HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order 2024-04 Bilingual Pay PolicyADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 2024-04 Adoption of City of Bozeman Policy for: Bilingual Pay Pursuant to my authority as Interim City Manager, I hereby adopt the City of Bozeman policy for: Bilingual Pay attached hereto. Dated this ____ day of ________, 2024. ________________________________________ Chuck Winn, Interim City Manager DocuSign Envelope ID: 85265D31-1AC0-45FC-8EEB-242B62071F3E May17th 1 Policy: City of Bozeman Bilingual Pay Policy Effective Date: May 2024 Revised: Bilingual Pay Policy I. Purpose and Scope The City of Bozeman (“City”) recognizes the value to the City and to the community of recruiting and retaining bilingual employees. Bilingual employees contribute to effective communication and service delivery, thereby enhancing accessibility and inclusivity within the community. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for providing bilingual pay to City employees. This policy applies to all City employees who may be required to use their bilingual skills as part of their job duties. II. Policy A. Eligibility Employees eligible for bilingual pay must demonstrate proficiency in a language, other than English, that is deemed by the City to be necessary for the effective delivery of City services. Employees must utilize their bilingual skills in the performance of their job duties on a regular basis. Employees receiving bilingual pay may be required, by their supervisor, to assist other City departments with language translation. Such assistance must not interfere with the employee’s regular job duties, must not require the employee to perform work that is “out of class”, or otherwise create a conflict of interest. B. Bilingual Pay Rate Eligible employees will receive additional compensation of $300.00 per month on top of their base rate of pay in recognition of their language proficiency. This additional pay will be subject to all applicable state and federal withholdings. C. Ongoing Assessment Employees receiving bilingual pay may be subject to periodic assessments, at the City’s expense, of their language proficiency to ensure continued eligibility. Failure to maintain the required level of proficiency or performance expectations required for the needs of the City may result in the suspension or termination of bilingual pay. DocuSign Envelope ID: 85265D31-1AC0-45FC-8EEB-242B62071F3E 2 III. Procedure Employees seeking bilingual pay should contact the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department, in conjunction with the applicable department director will evaluate the request based on eligibility criteria. The applicable department director, in conjunction with Human Resources, will be responsible for determining the level of proficiency required for the employee’s position. Proficiency will be determined through standardized language proficiency tests approved and coordinated by the Human Resources Department. The Human Resources Department will arrange for the employee to be assessed for proficiency. The City will be responsible for the cost of an employee’s first assessment. Employees who fail to meet the established assessment criteria will be required to pay for subsequent assessments should they wish to re-test. Approval for bilingual pay will be granted at the discretion of the City Manager, or designee. IV. Responsibility for Review The Human Resources Director, or designee, shall be responsible for reviewing this policy as needed, or at least every two (2) years. This policy is provided at the sole discretion of the City Manager and is subject to change at any time based on the needs of the City. DocuSign Envelope ID: 85265D31-1AC0-45FC-8EEB-242B62071F3E