HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-24 - Library Board of Trustees - Agenda and Packet MaterialsA. Call meeting to order - 4:00 p.m. B. Changes to the Agenda C. Public Comment D. Approval of Minutes D.1 Approval of Minutes from May 15, 2024 (Gregory) E. Action Items E.1 Eastside Easement Review & Approval (Gregory/Sullivan) E.2 Interlibrary Loan Policy(Clark) E.3 Staff Day/Holiday Schedule FY25(Gregory) F. Reports F.1 Correspondence(Gregory) F.2 Director/Staff Reports(Gregory/Department Heads) F.3 City of Bozeman Report(Madgic) F.4 Bozeman Public Library Foundation(Johnson) F.5 Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (Eilers) THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LBT AGENDA Wednesday, June 12, 2024 Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Committee. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each action item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to three minutes. Recognition Recognition of Library Board Trustee Jennifer Pawlak's service to the Bozeman Public Library and Board term conclusion.(Gregory) 1 F.6 Board Training- Coalition Building(Suzanne Reymer) G. Adjournment For more information please contact Susan Gregory, sgregory@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability and require assistance, please contact our Acting ADA Coordinator, Max Ziegler, at 406.582.2439 (TDD 406.582.2301). In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Public Comment Page or by emailing comments@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Approval of Minutes from May 15, 2024 MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Minutes RECOMMENDATION:Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Approval of previous months minutes UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:Approve with corrections FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: May Library Board Minutes Report compiled on: May 15, 2024 3 Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting May 15, 2024 Minutes Attendance Trustees Stewart Mohr, Pam Henley, Jennifer Pawlak, Ken Spencer, Mike Redburn; Bozeman Public Library (BPL) Director Susan Gregory; Administrative Assistant Lauranna Cossins; Department Heads Carmen Clark, Corey Sloan and Sarah Widger; Library Foundation Director Janay Johnson; Friends of the Bozeman Public Library Chair Marilyn Kennelly Not Present: City Commissioner Jennifer Madgic and Assistant Library Director Kit Stephenson Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Board Chair Stewart Mohr at 4 pm. Change in agenda- Foundation Report to follow Approval of Minutes, per request from Foundation Director Johnson due to another commitment. Public Comment – No Public Comment Approval of Minutes Action Trustee Pawlak moved to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2024, meeting. Trustee Redburn seconded. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Library Foundation- Foundation Director Johnson- Johnson shared that the Foundation had an amazing “Give Big” fundraising campaign result. The Bozeman Public Library Foundation was 11th overall in terms of number of donors out of 275 organizations and gained 60 new donors. The amount raised online in 24 hours was just over $62,000. The amount raised for the Library during this annual Bozeman nonprofit fundraiser keeps getting bigger and bigger every year. Johnson, Library Director Gregory and staff hosted a poignant outdoor memorial service for one of our unhoused patrons the morning of May 15th. John was a longtime patron who came to the Library every day for more than twelve years. He would read the Encyclopedia Britannica, books on religion and books on scientific theories for hours. He passed away a few weeks ago after a long illness exacerbated by exposure to the elements and intermittent shelter. Foundation Director Johnson was able to get him into a Tiny Home for the last few months of his life. John was a Vietnam Veteran and was loved and looked after by many in the Bozeman community. Friends, Library staff, the Color Guard from the American Legion Vietnam Veterans Post 14, Warming Center and social work staff from HRDC, staff from local coffee shops and Library patrons attended the brief recognition of his life. 4 Action/ Discussion FY25-26 Operating Budget request review and approval-– An overview sheet for the FY25- 26 Library Operating Budget request was provided to the Board for review prior to the meeting. Gregory stated this is the first time for all of the City departments to build a two-year budget; the City is adopting a biannual budgeting process beginning with the new fiscal year. Final approval from the City Commission will come at a June City Commission meeting. The FY25 Budget request is a 12% increase over last year. This is due to our adding $15,000 for a partial website redesign, increased landscaping costs and a bump in our out-of-state travel funds for conferences and staff CE opportunities, Tech maintenance contracts for