K – Concurrent Construction Request Letter Appendix L – Lighting Cut Sheets Appendix M – Historic Plat Appendix N – Draft SID Waiver Appendix O – Concept Plan Wavier 1. Site Plan Application Information, Forms & Checklists The Site Plan form has been included per City requirements, and the applicant will submit the required fee once the application has been deemed adequate for review. Please see the estimated site plan fee amount below: COMPONENT FEE QUANTITY TOTAL Base $3,161 $3,161.00 Dwelling Units (150 Max) $125 150 $18,750.00 Commercial Space $400 Per 1,000 SF 2,252 SF $900.80 Total $22,811.80 1. Project Team Owner & Applicant: Midtown 8th LLC Attn: Mathieu Tebele Email: mtebele@starmandevelopment.com Representative: Substrate Architecture & Construction Attn: Ari Goldstein Ph: 646-282-8253 Email: ari@substrateac.com Architecture: KSQ Design Attn: Michael Bentley 601 S Lewis Ave. Tulsa, Ok 74104 Email: mbentley@ksq.design Architecture/Landscape Architecture: Cushing Terrell Attn: Jimmy Talarico & Josh Hersel 411 E Main St #101 Bozeman, MT 59715 Ph: 406-556-7100 Email: JimmyTalarico@cushingterrell.com Engineering: TD&H Engineering Attn: Cody Croskey 234 East Babcock St. #3 Bozeman, MT 59715 Ph: 406-586-0277 Email: Cody.Croskey@tdhengineering.com Planning: Intrinsik Architecture, Inc Attn: Tyler Steinway 106 East Babcock St., Suite 1A Bozeman, MT 59715 Ph: 406-582-8988 Email: tsteinway@intrinsikarchitecture.com 3. Site Plan Narrative A. General site information The 8 Aspen project is located west of the North 7th Avenue U-Haul and southwest of Gallatin Valley Furniture and proposes 289 units on a 1.447 AC site. This project site is zoned B-2M (Community Business District – Mixed) and located within the Midtown Urban Renewal District. The subject property is comprised of seven vacant lots and is generally bound by North 8th Avenue, Aspen and Juniper Streets. The project proposes to aggregate the existing seven parcels into one site totaling 1.447 acres. This infill project targets a best use scenario for the site by delivering higher density, smart-growth development with for-rent workforce and affordable housing near the core of Midtown. This project will provide much needed housing in a central location and will foster desirable, walkable urban living, especially as the Midtown area continues to grow and evolve. At full build out the site will include one building totaling 232,167 SF and off-street parking. The building is located on the north end of the site and consists of 5 floors of residential for-rent units, a second-floor parking garage, and a first floor of commercial, lobby, and parking. 40 percent of the total residential units will be affordable, offered for rent at 60% AMI. The project will also provide open space and tenant amenities on site, both on ground level, in the building, and on balconies. The commercial space will front onto Aspen Street, providing an active and engaging streetscape. A pre-application meeting was held on December 14th, 2023 and a wavier for a concept review was granted on January 16th, 2024 , Please see Appendix O. The project site is designated “Community Commercial Mixed Use” in the growth policy and is zoned “B- 2M – Commercial Business District – Mixed Use”. The proposed project meets the intent of the B-2M District which envisions compact walkable mixed use development pattern, with a mix of commercial space and residential above the ground floor. Additionally, this property is located within the Midtown Urban Renewal District. 8 Aspen will be requesting concurrent construction as outlined in the Concurrent Construction plan. This allows for the building to begin construction as the offsite infrastructure is also being installed. A condition of approval can be added to limit the ability to grant occupancy until all the offsite infrastructure is installed, inspected, and approved. This shouldn’t be an issue as the construction of the building will take significantly longer than the construction of the offsite infrastructure. B. Site considerations 1. Setbacks & Utilities Setbacks The buildings will be located centrally on two separate sites fronting N. 8th Avenue and W. Aspen Street. A 10-foot utility easement runs along the eastern property boundary, with utilities running along the alley and in the easement. The proposed buildings will access natural gas, electrical and communications lines from the alley. Transformers are located in landscaped islands adjacent to the alley. Natural gas will enter the building from the alley and meters will be located on the south face of the north building and the north face of the south building in a landscaped area. The water mains are located in N. 8th Avenue and Aspen Street. Water connections will come