HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-2023- City Commission MinutesBozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 1 of 7 THE CITY COMMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES August 1, 2023 Present: Cyndy Andrus, Terry Cunningham, Jennifer Madgic, Christopher Coburn Absent: None Excused: I-Ho Pomeroy Staff present at the Dias: City Manager (CM) Mihelich, City Attorney (CA) Sullivan, City Clerk (CC) Mass, Deputy City Clerk (DCC) Newby A) 00:10:47 Call to Order - 6:00 PM - Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse B) 00:11:49 Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C) 00:12:28 Changes to the Agenda • CM Mihelich noted the removal of item H. 3 from Consent D) 00:12:42 Authorize Absence D.1 00:12:47 Authorize the Absence of Commissioner Pomeroy 00:12:47 Motion to approve Authorize the Absence of Commissioner Pomeroy Terry Cunningham: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 00:12:53 Vote on the Motion to approve Authorize the Absence of Commissioner Pomeroy The Motion carried 4 - 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 2 of 7 Disapprove: None E) 00:13:03 FYI • CM Mihelich shared opportunity for community chats for LGBTQ+ community in Bozeman. F) 00:14:20 Commission Disclosures • There were no disclosures G) 00:14:24 Approval of Minutes G.1 Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from: February 28, 2023 July 18, 2023 02-28-23 City Commission Meeting Minutes.pdf 07-18-23 City Commission Meeting Minutes.pdf 00:14:28 Motion to approve I move to approve the combined City Commission minutes as submitted. Jennifer Madgic: Motion Christopher Coburn: 2nd 00:14:44 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to approve the combined City Commission minutes as submitted. The Motion carried 4 - 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None H) 00:14:53 Consent H.1 Accounts Payable Claims Review and Approval H.2 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Renewal with DocuSign for Electronic Signature Software City of Bozeman - Renewal (2023-08-01)__DocuSign Order Form FX2_2023-07-25.pdf H.3 Authorize the City Manager to sign an Amended and Restated First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of PT Land Subdivision Redline - Second Amendment to Declaration of CCRs-22446751-v8 and Amended and Restated First Amendment to Declaration of CCRs-22446751-v11.pdf Amended and Restated First Amendment to Declaration of CCRs.pdf H.4 Authorize the City Manager to sign a First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Walker Consultants for a Term Contract for Parking Services Consulting DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 3 of 7 Exhibit B--Updated Hourly Rates for Walker Consultants Staff.pdf First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Walker Consultants for a Term Contract for Parking Services Consulting.docx H.5 Authorize the City Manager to sign Task Order #5 with Walker Consultants for the City of Bozeman Strategic Parking Management Plan Task Order #5 City of Bozeman Strategic Parking Plan Proposal.pdf H.6 Ordinance 2121, Final Adoption, 2103 Bridger Drive Zone Map Amendment Initially Establishing an R-2, Residential Moderate Density District, and the Accompanying Adjacent Right-of way on 0.54 acres in Association with Annexation of the Same, Resolution 5434, the 2103 Bridger Drive Annexation, Application 21147 2103 Bridger Drive ZMA-2022.07.07.pdf 21147 2103 Bridger Drive ZMA Ordinance 2121.pdf H.7 Ordinance 2144 Final Adoption Repealing 2.05.1810 Bozeman Municipal Code (North Park Urban Renewal Board); Repealing 2.05.1830 Bozeman Municipal Code (Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal Board); Repealing 2.05.1840 Bozeman Municipal Code (Northeast Urban Renewal Board); Repealing 2.05.1850 Bozeman Municipal Code (South Bozeman Technology District Board); and Repealing Sec. 2.05.1860 Bozeman Municipal Code (Pole Yard Urban Renewal Board) Ord. 2144 Urb. Renewal Board Repeal.pdf H.8 Ordinance 2145, Final Adoption Amending an Urban Renewal Plan for the Bozeman, Midtown Urban Renewal District MURD_BCP_Conformance_Staff_Memo_062123.docx 230711 Murb Plan Ord_final.pdf Midtown Urban Renewal District Plan AMENDED FINAL.pdf H.9 Ordinance 2146, Final Adoption Amending an Urban Renewal Plan for Portions of Northeast Bozeman NURD_BCP_Conformance_Staff_Memo__062223.docx 230711 NURB Plan Ord_final.pdf NE District Plan NURB FINAL.pdf • CM Mihelich presented the Consent Agenda highlights. 00:16:00 Mayor Andrus opened Public Comment on Consent • There was no Public Comment on Consent 00:16:33 Motion to approve I move to accept Consent items 1-2 and 4-9 as submitted. Christopher Coburn: Motion Terry Cunningham: 2nd 00:16:42 Vote on the Motion to approve I move to accept Consent items 1-2 and 4-9 as submitted. The Motion carried 4 - 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 4 of 7 Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None I) 00:16:55 Consent II: Items Acted Upon Without Prior Unanimous Approval I.1 Ordinance 2132, Final Adoption of Alcoholic Beverages and Sales Text Amendment, Application 23064 Attachment 1 - Ordinance 2132.pdf 00:17:00 Motion to approve Consent II, Item I.1. Terry Cunningham: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 00:17:13 Vote on the Motion to approve Consent II, Item I.1. The Motion carried 3 - 1. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: Christopher Coburn J) 00:17:25 Public Comment • There was no Public Comment K) 00:18:27 Action Items K.1 02:00:24 The South Range Crossing Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application 22390 (Quasi-Judicial) 22390 South Range Crossing PP CC Draft Staff Report.pdf 02:01:11 Staff Presentation Associate Planner Susana Montana presented the plat, 5-Phase Development Build Out, Land Use Graphic, Pedestrian Circulation Network, Parkland Phasing, Growth Policies Addressed by Application, Recommendation 02:11:42 Questions of Staff 02:26:15 Applicant Presentation Parker Lange with Providence Development and Tyler Steinwey with Intrinsik Architecture presented Vicinity Map, Future Land Use Map, Existing Zoning, Site Analysis, Green Plan, Park and Amenities, Housing Typologies, Conceptual Renderings, Bozeman Community Plan Goals and Objectives - Highlights, Approximate Timeline. 02:35:56 Questions of Applicant DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 5 of 7 02:47:57 Public Comment • Mayor Andrus opened Public Comment 02:48:30 Andrew Webster commented on traffic control on site. 02:50:30 Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, staff report, Planning Board recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22390 and move to approve the South Range Crossing Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Terry Cunningham: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 02:50:57 Discussion 03:02:51 Vote on the Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, staff report, Planning Board recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 22390 and move to approve the South Range Crossing Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The Motion carried 4 - 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None K.2 00:29:48 Ordinance 2143 Provisional Adoption, Amending Chapter 10 Buildings and Building Regulations, Article 2 Technical Codes, Section 20 Building Division Fees and Permits Resolution 5287 Adopting Building Inspection Fees April 2021.pdf Ord 2143 Revise 10.02.020 Building Fees_07212023.pdf 00:18:52 Staff Presentation Community Development Director Anna Bentley, Presented on Ordinance 2143, including Background, Summary of Ordinance 2143, Next Steps, Recommended Motion. 00:22:41 Questions of Staff 00:29:14 Public Comment There was no Public Comment on Action Item K.2 00:29:30 Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the draft ordinance, public comment, and all information presented I hereby adopt the findings presented and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 2143 amending provisions for building fees. DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 6 of 7 Jennifer Madgic: Motion Christopher Coburn: 2nd 00:29:53 Discussion 00:32:19 Vote on the Motion to approve Having reviewed and considered the draft ordinance, public comment, and all information presented I hereby adopt the findings presented and move to provisionally adopt Ordinance 2143 amending provisions for building fees. The Motion carried 4 - 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham Jennifer Madgic Christopher Coburn Disapprove: None L) 00:32:45 Work Session L.1 00:32:44 Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan Model Results and Preliminary Tools Work Session Data Modeling Methods by Theme.pdf Preliminary Tool List.pdf 00:33:21 Staff Presentation Strategic Services Director, Jon Henderson, presented the Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan, including Land Acknowledgement, Guiding Questions, Project Goals, Project Schedule, Who We Are Hearing From, What We Have Heard, Working Group Partnerships, Graphic of Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Study Area, Existing Protected Areas and Study Focus Area Graphics, Planning Process, Model Approach, Modal Themes, GVSL Model Results, GVSL Model Themes and Inputs, Development Constraints, Development Threats and Pressures Overlays, Interactive Map, Sensitive Lands Protection Tools Overview, Preliminary Protection Tools, Protection Tool Recommendation Example, Next Steps, Guiding Questions. 01:08:16 Questions of Staff 01:44:40 Public Comment • There was no Public Comment on the Work Session. 01:45:25 Discussion • CM Mihelich gave summary of work session M) 03:04:24 FYI / Discussion • CM Mihelich noted that City Staff are still working on amendments to our Landscape Code regarding Water Conservation Design. N) 03:04:49 Adjournment DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, August 1, 2023 Page 7 of 7 ___________________________________ Terry Cunningham Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk PREPARED BY: ___________________________________ Alex Newby Deputy City Clerk Approved on April 2, 2024 DocuSign Envelope ID: 9CC38DE4-46F7-43E9-ABBD-A666F993FF41