HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 CONR Comments and ResponsesREF # REVIEWED BY TYPE APPLICANT SUBMITTAL RESPONSE APPLICANT SUBMITTAL PAGE REFERENCE 1 CD Technician Sam Sagstetter 9/18/23 9:41 AM Checklist Item All of the necessary info is present. Please separate each page into an individual document and name according to our naming protocol. i.e. "001 Cover Sheet" and "015 Project Narrative". This is required so the departments can make comments on individual files during reveiw. We followed this procedure. 2 Solid Waste Russell Ward 9/20/23 6:15 AM Changemark SLD Waste with the use of a trash room it will need to be written into covenants that it is managements responsibility to move trash dumpster out to the tip pad for collection. tip pad will need to be heated. We informed the owner of this. We do not have a copy of the covenants to provide to you yet, but we have shown the heated Tip Pad Zone. ES1.1 3 Water Conservation Division Eric Neustrup 9/22/23 9:18 AM Comment Recommendations: 1. Hydrozoning: Landscaped areas should be on separate irrigation zones (valves) based on the vegetation’s water demand. Grouping plants with similar watering needs in the same irrigation zone will reduce over or under watering of the vegetation. 2. Drought Tolerant Landscaping: Drought tolerant and water-wise landscaping requires approximately 75% less water than turfgrass. Maximizing the installation of drought tolerant landscaping, especially within areas surrounded by pavement is recommended to improve aesthetics and maximize water efficiency. 3. Topsoil: A topsoil depth of 4”- 6” (after grading) should be installed in seeded and sodded areas. This will support proper root depth growth and assist with plant and turfgrass resiliency. 4. Drip Irrigation: Perennials, shrubs, and trees should be irrigated using low flow drip irrigation technology that will directly target the roots. 5. MSMT (Rotary) Nozzles: Multi-stream, multi-trajectory (MSMT) rotary nozzles can reduce water loss from evaporation and wind drift by up to 50%, and allow more time for water to infiltrate into the soil, reducing runoff. MSMT ‘rotary nozzles’ should be installed where overhead irrigation is to be used. 6. Weather-based Irrigation Controllers: When programmed properly, weather-based irrigation controllers can reduce outdoor water use by 25%. A weather-based irrigation controller that can automatically adjust the watering schedule according to local weather events should be installed. 7. Narrow Landscaped Area Irrigation: Utilizing overhead spray irrigation in narrow landscaped areas (< 8’) can result in large amounts of overspray onto pavement and other surrounding areas. Low volume drip or subsurface drip irrigation should be installed in these areas to eliminate overspray. Alternatively, consider plantings that will not require irrigation beyond the establishment period to avoid wasting water in these narrow landscaped areas. 8. Pressure Regulation: To ensure uniform coverage of turf areas, the use of pressure regulating sprinkler bodies is encouraged. These sprinkler bodies can help avoid inconsistent spray patterns within one zone, in which certain heads may result in misting while other heads cannot achieve the needed throw distance. 9. Turfgrass Installation: In order to conserve water, the installation of turf should be limited to no more than 35% of landscaped areas for single households and 20% for multi-household, mixed-use, and commercial projects. 10. Rain Sensors: Rain sensors can reduce outdoor water use by approximately 10%. A rain/freeze sensor, which overrides and turns off the irrigation system when a certain amount of rain has fallen, should be installed. 11. Irrigation Head Spacing: Overhead sprinkler heads should be installed upright in the ground and 2”-4” from any paved surface, especially curbs, to minimize sprinkler head damage from snowplows and lawn care equipment. 12. Irrigation Sleeving: When irrigation lines need to be routed under hardscape areas, sleeving should be installed to protect the irrigation lines from breaking and allow for ease of maintenance. Sleeving should be 1” larger in diameter than the irrigation line that is being sleeved. 13. Post-Installation Landscape will utilize drought tolerant and water wise plants. % of drought tolerant plants will be included in the notes. Irrrigation guidance pan will denote areas of High Efficiency (H.E.) heads and drip. L300, L600 4 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 9/28/23 9:37 AM Comment There are 4 small domestic water services and a larger fire service that enter this lot. Unused services will need to be terminated at the water main in the street. All service terminations are now shown on C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN. C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 5 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:08 PM Comment BMC 38.410.060 (B)(2) Easements - The applicant must provide a ten foot utility easement (power, gas, communication, etc.) along the developments property frontage and the realigned overhead power line prior to Site Plan approval on City standard template. The template for the easement is provided in the City Documents and Staff Reports folder. The overhead power lines are now shown as realligned. See C1.1 for overhead power reallignment. A ten foor utility easement is shown along the north and east frontages. See A1.01 for utility easement lines. A portion of the patios and entry porch are over the easment, but not the canopy. We will seek to have a "departure" approved which we understand is a code allowance. C1.1 CIVIL SITE PLAN, A1.01 SITE PLAN 6 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:12 PM Comment The applicant must include