HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-09-24 INC Agenda and Packet MaterialsA. Call meeting to order - 4:30 p.m. B. Disclosures C. Changes to the Agenda D. Approval of Minutes D.1 Approve Minutes from 3/7/24 and 4/11/24 (Evans) E. Public Comment F. FYI/Discussion F.1 LAWS 101: An Introduction to the State Legislature's Bill Tracking System (Saunders) F.2 Historic Preservation Month(Rosenberg) F.3 Commission Liaison Update(Morrison) F.4 City Liaison Update(Clark) THE INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA INC AGENDA Thursday, May 9, 2024 This meeting will be held both in-person and also using an online video conferencing system. You can join this meeting: Via Video Conference: Click the Register link, enter the required information, and click submit. Click Join Now to enter the meeting. Via Phone: This is for listening only if you cannot watch the stream, channel 190, or attend in- person United States Toll +1 669 900 9128 Access code: 960 8158 0066 This is the time to comment on any matter falling within the scope of the Inter-Neighborhood Council. There will also be time in conjunction with each agenda item for public comment relating to that item but you may only speak once per topic. Please note, the Board cannot take action on any item which does not appear on the agenda. All persons addressing the Board shall speak in a civil and courteous manner and members of the audience shall be respectful of others. Please state your name and place of residence in an audible tone of voice for the record and limit your comments to three minutes. 1 F.5 Neighborhood Updates(INC Reps) G. Adjournment For more information please contact Takami Clark tclark@bozeman.net This board generally meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00 Committee meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our Acting ADA Coordinator, Max Ziegler, at 406.582.2439 (TDD 406.582.2301). In order for this Board to receive all relevant public comment in time for this meeting, please submit via the Public Comment Page or by emailing comments@bozeman.net no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Public comment may be made in person at the meeting as well. 2 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Clark SUBJECT:Approve Minutes from 3/7/24 and 4/11/24 MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Recommend approval of minutes STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Minutes recorded and submitted for review by INC members - attached. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:NA ALTERNATIVES:NA FISCAL EFFECTS:NA Attachments: 2024.03.07 INC Minutes.pdf INC Minutes 4-11-24.pdf Report compiled on: May 3, 2023 3 THE INTER-NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA INC MINUTES Thursday, March 7, 2024 Present: Cynthia Evans, Chair/ Bozeman Creek Neighborhood Association Tonya Stevens, Secretary/University Neighborhood Association Emily Talago /Midtown Neighborhood Association Brad Bates/Bridger Creeklands Association of Neighbors Alison Sweeney/Jandt Neighborhood Association Brian Close/New Hyalite View Neighborhood Megan Stageman/Kath Crumrine for Jill Stedman/ Lindley-Marwyn Association Anne Thoreson/Kirk Park Neighborhood Association Suzanne Held/ Northeast Neighborhood Association Salal Huber McGee/ Bogert Park Neighborhood Association One audience member from Jandt neighborhood There was one person online that we lost before discussion Joey Morrison, Liaison from the City Commission (Deputy Mayor) Takami Clark, Community and Engagement Manager Benjamin Baily, Neighborhood Services 1. Meeting called to order by Chair- 4:30 p.m. Aim for a 5:30 pm close tonight due to a followup meeting scheduled tonight that several INC members would like to attend 2. Disclosures none 3. Changes to the Agenda none 4. Public Comment none 5. Action Items E.1 Vice Chair Vacancy Election (Takami Clark) The INC bylaws spell out the Vice Chair duties, mostly that person takes over running meetings if Chair is gone. Brian nominated Emily Talago, seconded by Alison Sweeney, all in favor. Emily will serve as Vice Chair, Cynthia as chair, and Tonya as Secretary until June 2024 F. FYI/Discussion F.1 Introduction to Neighborhood Services (Benjamin Bailey, Neighborhood Services Manager) The new Neighborhood Services division houses the Parking and Code Compliance divisions of the city and has a specific focus on health and safety impacts related to houseless residents living in the right-of-way. The goal of Neighborhood Services is to provide one central place for quality-of- life concerns, both specific to unhoused residents and the broader community. Ben started with the city in December 2023 as the Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance manager, and he also is overseeing Parking. Because this is a new department, he appreciates being able to bring some creativity to the administration of his duties. Has a degree in Biology, he 4 worked for FWP, then moved into law enforcement as a police chief in Minnesota, deputy sheriff in Park County. Ben: • Urban camping is pretty big part of the job, but the Neighborhood Services dept is really about quality-of-life issues. Our employees give out notices but are not sworn law enforcement officers. We’ve updated the website so you can flnd out, but street maintenance is not in our purview. • Bozeman Parking app facilitates paying for parking in Bozeman. • Thinks there is a lot of progress so far since ordinance 2147 went into effect December 27th. Being out there constantly has helped immensely. Having people out there giving out information and learning from people experiencing homelessness has been greatly beneflcial for public and homeless. • Parking is attempting to become fully staffed. Reactive right now, but someone was hired in January for contacts with the urban campers. Himself, Mark Carpenter (10-yaer code Compliance officer), Griffith Heible hired in Jan, and one yet to be hired. • Parking has 4 officers for the whole city. Not sworn law enforcement officers, civilians that work under the authority of the police chief. No dangerous issues. Just quality of life issues that are not emergent. There is a little bit of overlap with cops, but the jobs are fairly well- outlined in the Municipal Code. Cynthia: Thanks for your introduction to us and your presentation of your services. Ben handles 30-50 call backs per day so if you call, he says he may not get back to you immediately but will respond ASAP. F.2 City Liaison Update (Takami Clark, Communications & Engagement Manager) • May is National Historic Preservation month. City has a page on the Engage Bozeman website – check it out for celebrations and nominations for historic preservation awards. Nominations open until April 7th for projects, properties, and organizations. • State of the City address by Terry Cunningham coming up on March 18 and March 20th. They are livestreaming the Emerson event (3/18) on the Facebook page. • City Commission voted to have the local govt. study commission on the June ballot. • Dani Hess’s position job duties are being modifled (former Community Engagement Director) and hopefully posted soon. She had Belonging in Bozeman (BIB) job duties at one time, but that is going to be another position. City Commission adopted the Belonging in Bozeman Equity and Inclusion Plan in December 2023. • Having an INC member on the search group fro Dani’s replacement is good – probably Cynthia Evans. The city will reach out once the search is on. F.3 Commission Liaison Update( Joey Morrison) Joey likes the INC laid-backness. He asks what does INC want to know about. Most members were interested in the UDC re-engagement. Joey reports that he wanted to get this assignment to the neighborhood council. Community organizing is what Joey has done so he wants to see expansion of the communication. There is not a review capacity in this board, so policy is not on the table for INC. Purview is broad, and he feels 5 there is a lot of room for experimentation. He would like us to see ourselves as ambassadors to the neighborhoods. He would like to see more neighborhoods represented. The priorities for the city were set January 26th. One of the main city priorities was rebuild trust with the public. They might do this by announcing re-engagement process for the UDC, setting timelines, finding tools for engagement. He says they are considering neighborhood townhalls, work sessions at a town hall, meetings at various places. He says 90% of the comments are about upzoning. will look at budget to determine how many meetings can be accomplished. The Commission has not set the UDC re-engagement timeline yet. State of the City address is one way the mayor chose to increase information: now 2 times, different days, different places. The main point Joey is trying to make about the City Commission is how will the city deliver on their priorities; how do they bring the public in on them? Ordinance 2147: The city set a priority on addressing regional homelessness, since issues don’t stop at city lines. A Regional housing coalition exists already; we should coordinate resources. Joey feels there is a mix of opinions on the commission on the perceived effectiveness of the ordinance. Per usual practice, they will review in one year to determine efficacy. Brian: Could you piecemeal work on the UDC? Does SB 382 cause statutory deadlines? J: Not to his knowledge. The process of modifying the UDC has been going on for a long time. State bills are not the reason we are looking at UDC changes and city commission does not believe they need to await legislative changes in order to continue the process. Bozeman is not unique in looking at the UDC to try to make more affordable housing, as cities across the country are doing the same. Concern was voiced that SB 382 would compromise abilities of CDB. Brian commented the CDB can still have review authority, other boards not so much. Joey states he is not an attorney and does not know for sure. Cynthia: Traffic, water are two concerns with growth of the city. Just letting you know about INC concerns. Brian: Street speed limits coming down? Is there cooperation with MT DOT on so many streets? Joey says no traffic topics on the agenda in the next 6 months. People other than commission are smarter about this Salal: (directed to Cynthia) Do you want to bring something from the neighborhood every monthly meeting? What are my responsibilities? Disseminating info to the neighborhood is good, but I don’t think that has happened in a meaningful way. Joey: They have had discussions about those very ideas – what is the job? This board could have that as a priority to Brian: This board can take a policy decision. Emily: My mission has always been to have equitable relationships with other neighborhoods. It would be great to have that sort of structure established. Stoked to have Joey here and representation to the City Commission. I’ve seen simple elegant solutions from this group and get installed, such as traffic calming, without a lot of fuss. Suzanne: There is a document for INC about tools for disseminating information. We should review that, it has good information. 