HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-11-24 INC Agenda and Packet MaterialsA. Call meeting to order - 4:30 p.m. B. Disclosures C. Changes to the Agenda D. Approval of Minutes D.1 Approve Minutes from June 13, June 20, and June 27, 2024 (Talago) E. Public Comment F. Action Items F.1 Approve the Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association as a City Recognized Neighborhood Association(Kiely) G. FYI/Discussion G.1 Funding Local Street Reconstruction Projects (Ross) G.2 Discuss Bylaws and Role of Secretary/Treasurer (Talago) THE INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA INC AGENDA Thursday, July 11, 2024 This meeting will be held both in-person and also using an online video conferencing system. You can join this meeting: Via Video Conference: Click the Register link, enter the required information, and click submit. Click Join Now to enter the meeting. Via Phone: This is for listening only if you cannot watch the stream, channel 190, or attend in- person United States Toll +1 669 900 9128 Access code: 960 8158 0066 This is the time to comment on any matter falling within the scope of the Inter-Neighborhood Council. There will also be time in conjunction with each agenda item for public comment relating to that item but you may only speak once per topic. Please note, the Board cannot take action on any item which does not appear on the agenda. All persons addressing the Board shall speak in a civil and courteous manner and members of the audience shall be respectful of others. Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record and limit your comments to three minutes. 1 G.3 City Liaison Update(Kiely) G.4 Commission Liaison Update(Morrison) G.5 Neighborhood Updates(INC Reps) H. Adjournment For more information please contact Takami Clark tclark@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our Acting ADA Coordinator, Max Ziegler, at 406.582.2439 (TDD 406.582.2301). In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Public Comment Page or by emailing comments@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Emily Talago, INC Chair SUBJECT:Approve Minutes from June 13, June 20, and June 27, 2024 MEETING DATE:July 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Approve Minutes STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Minutes from June 13, June 20, and June 27, 2024 UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: 2024.06.13 INC Minutes.pdf 2024.06.20 INC Minutes.pdf 2024.06.27 INC Minutes.pdf Report compiled on: July 3, 2024 3 Inter Neighborhood Council Meeting Minutes, 06/13/24 Page 1 of 3 THE INTER NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES 06/13/24 A) 00:03:42 Call meeting to order - 4:30 p.m. B) 00:03:58 Disclosures There were no disclosures. C) 00:04:05 Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D) 00:04:14 Approval of Minutes D.1 Approve Minutes from May 2024 2024.05.09 INC Minutes.pdf 00:05:30 Emily Talago motioned to approve the minutes as submitted. Suzanne Held seconded. All voted in favor of the motion. E) 00:05:57 Public Comment There were no public comments. F) Action Items F.1 00:06:06 Officer Elections INC Bylaws Emily Talago nominated Alison Sweeney as Secretary-Treasurer. The nomination was seconded by Kathy Rich. All attendees voted in favor of Alison Sweeney as Secretary-Treasurer. Emily discussed the future direction of INC and how she views this group moving forward. Suzanne nominated Emily for Board Chair and Brad seconded the nomination. All voted in favor of Emily Talago as Board Chair. 4 Inter Neighborhood Council Meeting Minutes, 06/13/24 Page 2 of 3 Emily nominated Cynthia for Vice Chair and Brad seconded the nomination. All voted in favor of Cynthia as Vice Chair. G) FYI/Discussion G.1 00:19:38 Consolidated Housing Plan Presentation Renata Munfrada presented on what a Consolidated Plan is. She then talked about the Fair Housing Plan, a part of the Consolidated Plan process. She talked about the Housing Action Plan before discussing the community engagement approach. The Consolidated Plan incorporated Belonging in Bozeman housing goals. Renata listed the public hearings and presentations thus far. She showed INC the Engage Bozeman project website. She then discussed CDBG allocations in Montana and what funding can be used for. Renata discussed community development needs and other allowable uses of funding. Economic Vitality Board provided priority recommendations and their top funding recommendation. Cynthia commented on the low amount of money. Brad asked about Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing. Emily asked about poverty rate and homelessness needs. Alison asked about strategies that Economic Vitality Board recommended and transitional housing. Suzanne commented on using MSU volunteers and neighbors aging in place. Joe commented on housing for lower middle class residents. Emily commented on wanting to see City do more direct work with funds and HUD's problematic calculations. G.2 01:00:13 City Liaison Update Takami Clark gave information on a new engagement project called the Stormwater Facilities Plan. This plan will look to improve our existing policies around stormwater management, plan for future capital infrastructure investments, and respond to changes in regulations. Residents can learn more about this at engage.bozeman.net. Takami also let INC know that the new Community Engagement Coordinator will start on June 26 and will attend the next INC meeting. Takami's final update was a reminder for neighborhoods to fill out their annual reports. These are due back to her on July 1 and are required to stay in compliance with the City as a neighborhood association. G.3 01:03:55 Commission Liaison Update Deputy Mayor talked about the budget and Emma Bode's appointment. He mentioned that the UDC is ramping up soon and will have more info next meeting. He talked about INC's role and upcoming land use decisions. Deputy Mayor answered questions on budget, nonprofit asks, and development. G.4 01:16:48 Neighborhood Updates Joe - NHVN had their annual meeting. Brad (BCAN) discussed traffic calming and parks issues within their neighborhood. Kathy - UNA is hosting a block party. Alison - Jandt is also hosting a block party. She invited INC to a presentation by Professor Condon. She also requested a future presentation from City staff on SB 382. Cynthia - BCNA had their annual meeting. Emily - Midtown had a steering committee meeting and discussed the Guthrie. Emily wants to make a presentation to INC recommending a position to City Commission on the Guthrie project, along with 5 Inter