vendors such as Envisionware and Lyngsoe and other maintenance contracts continue to increase annually. The Library’s gas and oil line item increased by 50% in the FY25 request due to an increase in outreach stops using the City vehicle, the Toyota Highlander, rather than the Bookmobile. Acton: Trustee Redburn moved to approve the FY25-26 Library Operating Budget as submitted. Trustee Pawlak seconded, no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the Fy25/26 Budget. Remove the Lost & Found and Donations policies- These policies are being re-classified from policies to internal procedures. Action: Trustee Henley moved to remove the Lost & Found and Donation policies. Trustee Spencer seconded. The Board voted unanimously to remove the above policies and turn them into Library procedures. Date Change to the June 19th Library Board meeting due to Juneteenth closure- Board discussion took place and the Board voted to move the June 19th Board meeting to June 12th, 2024. Chair Mohr will be out of town and Vice-Chair Pawlak will chair this meeting. Action: Trustee Pawlak moved to change the Library June Board meeting to June 12th, 2024. Trustee Henley seconded No further discussion, all voted in favor. Correspondence “I don’t feel comfortable with an armed guard carrying a pistol patrolling the Library! This is unreasonable and ridiculous.” “The staff have told me that they appreciate having security.” “The children’s desk is amazing. They gather a bundle for my school each week. It’s a total time saver for me I don’t have a lot of free time and I appreciate this service so very much!” “Nothing! This place is awesome �������” “Please get an interactive globe for a children’s room teaching tool.” 5 “Please fix the women’s bathroom door it sticks.” “Ficus tree in SE coroner needs to be dusted or spritzed to clean leaves. They suffocate from dust. Thanks!” “It would be awesome if the library upgraded the drinking fountains to include bottle filling stations.” “You might want to think about restricting your poster hangings to 8x10 and requiring that they have a date. The community board is nice but can’t find things because it’s a mess.” “More astronomy programs/activities!” A patron requested an additional, bigger rack for the free magazines. Highlights Director’s report - - Director Gregory provided her report to the Library Board prior to the meeting. Highlights were reviewed. Gregory provided an overview of the Montana Library Association Annual Conference that was held in Butte, MT, in late April. Gregory, Stephenson and six Library staff attended. Three staff presented programs. Gregory attended the Montana State Library Commission meetings, Department Heads’ Highlights – Department reports were provided to the Board prior to the meeting. City Commission Library Liaison - City Commissioner Jennifer Madgic- not present, no report provided. Friends of the Bozeman Public Library (FOL) - Friends President Marilynn Kennelly- We are continuing to have discussions about merging with the Library Foundation. The Friends’ book sales earnings are continuing to increase. The FOL cleared more than $15,000 at their last book sale. The next sale is going to be at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds and will be August 10th - 11th. The Friends continue to fund the Book Club kits, supplies for the new creative labs and volunteer appreciation gifts. They are going to fund the Children’s Rainbow Garden annual maintenance and planting. Drive-by Book Donation Drop-off events are planned for June 8th, and July 13th, 2024 at the Library. Chair Mohr adjourned the meeting at 4:51pm Next Board Meeting - June 12th, 2024 at 4pm in the Library Board Room, 2nd floor. 6 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Recognition of Library Board Trustee Jennifer Pawlak's service to the Bozeman Public Library and Board term conclusion. MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Board term conclusion recognition UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Report compiled on: June 5, 2024 7 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library/Community Development SUBJECT:Eastside Easement Review & Approval MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Administration RECOMMENDATION:Discussion & Approval of a non-exclusive easement agreement for the property at 702 E. Main Street and the Bozeman Public Library STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND: To gain final approval for application 23226 from the Community Development Department, the property owner requires additional land along the west side of the subject property to meet drive access width requirements outlined in Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.400.090.C.3.b. The portion that is needed encroaches into the property owned by Bozeman Public Library at 626 E. Main Street. This non-exclusive easement agreement requires Bozeman Library Board of Trustee approval to grant the easement. The access easement is limited to 25 years. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Easement memo.docx Access Easement Agreement 702 E Main Street_Easement Explanation Letter.pdf SITE PLAN EASEMENT.pdf Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 8 MEMORANDUM TO:Bozeman Library Board of Trustees FROM:Erin George, Interim Director of Community Development RE:Application 23226, 702 E. Main Street SP/CCOA Easement Agreement DATE:June 12, 2024 This memo is to inform you that there is a request from property owner, Mark Adrian Jarvis as part of site plan and commercial certificate of appropriateness application 23226 to enter a non-exclusive easement agreement for the property at 702 E. Main Street and the Bozeman Public Library. To gain final approval for application 23226 from the Community Development Department, the property owner requires additional land along the west side of the subject property to meet drive access width requirements outlined in Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.400.090.C.3.b. The portion that is needed encroaches into the property owned by Bozeman Public Library at 626 E. Main Street. This non-exclusive easement agreement requires Bozeman Library Board of Trustee approval to grant the easement. The access easement is limited to 25 years. Along with this memo the following are included: -Narrative from applicant -Site plan of 702 E. Main and easement -Access easement agreement The Library Board of Trustees will review this easement at their meeting on Wednesday, June 12. 9 Return to: Sanderson Stewart 106 East Babcock, Suite L1 Bozeman, MT 59715 NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT AGREEMENT The City of Bozeman, a self-governing municipal corporation, with offices at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, through its Library Board of Trustees, Grantor, in consideration of $1.00 and for other and valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to Mark Adrian Jarvis, whose mailing address is 702 East Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59715, Grantee, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement for the use of the GRANTEE, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Grantor owns the real property (hereinafter "Grantor's Parcel") in Gallatin County, Montana, described as follows: All that portion of Ida Avenue lying between the South line of Main Street and the South line of Curtiss Street, pursuant to Ordinance No. 402. (Deed Reference: 2049474, records of Gallatin County, Montana) WHEREAS, the Grantee owns the real property (hereinafter "Grantee's Parcel") in Gallatin County, Montana, described as follows: All that part of the SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana, included within the following metes and bounds, to wit: Commencing at a point in the west line of said quarter of quarter section, 173 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 140 feet; thence East 60 feet; thence South 140 feet; thence West 60 feet to the point of beginning. (Deed Reference: 2775377) Together with that portion of vacated Main Street, which attached to said tract of land by operation of law pursuant to Ordinance 643, dated March 2, 1934, recorded September 5, 2012, Document No. 2425599, records of Gallatin County, Montana. 10 WHEREAS, Grantor's Parcel and Grantee's Parcel are contiguous; and WHEREAS, Grantee desires to gain approval for Site Plan Application No. 23-266 from the City of Bozeman’s Department of Community Development and, Grantee’s property does not have sufficient land on the west side of Grantee’s building to meet the requirements of Bozeman Municipal Code Section 38.400.090.C.3.b, and Grantee requests the City allow Grantee to use a portion of the City’s land to meet this requirement; and WHEREAS, Grantor desires to grant this easement to facilitate the Grantee’s adaptive reuse of its property as shown in Site Plan Application No. 23-266; and WHEREAS,Grantor is willing to grant Grantee this Easement subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties here to, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, including, but not limited to, the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, do hereby agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.Description of Easement.Grantor agrees to grant a non-exclusive easement (“the Easement”) over a portion of Grantor's Parcel for the sole purpose of providing sufficient land to enable the Grantee to satisfy requirements in Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code related to Grantee’s driveway along the westside of Grantee’s building during the term of this Easement. This easement will be for the benefit of Grantee, Grantee's Parcel, any subsequent owners of Grantee's Parcel, and their guests. The easement area is further described and attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2.Grant of Easement.Grantor hereby grants and conveys to Grantee the Easement described above and Grantee hereby accepts the grant and conveyance of said Easement from Grantor. The Easement is limited to a term of 25 years. This easement is conditioned upon Grantee receiving site plan approval for Site Plan Application No. 23-266. The easement period begins to run on the day the City preliminarily approves Site Plan Application No. 23-266. 