HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-09-24 Correspondence - Environmental Protection Agency - EPA Region 8 Water Division_ Program UpdatesFrom:Mullins, Matthew (he/him/his)To:Bozeman Public Comment Subject:[EXTERNAL]EPA Region 8 Water Division: Program Updates Date:Thursday, May 9, 2024 8:37:57 AM Attachments:Program updates May 2024.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. May 9, 2024Program Updates Upcoming Opportunities Introduction to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund: EPA will behosting a webinar to cover the basics of the CWSRF program. You can expectto learn how the program works, the type of projects that can receive funds,and how to successfully apply for financing. Attendees will get to hear aboutreal world examples and experiences from past recipients. An overview ofavailable resources such as technical assistance will also be given. Register here for the Webinar Wednesday, May 15, 2024: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MT Community Change Grant: EPA’s new Environmental and ClimateJustice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) willinvest approximately $2 billion of Inflation Reduction Act funds inenvironmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantagedcommunities through projects that reduce pollution, increase communityclimate resilience, and build community capacity to respond to environmentaland climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. EPA expects most awards will be between $10-20 millionfor multi-faceted projects addressing a range of pollution, climate change,and other priority issues. For more information and a list of eligible activities, please click here. This grant is now open and the deadline to apply isNovember 2024. To learn more about the grant, view a recording of theDecember informational webinar here. Free Technical Assistance to help inpreparing a grant application is available and can be accessed here. Click here for more information Deadline to apply is November 21, 2024 Accessing Laboratory Support: EPA’s Water Laboratory Alliance (WLA) ishosting a webinar detailing the online Accessing Laboratory Supportinteractive tool. The interactive training tool guides water utilities,laboratories, and emergency responders through methods on how to find andaccess laboratory analytical support when emergency situations arise. Thistool also provides an overview of the EPA’s WLA, includes avenues forobtaining analytical support, and contains a one-page summary and reference sheet which summarizes the key information from the interactive tool. Participants will be walked through the five routes to access analyticalsupport using the guide along with example scenarios of when and how it canbe utilized to prepare for such incidents. The webinar will include a live demoof the tool to demonstrate the user-friendly nature of the guide. Register here for the Webinar Thursday, May 16, 2024: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT Cybersecurity Guidance for Drinking Water and Wastewater System:EPA's Office of Water will host a free webinar that highlights and discussesthe latest cybersecurity-based guidance products under development byWICRD to enhance cyber resiliency within the Water and WastewaterSystems Sector. These products include the Cybersecurity InsuranceFactsheet, Incident Action Checklist, and EPA Cybersecurity Risk AssessmentGuidance for Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems. Register here for the Webinar Tuesday, May 21, 2024: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT Technical Assistance for Lead: This presentation will include an overviewof how EPA Water Technical Assistance (EPA WaterTA) can supportcommunities with their efforts to achieve clean, safe, and reliable drinkingwater through Lead Service Line Identification, Replacement Planning, andCommunity Engagement. It will then dive into two of EPA’s WaterTAprograms focusing on the removal and replacement of lead service lines: theLead Service Line Replacement Accelerators Program and the Get the LeadOut (GLO) Initiative. Information on how communities can request WaterTAwill also be shared. Register here for the Webinar Tuesday, May 21, 2024: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM MT Using Wetlands to Reduce Nutrient Loadings to Rivers: May isAmerican Wetlands Month so get ready to dive into this exciting webinar.Wetlands help improve water quality and supply, reduce flooding and providecritical habitat for plants, fish and wildlife. Wetland restoration and construction are important land management options for retaining nitrogen and phosphorus, thereby improving water quality locally, such as in streams.However, little is known about the cumulative influence of wetlands outsideof floodplains, i.e., non-floodplain wetlands (NFW), on surface water qualityat large scales. This presentation will discuss research (1) assessing thepotential for NFWs to reduce nitrate within small subbasins of the UpperMississippi River Basin (UMRB) as well as at the river basin’s outlet, (2)exploring what NFW and NFW catchment characteristics influence nitratereductions at these spatial scales, and (3) quantifying how far downstreamNFW-mediated nitrate reductions are realized. Register here for the Webinar Wednesday, May 22, 2024: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MT Redefining “Disadvantaged Communities” in a New Water Infrastructure Era: The Source Water Collaborative is hosting a freeinformational webinar entitled Redefining “Disadvantaged Communities” in aNew Water Infrastructure Era. This webinar will share what clean wateradvocates can do to help states achieve the most equitable process possiblefor source water protection in their programs and the role public participation requirements had in modifying their definitions of a “disadvantaged community”. In addition, the webinar will cover how states have ensuredtheir definitions bring about the most equitable outcome possible andchallenges states have had in implementing the funding. In this webinar,representatives from Utah, Delaware, and North Dakota Drinking Water SRFswill discuss how they approached redefining disadvantaged communities. Register here for the Webinar Thursday, May 30, 2024: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM MT Is there a Grant for that?: EPA’s Clearinghouse provides a searchabledatabase of existing funding opportunities within Air, Land, and Water. Userscan search between the funding type, amount, eligible users, and eligibleuses. With over 2000 funding opportunities across the clearinghouse, it’s anexcellent place to start your search for your next grant. On top of fundingopportunities, the Clearinghouse has a number of other resources. The Resources database contains resources such as reports, case studies, and webinars about financing mechanisms and approaches that can helpcommunities. Click here for more Information Are you prepared for Wildfires? Drought? Flooding? ExtremeWeather? These events pose significant challenges to drinking water and wastewater operations within our region. Climate change will make theseevents even more challenging. EPA's Creating Resilient Water Utilities isoffering free Technical Assistance (TA) to interested stakeholders. EPA’sCreating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative provides the water sectorand its stakeholders with practical tools, training, and technical assistanceneeded to increase their infrastructure’s resilience to these hazards. Requestfree help today and take steps to protect your community’s multi-milliondollar infrastructure investments. The deadline to sign up for this TA isAugust 15 and will be available on a first come first served basis. If selected,CRWU would begin working with you between October 2024 and July 2025. If you are interested in this FREE assessment, please click the link below. Click Here to Request a Free Risk Assessment; Mullins.Matthew@epa.gov Water Technical Assistance: Communities can request no-cost directWaterTA to evaluate their drinking water, wastewater, stormwaterinfrastructure, and water quality improvement needs. EPA's WaterTAprograms offer a wide range of services, including: · Identifying water infrastructure or water quality improvement needs · Planning for capital improvements · Building technical, managerial, and financial capacity · Preparing for and developing application materials for financing a project through the SRFs or other EPA-supported funding opportunities Click here for more information WaterTA Request form to request Technical Assistance We look forward to continuing to serve you by providing information onGrant Opportunities, Webinars, Trainings, and other exciting information. To unsubscribe from our email list, reply back “unsubscribe” If you were forwarded this email and want to subscribe: Click here to subscribe, reply back “subscribe” For questions on webinars and workshops, contact EPA via the email address listed on the registration page. For questions on Technical Assistance (TA) and funding opportunities forclean water and drinking water infrastructure, contact Tamara Barbakova at Barbakova.Tamara@epa.gov. https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topicsAdditional Information: