HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 Project and DEM NarrativeThe Guthrie 29 APRIL 2024 SPR SUBMITTAL SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE NCOD NARRATIVE NCOD Narrative This application is within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD). The existing structure was surveyed in 2020 and the Montana Historic Property Record is linked to the Historic Preservation Map on our website. Per the survey, this property lacks individual significance under Criteria A, B, C, and D and is recommended not eligible. While not located within an existing historic district, the building should be considered eligible/contributing to a potential district. Exhaustive Studies and Analysis The developer conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current infrastructure, aiming to preserve the existing building. Despite significant efforts during the design development phase, it was ultimately determined that the structure did not meet the necessary criteria for conversion into future living units. Consequently, the project direction shifted to explore alternative options that would align more effectively with the city’s envisioned development goals in Bozeman’s 2020 Community Plan and criteria in UDC Section 38.230.100. Building Constraints The rehabilitation center, originally constructed in 1959, underwent various phases of expansion and renovations, contributing to the complexity of its existing structure. Constructed in multiple phases, the building exhibits non-uniformity, leading to areas with ceilings as low as 7 feet. Unfortunately, the structure lacks distinctive or redeeming qualities and presents additional safety and environmental challenges, such as the presence of transite piping and asbestos. These factors collectively necessitate a full demolition to meet modern standards and functionality. The developer, along with representatives from the city, met on-site on several occasions to review the existing constraints. No conclusions on alternate configurations and modifications were reached, resulting in the need for complete demolition. Economic Constraints The current fragmented state of the structure, combined with the necessary environmental remediation for its reuse, renders the existing building financially impractical. The substantial costs associated with creating a habitable environment within the structure are prohibitive, and the resulting units and overall building would not generate a competitive product capable of recovering the initial investment. Included with this submission are the design development drawings from the previous project consideration. These renovation scenario costs are substantiated by (2) general contractor estimates. The numbers provided rendered the building uneconomical, with a maximum unit count of 42 in the previous studies compared to the proposed 111 units in the current design. As required by code, an estimate for the demolition of the existing building and development of a new building of similar type and scale was completed. When compared to the renovated option it illustrates there is no viable economic life remaining. A more economically viable approach is to fully demolish the existing building, aligning with both financial feasibility and the urgent need for housing in Bozeman. Several concerns have been raised regarding the Renovation versus New Build Comparison document included in this Site Plan Application. The lower rental rates proposed in the renovation plan stem from factors such as awkward unit layouts, low ceiling heights, inadequate bathrooms, limited amenities, and an overall lower standard of quality for the project. We do not believe we would be able to achieve market rents under the renovation scenario. In an effort to attract tenants to the units with lower quality features in the renovation, parking income has been excluded. Additionally, due to limitations in the existing building's construction, modern internet infrastructure cannot be implemented, hence its exclusion from the renovation proposal. The higher expenses associated with the renovation are attributed to various factors, including an inefficient building envelope, outdated heating and cooling systems, older plumbing fixtures that are less efficient, and the need for additional labor for janitorial services, as the renovation would lack a trash chute/compactor present in the new building. Moreover, a renovated building typically requires more maintenance and insurance costs due to outdated MEP, fire & life safety, and irrigation systems. Conclusion We’ve analyzed the site multiple ways, a renovated building, a new building of similar type and scale, and the current proposal with deep incentives. The existing structure is not individually significant based on the historic survey and has no viable economic life remaining as illustrated in document “33 The Guthrie Renovation vs New Build Comparison”. Along with satisfying the remaining criteria in 38.340.090.C, we believe a new building aligned with criteria in 38.230.100 is appropriate for this site and will help meet Bozeman’s 2020 Community Plan goal to provide a range of housing for the community. SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The applicant is pleased to present a new residential building located at the southwest corner of North 5th Avenue and West Villard Street. ‘The Guthrie’ comprises 5 floors, with a total area of approximately 64,429 square feet, 37 parking spaces, and 111 residential units. The ground floor