HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order 2024-01 - City of Bozeman Investment Policy (2)City of Bozeman Policies & Procedures: Investment Policy 1 | P a g e CITY OF BOZEMAN POLICIES & PROCEDURES: INVESTMENT POLICIES Per Administrative Order 2024-01 DocuSign Envelope ID: BDCB4F97-C514-434C-9B3E-4C897B8C6F62 City of Bozeman Policies & Procedures: Investment Policy 2 | P a g e Purpose The purpose of the Investment Policy is to ensure investment of cash funds will be maintained in accordance with Montana Code Annotated (MCA) by defining the parameters within which public funds will be managed. In methods, procedures, and practices, the policy formalizes the framework for the City’s investment activities that must be exercised to ensure effective and judicious fiscal and investment management of the City’s funds. Scope This investment policy applies to all City monies and bond funds invested to those investments authorized by MCA 7-6-202. Objectives The primary objectives, in order of priority, of the City’s investment activities shall be: a. Safety. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the portfolio. Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure preservation of principal in the overall portfolio. b. Liquidity. The portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all current obligations of the City that might be reasonably anticipated. Minimum liquidity levels may be established to meet such current obligations. c. Return. The portfolio shall be managed with the objective of attaining the maximum rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, given the constraints of the aforementioned, safety and liquidity objectives. Prudence The City of Bozeman investment program shall follow the “Prudent Person Rule” which states that, “Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probably income to be derived.” The standard of prudence shall be applied in the context of managing the portfolio. The City Treasurer and designees acting in accordance with procedures and this investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal liability for an individual security’s credit risk or market price changes. It is required that deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose any material interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. Disclosure shall be made to the governing body. Refer also to the City’s Ethics Code for additional specific conflict of interest regulations and prohibitions applicable to employees. DocuSign Envelope ID: BDCB4F97-C514-434C-9B3E-4C897B8C6F62 City of Bozeman Policies & Procedures: Investment Policy 3 | P a g e Delegation of Authority Responsibility for the operation of the investment program is hereby delegated to the City Treasurer who shall act in accordance with established procedures and internal controls for the operation of the investment program consistent with this Investment Policy. All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. No officer or designee may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and supporting procedures. Approved Depositories The Treasurer will reference MCA 7-6-207 in making decisions regarding depositing of funds. Registered Investment Advisers The City may engage the services of an external investment adviser to assist in the management of the City’s investment portfolio in a manner consistent with the City’s objectives. Such external advisers may be granted discretion to purchase and sell investment securities in accordance with this Investment Policy. Such advisers must be registered with the State and with the Securities Exchange Commission and act under fiduciary standards. Broker Dealers The City may use qualified broker/dealers to purchase securities. Broker Dealers must operate under suitability standards, and the City Treasurer has fiduciary responsibly over the investments. Transactions with broker/dealers must comply with the City’s Procurement Policy. Suitable and Authorized Investment Types The City Treasurer will reference code MCA Title 7 Chapter 6 Part 21 as amended. . Portfolio Management Following the primary objective of safety of principal, investments shall be managed to take advantage of market opportunities. In so doing, negotiable securities may be “redeemed or sold” prior to their maturity under the following conditions: (1) To meet additional liquidity needs (2) To purchase another security to increase yield or current income. (3) To lengthen or shorten the portfolio’s average maturity (duration) (4) To realize any capital gains and/or income (5) To adjust the portfolio’s asset allocation Such transactions may be referred to as a “sale and purchase” or a “swap”. For purposes of this section, redeemed shall also mean “called” in the case of a callable security. Purchases and Sales of Securities All trades shall be executed with the objective of realizing the best bid or offer price available. The method used by the investment personnel and investment advisers shall be the one that will obtain the best execution price or value, given the objective of the transaction. Safekeeping and Custody The City Treasurer shall appoint a custodian for the safekeeping of the City’s investments. All securities shall be held in safekeeping by a third-party institution which is qualified and 1 Part 2. Deposit and Investment of Public Money - Table of Contents, Title 7, Chapter 6, MCA (mt.gov) DocuSign Envelope ID: BDCB4F97-C514-434C-9B3E-4C897B8C6F62 City of Bozeman Policies & Procedures: Investment Policy 4 | P a g e experienced in providing custodial services for institutional investors, specifically for public entities. Where allowed by governing legislation full collateralization will be required on all demand deposit accounts, including checking accounts and non-negotiable certificates of deposit. Delivery Vs. Payment All Trades of marketable securities will be executed by delivery vs. payment (DVP) to ensure that securities are deposited in an eligible financial institution prior to the release of funds. Reporting The City Treasurer or his/her designee shall maintain a detailed inventory of the investment assets of the City. A description of each security will include but is not limited to the following. Reporting shall be provided by the custodian in and the Broker/Dealer or Registered Investment Adviser.  The Issuer Description  Cost (purchase cost/current book value)  Par value (maturity value)  Maturity date  Settlement date of purchased or sold securities  Yield of each security, and any coupon (interest) rate.  Weighted Average Yield of the portfolio  Weighted Average Maturity of the portfolio, and  List of Investment transactions for the period Approval The City’s Investment Policy shall be adopted by Administrative Order. The Policy shall be reviewed and updated on an annual basis by the City Treasurer and Finance Director. DocuSign Envelope ID: BDCB4F97-C514-434C-9B3E-4C897B8C6F62