a drainage plan with post-construction storm water management controls that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse the post-construction runoff generated from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall from a 24-hour storm preceded by 48 hours of no measurable precipitation. For projects that cannot meet 100% of the runoff reduction requirement, the remainder of the runoff from the first 0.5 inches of rainfall must be either: a. Treated onsite using post-construction storm water management control(s) expected to remove 80 percent total suspended solids (TSS); b. Managed offsite within the same sub-watershed using post-construction storm water management control(s) that are designed to infiltrate, evapotranspire, and/or capture for reuse; or c. Treated offsite within the same subwatershed The drainage plan is now provided on C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN and C1.5 DRAINAGE DETAILS. C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN. C1.5 DRAINAGE DETAILS. 7 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:12 PM Comment The applicant must provide on-site detention with release rates limited to predevelopment runoff rates. Retention ponds must be sized based on a 10-year, 2-hour storm intensity. This is The drainage plan is now provided on C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN and C1.5 DRAINAGE DETAILS. C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN. C1.5 DRAINAGE DETAILS. 9 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:13 PM Comment The applicant must identify snow storage areas on the Site Plan for the parking area. Snow removal storage areas must be sufficient to store snow accumulation on site. Such areas shall not cause unsafe ingress/egress to the parking areas, shall not cause snow to be deposited on public rights-of-way, shall not include areas provided for required parking access and Now Storage is now shown on A1.01 SITE PLAN with the areas in each snow storage location. A1.01 SITE PLAN 10 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:15 PM Comment The applicant must demonstrate that seasonal high groundwater will not impact the function or maintenance of the proposed facilities. Industry guidance recommends a three-foot minimum separation from the bottom of the proposed facility to the underlying groundwater table. The applicant must provide local seasonal high groundwater elevations to The site geotechnical report will be included in the documents with the Site Plan Application. In the report, the depth was set between 15.9 and 16.4' below grade which places the groundwater at approximately 10' below the elevator pit. Geotechnical Report. 11 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:19 PM Comment A traffic impact study will be required for the proposed development which will need to discuss how much daily traffic will be generated on existing local and neighborhood streets, roads and alleys, when the site is fully developed. A traffic report is included in our Site Plan Application which includes an access deviation letter for the parking entry. 13 Traffic Impact Study - Access Deviation Letter.pdf 12 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:31 PM Comment The applicant must provide adequate right-of-way to accommodate the City standard sidewalk and boulevard. Adequate rights of way have now been provided. See Sheets A1.01 and C1.1 C1.1 CIVIL SITE PLAN, A1.01 SITE PLAN 13 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:34 PM Comment All of the sidewalk and pedestrian ramps in the public right-of-way adjacent to the site must be installed in compliance with the ADA standards. All site slopes and spot elevations are now shown on C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C1.2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 14 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:37 PM Comment To facilitate traffic movement, the provision of emergency services and the placement of utility easements, all developments must be provided with a second means of access. If, in the judgment of the development review committee (DRC), a second dedicated right-of-way cannot be provided for reasons of topography or other physical conditions, the developer must provide an emergency access, built to the standards detailed in the Bozeman Municipal Code. This Per our 11/02 CONR City meeting, it was determined this code provision did not pertain to the project. N/A 15 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:38 PM Comment The proposed parking lot is considered a dead-end and must comply with City design specifications and standards, and with any city-adopted International Fire Code. No dead-ends longer than 150 feet are permitted without an approved turn- around. The applicant must provide an engineering approved turn around for emergency vehicles. Per our 11/02 CONR City meeting, it was determined that the 150 foot hose pull was adequate for the site measured from the street curb such that a fire truck does not need to enter the parking lot. However, the project provides the ability for a fire truck to enter the parking lot a distance of approximately 130' to easily allow hose access anywhere on the site. At the 130' mark, driveway striping and prominent signage will be provided indicating the depth that a firetruck can enter the site without the need of a turnaround. A1.01 SITE PLAN 16 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:46 PM Comment Table 38.400.090-1 provides the minimum distance between public and/or private accesses and intersections. The drive access for the proposed parking lot does not meet this standard. The access must be realigned to meet this requirement or the applicant must submit a modification from the standard with engineering justification for the request per BMC Per our 11/02 CONR City meeting, it was determined that we will provide a modification such that access will not require re-allignment based on an engineering justification report. This will be required in a forthcoming Traffic Report and an Access Deviation Letter. Traffic Report, Access 17 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:51 PM Comment The applicant must provide an estimate of the peak-hour sanitary sewer demand as well as the average and max day demands of domestic water usage for the proposed site development. The estimates must be certified by a professional engineer. The applicant is advised that due to the size of this development, the applicant may be required to replace the See the Civil Engineer's report included in our documents. 