features the residential building lobby, indoor bike parking, an outdoor porch (including BBQ facilities, lounge seating, and games), as well as outdoor bike parking. The main lobby is accessible from West Villard Street, while on-site parking can be accessed from North 5th Avenue. All back-of-house utilities, including trash and deliveries, as well as mechanical systems, will be situated off the parking areas. The ground floor accommodates 14 of the units, with the remaining 97 units located on levels 2 to 5. Project Address: 321 N 5th Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Zoning District: R-5 Occupancy Classifications: R-2 Residential (R-2): 111 Dwelling Units | Floors 1-5 Lobby (R-2): Residential Lobby - Adjusted the unit mix to include approximately 10% Two Bedroom Units - Additional traffic calming recommendations from Traffic Engineer are included in the report - The Guthrie will be managed and operated in a similar fashion to our other residential projects including: credit check, income verification, background checks, and lease lengths EXISTING BUILT ENVIRONMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION IN RESPONSE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ON 3/27/24: SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The goal of this project is to provide high-quality obtainable housing options in a boutique building that offers ample amenities while embodying the character of Bozeman. The project features four different unit types, ranging in size from from approximately 365 square feet to approximately 600 square feet. Architecturally, the building is designed to harmonize with the Bozeman community, using materials such as wood, glass, and fiber cement siding. A dark setback reveal is employed to break down the massing and integrate it with the existing context, creating visual interest. The landscaped front porch serves multiple functions, activating the corner of North 5th Avenue and West Villard while providing exciting amenities for the residents. Trees and landscaping have been thoughtfully designed and arranged to create a cohesive aesthetic, starting from the front porch and extending to the edges of the site. PROJECT GOALS BIKE PKG GAME LOUNGE 28 ON-SITE PARKING SPACES PARKING (RED)BIKING AMENITIES (PURPLE) 4 STREET PARKING SPACE ON 5TH AVENUE 5 STREET PARKING SPACES ON VILLARD LOUNGE / LAUNDRY LOBBY RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE 3.For multi-household dwellings and mixed-use buildings: a. One additional story of height (maximum 15 feet per story) beyond that allowed in the RS, R-1, R-2, R-3, or RMH zoning districts. b. Two additional stories of height (maximum 15 feet per story) beyond that allowed in the R-4, R-5, R-O, NEHMU, and B-1 zoning districts. c. Four additional stories of height (maximum 15 feet per story) beyond that allowed in the UMU, REMU, B-2, B-2M, and B-3 zoning districts. d. No minimum on-site vehicle parking requirement, but bicycle parking standards and requirements of 38.540.050 still apply. e. Townhouses* and rowhouses* (two attached units) in the R-1, RS, and RMH zoning districts. f. Exemption from each of the following for buildings containing dwellings, unless an alternative standard is provided in this division: (1)Minimum lot size, lot area per dwelling units, and lot width requirement in all zoning districts. (2)Section 38.510.030.E to J block frontage standards, provided that vehicle parking is prohibited between the front or side of a principal building and a public or private street; (3)Section 38.530.040.E maximum façade width standards; (4)Section 38.530.040.F roofline modulation standards; (5) Section 38.530.050 building detail standards; and (6) Section 38.530.060 building material standards. (7)Concurrent construction of infrastructure and housing per 38.270.030. Deep Incentives - Highlighted Portions are being utilized on this project SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The project vision includes offering a variety of unit options, not only in terms of size but also potential furnishings. The one-bedroom units could feature a king-size bed, while others may include creative solutions such as a Murphy bed/couch combo to maximize available space. In either option a sitting area will be provided for meals and working. PROJECT GOALS - DEEP INCENTIVES 13' - 6"1 Bed 1 Bed - Murphy Bed 1 Bed - Murphy Bed OPERABLE PARTITIONS ARE PROVIDED TO PROVIDE SEPARATION OF THE LIVING SPACES *Images shown are reference precedent images SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE Every unit has a kitchen with range built in to the counter top, microwave, sink, and refrigerator. PROJECT GOALS - DEEP INCENTIVES RANGE MICROWAVE IN CABINET REFRIGERATOR SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The one-bedroom plus units may also offer various furnishing options, such as double queen beds or a single queen bed and a couch in the living space. Each of the units has been thoughtfully designed to maximize usable space, providing flexibility of furniture layouts, depending on the tenants desires and market needs. PROJECT GOALS - DEEP INCENTIVES 1-Bed Plus 1-Bed Plus with Couch *Images shown are reference precedent images 1-Bed Plus with Murphy Bed OPERABLE PARTITIONS ARE PROVIDED TO PROVIDE SEPARATION OF THE LIVING SPACES SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The one-bedroom deluxe units will be the largest among the 1-bedroom options. The kitchen offers ample space for a two-person dining table adjacent to the