11 Should the Grantee not receive a final occupancy permit for a building permit issued pursuant to Site Plan Application No. 23-266 within five (5) years of the date of Site Plan approval, this easement is terminated and of no force and effect regardless of Grantor taking any action to terminate this easement. Notwithstanding the above, Grantor may record a document terminating this Easement. Furthermore, this Easement does not provide Grantee the right to use the easement area for development of the Grantee’s property other than as proposed in Site Plan Application No. 23-266. As such, the use of the easement area is strictly limited to providing area for driveway as required by the Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. As such, this Easement does not provide Grantee the right to use the Easement for any purpose other than Grantee’s driveway. Grantee acknowledges Grantor may use the property, without notice to Grantee, for any purpose that does not materially affect Grantee’s ability to use the property for Grantee’s driveway. The Easement shall run adjacent to the Grantor’s existing wood retaining wall, however excluding said retaining wall from the Easement area, as shown on the attached Exhibit A. 3.Maintenance of the Easement.Grantee agrees that any and all costs and expenses of keeping, maintaining, repairing and restoring the Easement shall be the responsibility of Grantee, and its' successors and assigns. Both parties further agree that the existing wood retaining wall adjacent to the Easement area shown on Exhibit A is the property of the Grantor and will remain the Grantor’s property after the Easement is executed. 4.Expenses and Costs Associated with Easement.Grantee agrees to pay for and be responsible for all expenses and costs associated with the creation, conveyance and recording of the easement and this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all recording fees, filing fees, surveying fees, and engineering fees. 5.Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Grantee, and its successors, assigns, and guests shall release, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the City of Bozeman, the Bozeman Library and its Board of Trustee, and the employees, officers, and agents of the same (the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, fees and costs (including attorney’s fees and the costs and fees of expert witness and consultants), losses, 12 expenses, liabilities (including liability where activity is inherently or intrinsically dangerous) or damages of whatever kind or nature connected therewith and without limit and without regard to the cause or causes thereof or the negligence of any party or parties that may be asserted against, recovered from or suffered by a Indemnitee occasioned by, growing or arising out of or resulting from or in any way related to the Grantee’s, or its successors, agents, or guests, use of the Easement area, other than those acts caused solely by the willful or negligent acts or omissions of the Grantor. 6.Binding Effect.The Easement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the respective parties thereto. 7.Entire Agreement.This Agreement embodies and constitutes the entire understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the transaction contemplated herein. 8.Modification.This Agreement may not be amended, modified or changed except by a written instrument signed by Grantor and Grantee, or their successors and assigns. 9.Construction.The language in all parts of this Agreement shall be in all cases construed simply according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any of the parties hereto. Headings at the beginning of sections and subsections of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and are not a part of this Agreement. When required by the context, the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include the respective heirs, successors and assigns, if any, of them. 10.Governing Law and Jurisdiction.This Agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of Montana. All lawsuits filed to interpret or enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement must be filed in the 18th Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, Montana. 11.Severance.Should any portion of this Agreement be declared invalid and unenforceable then such portion shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect the 13 remainder of this Agreement. 