Neighborhood Council Meeting Minutes, 06/13/24 Page 3 of 3 deep incentives and parking. She asked for a Special Meeting to discuss the Guthrie project and all voted in favor of meeting on June 20. Suzanne - NENA had their annual meeting and got a new slate of officers. They will have a potluck in July at Tinworks. H) 01:32:28 Adjournment For more information, please contact Takami Clark tclark@bozeman.net. This board generally meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 6 Inter Neighborhood Council Special Meeting Minutes, 6/20/24 Page 1 of 2 THE INTER NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES 6/20/24 A) 00:00:39 Call Special meeting to order - 4:30 p.m. B) 00:01:22 Disclosures There were no disclosures. C) 00:01:27 Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D) 00:02:38 Public Comment Andrew is a member of Bridger Creeklands Association and asked about bylaws and lack of neighborhood engagement. E) Action Items E.1 00:09:25 Redevelopment Impacts on Existing Northside Neighborhoods Emily Talago (Midtown) covered the purpose of the Inter Neighborhood Council and a map of the current neighborhoods. She talked about the Midtown Neighborhood's creation and character. She also covered the various districts, zoning in Midtown. Next she talked about predictability in planning and neighborhood infill. Noah ten Broek talked about the NCOD. Emily provided info on the Guthrie and the Affordable Housing Ordinance (AHO). Scott Boyt talked about the Deep Incentives of the AHO and area median income (AMI). Scott also discussed the affordable housing plan, applicability, and development standards. He tied this back to the Guthrie and reported on the staff report of the Guthrie. He discussed a studio within the AHO and the sizing of Guthrie units. He also talked about definitions and the affordable unit locations within the Guthrie. He summarized the elements and where the project stands now. Emily and Noah discussed denying the application. Emily discussed the Affordable Housing Ordinance, zoning and the traffic impact study. Emily discussed rescinding the Affordable Housing Ordinance and Noah talked about parking management. Emily covered unintended consequences and corrective actions. Noah talked about developments on the north versus south side of town. Emily presented the motion. 7 Inter Neighborhood Council Special Meeting Minutes, 6/20/24 Page 2 of 2 Lindsey from Homebase provided public comment on the Guthrie's plans. Brian Close provided comment on ethics and lack of conflict of interest for the Board. Daniel Carty provided comment on Homebase developments and the motion. Amber with Homebase Partners provided comment about offering people to meet with them. Scott provided comment on the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Michelle Osman provided comment on the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Sarah Montano provided comment on parking/safety within the neighborhood. Allison Sweeney asked about the expected occupancy. Joe Genovese asked about how Homebase will check affordability requirements. Brad Bates asked about parking requirements. Kathy Rich asked about parking assignments. Joe asked about handicapped parking. Mark Campanelli talked about the missing middle. Alison Sweeney reviewed her bylaws and reached out to her neighborhood via email to collect input and received 4 emails back approving her to vote on the issue. Brad Bates reviewed his bylaws and cannot vote on this issue tonight. Kathy Rich reviewed her bylaws and cannot vote on this issue tonight. Mark Campanelli cannot vote on this issue tonight and needs to go back to his neighborhood. Joe Genovese cannot vote on this issue tonight and needs to go back to his neighborhood. Cynthia Evans cannot vote on this issue tonight and needs to go back to her neighborhood. The motion under consideration was tabled until another Special Meeting expected to be held next week on Thursday, June 27. F) FYI/Discussion F.1 INC Chair Updates Due to time, this item was moved to a future date in July. G) Adjournment For more information, please contact Takami Clark tclark@bozeman.net. This board generally meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 8 Inter Neighborhood Council Meeting Minutes, 6/27/24 Page 1 of 2 THE INTER NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES 6/27/24 A) Call meeting to order - 4:30 p.m. B) 00:02:55 Disclosures There were no disclosures. C) 00:02:59 Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D) 00:03:11 Public Comment Pam Bode of Cooper Park Neighborhood Association talked about her upcoming meeting in October. Lindsey from Homebase Partners talked about their interest and appreciation for the neighbors. Amy Kelley Hoitsma of NENA talked about her bylaws and the Affordable Housing Ordinance. She is interested in separating out issues. John Kaiser of Midtown talked about development in the area, the codes developers are operating within, and parking concerns. Noah ten Brook in the Midtown Neighborhood talked about developments and community values. E) Action Items E.1 00:13:58 Redevelopment Impacts on Existing Northside Neighborhoods Vote Emily Talago recapped the meeting and talked through the survey results of a form she and others sent to neighborhoods. Marcia Kaveney confirmed her bylaws allow for voting and she feels comfortable taking a vote. 9 Inter Neighborhood Council Meeting Minutes, 6/27/24 Page 2 of 2 Ginny’s neighborhood limits the INC Rep/voting and will not be casting a vote. Kath Crumrine stated her bylaws do not allow for a vote today and will be abstaining. Chris Montano stated her bylaws do not allow for a vote today and will be abstaining. Emily Talago stated her bylaws allow her to vote and feels comfortable doing so. Mark Campanelli stated his bylaws do not allow him to take a position and will be abstaining. Kathy Rich stated her bylaws allow her to vote and will be casting a vote. Joe Genovese stated his bylaws allow him to vote and he will be casting a vote. Alison Sweeney stated her bylaws allow her to vote on behalf of her neighborhood and feels comfortable taking a vote. Daniel Carty provided public comment on voting yes on all three parts of the motion. Natsuki Nakamura provided public comment on the affordable housing incentives. Marcia said she feels good about voting giving the responses. Ginny restated that she will be abstaining. Kath restated that she will be abstaining. Chris restated that she will be abstaining. Emily talked about concerns her neighborhood had with parking. Mark restated he will be abstaining and is interested in sharing the