6 F.4 Neighborhood Updates (INC Reps) Anne Thorpe (Kirk Park): April 17 will be our next Spring Meeting at the UU church facility. Kath Crumrine/Megan Stageman (Lindley/Marwyn Addition): Redoing the bylaws in the neighborhood with Takami’s help. Waning interest in participation on the board. They are considering changing bylaws on deflnition of quorum numbers and how many officers. Compost company coordinated with pilot program for the neighborhood. Emily Talago (Midtown). Lot of interaction lately. March 29th for a meeting. Looking at affordable housing disincentives. See if the improvements to Whittier street – Peach is getting used as a cut thru a lot more, so improvements are going to be necessary. Alison Sweeney (Jandt): Just had their meeting. April meeting for some candidates. Cynthia Evans (Bozeman Creek): Traffic calming objects need to be placed soon. Brad Bates (Bozeman Creeklands): Jessica Ahlstrom from City Water Conservation Dept has been scheduled for a Virtual meeting for their neighborhood April 3rd. Would like to infiuence the landscaping done in the neighborhood. Tonya Stevens (University) Spring meeting at MSU American Indian Hall (March 27th) will elect new officers. Tonya will likely go off INC. Brian Close (New Hyalite View): All quiet. Observing hawks in the neighborhood. Suzanne Held (NENA): Asked Takami about the letter endorsing the idea that city pick up fees for neighborhood meetings in public places. Would like that on the next agenda. Salal Huber-McGee: (Bogert) April 4th Annual meeting at the library. An arrest in the neighborhood is going to be addressed by Chief Veltkamp. Traffic calming is a topic. They were working with MSU people on the traffic calming, but city has taken it over the action so the neighborhood needs to flnd out about getting the calming objects back in place. G. Adjournment Early at 5:35 tonight to allow members time to attend another meeting. 7 City of Bozeman Interneighborhood Council Meeting April 11, 2024 4:30pm Minutes In attendance: Marwyn-Lindley- Kath Crumrine, Jill Ellison NENA- Suzanne Held Midtown- Emily Talago Bozeman Creek- Cynthia Evans Kirk Park- Anne Thoreson Jandt Neighborhood- Alison Sweeney Bridger Creeklands- Brad Bates New Hyalite View-Brian Close City Commission Liaison: Deputy Mayor Joey Morrison City Staff: Takami Clark Video Recording of Meeting: https://bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/2258?view_id=1&redirect=true 0:02:35 Disclosures: None 0:02:55 Changes to the agenda: None 0:03:03 Approval of February minutes: Add last name for Amy Kelly-Hoitsma Motion: Brian 2nd:Jill Vote: Unanimous 0:04:05 Public Comment: Noah ten Broek, N.5th Ave Spoke about the Guthrie application in Midtown and asked for neighborhoods to band together as a community for engagement, advocacy concerning affordable housing projects/associated policies. 0:08:42 Good Neighbor Day presentation from Kim Cleary, Montana State University September 28th is Good Neighbor Day, MSU office of student engagement is organizing a day of community service and is looking for input and assistance from INC to come up with ideas for service projects. Representatives asked questions and made comments. 8 There will be a follow up email sent out, possibly with a form, soliciting feedback from neighborhoods. 0:19:31 Bozeman annual clean-up week is April 20-27 in conjunction with Earth Day. Sign-ups and details about kit pick-ups are on the city’s website. 0:21:12 Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan presentation from John Henderson- Strategic Services Director, City of Bozeman. 13 different agencies worked together to create this plan over the past 18 months. Presentation included the foundational approach to developing the plan assimilating community needs, values, processes used to engage stakeholders, data acquisition, and ultimate synthesis of the plan. “Living” website, including interactive map tool and full list of recommendations, is located at gallatinvalleyplan.bozeman.net. 0:46:42 Representatives asked questions and discussed. 1:02:27 City Commission Liaison Update- Deputy Mayor Joey Morrison solicited feedback on what format the council would like to use moving forward- discussed having a work section to frame the role and purpose of INC, and its rhythm and relationship relative to other city bodies- including the consolidated superboards and city commission. Things happening at the commission dais: UDC timeline update to come, commissioner Coburn’s resignation and appointment , land use decisions with zoning and annexations on west side of town, reclamation of review authority on the Guthrie, budget process is getting started, June vote on local government study. Representatives asked clarifying questions on the upcoming Guthrie reclamation agenda item. 1:15:08 City Liaison update- Takami Clark, Communications & Engagement Manager, City of Bozeman New engagement project survey on the engage.bozeman.net website regarding the Consolidated Housing Plan which is a required document for Bozeman to apply for and receive HUD Community Development Block Grants (federal). Filling the Community Engagement Coordinator position is moving forward. 