12.Counterparts.This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. As used herein, “counterpart" shall include full copies of this Agreement signed and delivered by electronic transmission, as well as photocopies of such electronic transmission. Signature pages to follow 14 GRANTOR: __________________________ CITY OF BOZEMAN By: ________________________ Chair, Bozeman Public Library Board of Trustees ATTEST: Mike Maas City Clerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ________ day of ___________________, 20 , before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared and MIKE MAAS, known to me to be the Chair of the Bozeman Library Board of Trustee and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Notary Public for the State of Montana (Printed Name) Residing at My Commission Expires //20 15 702 E Main Street Private Access Easement Request 05.16.2024 To the Library Board of Trustees, The intention of the requested access easement located at 702 E Main Street is to maintain use of the historically used footprint of the existing driveway from Main Street to the back of the site.The approval of the proposed easement would not incur the destruction of any of the Library’s property such as trees,shrubs,retaining walls,or other landscaping elements,as it is to be restricted to the existing encroaching driveway footprint.The use of this vehicular access would be private in nature,serving only the owner and a limited number of guests.Since the presentation at the Library Board meeting back in October of 2023 by Chris Naumann and Mariah Kalmon,there have only been minor adjustments made to the design of the building (such as a modified entry porch),and the proposed use has not changed. Thank you for your consideration, Mariah Kalmon 16 4.60' - 7 1/2" P.L. 11' - 10 1/2" 11' - 8 1/2" CURBCUT TO REMAIN 4'-7 1/2"17'-23/4"PL.SITE PLAN NOTES 1. ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY, STATE, MAIN STREET 1 2 FEDERAL AND OSHA REGULATIONS. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULES, SLOPE PAVING, RAMPS, SIDEWALKS, EXIT PORCHES, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS, EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS, AND TOTAL NUMBER, LOCATION, AND SIZE OF PROPOSED TREES (SPECIES T.B.D.). NEW TREE DOWNSPOUTS. GRATES TO CONFORM TO BOZEMAN CITY STANDARDS AND BE ADA COMPLIANT. VERTICAL 3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL, SEED, CAST IRON TRUNK GAURD FOR NEW TREES. SEE MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS ESTABLISHED. LANDSCAPE L1.1 FOR EXACT LOCATION. 4. ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO THE BACK OF CURB, EDGE OF PAVEMENT, 125 NORTH WALLACE AVE.CENTER OF STRIPE OR OBJECT, OR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BOZEMAN, MT 59715PROPOSED STAIR AND ENTRY 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL UTILITIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFICPROPOSED EXISTING DRIVEWAY SIGNALS & POLES, ETC. AS REQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE INENTRY CANOPY ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL EXISTING SIDEWALK TO BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. REMAIN 19' - 7" 7.35 57' - 9 1/4" 82' - 0" 6' - 3 1/2"146'-03/4"P.L.PROPOSED PAINTED METAL BALCONY 6. GROUND SURROUNDING DWELLINGS SHALL SLOPE AWAY AT MIN. 6" PER 10' OR 2% FOR IMPERVIOUS SURFACES. IRC 401.3 7. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION AND REPLACEMENT OF PROPERTY CORNERS. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER IN GRADE, SIZE, TYPE AND ALIGNMENT WHERE APPLICABLE. 9. SURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIVERTED TO A TO A STORM SEWER CONVEYANCE OR OTHER APPROVED POINT OF COLLECTION THAT DOES NOT CREATE A HAZARD. IRC 401.3 ROOFS, OR SIMILAR AREAS HAVING RAINWATER SHALL FLOW AWAY FROM THE ADJOINING PROPERTY (UPC 1101.2) SITE PLAN LEGEND PROPERTY LINE PARKING SPACE EXISTING TREE UNOCCUPIED PROPOSED TREE (SEE L2.1 FOREXISTING BUILDING COMPLETE LANDSCAPE PLAN)PROPOSED EGRESS WELL, BELOW INGRESS & EGRESS POINTS PROPOSED PROPOSED EASEMENT SECURITY FENCE AREAS OUTLINE OF PROPOSED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF PARKING CALCULATIONS PARKING REQUIREMENTS BMC 38.540 (ZONE B-3): RESIDENTIAL: 1 SPACE/DWELLING UNIT; 1 DU's = 1 SPACE REQUIRED OFFICE: 1 SPACE/250SF; 634SF/250SF = 2 SPACES REQUIRED PARKING REQUIRED = 3 SPACES PARKING REDUCTIONS BMC 38.540.050: UNOCCUPIED 38.540.050.A.2.c (5): THE FIRST 3000SF NON-RESIDENTIAL IN B-3 ZONES EXEMPTEXISTING BUILDING FROM PARKING CALCS 634SF OF 634SF NON-RESIDENTIAL EXEMPT; PARKING EXEMPT = 2 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED = 1 SPACE PROPOSED PARKING = 2 PARKING SPACES BIKE PARKING BMC 38.540.050-4: 10% OF TOTAL PARKING OR NOT LESS THAN 2: TOTAL PARKING (BEFORE EXCEPTIONS) = 5 x 10% = .5 SPACES BIKE PARKING PROVIDED = 2 SPACES PROJ. #2207 702 EAST MAIN 702 EAST MAIN BOZEMAN, MT 59715 TI PERMIT SITE PLAN PORTION OF EXISTING DRIVE REQUIRING AN ACCESS EASEMENT EXISTING DRIVE ACCESS C TO REMAIN PROPOSED EGRESS WELL PROPOSED STAIR PROPOSED ENTRY GATE KEYPAD & KNOX BOX PROPOSED COVERED ENTRY CANOPY PROPOSED ADA PLATFORM LIFT PROPOSED SERVICE YARD GATE PROPOSED EGRESS WELL A 5R @ 0' - 6" PROPOSED