off the existing line in Aspen Street. The sewer main is located in the eastern alley will be replaced with this project. A sewer service will exit from the east face of the buildings and tie into the proposed main. Additionally, overhead high voltage electrical lines run along eastern alley. We are proposing to slightly relocate these poles and lines to the west in order to maintain a minimum drive aisle within the alley and to coordinate with the proposed parking islands. Please see Sheet C301 for specifics and utility locations. On-site Infrastructure There is an existing 8” water line in both Aspen Street and North 8th Avenue. New services will be pulled off the Aspen Street side. A sewer main is proposed to be located in the alley. A service will be pulled into the near the south side of the building. Stormwater will be collected in two locations, one under the parking space along the alley and the other located on the north side of the alley. Franchise utilities will be run within utility easements along the street frontage. Transformers will be located in the alley for individual services to be pulled across the site. Off Site Improvements Certain elements critical to the site plan utility and transportation network have been identified, with input from the City of Bozeman, that would be required to be installed by the property developers— herein these are referred to as "off-site Improvements”. These Improvements generally include extending Aspen Street west to North 8th, extending North 8th to Juniper Street. A complete list of off- site improvements is below: • Construct North 8th Avenue - West Aspen Street to west Juniper Street (local street section) • Construct West Aspen Street – North 7th Avenue to North 8th Avenue (local street section) • Construct intersection pedestrian improvements - 7th & Aspen • Construct alley improvements - adjacent to property • Install North 8th Avenue Sidewalk & boulevard (east side only) • Install West Aspen Street Sidewalk & boulevard (both sides) • Install streetlights - North 8th Avenue Intersections • Replace & re-route 8" sewer main - West Aspen Street to West Birch street • Install new storm drain and stormwater facilities • Adjust existing fire hydrants to grade • Install Yellowstone Fiber conduit 2. Block Frontage The site currently fronts on an unbuilt portions of N. 8th Avenue, and Aspen St. Block frontage standards along Aspen Street are storefront blockfront to the corner of N. 8th Avenue. For the frontage along N. 8th Avenue the application proposes to designate the block frontage as landscaped. The site meets all the block frontage requirements by including a 12’ sidewalk, weather protection at an average depth of 5’ and transparent storefront glazing along 60% of the of the length of the frontage for the portion designated storefront; and for the remaining portions of the building designated landscape the building will be setback and landscaped accordingly. The glazing store frontage wraps the corner less than 120 feet from the Store front street frontage to the landscape frontage along 8th Avenue to the main tenant entrance per 38.510.F.2.C. 3. Pedestrian Circulation The project site is a narrow lot bound by allies to the east and north, with North 8th Avenue and Aspen Street, along with their associated R.O.W.s, framing the lot to the west and south. The building fronts on North 8th Avenue and has a secondary entrance accessed via a sidewalk off the alley. Additionally, the commercial component of the South Building is accessed from Aspen Street. The residential lobby in the buildings will be accessed off of North 8th Avenue. The block frontage on Aspen Street is classified as Storefront, a 12-foot sidewalk will be located along the south side of the South Building. North 8th Avenue is designated a landscaped block frontage, this allows the building to sit approximately 15’ off the western property line. 4. Accessible provision This development will be designed in compliance with the IBC, including its accessible requirements; as well as ANSI 117.1 standards for accessible design. Specifically pertaining to this site plan, the site design provides six (6) accessible parking spaces across the whole site. All resident building entries, the refuse North 7th Avenue West Tamarack Street Project Site N North 8th Avenue West Aspen Street Proposed Landscaped Block Frontage Proposed Storefront Block areas, and landscaped open space, are connected via an accessible pathway system which is in compliance with the requirements for an accessible route. 