HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-24 Correspondence - Morrison-Maierle - City of Bozeman RFC Letter - Final for Distribution 6_5_24 June 7, 2024 City of Bozeman Via email: BozemanMT@customerportal.help Subject: Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport – Environmental Assessment for Extend and Widen Runway 11-29 and Construct North General Aviation Area; Belgrade, Montana Dear City of Bozeman: The Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport (BZN) is currently conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) of the extension and widening of Runway 11-29 and construction of the north general aviation area. This EA is being conducted by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. (MMI) in accordance with FAA requirements and guidelines. The airport is located at 850 Gallatin Field Road in Belgrade, Montana. The FAA has determined that this proposed action is a federal undertaking. Therefore, MMI is initializing consultation with various agencies that may have affected areas of interest. Proposed Activity Description Runway 11-29 is proposed to be upgraded to a Runway Design Code (RDC) of D-III (the existing critical aircraft designation for BZN), lengthening the runway to 7,480 feet, and widening the runway to 150 feet. The length and width are required to comply with FAA recommendations and standards. According to the 2020 Airport Master Plan, the airport is experiencing operations at 93% of Annual Service Volume (ASV; used by the FAA as an indicator of relative operating capacity). Exceeding ASV and experiencing high peak hour demands reflect that air traffic is at times congested in the airport environment and beyond FAA recommended concentrations (FAA recommends capacity improvement projects when operations reach 60%-75% of ASV). For Runway 11-29 to assist in raising ASV, to the extent practicable it should be constructed to comparable standards as Runway 12-30. The 2020 Master Plan Update reflects a single refined alternative (Chapter IV Alternatives). Figure 1, attached, reflects the recommended Master Plan Update concept. This concept proposes to extend the existing Runway 11-29 to the west as depicted directionally on the conditionally approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP). However, due to land use constraints (municipal lagoons to the west) the runway will be extended to a 7,480-foot-long physical runway pavement as opposed to the 8,500-foot runway depicted on the ALP. Anticipated buildout of hangar area(s) on the north side reflects a current waiting list of 47 hangars (as of 9/28/23) with sizes up to 40,000 SF to accommodate large, private jet aircraft up to 100,000 lbs. Supporting elements to implement this proposed action are: • Construct parallel and connecting taxiways to extended Runway 11-29, Runway 12-30 and north apron and hangar area o This element proposes to construct full-length parallel taxiways (Taxiway B and Taxiway C) and connecting taxiways along Runway 11-29 to connect Runway 12-30 and the north hangar area development to extended Runway 11-29. The proposed taxiways and taxilanes will be designed according to the criteria in FAA AC 150/5300-13B, Airport Design. o Parallel Taxiway C will be relocated to allow for a 400-foot centerline to Runway 11-29 centerline separation. The taxiway will be extended to 7,480 feet and will be 50 feet wide. o Parallel Taxiway B will be constructed along the southside of Runway 11-29 to match Runway 12-30s length at 8,994 feet. The taxiway will be 50 feet wide. o This element will abandon the Spain Ferris Ditch lateral as it is an obstruction in the Taxiway C Taxiway Safety Area (TSA). o The removal of the turf Runway 11-29G is proposed to avoid conflict with parallel