12 Civil Engineering Report.pdf REVIEW COMMENTS report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software 18 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:51 PM Comment The existing water services must be abandoned at the main. All abandoned water services are now shown on C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN. C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 19 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 3:53 PM Comment BMC 38.410.130. – Water Adequacy: The development will need to satisfy the water adequacy code requirement prior to a future site plan approval. If sufficient water rights can’t be provided to offsets the development's annual demand then a cash-in-lieu of water rights (CILWR) payment will be required. The City assesses the CILWR fee at a rate of $6,000 per acre- foot. The fee determination will take place during the site plan review, however if there are any questions or if a preliminary review is desired please contact Griffin Nielsen with the Engineering/Utilities Department directly at gnielsen@bozeman.net or (406) 582-2279. The City encourages the use of groundwater wells to supply irrigation demands, which in turn will reduce the CILWR fee. The applicant must obtain a pre-determination from the DNRC demonstrating that a well groundwater well may be permitted under Montana’s exempt appropriation or provide the water right documentation if an existing well will be used prior to finalization of the CILWR fee determination. Finally, the City would like to make the owner aware of an available CILWR rebate of approximately 20% for residential units if high-efficiency fixtures (toilets, washers, and shower heads) meeting the City Water Conservation Division standards are installed. The rebate would be released at We have contacted Griffin Nielsen and we are providing our correspondence with him. We're providing that correspondence documentation. 17 CILWR Fee Determination Correspondence.pdf 20 Engineering CODY FLAMMOND 10/5/23 4:00 PM Comment The applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID’s) on City standard form for the following: a. Street improvements to 5th Avenue between Peach Street and Mendenhall Street including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. b. Street improvements to Villard Street between 7th Avenue and Bozeman Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. c. Street improvements to Beall Street between 7th Avenue and Rouse Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. d. Intersection improvements at Villard Street and 7th Avenue including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. e. Intersection improvements at Beall Street and 7th Avenue including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. f. Intersection improvements at 5th Avenue and Peach Street including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. g. Intersection improvements at 5th Avenue and Mendenhall Street including lighting, signalization/channelization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of the improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable We are profiving a DRAFT Waiver of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts with the SIDs you have listed. We request that the city proofread this, and then we can record this shortly after your review. 20 Waiver of Right to Protest DRAFT.pdf 21 Water and Sewer Division Nick Pericich 10/10/23 3:11 PM Comment There is a 6" cast iron water main that is over 80 years old in S 5th and an 8" vitrified clay sewer main of similar age. You will likely have to replace some water and/or sewer main for this project. We appreciate the City bringing this to our attention. 22 Fire Department Scott Mueller 10/11/23 2:55 PM Comment Fire Riser/Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be in room on ground floor with exterior access. Also FDC for sprinkler/standpipes shall be similarly accessible on exterior with sidewalk underneath and connected to public way. We've placed the Fire Riser and Fire Alarm Control Panel in the same room with exterior access. The FDC will be similarly accessible as requested. See A1.01 for location. A1.01 SITE PLAN, C1.1 CIVIL SITE PLAN 23 Parks Department Ross Knapper 10/12/23 8:54 AM Changemark Parks 38.220.080.A.2.o - Site Plan Requirements Please add a parkland tracking table to the cover sheet showing the park and recreation calculations for the project and required parkland dedication or CILP value. A parkland tracking table has been A preliminary Parkland Tracking Table is provided on sheet A0.10 A0.10, 16 Parkland Narrative and Prelim Table.pdf 24 Parks Department Ross Knapper 10/12/23 8:59 AM Changemark Parks Sec. 38.420.080.A.2.o - Site Plan Requirements Please add a parkland section and include a narrative statement that discusses how the proposed project intends to satisfy the requirements of Sec. 38.420. - Park and Recreation