5. Parking This project is located within the Midtown Urban renewal district and therefore is exempt from all parking requirements. Provided parking calculations are shown below. PROGRAM REMU REQUIREMENTS PARKING SPACES TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS (289) EXEMPT EXEMPT TOTAL REQUIRED EXEMPT TOTAL ON STREET SPACES TOTAL REQUIRED AFTER REDUCTIONS EXEMPT PROVIDED SPACES Indoor Spaces 135 Exterior Spaces (On Site) 27 TOTAL PROVIDED 162 As currently proposed, a total of 336 bicycle parking are provided with a combination of individual indoor private storage rooms (330) for residential units and surface level bike racks (6). Please see the bike parking calculations below. PROGRAM REMU REQUIREMENTS PARKING SPACES TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS (289) 1.0 Spaces 289 COMMERCIAL 1 per 1,000 SF 3 TOTAL REQUIRED 292 PROVIDED SPACES Indoor Spaces 292 Exterior Spaces (On Site) 8 TOTAL PROVIDED 300 Bike Parking around the site will take the form of U-shaped racks. The internal bike spaces will be the Dero Space bike rack. Please see the landscape, architectural and civil drawings sets for more information on the proposed location and specified product. 6. Trash Enclosure Refuse containers and recycling containers will be located within the parking garage on the first floor. Residents will deliver their trash to the trash chute centrally located on each floor and will drop down to the common containers for routine pick-up. Recycling will be collected on each floor adjacent to the trash chute and will be transferred to the containers in the parking garage. This proposed location will be within the parking garage and screened from the alley with walls and an overhead door for routine container pickup. The intension with this design is to bring the common trash facilities “inside” the building to eliminate the need for individual tots or a common dumpster enclosure location. This will minimize the look and feel of the trash facilities. Please refer to Sheets A101, A103-A107 & L101 for location and access. 7. Snow Storage The available snow storage area is 8,470 cubic feet and should be adequate to accommodate just over 1’ of snow depth from the entire 19,805 SF of impervious area. In the event of a larger storm system the onsite property management company will be responsible for snow removal and hauling it off site. The snow storage areas allocated tend to be located at the end of the drive isle or parking stalls to allow for efficient plowing techniques. Storage piles will inevitably be subject to freezing and thawing cycles. During these cycles, storage piles will be reduced by percolation and evaporation. Please refer to sheets C301 for the proposed snow storage locations. 8. Open Space Open space for each unit is provided in a variety of different ways including onsite exterior of the building, amenity space inside the building, common shared balconies, and private balconies. Shared open space will be located along the length of 8th Street and the northeast corner of the building. Both areas will not have any dimensions less than 15 feet and provide informal and formal seating areas, site lighting, and native and adaptive plant material. 8th Street will have a passive lawn, a pet area, and plaza space. The northeast corner of the site has a gazebo, BBQ areas, passive lawn, and patio space. All streets, parking lots, and service areas will be separated from shared open spaces with a landscape buffer. Private balconies will have a minimum of 36 square feet and no dimension less than six feet. Balconies will be accessed by their adjacent residential units and provide space for activities. Common indoor recreation will have recreational functions such as bike/ski repair areas, residential lounges, and gathering spaces. These spaces are designed to be accessible to all residents. All spaces are located in a visible area, near an entrance, lobby, or high-traffic corridor. The shared balconies are going to have container planters with plantings, formal and informal seating areas, and power pedestals for residential use. We are going to use the planters to create areas of refuge and gathering areas. We will be providing railing, enclosures, and lighting that provide safety measures for residences. In total this project is required to provide 28,900 SF of open space onsite. Please see the tables below & open space graphic Sheet A0-34 outlining how the open space requirements have been met for this project. The applicant has requested a departure to reduce the open space requirements for housing creation, please see the specific request below for more details. 