spreadsheet/graphs with the Commission. Kathy talked about her neighborhood's concerns with parking. Joe talked about voting in support. Alison talked about parking concerns in her neighborhood. Emily discussed removing personal identifying information out of the spreadsheet and sending it to the Commission as part of the letter. Marcia discussed including graphs but not names/emails. Alison moved to amend the motion to include this information. Kathy seconded the motion. Marcia, Emily, Kathy, Joe, and Alison voted in support of the motion. Ginny, Kath, Chris, and Mark abstained. The motion carried. INC Special Meeting Presentation.pdf F) FYI/Discussion G) Adjournment For more information, please contact Takami Clark tclark@bozeman.net. This board generally meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 10 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Emily Kiely, Community Engagement Coordinator SUBJECT:Approve the Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association as a City Recognized Neighborhood Association MEETING DATE:July 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Approve Neighborhood Association Application STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:The Figgins Addition was established in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Figgins is primarily an owner-occupied, family-focused neighborhood. Many MSU faculty and staff call Figgins home along with BSD7 teachers, police officers, construction workers, among other middle- and working-class professionals. There are some MSU students who live in the neighborhood. Jarrett Park serves as a place for children to play, local youth sports to hold practices and the neighborhood to gather for their annual late summer bar-b-que. The Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association held their first meeting on March 28, 2024. The residents had concern for bylaws at the meeting and continued to work through them and met again on June 20, 2024 to adopt the bylaws and elect officials. The Figgins Neighborhood boundary follows the Middle Creek Ditch to the west, Graf St to the south, and S 3rd Ave to the east. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association Packet.pdf Report compiled on: July 3, 2024 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association (FANA) By-Laws June 20, 2024 The City of Bozeman Inter Neighborhood Council (INC) exists to give a voice to neighbors and neighborhood concerns and facilitate communication between the City and neighborhoods through a representative forum as an advisory board to the City Commission. The mission of FANA will be to advocate for the preservation of quality of life for all residents of FANA. Article I Organization 1. The name shall be the Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association, herein referred to as FANA. 2. The FANA administrative year will begin January first of each year. 3. Officers must live within the boundaries of FANA and meet the requirements of Article IV to be elected. Should an officer relocate out of the boundaries, the officer may complete their term, but is not eligible for reelection. 4. The term of officers shall begin two weeks after the election and terminate two weeks after the next election. Outgoing officers are responsible for disseminating information to incoming officers. 5. There will be no discrimination or harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, creed, political belief, sexual preference, age, physical or mental handicap or disability, or status as a veteran in admission, access to, or conduct of the meetings. Article II Purpose The mission of FANA is to improve and preserve the quality of life for all residents of the neighborhood through, but not limited to, the following actions: 1. To establish and maintain regular communication with property owners and residents in the neighborhood, The Neighbors, of issues directly and indirectly for improvement and preservation of their quality of life. 2. Review and recommend an action, a policy, or a plan to the Inter Neighborhood Council (INC), to the City of Bozeman, to any City agency, Commissioners or Boards on any matter affecting the Neighbors. 3. Assist city agencies in determining priority needs for the Neighbors. 4. Review items for inclusion in the city budget and make recommendations relating to budget items for the Neighbors improvements. 5. Undertake to manage projects as may be agreed upon or contracted with public agencies. 6. To establish and maintain regular communication with the City of Bozeman Neighborhood Coordinator, and maintain active representation in the Inter Neighborhood Council (INC) for continuous communication with the City of Bozeman, city agencies, commission and boards on any matter affecting the Neighbors. 7. Offer education and training to the Neighbors on city policy and rules. 18 Article III Boundaries 1. North: Overbrook Drive and the two residences along the southwest side of South 3 rd Ave. 2. West: Westridge Drive between 3rd and Graf Street, Arnold Street (from Morningstar School to 3rd), Secor, Staudaher, Erwin, Healy, Henderson, Langohr, W Spring Creek, Morrow, Cutting, and Landoe). 3. South: Macnab Street, Ritter and Teslow Drives. Article IV Membership and Voting 4. Membership shall be open to any Neighbor who owns or rents property in the neighborhood, activated by their declaration to the Steering committee at any time. Members must provide their name, address, phone and email. The membership list shall be updated annually, and a copy furnished electronically to the Membership and the Neighborhood Coordinator for the City of Bozeman. Any position taken before the City, County, or developer must be approved by a majority of Voting Members assembled. Members may vote (this can be done in survey form) once on each agenda action item or election with the following limitations: a. A Member must be 18 or older in order to vote. b. Only one resident Member, tenant or owner, may vote from each dwelling unit. c. A non-resident property owner may only vote once, regardless of how many properties that person may own (refer to section ‘b’ regarding one vote/dwelling unit, either tenant or owner). 5. Voting shall be done by paper ballot or emailed to Steering Committee prior to meeting if member is unable to attend meeting in person. If there is only one nomination for a Steering Committee election, voting may be done by a voice vote or a show of hands. 6. The vote on an item or election will be decided by a simple majority (51%) of the quorum of Voting Members in attendance. A quorum will be the number of Voting Members in attendance at a meeting. The number of ballots for and against an agenda action item or election shall be recorded in the minutes. 