living area. The bedroom is designed to be a versatile space, accommodating both a workspace and a queen-sized bed. Each unit has been thoughtfully designed to take advantage of the great location for obtainable housing. PROJECT GOALS - DEEP INCENTIVES 1-Bed Deluxe 1-Bed Deluxe *Images shown are reference precedent images SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The two-bedroom units provide flexibility, privacy, and a larger bathroom to meet the needs of families seeking comfortable living. Like the other units, they will include a range, refrigerator, and microwave. PROJECT GOALS - DEEP INCENTIVES 2-Bed Unit 2-Bed Unit *Images shown are reference precedent images SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The design intent is to create a high-quality building using traditional materials to convey a sense of warmth, community, and belonging. By breaking down the mass of the 5-story building and incorporating a front porch, the design integrates landscaping and activity at its core. The dark reveal serves to break down the building's mass. Within this dark reveal, a poem is dictated in Morse code to explain Homebase’s commitment to obtainable housing. Each mass is further subdivided, and an arrangement of alternating windows is employed to introduce subtle dynamism to the façade. This alternating window pattern is bordered by vertical metal panels, which punctuate the transition while remaining consistent with the overall white frame context. DESIGN INTENT MATERIAL CONTEXT FIBER CEMENT WOOD FIBER CEMENT GLAZING The main entrance, off North 5th Street, warmly welcomes residents and visitors to a front porch with diverse seating options. Inside the building lobby, another gathering space includes a fireplace with views of the neighborhood. The ground floor of the building provides 12 indoor bike parking stalls, along with a bike maintenance and laundry area. Amenity and laundry lounges alternate on every other floor, providing laundry facilities on floors 2 and 4, with dedicated resident amenity lounges located on levels 1, 3, and 5. The resident lounges offer a variety of functions, including a game room and TV lounges. BUILDING AMENITIES With its primary facades oriented toward the adjacent R-3 zones, the building's choice of materials aims to complement and harmonize with its neighbors, all while representing a transitional zone between the R-3 area to the east and the B-2M area to the west. Employing materials that enhance the surrounding buildings, the design approach seeks to integrate seamlessly into the existing fabric while incorporating new, contemporary techniques and detailing. The set-back front porch entry pays homage to Bozeman's lively front yard culture, offering an active zone that engages with the sidewalks and nearby residences. The canopy's lines present a modern interpretation of the traditional front porch, utilizing a wood-look material to establish a resilient and enduring connection to the neighboring properties. SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The proposed site has been enhanced with a new sidewalk, landscaping, and a 10-foot setback along Villard to the north, as well as a new sidewalk, landscaping, and a 15-foot setback along 5th Avenue. The site will conform to the zoning's frontage standard while configuring the building in an 'L' shape. The parking is situated behind the building along the internal lot lines, aiming to provide on- site parking and minimize visual interaction with the streets. The site will integrate a new greenway along both street frontages. PROJECT TIMEFRAME CONR|SUBMIT CONCEPT REVIEW TO THE CITY START OF CONSTRUCTION SPR|SUBMIT SITE PLAN REVIEW TO THE CITY END OF CONSTRUCTIONSPR|APPROVAL JULY 2023SEPTEMBER 2023NOVEMBER 2023OCTOBER 2023AUGUST 2023DECEMBER 2023JANUARY 2024JULY 2024FALL 2025SITE IMPROVEMENTS SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE EXISTING CONDITIONS | SURFACE LOT | BUILDING 5. VIEW LOOKING NORTHWEST EXISTING BUILDING EAST AND SOUTH ELEVATION 1. VIEW LOOKING SOUTHEAST EXISTING BUILDING NORTH AND WEST ELEVATION 2. VIEW LOOKING SOUTH EXISTING BUILDING NORTH ELEVATION 4. VIEW LOOKING WEST EXISTING BUILDING EAST ELEVATION 3. VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST EXISTING BUILDING NORTH AND EAST ELEVATION SITE PLAN 5132 4N. 5th AVENUEW. VILLARD AVE W. BEALL ST. SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE The Guthrie is strategically designed to leverage various modes of transportation, including the blueline bus route, bicycle facilities, and automobile parking. The development is exclusively designated for residential use, and its positioning ensures accessibility via walking, biking, driving, ridesharing, and public transit. The project is equipped with 37 on-site and street parking spaces. The arrangement of on-site parking has been planned to foster dynamic public spaces and enhance the overall pedestrian experience by accommodating sidewalks and the building layout. Additionally, The Guthrie will offer ample bicycle parking and a range of amenities catering to its residents. PARKING DEMAND Unified Development Code (UDC) Requirements Parking requirements are contained in Division 38.540 of Article 5 in the Bozeman Municipal Code that is part of the Unified Development Code (UDC). This project will meet the minimum parking requirements for residential dwelling unit use. Parking Reductions Utilizing Section 38.380.030 - Applications for development of affordable homes that comply with the requirements of this division