9. Construction management To provide a safe working environment for adjacent properties, the project will utilize temporary construction fencing around the project extents which generally follows the perimeter of the property. Multiple 40-cy dumpsters will be located throughout the site in easily accessible and clearly defined areas to provide easy disposal of construction waste. The dumpsters will typically be placed near Program Number of Unit Open Space Factor Required Open Space 1 Bedrooms 289 100 28,900 SF TOTAL REQUIRED 28,900 SF Provided Open Space Ground Level Outdoor Space 9,283 SF Shared Third Floor deck 5,946 SF shared Balconies 4,007 SF Internal open space 6,120 SF TOTAL PROVIDED 26,712 SF entrances or along drive aisles to allow for easy pick up. Construction staging areas will be located within proposed parking areas. The center drive aisle will be used as a construction staging area. See C0.4 Construction Facilities Plan for more information. Once a contractor is selected, a detailed phased construction sequencing plan (required with COB/DEQ SWPPP review) and traffic control plan will be provided to the City Engineering Department for review as part of the infrastructure preconstruction meeting requirements. C. Parkland The 8 Aspen Mixed Use Development is a multi-family residential complex with commercial uses. Per UDC 38.420.030.C this project will be providing cash in lieu of for the parkland dedication. Please see the parkland dedication calculations below. 8 ASPEN MIXED USE PROJECT Park and Recreation Requirements Total site area (ac) 1.45 (s) school or park sites (ac) 0.00 Total excluded (ac) 0.00 (D) Net residential density 199 (c) commercial lot area (ac) 0.00 (a) ROW & easements (ac) 0.00 (N) Net residential lot area (ac) 1.45 Zoning District Other (i) industrial lot area (ac) 0.00 (d) Open space/Park (ac) 0.00 (du) Number of units 289 (M) Max density by zone 12 Required Land Dedication Required Cash-in-Lieu Adjustments to Parkland Requirements Approved Parkland Dedication Net residential land area (ac) 1.45 Net residential land area (ac) 1.45 Parkland dedication required (ac) 0.35 Land dedication (ac) 0.00 Dwellings/acre (du) 8 Dwelling/acre (du) 4 Land already provided (ac) 0.00 Cash-in-lieu ($) $20,386.08 Acre/du of land 0.03 Acre/du of land 0.03 Land dedication proposed (ac) 0 Additional in-lieu ($) $40,401.90 Land dedication (ac) 0.35 Equivalent land area (ac) 0.18 Land equivalent required (ac) 0.35 Total CILP/IILP $61,180.02 land appraisal value ($/sf) $2.65 Land appraisal value ($/sf) $2.65 Cash-in-lieu ($) $20,778.12 In-lieu fee equivalent ($) $40,401.90 With regards to Resolution 4784, our application meets several of the favorable circumstances for accepting CIL including: • The development is mixed use and located within a commercial zoning district. • The development is located on an infill site. • The acceptance of CIL enables the accomplishment of other City priories such as the creation of affordable housing. • There are currently 3 parks within a 1/4 of the project site and 6 parks within a 1/2 mile of the site. These parks also have a wide range of uses from nature preserves, plazas, play fields and BMX pump tracks. • The development will participate in the maintenance of parks which will serve the development for which CIL is provided. • It is the expressed preference of the developer. Proximity to existing Parkland There are 3 parks within 1/4 of a mile from the project site. All three parks have different functions and sizes from the Special Use BMX Pump Track, to neighborhood parks, and more natural preserve parks. Within a 1/2-mile radius there are 6 parks that incorporate an even wider range of uses, including a baseball field and neighborhood tot lots. These parks range in size from the smallest park plaza at .193 acres all the way up to 4.8 acres at the North Grand Fields and 5.9 Acres at the west lake BMX Park. The Gallatin County Fairgrounds are also within a half mile of the site. Size of Land Available for Parkland The project site is approximately 1.4 acres, when parking, setbacks, building services, and required open space are removed, very little usable space is available for parkland. Additionally, because of the narrow nature of the site, the remaining space left for development does not lend itself to park development. Housing Density/Infill Projects The balance between housing density and parkland is challenging for this site. If the required amount of parkland was to be provided, it would result in the loss of a building a significant number of units. This project is also aiming to create Affordable housing by renting 40% of the units at 60% AMI. This metric is only achievable by creating more units. Requiring the dedication of parkland would result in less units therefore making it harder to achieve this 60% of AMI metric. Trail Connections There are currently no planned PROST trails near our site. The closest planned trail is on the property to the west of North 8th Avenue. That property has a planned trail that will eventually