STAIR GALLAGATOR LINEAR TRAIL 22' - 1" PROPOSED SECURITY FENCE EXISTING CONCRETE PROPOSED LOADINGRETAINING WALL RAMP EXISTING SERVICE YARDEXISTING WOOD RETAINING WALL PROJECT NUMBER: 2207 DATE ISSUED: 2024_04_17 15' - 5" 38' - 0" 60' - 2 3/4" P.L. 6' - 9 3/4" CURRENT REVISION #: CURRENT REVISION DATE: 2 4/8/2024 BOZEMAN PUBLIC LIBRARY LINDLEY PARK A101 1 SITE PLAN 1" = 10'-0" N 0' 5' 10' 20' 40' 17 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Interlibrary Loan Policy MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Policy Discussion RECOMMENDATION:Move to Approve STRATEGIC PLAN:3.3 Friendly Community: Ensure Bozeman continues to welcome diversity through policies and public awareness. BACKGROUND:Policy Review UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Attachments: Interlibrary Loan Policy-Procedures Draft Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 18 INTERLIBRARY LOAN POLICIES PURPOSE As society becomes more complex, information needs continue to increase. The information explosion of the last several decades has made it impossible for every library to own all of the materials which its users may need. Therefore, there exists a large interlibrary loan (ILL) network to facilitate the sharing of materials between libraries. The official policies of the ILL department at Bozeman Public Library (BPL) are outlined below. INTERLIBRARY LOAN – BORROWING MATERIALS REQUESTED FROM OTHER LIBRARIES Eligibility ILL service is available to anyone who is a current BPL library cardholder in good standing. Fines greater than $10 and other delinquencies on a patron account must be cleared before requests can be processed. Policies and Procedures Patrons participating in the ILL program must abide by all of BPL’s policies and procedures. Patrons may request their ILL material at the Information Desk, on the phone or online. Patrons may order up to a maximum of five (5) items per month free of charge. Patrons must use their library card to check out ILL items. Patrons must pick up ILL material at BPL’s Information Desk. Patrons can return ILL material either at BPL’s Information Desk or via the book drop. The lending library determines the due dates for ILL borrowed materials. Patrons may request renewals until two days before the due date unless the lending library has specified no renewals. No renewals are allowed for overdue ILL materials. Patrons may ask for only one renewal for each ILL item. BPL cannot guarantee that renewal requests will be granted. Some materials are difficult to obtain through ILL. Because of this, BPL encourages patrons to try to obtain these materials through other channels. These include materials published less than one year previous; issues of magazines; large, fragile or bulky materials that would be difficult to mail; books classified as reference or restricted by lending libraries; and audio-visual materials. Most libraries will supply scanned digital images of specified pages of non-circulating materials. 19 Materials may be removed from BPL unless the lending library specifies “In Library Use Only.” Fees, Fines, and Penalties BPL does not charge patrons a processing fee for ILL requests unless the following circumstances occur: Charges levied by lending libraries will be passed on to the patron. In instances when a lending library charges for ILL materials, BPL staff will contact the patron, prior to completing the order with the lending library, to receive approval for payment of the fee. Patrons are responsible for paying the fee in full at the time of check out. Patrons requesting more than the initial 5 per items month, will be responsible for a $5.00 per item postage fee. A fine of $1.00 per item per day with no grace period (up to $10) will be levied if the ILL material is overdue. Lost or damaged ILL materials must be paid for according to the policies and rates set by the lending library. BPL will suspend ILL service to a patron for twelve (12) months if a patron requests ILL materials but does not pick up the ILL twice within a twelve (12) month period. INTERLIBRARY LOAN – LENDING BPL MATERIALS TO OTHER LIBRARIES Policies and Procedures BPL’s ILL service will be free to all libraries. o Scanned digital images are available free of charge. o The borrowing library will not be charged for postage. o The borrowing library will not be charged for overdue materials. BPL will accept ILL requests from any library through OCLC. However, at BPL’s discretion, some constraints may be placed on material that is lent. o Materials that are rare or fragile, hard to ship, or in high demand at BPL will not be lent. o Reference books, all audio-visual materials, books published within the last year, magazines, and special collections will not be lent. o If possible, scanned digital images will be provided in lieu of restricted materials. Checkout period is 5 weeks. o One renewal is allowed following approval by ILL staff. o Materials more than one month overdue will be considered lost and a bill for the cost of replacement will be sent to the borrowing library. o The borrowing library will be charged for materials returned damaged. 