7. Each Member shall receive an electronic copy of the adopted Bylaws. Article V Meetings and Notices 1. Meetings are open to the public and shall be held in the spring of each year. The Steering Committee may call additional FANA meetings as it deems necessary. 2. The notice of each meeting shall be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The notice shall include the date, time, place, and agenda. Additional notices may be issued. FANA meeting notices and other communication may be made by any of the following means: hand-delivered flyers, mailed notices, e-mails, and any other means available to 19 adequately notify its members. Article VI Leadership Structure and Duties 1. FANA’s leadership structure consists of three Steering Committee members. Committee members shall be: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary. These individuals are responsible for planning and organizing the meetings, communicating with appropriate City of Bozeman officials, and/or other concerned parties. 2. The Chair is the primary contact for the FANA, and conducts the meeting. The Chair also directs the committee’s activities. If the Chair is not available, the Vice-Chair assumes the Chair’s responsibilities, followed by the Secretary. 3. The Secretary must attend regular and special FANA meetings, and record and make available minutes to the public. 4. Since there are no dues collected, there is no money to manage. While a Treasurer would receive funds and maintain a record of income and expenditures for the public, there is no need for a money management role at this time. 5. The Steering Committee shall designate a Member representative, which may be selected from the Steering Committee, to the Inter Neighborhood Council (INC) who will attend meetings and disseminate pertinent information to the steering committee and neighborhood residents via e-mail or other means available. The designated alternate representative to the INC shall be another member of the Steering Committee. 6. Sub-Committees may be created to facilitate the business of FANA as need arises. The Steering Committee members may appoint Sub-Committee chairs. A Sub-Committee shall summarize activities and accomplishments in a written report to be presented at a meeting, entered into the minutes, and published by email. Sub-Committees or individual Members are not permitted to speak on behalf of FANA without approval of the Steering Committee. Article VII Steering Committee Guidelines 1. Election of the FANA Steering Committee shall be at the spring meeting and appear as an agenda item. Any Member may nominate candidates, including oneself. Nominees may be announced in the meeting agenda or accepted from the floor. Nominations must be seconded and nominees must agree to run. The Steering Committee will notify the City of Bozeman Neighborhood Coordinator, in writing, of the names of the newly elected members, their addresses, contact information, and date they take office. 2. Steering Committee members are elected for two-year terms. Steering Committee members may serve for two consecutive terms. 3. Steering Committee Vacancies: Should vacancies occur outside the normal election process, the remaining Committee members shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy. A member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the remainder of the term. 4. Removal of a Steering Committee member: A Steering Committee member may be removed for good cause by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting Members of the association in attendance at a meeting. The notice of the meeting as outlined in Article 5 shall specify the proposed removal. 5. FANA may communicate with Neighbors, Members and City Government with email, flyers, a newsletter, voice telephone and text messages. 20 Article VIII Dues, Donations Dues are not required of FANA Members. Donations by members may be made to assist with food at the annual meeting and other neighborhood gatherings such as the annual FANA BBQ. No dues shall ever be imposed. Article IX Amendments These bylaws may be amended by a majority of the voting members of the association. Any proposed changes must be put in writing and sent out to the membership 10 days before a meeting of the FANA. Approved amendments shall be forwarded within 14 days to the City of Bozeman Neighborhood Coordinator. These bylaws of the Figgins Neighborhood Association have officially been adopted. on June 20, 2024. Emily Kelley Mason – FNA Steering Committee Chair Matt Rognlie – FNA Steering Committee Vice-Chair Rose Liebman – FNA Steering Committee Secretary 21 22 Neighborhoods 121 N. Rouse, Bozeman, MT 59715 Figgins Addition Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, June 20 - 6 pm-7:30 pm @Pilgrim United Church of Christ Prsrt Std US Postage PAID Services Questions? Emily Mason | emilykmason@gmail.com 23 NeighborhoodsDear Neighbors, You're invited to join us for another meeting of the Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association! WHEN: Thursday, June 20 - 6:00-7:30pm WHERE: Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2118 S 3rd Ave If you missed the first meeting, here's your chance to get involved and learn more about why we're creating a Neighborhood Association. We'll adopt bylaws, host elections, and hear from City of Bozeman staff on topics like the Kagy Blvd project and development in the area. Learn more about the city's Neighborhood Associations at www.bozeman.net/neighborhoods 24 Neighborhoods 121 N. Rouse, Bozeman, MT 59715 Figgins Addition Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, March 28 - 6 pm-7:30 pm @Morning Star Elementary Cafeteria Prsrt Std US Postage PAID Services Questions? Emily Mason | emilykmason@gmail.com 25 NeighborhoodsDear Neighbors, You're invited to join us for the first "Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association" meeting! WHEN: Thursday, March 28 - 6:00-7:30pm WHERE: Morning Star Elementary School Cafeteria, 830 W Arnold St Renters, businesses, and homeowners are all welcome to come learn about why we're creating a Neighborhood Association, meet your neighbors, and hear from City of Bozeman staff on topics like the Unified Development Code update and bear trash bins. Learn more about the city's Neighborhood Associations at www.bozeman.net/neighborhoods 26 27 28 29 30 31 Figgins Addition Neighborhood Association Meeting June 20th 6-7:30pm @ Pilgrim Church City Staff