connect across Oak Street and continue north to Baxter Lane. Suitability Factors This project site is a very narrow and long lot which does not lend itself to being a great location for a park. Additionally, the property is on the edge of a B-2M zoned area, which per the Community Plan, is a district that should support mixed-use development capable of accommodating continued growth. The project site is also located within the Midtown Urban Renewal District, which is an area the City Commission has identified as blighted and is proactively taking steps to facilitate increased density and infill development. For these reasons this project site is not suitable for parkland development. Service Area There are currently 3 parks within 1/4 of a mile and 6 parks within 1/2 of a mile. The CIL amount could be spent on. D. Building design The linear quality of the form, not unlike a mountain range, led to the façade concept, an undulating ombre pattern using a subtle variety of colored panels is intended to reflect the qualities of the mountain-scape and skyline surrounding Bozeman. The design team wanted to create an architecture which feels more associated with the sky and mountains than the ground. The perception of the building’s mass is further broken down by strategic vertical modulations in the façade, which feature a different colored material and occur every fifty to seventy feet and provide light and air to the 1- bedroom unit living rooms. The street frontage is given a similar varied and lively character through a combination of entrances, windows, and timber aesthetic screens, as well as landscape design focused on the well-being of the occupants and the environment. Encouraging a variety of pedestrian experiences at the ground level through the implementation of seating, meeting, and planting areas. Weather protection canopies have been integrated into the exterior design at the tenant main entry on the southwest side of the building and use material scale to aid in wayfinding and create a relationship to the balconies on the floors above. Canopies for the commercial spaces on the Aspen Street elevation have a thinner profile to blend into the building. The weather protection canopy does extend into the setback within the allowed 5’. Articulation in building form and repetition of openings and finish colors are being used to create human scale along the facades. Exterior materials will be metal siding and fiber cement panels in natural tones and glazing that respond to the city guidelines along the street frontages. Building articulation has been focused on the south and west street frontages while the other facades front existing alleys and are exempt from the building articulation requirements of the UDC. Openings into the parking garage along the north and east provide outside air to the space and express the structure of the podium through the repeated columns. On the third floor and above the use of multiple metal panel colors to mimic the ombre variations of the surrounding mountain timberlines is accented by vertical recesses that are brought down onto the parking garage below. Exterior forms and materials are tied to the interior spaces and have been located to help with wayfinding, future signage locations for commercial spaces, and provide views out of the building. Commercial spaces on the first floor have large areas of glass storefront with canopies accenting the spaces. Tenant amenity spaces have been placed throughout the building and will provide multiple options for tenants and guests. Bike storage and repair space off on the first floor has access from 8th Avenue and into the parking garage. Additional bike storage and repair space is provided on the second floor at the top of the ramp. These spaces will provide parking for 330 bikes, storage space has also been allocated for the tenants to allow them to store other recreation equipment and perform maintenance. These interior open space areas are complemented by the outdoor space on every floor of the building. E. Landscaping The project provides comprehensive site and landscape planning to lend visual interest to the streetscape and provide a comfortable urban pedestrian experience. As part of the larger North 8th Street improvements, the sidewalk and R.O.W. will be improved with tree wells, landscape planters, turf play areas, enhanced paving, and plazas that create a sense of place and acknowledges the central core of the site. Onsite there is a comprehensive landscaping plan that enhances and ties together all the public spaces. A gathering space with a gazebo is also proposed to provide a space for users to enjoy year-round. as well as distinguish the private deck areas. Additionally, the landscape plan calls