20 Adopted Aug. 12, 1985 Revised May 5, 1986 Revised Sept. 9, 1988 Revised Sept. 15, 1993 Revised Nov. 18, 1999 Revised April 15, 2009 Revised Feb. 27, 2013 Revised Oct.21, 2015 Revised Nov. 15, 2017 Revised June 12, 2024 21 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Staff Day/Holiday Schedule FY25 MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Approve Library Holiday & Closures for FY25 STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Library Closures & Holidays UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:FY2025 Attachments: FY2025Library Holidays- Draft.docx Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 22 Library Holiday & Closure Schedule FY2025 (July 1, 2024 thru June 30, 2025) Independence Day ~ Thursday July 4th Labor Day ~ Monday, September 2nd STAFF DAY Thursday, September 19th (Library Closure) Indigenous Peoples Day Monday,OCT 14th 2024 US ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November 5th Monday, November 11th for Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day ~Thursday, November 28th Wellness Day Friday, November 29th Christmas Eve Tuesday December 24th (Early closure 5pm) Christmas Day Wednesday,December 25 New Years Eve, Tuesday December 31st (Early closure 5pm) New Year’s Day ~Wednesday January 1, 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr.Day ~ Monday, January 20th President’s Day –Monday, February 17th Memorial Day ~Monday, May 26th JUNETEENTH ~Thursday June 19th Board Approved June 12, 2024 23 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Correspondence MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Library Suggestion Box Comments UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Report compiled on: May 8, 2024 24 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Bozeman Public Library SUBJECT:Director/Staff Reports MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:Review STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Departmental news & monthly highlights UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Attachments: MAY Mobile Services Report YS Board Report Public Services Report June 2024 - Stats Report Collection Management June 2024 Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 25 Mobile Services Report May 2024 Summary Stop data: Total Stops: 76 Total Service Hours: 67.75 Total Patrons: 1006 Programming Data*: Total Programs: 48 Program Breakdown: 48 Storytime’s Total Program Attendees: 586 Birth-5, 9 Elementary Age Children, 0 Teens, 102 Adults. Total: 697 *Some Data will overlap with Youth Services Report Mobile Services News: May marked the end of the school year for 13 of our stops. Some of these students we will see over the summer at different stops (camps, added community stops, etc.), but for others we said goodbye for the summer months until we return in September. As has been the case in previous years as well, this change over to summer does come with a slight drop in overall attendance per stop as only students who continue to have reliable library access over the summer typically check out books in these last few weeks of the school year. Despite being the final weeks before summer break, it didn’t really look like it. Here is the bus on May 23rd in front of Mt. Ellis Elementary. The bus is off the road the first week of June to reset before beginning our summer season route on June 11th. During this time off, the generator is also receiving its regular maintenance. 26 Stop Highlight: The photos below were taken at Mountain Sprouts preschool directly after they had selected books from the mobile library. The classroom received a targeted selection of books for their curriculum themes of gardening and insects—they were growing caterpillars into butterflies in their classroom—and the students are then able to choose additional items based on personal interest. Teacher Ashley Smith says “books provided for the curriculum [have] been super helpful,” and the students love “the Storytime and the songs during it.” 27 YS PROGRAMS STATS 1,920 youth served 815grown-ups served 9 4 programs offeredfor youth birth-18 7 0 early literacyclasses MAY 2024 includes outreach, mobile, & downtown library branches 61 bookmobile programs211 Youth Services programsoffered June-August BY THE NUMBERS 20 special guest programs 1,040 hours of extrastaff time from our trioof short term workers 5 gallons ofbubble solution forBubblepalooza Welcome Andrea & Elli!Welcome back Leah!We are delighted and grateful to have three extra pairs ofhands on the YS team this summer in the form of one full-timeand two half-time short term workers. STWs help witheverything from answer patrons’ reader’s advisory questionsto making library cards to cooking up countless batches ofplaydough to hosing rabbit poo off of tarps. Simply put, wecould not offer a robust Summer Learning Program