Presenters: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Nick Ross, Director of Transportation and Engineering Tom: Nearby development projects Presentation on different areas surrounding Figgins. Rezoning of area north of graf/west of 11th to R2 (condos and townhomes); South University District, Arrow and Stadium View apartments, student housing. The Bootes Apartment building (west of Figgins) – in progress and will add more off-campus student housing. City can’t deny building permit based on the city already having too many, unoccupied apartments. However, the market will typically determine what builders will decide to build (i.e., if too many apartment buildings are going unrented, builders will pivot and build condos/townhomes/smaller homes). Question about quality of builds – i.e. Stadium View built just a few years ago but is already looking somewhat dilapidated. Can City do something about quality? Tom: Not really, but City does make recommendations for materials, etc. Question about MSU’s capacity to house students. Is there a max number for MSU enrollment in terms of Bozeman’s capacity to house/sustain? Tom: No, not really. Question about water capacity for Bozeman and Gallatin County and all of the new housing developments/growth. Tom deferred to Nick. Nick will discuss in further detail when he presents Kagy redevelopment project. Tom: Montana has very strong private property rights. Established HOAs can mandate lawns, high- water use plants/landscaping. However, City has implanted new restrictions on new builds/new HOAs so limit water use. Approximately 50% of water is used for watering lawns. Question about expansion of Arnold Street. Tom: Yes, Arnold will be punched through all the way to 19th in the near future. Questions about UDC and multi-unit apartments in neighborhood, concerns about 8-unit apts expressed. Concerns about impacts on neighborhood character, parking, safety and traffic issues. 32 Nick Ross: Kagy Redevelopment Project Graphic – Four lane road with landscaped median strip dividing the two directions. Circle at 11th and circle at 7th. Circle at Wilson/3rd not possible due to space limitations. Multi-use lanes for pedestrians and cyclists will parallel this section of Kagy. Pedestrian tunnels at 7th and 11th. No above ground crosswalks (or breaks in landscaped median strip) at 7th or 11th traffic circles. Concerns about current pedestrian X-ing at traffic lights – freezes in winter and don’t’ work. Concerns about flooding of tunnels expressed by resident. Nick says City engineering will build to mitigate flooding, ice, etc. Water issues for Gallatin County and Bozeman. Same amount of water used compared to 10-20 years ago based on efficiencies and newer water restrictions. 50% of available water used on lawns currently. If more people switched from grass to native, xeriscape, city could save a lot more water. FANA Bylaws – Emily Mason @ 7:20 (room reserved until 7:30) Request to vote on bylaws even though we don’t have much time to discuss Neighbor expressed concerns over some of the language in bylaws. Question about only allowing property owners vote. Takami Clark researched the question and found that city policy requires that any resident, tenant or property owner, have to be allowed to vote in order for neighborhood association to exist. Neighbor recommends change in Amendments, Article IX – remove 2/3 majority and replace with simple majority. Discussion around having to get all 300+ voting members to vote on any amendments to bylaws. Many in attendance felt it was clearly outlined in Article IV Membership and Voting #6. The vote on an item or election will be decided by a simple majority (50%) of the quorum of Voting Members in attendance. Motion to vote to change 2/3 majority in Amendments Article IX to simple majority. Motion approved. Motion to vote on bylaws. Seconded. Bylaws approved by majority vote. Motion to vote on elected positions. Motion approved. Emily Mason, Chair (approved), Matt Rognli, Vice Chair (approved), Rose Liebman, Secretary (approved). Meeting adjourned! 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Nicholas Ross, Director, Transportation and Engineering SUBJECT:Funding Local Street Reconstruction Projects MEETING DATE:July 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Listen to presentation and ask questions STRATEGIC PLAN:4.3 Strategic Infrastructure Choices: Prioritize long-term investment and maintenance for existing and new infrastructure. BACKGROUND:Resolution 4507 established policy for the funding of local street reconstruction projects and was adopted in 2014. Resolution 4507 requires a portion of the cost of local street reconstruction projects to be allocated to adjacent property owners through a special improvement district (SID) and the remainder to be allocated to the City Street and Curb Reconstruction Fund. The purpose of this policy was to allocate project costs in an equitable way by assessing the property owners that directly benefit from the associated improvements. In 2020, this policy was amended through Resolution 5174. The amendment contained in this resolution included a not-to-exceed special improvement district assessment of $138 per foot of lot frontage, with an annual inflation factor similar to the one used in our impact fee program. This was intended to limit the assessment amounts in an effort to increase the percentage of successful reconstruction projects. Although results have been mixed since the program was established, the current policy has resulted in seven successful projects. City staff have designed and provided construction management services for the local street reconstruction projects resulting in savings relative to using consultant design services; however, our success rate is relatively low. In addition, it takes a significant amount of staff time and resources to perform preliminary engineering for these projects and to present them to property owners. Projects that fail to gain neighborhood support have historically been moved to the back of the list as “Unscheduled” in the City’s Capital Improvements Plan. With no other alternative to reconstruct local streets, these failed streets continue to degrade, resulting in additional maintenance demands on the Street Department, safety concerns for the travelling public, and a 40 disproportional increase in maintenance expenses relative to other streets in the City. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: July 8, 2024 41 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Emily Talago, INC Chair SUBJECT:Discuss Bylaws and Role of Secretary/Treasurer MEETING DATE:July 11, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Discuss amending the INC Bylaws STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:Per the INC Bylaws 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all monies belonging to the INC and maintain an accurate accounting of all receipts and expenditures that have been generated through the INC. The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide a financial report to delegates at meetings as deemed necessary by the Chair and affix to the meeting minutes. The Secretary-Treasurer must be one of the officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the INC, if utilized. There shall be three (3) authorized signatures on the bankcard, if any, and two (2) authorized signatures on each check, if any. The Staff liaison/Community Engagement Coordinator is now responsible for taking minutes at INC meetings. With this change, INC needs to discuss the future role of the Secretary/Treasurer and how this body wants this role to function. INC will also discuss communications with Neighborhood Associations and available communication tools at the City and how this role may help with that process. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: INCbylaws FinalRevisions2013.pdf Report compiled on: July 3, 2024 42 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 1 City of Bozeman Inter-Neighborhood Council Bylaws Approved by INC at May 9, 2013 Meeting Approved by Commission at August 12, 2013 Meeting I. Mission A.Recognizing the value of citizen involvement and the importance of neighborhoodrelations through effective and timely communication, the Inter-Neighborhood Council (INC) is committed to ensuring safety, knowledge and guidance to Bozeman’s neighborhoods. The INC fosters a sense of cooperation and understanding between neighborhoods to increase the overall health of thecommunity. The INC provides information to the recognized neighborhoodassociations and may make recommendations to the City Commission and City staff on city-wide issues as requested and /or deemed necessary by the INC. II.Vision A. Our pride in where we live rests, in part, on the relationships we share with others in our community. We envision the City of Bozeman as one in which every citizen feels informed about changes in their neighborhood and community and thus are enabled to share their concerns and ideas with fellow citizens and electedofficials and in which governmental agencies at all levels set the example ofgood stewardship and support for their citizens’ efforts. III.Definitions A.The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall havethe meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 1. "City agency" means and includes all departments, bureaus, offices, boards,councils, liaisons, task forces and commissions of the City of Bozeman. 2. "City liaison" means the designee of the City Manager responsible for administration and enforcement of the responsibilities of the City of Bozeman as defined by the City’s Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance. 3. "Inter-Neighborhood Council (INC)" means the council composed of delegates selected by each recognized neighborhood association. 4. "Recognized neighborhood association" means an organization formed byresidents for the purpose of maintaining and/or improving the livability andquality of their neighborhood, formally recognized by the INC, and therefore the 43 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 2 City of Bozeman, and subject to the provisions of the City’s Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance. 5. "Non-recognized neighborhood association" means an organization formed byresidents for the purpose of maintaining and/or improving the livability and quality of their neighborhood. A non-recognized neighborhood association is one which has not met the minimum standards for recognition as set forth in the City’s Neighborhood Recognition Ordinance or has lost its recognized status for failing to comply with the minimum standards as set forth in the City’s NeighborhoodRecognition Ordinance. A non-recognized neighborhood association has no representation on the INC. 6. "Neighborhood group" means a loosely organized, non-recognized group of residents formed for the purpose of maintaining and/or improving the livabilityand quality of their neighborhood and that demonstrates an interest in forming a recognized neighborhood association. A neighborhood group has no representation on the INC. IV.Authorization and Organization A.The INC is established by the Bozeman City Charter, adopted by the Citizens of Bozeman on December 7, 2006 and effective January 1, 2008. B.The INC fiscal year begins 1 July of each year and ends 30 June of the next year. C.The INC is an advisory board to the City Commission. The INC shall be composed of one delegate selected by each recognized neighborhood association and shall provide a forum for recognized neighborhood associations to come together, share information and make recommendations to the city. The INC shallalso provide a forum for non-recognized neighborhood associations, neighborhood groups and city agencies to communicate with recognized and non- recognized neighborhood organizations and groups. V. Officers and Duties A.The INC shall maintain the offices of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer. The officers must be appointed delegates. 1. The Chair shall be responsible for the operation of the INC and its officerspursuant to these Bylaws. This shall include setting meeting agendas, conducting meetings, representing the INC at official functions, appointing sub-committees, and generally overseeing the business of the INC. The Chair shall have the primary responsibility for leading the long-term and short-term planning efforts of the INC and shall also have specific duties as spelled outelsewhere in these Bylaws and assigned by the delegates. 44 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 3 2.The Vice-Chair shall, in the event of the absence or inability of the Chairman to exercise the office, become acting Chairman of the INC. 3.The Secretary-Treasurer, in partnership with the City Liaison, shall be the official custodian of the records as required by the Bylaws of the INC. The Secretary-Treasurer shall produce all written communications as requested by the Chair or delegates. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record and maintain the minutes of all INC meetings. 