HomeMy WebLinkAbout24 - Release and Reconveyance - BZN Hotel 1 LLC - Eastlake Professional Center Subdivision2819527 Returnto:sem a -G u c 8°ze IlllkilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliWilllllllllllllWlllllllllllllikil|11|||||11111||| CityClerk'sOffice PO Box 1230 BozemanMT 59771-1230 RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS COMES NOW theCityofBozeman,121N.Rouse Ave,MT 59715,aMunicipalCorporationoftheState ofMontana hereinafter("GRANTOR")anddoesherebyreleaseandreconveythefollowingdescribedeasements untoBZN Hotel1LLC,asfollows: WITNESSETH WHEREAS theGrantoristhelegalrecordtitleholderof a 30-FootSewer&WaterpipelineandAccess Easement situatedacrossLot 1,2 &3 ofEastlakeProfessionalCenterSubdivision,CityofBozeman,Gallatin County,Montana. WHEREAS theaboveutilityeasement(s)were grantedbythefollowinginstruments: ConditionsofApprovalofEastlakeProfessionalCenterSubdivision,ofrecordinBook J ofPlats,Page 710, recordedon July6,2022attheClerkand Recorder'sOfficeofGallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS no publicutilitiesarelocatedwithintheeasementstobe releasedand thevacationofthe saideasementswillnotadverselyimpacttheGrantor'sorthePublicutilitycompaniesinterests. WHEREFORE,theGrantordoesherebyreleaseandreconveytoBZN Hotel1LLC,thoseportionsof theutilityeasementslocatedon theabovedescribedrealpropertyassetforthon theExhibitattachedhereto togetherwithanyright,title,orinterestthattheGrantormay haveinsaidutilityeasementsassetforthon the Exhibitattachedheretoand incorporatedhereinbyreferenceasthoughfullysetforthandshown on theExhibit: Thisreconveyanceshallnotaffecttheremainderofthoseeasementsshown on saidBook ofPlatsJ,page 710 intheClerkand Recorder'sofficeofGallatinCounty,Montana. 1 Returnto: CityofBozeman CityClerk'sOffice PO Box 1230 BozemanMT 59771-1230 DATED this ayof ,2 in GR -CITY OF BOZEMAN TITL ,À Å\g n 6 F ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN -. by its O ATTEST·. Clerkofth City ommission STATE OF MONTANA CountyofGallatin ) On this Ô dayo 844(X(Ay y ,202 eforeme,aNotaryPublicfortheStateofMontana, personallyappearedJEFF MIHELICH andrMHCE-191ÃÃEknown tome tobetheCityManageran Clerkofthe CityCommissionfortheCityofBozeman andthepersonswhosenames aresubscribedtothewithininstrument,and acknowledgedtome thattheyexecutedthesameforandonbehalfoftheCityofBozeman. Inwitnesswhereof,Ihavehereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy sealon theday andyearfirstwritten above. (SEAL) N arypublicforthestateofMontana ResidingatBozeman,Montana ..........My CommissionExpires:(J2 HU JULIE HUNTER .NotaryPublicOTARi.fortheStateofMontana SEAL *Residingat: .Bozeman,Montana My CommissionExpires:*,oo June11,2025 2 Z o Z z ¤ o a Z o O O o 9Z Z o zu W $3 o z 7 o zo gz o o a Z O Wæ a µ æ o w z w o eW = 0 . N Z T 8 z o 8- O Om® o d || || Hi! ° Ü Z O 32 - Z Z S 00°18'06" E PREVIOUS S 00°18'39" E E Ø W W 9 ·.r 68.15' 168.99'/ BOUNDARY' 118.67 55.47' o ai o < é Z /s ¤ E o ° .. S 00°18'39" E . 8 25.5 O O M #90.9to00 S E O 3 a o o o a. o 08a < z o O a H < am<o ------ r$® <oe p East o D o F2 o D W H<® ooi 2 < O o o Z æ O æ Z SzB <= O o mêE um LLI o Z O o e-- 6 LLI < o 50Sass