1:16:50 Neighborhood Updates- Marwyn-Lindley: Had meeting on March 25th, adopted new bylaws NENA: Spring meeting is May 13th at Beall Park 9 Midtown: Annual meeting April 29th, will appoint leadership, look at bylaws, learn about tools to manage parking. Neighborhood is looking at the Guthrie project and more broadly the city's affordable housing ordinance. Inquired about the process to bring something to INC for a motion and vote on a position or recommendation to the city commission or other advisory boards. Bozeman Creek: meeting scheduled for June 3, got a speed meter installed, looking forward to clean-up day, traffic calming planters will be returning last week of May Kirk Park: Meeting April 18th at UU Church, Water conservation, UDC, traffic calming, and earth day clean-up Jandt:Meeting April 20th, will be doing earth day clean-up Bridger Creeklands: Hosted water conservation virtual presentation, kicking off local neighborhood clean-up ahead of bigger city earth day clean up New Hyalite View: May 23 at the library, will be participating in earth day clean-up Brad spoke about earlier public comment and posed the question of how INC as a body can facilitate engagement on issues so that we’re not just representing individual neighborhoods, and have broader conversations about impacts on neighborhoods. Comments made by Cynthia about impacts to all neighborhoods, Brian spoke about relationship with state legislation and local policy, Joey spoke about onus of balancing property rights/entitlements and impacts to the community. 10 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Chris Saunders, Community Development Manager SUBJECT:LAWS 101: An Introduction to the State Legislature's Bill Tracking System MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Listen to presentation, ask questions STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:Have you ever wondered why the city can't do something, only to be told by a staff member that it's against a state law? Have you thought about how you could better track what's going on so you can advocate as a citizen and influence the laws being made before they get signed into effect? The bills that get signed into law at the State Legislature can often be the most impactful to local residents, and it takes a lot of time and effort to try to change laws after they've been passed. Residents may be more effective by having their voices heard during the lawmaking process. One of the first steps that a resident can take in influencing that process is by simply tracking what is going on at the State Legislature. One way they can do so is by using the State's online bill tracking system at https://laws.leg.mt.gov/legprd/law0203w$.startup?P_SESS=20231. Community Development Manager Chris Saunders will present on this system and provide a brief tutorial so residents can be informed before the next session starts. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: May 3, 2024 11 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Sarah Rosenberg, Historic Preservation Officer SUBJECT:Historic Preservation Month MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Listen to presentation, ask questions STRATEGIC PLAN:1.2 Community Engagement: Broaden and deepen engagement of the community in city government, innovating methods for inviting input from the community and stakeholders. BACKGROUND:May is Historic Preservation Month and we have a ton of activities planned for residents to engage in. This presentation will cover the events going on, the theme of this year's celebration, and all we are doing to recognize the stories and heritage of Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley. Sarah Rosenberg, Historic Preservation Officer, will present on this topic and provide a brief look at upcoming engagement opportunities as well. UNRESOLVED ISSUES:None ALTERNATIVES:None FISCAL EFFECTS:None Report compiled on: May 3, 2024 12 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Joey Morrison, Deputy Mayor SUBJECT:Commission Liaison Update MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:No action required STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Standing item on INC agenda - City Commission Liaison provides an update of pertinent information for Neighborhoods UNRESOLVED ISSUES:NA ALTERNATIVES:NA FISCAL EFFECTS:NA Report compiled on: May 3, 2024 13 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:Takami Clark, Communications & Engagement Manager SUBJECT:City Liaison Update MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:No action required STRATEGIC PLAN:7.3 Best Practices, Creativity & Foresight: Utilize best practices, innovative approaches, and constantly anticipate new directions and changes relevant to the governance of the City. Be also adaptable and flexible with an outward focus on the customer and an external understanding of the issues as others may see them. BACKGROUND:Standing item on INC agenda - City Liaison (Neighborhoods Program Coordinator) provides an update on Neighborhoods Program work and pertinent information for INC Reps and Neighborhoods UNRESOLVED ISSUES:NA ALTERNATIVES:NA FISCAL EFFECTS:NA Report compiled on: January 12, 2021 14 Memorandum REPORT TO:Inter-Neighborhood Council FROM:InterNeighborhood Council Representatives SUBJECT:Neighborhood Updates MEETING DATE:May 9, 2024 AGENDA ITEM TYPE:Citizen Advisory Board/Commission RECOMMENDATION:Listen to updates, ask questions! STRATEGIC PLAN:1.1 Outreach: Continue to strengthen and innovate in how we deliver information to the community and our partners. BACKGROUND:Standing agenda item - pertinent updates from INC Representatives will be shared UNRESOLVED ISSUES:NA ALTERNATIVES:NA FISCAL EFFECTS:NA Report compiled on: May 3, 2024 15