4.The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all monies belonging to the INC and maintain an accurate accounting of all receipts and expenditures that have been generated through the INC. The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide a financial report to delegates at meetings as deemed necessary by the Chair and affix to the meeting minutes. The Secretary-Treasurer must be one of the officers who shall sign checks or drafts of the INC, if utilized. There shall be three (3) authorized signatures on the bankcard, if any, and two (2) authorized signatures on each check, if any. VI.City Liaison Duties A.The City Liaison is responsible for providing counsel and support services to the INC. Such services may include assistance with agenda creation and distribution, general communications, newsletters, grant writing, activity planning, leadership training, public relations, outreach efforts, general information and referral, andother technical assistance as requested. The City Liaison shall work with the Secretary-Treasurer to ensure accurate records of the INC are maintained. VII.Executive Committee A.The Executive Committee shall be composed of all INC officers, the Chair of any standing committee(s) of the INC, and the City Liaison. B.The Executive Committee, as a collective body, may act on behalf of the INC between regular meetings on any matter determined urgent. Any such action shallbe reported at the next regular meeting of the INC and none of its actions shall conflict with actions taken or policies formulated by the INC. VIII.Committees A.The Chair, with a successful vote, may appoint standing committees to help conduct the business of the INC. Each appointed standing committee shall choose a committee Chair, who shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee. B.The Committee Chair(s) shall report to the INC. These reports shall be entered into the minutes. 45 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 4 C. The Committee Chair(s) shall prepare a schedule/agenda for each standing committee meeting in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair and other neighborhood delegates as needed. Said agenda shall be made available to the entire INC and the City Clerk’s office at least three days prior to each monthly meeting and shall include the date, time and location of the meeting as well as discussion topics. Agenda shall be hand delivered to a standing committee appointed member’s usual place of residence, delivered electronically via email or via fax. IX. Elections and Officer Terms A. Elections of INC officers shall occur in the final meeting of the fiscal year held in the month of June, with the exception to the 2013 year. B. A nominating committee may be appointed by the Chair to propose, for the final meeting of the fiscal year, one or more eligible candidates from the INC for each office for the coming year. Nominations shall also be accepted from the floor. All candidates must have accepted the nomination and be a qualified delegate of the INC. C. The INC shall elect officers by a successful vote. D. Voting shall be by secret ballot if there is more than one (1) candidate for office. E. The ballots shall be maintained by the Secretary-Treasurer for sixty (60) days and shall then be destroyed. F. The Secretary-Treasurer, in partnership with the City Liaison, will obtain the names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and terms of office of newly elected INC officers. G. Newly elected officers shall be installed in the first meeting of the fiscal year of the month of July. H. Terms of office for INC officers shall be a recommended (but not mandated) maximum of two years. I. The Secretary-Treasurer, in partnership with the City Liaison, shall maintain a list of recognized neighborhood association members interested in serving as a delegate to, or officer in, the INC. This list shall be consulted when a delegate, or delegates, is needed to fill a vacancy and/or when officers are nominated. X. Removal and Vacancies of Delegates and Officers 46 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 5 A. Any elected officer may be removed from office for good cause. Removal shall be debated by the INC and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates of the INC. Notice of a vote for removal of an elected officer shall be included in the call to meeting and listed on the meeting agenda along with the location, date and time of the meeting. 1. If a vacancy occurs outside the normal election process, candidates for the unfilled term shall be nominated from the floor and elected at the next scheduled meeting following the vacancy. Anyone elected to the vacated office shall serve for the remainder of the original term. B. Any INC delegate may be removed from the INC for good cause. Removal shall be debated by the INC and shall require a majority vote of the delegates. XI. Procedures A. Unless otherwise determined by a successful vote of the INC, the body shall conduct a minimum of one regularly scheduled meeting each month. All meetings are open to the public and subject to the State of Montana’s open meeting laws. Cancellation or rescheduling of any meeting, or scheduling of any special meetings, may occur at the discretion of INC. Regularly scheduled meetings shall be held at such a place, date and hour as may from time to time be fixed by consensus. Notification of all meetings to all delegates may be given in person, via e-mail, via fax, over the telephone, or hand delivered to a delegate’s usual place of residence at least three days before the time set for the meeting. Notification shall also be given to the City Clerk’s office. B. The City Liaison shall prepare a schedule/agenda for each meeting in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair and other neighborhood delegates as needed. Said agenda shall be made available to the entire INC and the City Clerk’s office at least three days prior to each monthly meeting and shall include the date, time and location of the meeting as well as discussion topics. Agenda shall be hand delivered to a delegate’s usual place of residence, delivered electronically via email or via fax. C. The Chair shall preside at all meetings; the Vice-Chair shall preside at meetings upon request of the Chair. The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare the minutes of the monthly or special meetings. The minutes shall include a list of attendance, including neighborhood delegates, guests, and members of the public, and a summary of all business, discussions and actions taken. D. Amendments and changes to the Bylaws may be adopted during any regular meeting following a two-thirds (2/3) vote of delegates and provided that the revisions are submitted to the INC along with the agenda in advance of the meeting. Amendments shall be ratified by the City Commission. Date of 47 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 6 amendment approval by the INC and City Commission shall be recorded under the section “XVIII. Effective Date” of these bylaws. XII. Representation and Voting A. A quorum, which is required for the conduct of any INC meeting, consists of 1/3 of delegates, with a minimum of three delegates. B. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, an INC vote passes by a majority of attending delegates at any INC meeting. C. Each recognized neighborhood association shall appoint one delegate and one alternate delegate to the INC and communicate the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of the delegate and the alternate, in writing, to the INC Secretary-Treasurer and the City Liaison. D. Each appointed delegate has one vote on the INC. In the absence of the appointed delegate the alternate delegate to the INC may exercise the same rights and privileges afforded the appointed delegate until the absent delegate returns or a new delegate is appointed by a recognized neighborhood association. Only one vote from each recognized neighborhood association may be cast. Delegate, or alternate delegate, vacancies to the INC shall be filled within sixty (60) days of the vacancy. E. A delegate to the INC unable to attend an INC meeting may provide written authorization to the INC Secretary-Treasurer for an alternate delegate or other INC delegate to vote on any matter that may come before the INC at that meeting. The written proxy authorization shall state the name of the authorized delegate and be signed and dated by the absent delegate. A proxy vote shall be fully documented in the minutes of the meeting. F. The INC shall establish and follow a clear method for reporting to the City actions which accurately reflect neighborhood positions. When the INC presents an official position on an issue to the City, the INC shall identify how a decision on the position was reached: 1. by majority vote of the delegates; 2. by majority vote of the attending delegates; 3. by a 2/3 vote of the delegates; 4. by consensus of the attending delegates; 5. by a poll of the general membership of each recognized neighborhood association with documentation of vote results; or 6. by vote of recognized neighborhood association membership at a general or special membership meeting with documentation of vote results. XIII. Attendance 48 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 7 A. Regular attendance of all meetings is considered crucial for neighborhood contribution to the INC, and is a requirement for membership. No more than three absences within a one-year period may occur, without authorization from a INC officer or City Liaison (understanding emergencies arise). Attendance shall be recorded by the Secretary-Treasurer at each meeting and included in the minutes. XIV. Conflict of Interest A. Any delegate or alternate delegate, who has, may have or expects to have, a pecuniary or personal interest in a nomination, proposal, recommendation or undertaking related to the INC’s general role and responsibility as stated in the Mission, shall publicly declare a potential conflict of interest and attempt resolution through discussion among delegates. If the conflict cannot be resolved, the delegate or alternate delegate, shall recuse themselves from debate and abstain from a vote or votes on that issue. Pecuniary interest shall be defined as the flow of resources, loss of resources, or savings of resources which may result from the action of a delegate. Personal interest shall be defined as any interest in the matter which would affect the action of the delegate other than a financial interest, and other than an interest because of membership in, or affiliation with, but not employment by a social, fraternal, charitable, service, educational, religious, governmental, health service, philanthropic, cultural, or similar nonprofit institution or organization. XV. General A. The rules in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the INC, and all committees and subcommittees in all cases to which they apply and do not conflict with the specific provisions of these Bylaws or any special rules that the INC may adopt. B. If any part of the Bylaws or the application thereof is hereafter held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall not be affected thereby, and only the affected portions are declared eliminated. C. No INC delegate or alternate, officer, representative or spokesperson shall assume any financial liability of the INC. D. Officers of, and delegates to, the INC shall not represent the INC on any issue unless authorized to do so at a regular meeting of the INC by a majority of the delegates. XVI. Non-discrimination Clause 49 INC Bylaws – Approved by INC on May 9, 2013/Commission on August 12, 2013 8 A. The INC shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, creed, political belief, mental or physical ability, or veteran status in admission, access to, or conduct of its meetings. XVII. Amendments A. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates, at any regular INC meeting, provided authorization to amend the bylaws has been directed by the delegates at a preceding meeting. Notice of a vote to amend the Bylaws shall be included in the call to meeting and listed on the meeting agenda. B. Bylaw amendments approved by the INC shall be forwarded to the City Liaison within ten (10) calendar days of approval for submission to the City Commission for ratification. XVIII. Effective Date A. These Bylaws were formally approved by the INC delegates at a meeting held on the 11th day of December 2007, at 7:00 P.M., at the Beall Park Recreation Center, in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana and signed by all the attending delegates of the INC, representing a majority of neighborhood associations. B. These bylaws of the INC as officially and formally adopted on the 11th day of December, 2007, shall be effective January 1, 2008, upon final acceptance by majority of the City Commission as presented for ratification by the City Commission on December 17, 2007 and approved by a vote of 5-0. C. Amendments to these bylaws occurred by a 2/3 vote of the INC on the 9th day of May and presented for ratification by the City Commission on 12th day of August and approved by a vote of 4-0. Documentation of INC Approval: _________________________________________________ INC Chair Attested to by: __________________________________________________ INC City Liaison 50