Taxiway B. o This element will relocate effluent irrigation infrastructure (i.e. existing effluent sprinklers in proposed runway protected areas) to Airport property off the east side of Dry Creek Road and south of Penwell Bridge Road. • Approach and departure procedures associated with the Runway 11-29 extension o Approach procedures to Runway 11-29 that will be a “sidestep” procedure from Runway 12-30’s Instrument Landing System (ILS) precision approach procedure will be requested. This approach procedure uses the existing approach infrastructure to Runway 12-30 and requires Runway 11-29 to have non precision approach visibility minimums (no less than 1 mile visibility) along with associated design standards for the RPZ. • Construct or remove roads associated with extended Runway 11-29 for protection of Runway Object Free Areas (ROFA), Runway Protection Zones (RPZ), and Taxiway Object Free Areas (TOFA) o This element will remove approximately 2,300 feet of East Baseline Road in the footprint of future Runway 11-29 OFA. o This element will remove approximately 2,650 feet of Lagoon Road which is north of East Baseline Road and in the footprint of the Runway 11-29 OFA. The removal will extend to the north entrance of the City of Belgrade lagoons. o This element will remove approximately 3,800 feet of Airport Road which is an obstruction to the existing and ultimate Runway Protection Zones (RPZ) for Runway 11-29. The road will be relocated to the east (proposed Jetway Drive) and remain on airport property. The road construction will be 11,000 feet to include adjoining road improvements and controls (intersections with east/west Airport Road and Jetway Drive). Approximately 2,500 feet of the proposed Airport Road alignment will be done under a cooperative agreement across adjoining private property that is undergoing private development. o Ancillary actions to this element include filling and regrading the gravel pit waste area, intersection improvements on U.S. Highway 205, construction of approximately 10,500 feet of security fence, construction of a cul-de-sac on existing Airport Road north of FedEx shipping center, and relocation of approximately 3,200 feet of security fence along the west side of the existing Airport Road proposed to be abandoned. • Relocate and/or install lighting systems and guidance signs associated with runway and taxiway development o This element constructs the lighting systems and installs guidance signs associated with the extended runway and relocated or constructed taxiways according to the most current FAA-required safety standards. • Relocate and/or install navigational systems associated with Runway 11-29 extension o This element will relocate the VOR navigation aid to an area east of the runways. o Relocation of associated NAVAIDs including the Runway 11 Precision Approach Path Indicators PAPIs), and runway/taxiway lighting and markings. • Construct or remove roads associated with North General Aviation Area for protection of Runway Object Free Areas (ROFA), Runway Protection Zones (RPZ), and Taxiway Object Free Areas (TOFA) o This element will remove approximately 3,500 feet of Tubb Road (west of Timothy Lane to south of Jetway Drive) as it is an obstruction in the Taxiway C Object Free Area (OFA). o Construct/Reconstruct 2,300 feet of Jetway Drive. • Construct associated drainage, utility and fence improvements o This element provides erosion and sedimentation control for construction areas that are cleared of vegetation and drainage infrastructure for additional impervious pavement areas. o This element will install drainage improvements (i.e. culverts) to facilitate the Runway 11-29 extension and construction of the North apron and hangar areas, as well as construction of