withoutthis infusion of time and talent into the library. -Ellie Newell, Youth Services Dept Head YOUTH SERVICES B OZ E MAN PU B L I C LI BR A R Y JU N E 2 0 2 4 SUMMER IS COMING (Top) A toddler uses a tempera paint stick to draw on a tinfoil-covered rocket ship during baby storytime. (Left) Teens learncake decorating skills while making Audrey II man-eatingplant cupcakes in The Kitchen Table. (Right) Communityblossoms during Toddler & Preschooler Storytime in thebeautifully renovated Community Room 28 June 2024 - pg 1 of 2 Public Services Department Board Report Prepared by Sarah Widger, Department Head swidger@bozeman.net, 406-582-2403 (desk), 406-579-9271 (cell) Summer With the start of summer, the Public Services team sees a distinct uptick in the number of library card applications processed and the number of items returned on a daily basis. We’re busy back here! Volunteer Update from Hilary Woodard Planning has begun for the 2024 Holiday Volunteer Appreciation event. Please save the date! Monday, December 9, 2024, from 12-2PM for lunch and a keynote speech from City Mayor Terry Cunningham. Did you know we have Special Delivery? Sometimes referred to as “Home Delivery”. We currently serve 8 homebound patrons with help from 2 volunteers. Each person is visited every 2 weeks, and they build a relationship based around talking about books and movies. If you are interested in learning more about Statistics Spring quarterly statistics were gathered between May 5 – May 18. During that time: 12,595 people visited the library building and the bookmobile Staff answered • 2,840 reference questions, 249 of which were related to Early Literacy • 3,552 policy and procedure questions (what do I need to get a library card, how can I use the Work Bench, etc.) • 1,733 directional questions (where is the nonfiction section, where is the Buttercup Study Room, etc.) • 332 folks were shown how to use the self-checkout units • 120 program questions, 75 meeting room questions, and 71 study room questions were answered 29 June 2024 - pg 2 of 2 Public Services Department Board Report Prepared by Sarah Widger, Department Head swidger@bozeman.net, 406-582-2403 (desk), 406-579-9271 (cell) Explore Bozeman Current partners include American Computer & Robotics Museum, Bozeman Symphony, Montana Ballet Company, Montana Science Center, Museum of the Rockies, and State of Play. American Computer & Robotics Museum passes are available again: Each pass admits 4 people, up to 2 adults, for free. Kids under 9 are always admitted free. This pass is valid for the day it is reserved. One pass is available every day the museum is open. State of Play passes are available again: Each reservation admits one child (ages 0-12) for free. This reservation is valid on the specific date reserved only. Montana Ballet Company and Bozeman Symphony: tickets are available in either groups of 2 or 4, depending on what the Ballet/Symphony offers. 44 tickets were provided to patrons in the 23-24 season for 3 MT Ballet performances. 50 tickets were provided to patrons in 2024 for 4 Bozeman Symphony concerts. Montana Science Center: Each pass admits 4 people for free. The pass is valid for the day it is reserved. One pass is available every day the museum is open. Museum of the Rockies: Each pass admits 4 people, up to 2 adults, for free. There are three passes available every Sunday-Wednesday and Wednesday-Saturday, for a total of 6 available passes per week. 30 June 2024 - Circulation Statistics Prepared by Sarah Widger, Department Head, Public Services swidger@bozeman.net, 406-582-2403 (desk), 406-579-9271 (cell) 31 32 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:City Commissioner SUBJECT:City of Bozeman Report MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:City Updates STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:City Commission Liaison updates UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 33 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Foundation Director SUBJECT:Bozeman Public Library Foundation MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:None UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: June 4, 2024 34 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Vice President of the Friends SUBJECT:Friends of the Bozeman Public Library MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Friends of the Library Updates and announcements. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Report compiled on: May 15, 2024 35 Memorandum REPORT TO:Library Board of Trustees FROM:Montana State Library SUBJECT:Board Training- Coalition Building MEETING DATE:June 12, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Plan/Report/Study RECOMMENDATION:None STRATEGIC PLAN:1.3 Public Agencies Collaboration: Foster successful collaboration with other public agencies and build on these successes. BACKGROUND:Library Board of Trustees Annual Training UNRESOLVED ISSUES:N/A ALTERNATIVES:N/A FISCAL EFFECTS:N/A Report compiled on: June 5, 2024 36