out irrigation types and calculations on. This includes irrigation of all proposed trees, landscape material & beds, and turf areas. F. Site lighting This project will provide comprehensive exterior building and site lighting in accordance with the standards specified in UDC 38.570. The building entrance as well as the outdoor area will have exterior lighting. This lighting will help accent the building and enhance the overall exterior space. Street lighting will be provided in accordance with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Specifications Policy and will be permitted under the subdivision application. Please refer to the following sheets for lighting locations, details, and photometric data. - ES101 – Electrical Site Plan - ES501 – Site Photometric Plan - Appendix L - Site Lighting Cut Sheets G. Traffic A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) conducted by Sanderson Stewart is included in this submittal. A trip distribution is an estimate of site-generated trip routing, which can be determined by several methods such as computerized travel demand models, calculation of travel time for various available routes and/or simple inspection of existing traffic patterns within the project area. Please see Appendix F for more information relating to traffic impacts. H. Water Rights Griffin Neilson will be contacted during this site planning process to determine what cash-in-lieu of water rights are required for the site. Upon final calculation, the fee will be paid prior to site plan approval. I. Affordable Housing This project is proposing to deed restrict 40% of the total number of units to 60% of AMI for a period of 30 years. Additionally, this project is planning to take advantage of the 4% Tax Credits available through the state of Montana. An affordable housing plan documenting compliance with 38.380.040. is included as Appendix E. J. Departures The Applicant requests a departure to reduce the required open space numbers as permitted under Chapter 38.320.070 Departure for Housing Creation. For multi-household residential projects, this departure allows a 20% reduction in usable open space requirements if the project is within ¼ mile of a park. The project site is situated within ¼ mile of three parks: Westlake Park, Royal Vista Park, and Sacajawea Park. Westlake Park is approximately 1,260 feet from the project site along a pedestrian travel path. The 8 Aspen project proposes to construct 289 units, with 40% designated as affordable housing. These units require 28,900 square feet of open space. After allocating open space in all suitable locations, the project falls short by 2,188 square feet of required open space, which results in the need to reduce the total number of units being built. The 20% reduction brings the requirement down to 23,120 SF, which can be achieved on site. This departure request seeks a minor adjustment to the overall required open space to allow for approximately 20 additional units to be constructed. The purpose of open space requirements is to provide suitable areas for leisure and recreational activities for residents. The 8 Aspen project proposes more residential amenities than typical multifamily projects. Therefore, while the overall square footage is slightly less, the amenity value is significantly higher. Departure review criteria 1. The departure will result in at least one more home than would otherwise be possible; and Response: By allowing this departure, approximately 20 more units will be built. 2. The purpose of the standard can still be accomplished if the departure is granted; and Response: The intent of the standard is to provide a space that is suitable for leisure and recreational activities. Even with the 20% reduction the intent of the standard is still met. The 8 Aspen project proposes more residential amenities than typical multifamily projects. Therefore, while the overall square footage is slightly less, the amenity value is significantly higher. 3. The departure will not impose negative impacts on surrounding property; or Response: The departure should have no effect on the surrounding neighborhood. There are significant leisure and recreational opportunities on site. Additionally, there are a variety of amenities to appeal to a wide range of residents. 4. The departure is applicable to missing middle housing; or Response: The project is proposing to dedicate 40% of the units as deed restricted to LIHTC affordable units. 5. The departure is applicable to an infill site. Response: While the project site is adjacent to undeveloped portions of the city it is wholly surrounded by development. This project will also expand vital portions of the city’s infrastructure and will infill missing gaps of infrastructure.