both parallel taxiways. o This element will realign Dry Creek and install culvert improvements at the crossing with the new Jetway Drive alignment. A lateral of Dry Creek will either be culverted or abandoned. o This element will expand water, sewer, access roads, drainage, and utility (i.e. power, gas, fiber optic) infrastructure to facilitate the hangar area expansion. o The security fence will be relocated to encompass the expansion of facilities and a replacement gate will be installed. Information Request We are requesting a review of potential project-related effects on City of Bozeman resources within and in the vicinity of the project area for environmental documentation. Please provide any comments concerning potential impacts from the proposed project on any City of Bozeman resources within the vicinity of the project. We would also appreciate any additional information or comment that your agency finds applicable to the proposed project. Included for your use is an aerial map of the project area with proposed areas of improvements reflected. A written response from the City of Bozeman will assist Morrison-Maierle Inc. in the completion of environmental documentation for the referenced project. Any response on these matters may result in further coordination to mitigate potential effects of the proposed action. If you have comments or potentially helpful information, please provide your written response to me no later than 30 calendar days from the date of this letter (July 7, 2024). Should no comments be received within that time period, we will take that as there being no comment at this time. Your office will be advised again at the time that the draft EA is advertised for the 30-day public comment period. Please send your written response to the following address: Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Attn: Christine Pearcy cpearcy@m-m.net If you have any questions pertaining to the information provided, please do not hesitate to contact me direct at (406) 922-6846. Sincerely, __________________________ Christine Pearcy Environmental Scientist Enclosure N:\0761\156 - EA N Side & Roads\02 Correspondence\Correspondence\Agency Request for Comment Letters EV4EV5EV6EV7EV8EW1EW2EW3EW4EW551232354538507152739833275613517318252087111662603014635792249553621344819775846378843442315679526696117312479632922501534241544047702815097591059666876656478815035085097285868974908082939483978498995091001011031041051061071125041111089196102113109110ER1ER3114ER251011811912012112312712412512612211712812920130116526506505132502502115145146147148153150151152149156157158155154ER4EU3EU2EU4EU5EU1131163166EV1EV2165FEDEX505395527527527509507EV3532528529530531167168EU6533EU7EU8ER5ER6SE1305169EV9EV10EV11ER7EU9EV12170EU10SE2EV13500174173500EY2301301172176177178EY1SY1SY3SY5SE5SE6SE7SE8EY3534SY7SY9SY8SY6VW3VW2284282280278276283281279277275285287286288289289VW1EV14SE4SE9430SY2EU11SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMIDDLE CREEKXXXXXXXOOOOOO ORPZ(U)RPZ(U)RPZ(U)RPZ(U)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)RPZ(E)FUTURE GENERALAVIATIONFUTURE VORRELOCATIONl lllllllllllllllllllll FUTURE GENERALAVIATION737-9737-9 B7 B5 B4 B6 B3B1A1 A2A3 A4 A5 B2 2021222324252627 282930313233343536373839404142 4344 4546474849234567891011121314151617 1 1819 VAN VAN VAN VAN VAN GPU ATRDANGER PROP AREADANGER PROP AREA DANGER PROP AREAATRDANGER PROP AREA DANGER PROP AREA 5051 52535455565758596061 626364 66 659492908886848280787674727068 10098969593918987858381 797775737169 1019997 67 B8B8 B9B10B10B9RUNWAY 12-30RUNWAY 11-29RUNWAY 11G-29GTW ATERMINAL APRONRUNWAY 3-21AIRPORT ROADTUBB R O A D E. BASELINE ROADAIRPORT ROADTIMOTHY LANE TUBB ROADLAGO ON R OA D DRY CREEK ROADPENWELL BRIDGE ROADABANDONEDGRAVEL PITJETWAY DRTW