A Parkland Narrative will be provided. A0.10, 16 Parkland Narrative and Prelim Table.pdf 25 Parks Department Ross Knapper 10/12/23 8:59 AM Changemark Parks 38.420.030.A. - Cash donation in-lieu of land dedication If proposing CILP please add a section to the narrative document that describes how the project meets the criteria for cash-in-lieu as established in City Commission Resolution No. 4784, A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, Establishing the Criteria for Evaluation of Requests This explanation will be included in the Parkland Narrative and Tracking Table. A0.10, 16 Parkland Narrative and Prelim Table.pdf 26 Building Division Ben Abbey 10/16/23 1:31 PM Changemark BLDG - EV Bikes Battery Storage Are there plans to provide Charging of EV bikes? Battery storage? this would require provisions in accordance with the 2021 IFC. also further protection could be proposed under the alternative methods through the IBC. this could be an industry standard the meets fire separations, addition direct egress from the Bike shop, Etc... Registered Design There are a minimum of two exits out of the bike lounge. The walls are constructed as 1 hour fire partitions and the floor ceiling assembly is constructed as a 1 hour horizontal assembly. The project is fully sprinklered per NFPA 13. If there are specific additional approaches to protecting this room, please recommend these so that we would be able to review and A2.01 GROUND FLOOR PLAN 27 Northwestern Energy Matt Tilstra 10/16/23 1:48 PM Changemark NWE - Relocate? Do any of NWE's facilities need to relocated out of the way of construction? If so, please submit application to NWE to begin coordinating work. We will work with NWE on relocating their equipment. 28 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 9:01 AM Comment Community Development is undergoing an update to the Unified Development Code (UDC). The UDC update draft and current schedule may be found at http://engage.bozeman.net/udc. Staff review of this application is under the existing UDC code requirements. Per our 11/02 CONR City meeting, we discussed that updates will come after our site plan application is likely approved. 29 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 9:10 AM Comment This application is within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD). The existing structure was surveyed in 2020 and the Montana Historic Property Record is linked to the Historic Preservation Map on our website. Per the survey, this structure is eligible for NHRP status, is in good condition, and retains sufficient integrity to convey its historic character. With the formal submittal, the applicant is required to submit a COA application with the associated DEM checklist items for demolition review. BMC 38.340.090. The applicant may contact Sarah Rosenberg, the City's Historic Preservation Officer with any questions on demolition or the design guidelines. We are providing all items required in the CCOA and DEM checklists. CCOA AND DEM spreadsheets. 30 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 9:19 AM Comment A site plan application is required for entitlement of the proposed project with submittal requirements detailed in BMC 38.220.080. A lot aggregation is required for the three underlying lots via a subdivision exemption application. The applicant has indicated their intention to provide affordable housing and utilize incentives outlined in BMC 38.380. Staff is unsure exactly which incentives are desired and exactly how affordable homes will be provided for the deep incentives mentioned in the narrative. An affordable housing plan including those details as well as all other items listed in BMC 38.380.040 is required with formal submittal. This plan must be reviewed by the Community Housing Program in Economic We are in the process of applying for a lot aggregation. We are providing an exhibity that simply shows our intent for the lot aggregation. 16 Parkland Narrative and Prelim Table.pdf 31 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 9:41 AM Comment Provide project statistics on the coversheet including coverage and density information per BMC 38.320.030, as well as parking, parkland, and open space calculations. R-5 zoning has no minimum lot area, lot width, or maximum lot coverage, but the general information is still needed. Consultants will coordinate on providing required information on cover sheets L000 32 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:08 AM Comment Provide project statistics on the coversheet including coverage and density information per BMC 38.320.030, as well as parking, parkland, and open space calculations. R-5 zoning has no minimum lot area, lot width, or maximum lot coverage. 8 dwelling units per gross acre is required. SCB will provide this. See A0.10 See A0.10 33 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:09 AM Comment The height of 57 feet 9 inches exceeds allowable R-5 base height by 7-feet. The narrative was not clear if an affordable housing height bonus incentive is proposed. Please clarify in the formal submittal. BMC 38.320.030.C SCB will provide our deep incentives narrative in the overall project narrative and in affordable housing plan. We also show the deep incentives diagrams on Sheets A3.10 and A3.11 08 Project and DEM Narrative.pdf, 09 Affordable Housing Plan.pdf, A3.10, A3.11 34 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:09 AM Comment Label rear (20-feet), and side (5-feet) setback locations and annotate dimensions. BMC 38.20.030.C This is now documented on sheet A1.01 A1.01 35 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:10 AM Comment The applicant must provide in the narrative and drawings details about how the application is meeting the mixed- landscaped and landscaped block frontages of W. Villard Street and North 5th Avenue. Per BMC 38.510.030.C, this includes building placement, entrances, transparency, weather protection, parking location, and landscaping. This will be provided. See A1.01 for building placement, entrances, weather protection,and parking location. See 08 Project and DEM Narrative.pdf for a thorough narrative of the design. See A3.10 and A3.11 for all elevational items listed. See A1.01 for parking location. See Landscape drawings for landcscape Entire Set. 36 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:10 AM Comment Block frontage requires a 10-foot minimum setback from the property line. It is unclear from the site plan how the front porch open space will encroach, and if upper level elements such as canopies are proposed to encroach. Departures are available from the 10-foot building placement if they are included with the formal submittal and meet the intent of the standard. BMC 38.510.030.C. Staff has seen successful use of conduits under porches or other means of meeting the 10- foot utility easement requirement with permission from the easement holder. No affordable housing incentives from landscaped block frontage are available, but the applicant may consider utilizing 38.510.030.J incentives for special residential interior frontages. No internal roadway is present as indicated on the architectural site plan. All Setbacks are now met. See A1.01 for setbacks and building lines. For utility easements, the porches overlap, and we will need your help if we need to provide potentially a "departure" or some other method to allow this encroachment. A1.01 report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software 37 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:12 AM Comment Residential buildings must include articulation features at appropriate intervals relative to the scale of the facade in order to reduce the perceived massing of the building and add visual interest. At least three of the listed features must be employed at intervals relative to the individual dwelling units or at a maximum of every 30 feet. The scale of the facade articulation should be compatible with the surrounding context. BMC 38.530.040.C Provide details in the narrative and drawings demonstrating how the proposed building is meeting this section. We believe the design is sufficiently articulated which is shown through elevations on A3.10 and A3.11 and wall details showing the detailing of the exterior walls on Sheet A4.81. As well, sheet A0.20, A0.21, and A0.22, show renderings and material which we believe address the 10 points of 38.530.040.C. Beyond this, the Affordable housing deep incentives allow relief from 38.530.040 E and F. We provide a clean parapet line which we believe is A3.10 and A3.11, A4.81, A0.20-A0.22 38 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:13 AM Comment The intent of the building materials section in BMC 38.530.060 is to encourage the use of durable materials to provide visual interest from vehicular and pedestrian vantage points with the highest priority locations susceptible to damage from maintenance and weathering. Demonstrate in the formal submittal the proposed use of wood materials is the best choice for long term durability and consideration of future maintenance costs. All materials submitted must meet the We believe the design meets all durability requirements. The owner would not want to expose a material that would degrade quickly simply because of the maintenance costs. If exposed wood is not desired, this will likely not be a problem because most exposed materials are "wood-look" materials such as Woodtone, or other similar companies. A0.22 39 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:13 AM Comment Provide bicycle parking details that demonstrate use of compliant bicycle rack design, and location both interior and exterior. BMC 38.540.050.A.4 & 5. Landscape drawings will specify location and detail of exterior bike racks L000, L500 40 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:14 AM Comment The formal submittal must include a compliant landscaping plan that meets the mandatory landscaping provisions in BMC 38.550.050 including the use of drought tolerant species, parking lot landscaping, screening, trees for residential adjacency, and street frontage landscaping. Landscape drawings will be provided for SPR L000-L600 41 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:14 AM Comment The formal submittal must include lighting sheets that provide adequate fixture details and photometric data necessary to review against BMC 38.570.040 for site lighting, entrance lighting, full cut-off, and building mounted lighting. We are providing this information on sheets E1.2 - E1.5 E1.2 - E1.5 42 Planning Danielle Garber 10/19/23 11:25 AM Comment The applicant must demonstrate the programming and design of the proposed open space areas used to meet the minimum open space area meet the requirements of BMC 38.520.060. Staff is skeptical that shared laundry and bike storage areas meet the requirements of paragraph 4 which requires indoor spaces to be specifically designed to serve interior recreational functions. Shared outdoor open space areas must be separated from ground level windows, streets, service areas and parking lots via landscaping, fencing, and/or other acceptable treatments that enhance safety and privacy for both the shared open space and dwelling units. Screening and snow storage may not encroach into usable areas. See A0.12 and L000 for Interior Amenity and Exterior Open Space Areas and calculations. See A0.12 and L000 for Interior Amenity and Exterior Open Space Areas and calculations. report from ProjectDox by Avolve Software