qualify for and must be awarded the incentives applicable to the type and tenancy of affordable housing being provided and requested by the developer. Per the above referenced section 38.380.030.B.3 - there is no minimum parking requirement for this property. A combination 37 stalls of surface lot and street parking is planned for the property. { Bicycle Parking Parking requirements contained in Division 38.540.050 are outlined below, requiring that the number of bicycle parking spaces must be at least ten percent of the number of automobile parking stalls required by Tables 38.540.050-1 and 38.540.050-3. AUTOMOBILE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: LAND USE PARKING REQUIREMENT (PER UNIT) UNITS BASE RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL TRANSIT AVAILABILITY 10% REDUCTION TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED BY BUILDING AND LAND USE Residential Dwelling Types One-Bedroom 102000 Two-Bedroom Units09000 TOTAL 111000 BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: LAND USE BASE BIKE PARKING REQUIRED (10% OF AUTO) AUTOMOBILE PARKING ADDITIONAL BIKE PARKING TOTAL BIKE PARKING REQUIRED Residential 10%120 NONE 12 AUTOMOBILE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: LAND USE PARKING REQUIREMENT (PER UNIT) UNITS BASE RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL TRANSIT AVAILABILITY 10% REDUCTION TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED BY BUILDING AND LAND USE Residential Dwelling Types One-Bedroom 102000 Two-Bedroom Units09000 TOTAL 111000 BICYCLE PARKING REQUIREMENTS: LAND USE BASE BIKE PARKING REQUIRED (10% OF AUTO) AUTOMOBILE PARKING ADDITIONAL BIKE PARKING TOTAL BIKE PARKING REQUIRED TOTAL INDOOR BIKE PARKING PROVIDED TOTAL OUTDOOR BIKE PARKING PROVIDED TOTAL Residential 10%120 NONE 12 12 12 24 SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE LANDSCAPE Context The Guthrie is situated on a site characterized by a mix of neighboring property uses, making it well-placed as a transitional element between the nearby single-family residential homes and the commercial developments along 7th Avenue. Adjacent to the west is the The Sapphire Motel, and to the south, is an apartment building. Directly to the east is the Christian Reformed Church, while properties to the north consist of single-family houses. The Guthrie serves as a link between these diverse functions, helping to mitigate the shifts in scale. The enhanced site will incorporate ground-level features to maintain the vibrant atmosphere of the residential neighborhood, including outdoor seating, games, a grilling area, and thoughtfully designed landscaping. Streetscape Approach The Guthrie is zoned as R-5 and is designed with a residential block frontage approach. This design choice allows for the inclusion of elements that break down the overall scale, while also introducing a ground-level porch to enhance the historic character of the adjacent older neighborhood. Throughout the development, site elements such as lighting, plant materials, site furnishings, and signage will maintain consistency to define the character of the district. Ground floor residential units are proposed along West 5th Avenue and North Villard Street, adhering to the requirements outlined in the Unified Development Code. The Villard Street frontage will feature a 10-foot landscape setback that incorporates landscaping, and hardscape. Landscaping elements will act as screens for residential unit windows, protecting them from direct view. On the West 5th Avenue frontage, a minimum 15-foot landscape setback is established, encompassing landscaping, and hardscape. Within this setback area, low-level landscaping will be placed adjacent to the building and private patios, ensuring views between the building and the street are maintained. A diverse selection of plant materials and textures will be incorporated to sustain visual interest at a pedestrian scale. Landscaping All landscaping will comply with the mandatory landscaping provisions of the Bozeman UDC including the use of drought tolerant plants, use of appropriately sized landscape plant material, street frontage landscaping, use of trees with residential adjacency, coordination with utilities, and use of permanent irrigation. All service areas and utility equipment will be screened, as necessary. SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROJECT NARRATIVE LANDSCAPE (cont.) Open Space The necessary residential open space areas will be fulfilled through a range of methods, encompassing shared open space, ground- level outdoor spaces, private patios, and communal indoor recreational areas. All these spaces will adhere to the specified design standards. The shared common areas will be strategically positioned in central locations, offering visibility from units within the development, while being distanced from service areas and residential windows at ground level. These spaces may feature amenities such as landscaping, paving, seating areas, lighting, and walkable lawn sections. CALCULATED OPEN SPACE REQUIRED: PROJECT UNITS 1 BED UNITS 2 BED UNITS TOTAL REQUIRED SF 1029 11550 SF PROVIDED OPEN SPACE: EXTERIOR OPEN SPACE INTERIOR LOUNGE INTERIOR LOBBY & LOUNGE INTERIOR BIKE PARKING TOTAL FLOOR 5 297 SF 297 SF FLOOR 4 SF0 SF FLOOR 3 297 SF 297 SF FLOOR 2 SF0 SF GROUND FLOOR 8168 SF 1205 SF 1670 SF0 SF 11043 SF TOTAL 11637 SF See drawing sheet A0.12 for Open Space location and tabulation SPR SUBMITTAL The Guthrie | 5th and Villard Block 6|PROPOSED DESIGN Project Renderings