C EXTENSIONTW B EXTENSIONRUNWAY 11-29 EXTENSIONFUTURE NORTH SIDE IMPROVEMENTS(APRON/TAXILANE/HANGAR/WATER/SEWER/DRAINAGE/LIGHTING/FENCING/ROADWAY DEVELOPMENT)CLOSE / REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING ROADEXISTING DITCH/CREEKAIRPORT PROPERTY BOUNDARY (FEE & EASEMENT)FUTURE PAVEMENT AREASEXISTING PAVEMENT AREASLAND IN AIRPORT BOUNDARY BY EASEMENTPROPOSED TAXIWAY AND RUNWAY PAVEMENTSAPPROX. LIMITS OF ABANDONED GRAVEL PITPROPOSED AIRPORT ROAD RELOCATIONREMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING AIRPORT ROADTIMOTHY LANE - FUTURE LAND ACQUISITIONS PARCELSE. BASELINE ROAD - FUTURE LAND ACQUISITIONS PARCELFIGURE NUMBER©PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY:DSGN. BY:APPR. BY:DATE:COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2024N:\0761\156 - EA N Side & Roads\ACAD\Exhibits\0761-156_EA North Side Exhibit 01092024.dwg Plotted by dean squires on Jun/4/2024engineers surveyors planners scientistsMorrisonMaierle2880 Technology Blvd WestBozeman, MT 59718406.587.0721www.m-m.net0761.156EA FIG. 1BOZEMAN YELLOWSTONE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTBELGRADEMONTANARUNWAY 11-29 TO C-III STANDARDS,NORTH SIDE AND AIRPORT ROAD RELOCATION IMPROVEMENTSJGLTJETJE08/20237001,4003507000SCALE IN FEETJETWAY DRIVE EXTENSIONLEGEND:CITY OF BELGRADESEWAGE LAGOONSRELOCATE VORRADAR AND CRITICAL AREA.NO CHANGES PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENTS UNDERCATEX APPROVED 2/13/2020RELOCATESECURITY FENCEAS DEVELOPMENTDICTATESCONSTRUCTPARALLEL TW B TORW 12 THRESHOLDSPAIN FERRISDITCH LATERAL(CULVERT,RELOCATE ORABANDON)AIRPORT BOUNDARY(INCLUDES FEE ANDEASEMENT)FUTURETW GEXTENSIONTW C RELOCATION1111PROPOSED ACTION:EXPAND APRON/TAXILANE/HANGAR AREA (WATER /SEWER / ROADS / DRAINAGE / UTILITIES)2CLOSE / REMOVE APPROXIMATELY 3,500 LF OF TUBB ROAD3CLOSE / REMOVE APPROXIMATELY 2,300 LF OF EAST BASELINE ROADAND 2,650 LF OF LAGOON ROAD4RW 11-29i. EXTEND RW 11-29 2,430 LF TO THE WESTii. WIDEN RW 11-29 TO 150' WIDE (AIRCRAFT >150,000 LBS)iii. RELOCATE PAPIiv. CLOSE TURF RW 11G-29Gv. RELOCATION OF EFFLUENT IRRIGATIONvi. APPROACH / DEPARTURE PROCEDURES5CULVERT/RELOCATE/ABANDON SPAIN FERRIS DITCH LATERAL7EXTEND TAXIWAY B TO RUNWAY 12 THRESHOLD AND CONNECTORTAXIWAY TO RUNWAY 11 THRESHOLD8RELOCATE SECURITY FENCE AS DEVELOPMENT DICTATES87519AIRPORT BOUNDARY(INCLUDES FEE ANDEASEMENT)SPAIN FERRIS DITCHLATERAL (CULVERT,RELOCATE ORABANDON)59GRAVEL PIT WASTE AREA FILLING AND REGRADINGPROPOSED CULDE SAC AT END OFROADRELOCATE EXISTINGSECURITY FENCEREMOVEAIRPORT ROADPROPOSEDSECURITY FENCERELOCATIONABANDON OR CULVERT DRYCREEK LATERALDRY CREEKULTIMATE RUNWAYSAND RPZAIRPORT ROAD PRELIMINARYDESIGN BY HYALITEENGINEERING FOR COOKPROPERTY DEVELOPMENT(APPROXIMATELY 2,500 LFOUTSIDE AIRPORTBOUNDARY)PROPOSED TURNBAY IMPROVEMENTS131211181710162JETWAY DRIVEREALINGMENT14PROPOSED CREEKREALIGNMENT ANDCULVERT1512336RELOCATE / EXTEND TW C ALONG RW 11-2910REMOVE/ABANDON APPROXIMATELY 3,800 LF OF AIRPORT ROAD11CONSTRUCT APPROXIMATELY 11,000 LF TOTAL OF NEW JETWAYDRIVE AND ADJOINING ROAD IMPROVEMENTS/CONTROLS (SEE 13)(APPROXIMATELY 2,500 LF BY HYALITE ENGINEERING)12CONSTRUCT TURN BAY IMPROVEMENTS ON S-205.15ABANDON OR CULVERT DRY CREEK LATERAL16RELOCATE APPROXIMATELY 3,200 LF OF SECURITY FENCE17CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATELY 10,500 LF OF SECURITY FENCE18CONSTRUCT CUL DE SAC ON EXISTING AIRPORT ROAD13CONSTRUCT/RECONSTRUCT APPROX. 2,300 LF OF JETWAY DRIVE1914REALIGN DRY CREEK AND CULVERT IMPROVEMENTS6769RELOCATED WWEFFLUENT IRRIGATION44STORM WATERRETENTION BUFFERRELOCATE VOR - BY FAA20AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECTNOTES:1.CRI TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF ALL STRUCTURES INTERMINAL AREA FOR HISTORIC DISTRICTEVALUATION.