HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolutions 5462 - 1001 Thomas Drive AnnexationDocuSignEnvelopeID:189E61CD-2896-4522-A1D3-E75363B8F3E9 2800635 ||||||1111|||||||1B||||||||ll|||||||10111|||||||1d||||lH||lillulHil co. RESOLUTION 5462 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA,PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN CONTIGUOUS TRACTS OF LAND,HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED,TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND THE EXTENSION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACTS,KNOWN AS THE 1001 THOMAS DRIVE ANNEXATION,APPLICATION22067. WHEREAS,the Cityof Bozeman receiveda petitionforannexationfrom Vivian Helvik requestingthe CityCommission toextendtheboundariesof theCityof Bozeman so as toinclude an areaof landcontainingapproximately15.115acres,addressedat 1001 Thomas Drive;and WHEREAS,an annexation staffreport was prepared in accordance with the Commission'sgoalsand policiesforannexationand was presentedtotheCommission on August 2, 2022;and WHEREAS,a publicmeeting on saidannexationpetitionwas duly noticedand heldon August 2,2022;and WHEREAS,theCitydid notreceiveany writtenprotestfrom therealpropertyowners of theareato be annexed;and WHEREAS,on March 21,2023,the Commission receivedthe executed annexation agreement addressingallrecommended terms of annexation;and WHEREAS,the provisionof availableservices,including,but not limitedto,streets, Page 1 of3 DocuSignEnvelope1D:189E61CD-2896-4522-A1D3-E75363B8F3E9 rights-of-way,easements,water rightsorcash-in-lieu,waiversof protestagainstcreationof SID's, and water and sewer hookup fees,to saidcontiguoustractsas describedisthesubjectof a written agreement between theCityand the Landowner;and WHEREAS,the Bozeman City Commission hereby findsthatthe annexationof this contiguoustractisinthebestinterestsoftheCityofBozeman and theinhabitants/ownersthereof. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana,towit: Section1 That itisherebydeclaredthat,pursuanttoTitle7,Chapter2,Part46,Mont.Codes Ann.,the following-describedproperty,which is contiguousto the municipal boundariesof the City of Bozeman,be annexed totheCityof Bozeman and thattheboundariesofsaidCityshallbe extended so as toembrace and includesuch approximately15.115acres,towit: Legal Description The tractof landdescribedin Film 3,Page 49 on fileand of recordattheGallatinCounty Clerk&RecordersOffice,being theNorth Halfof theNortheastQuarteroftheSouthwest Quarter,and theNorth Half of the South Half oftheNorth Half of theNortheastQuarter of the Southwest Quarter,allin Section35,Township 1 South,Range 5 East,P.M.M., GallatinCounty Montana,more particularlydescribedasfollows; BEGINNING attheCW 1/16°'cornerof saidSection35,a blank 1 ½"Alum.Cap;thence N 89°39'00"E,adistanceof I325.02 feettothecalculatedCenter1/4cornerofsaidSection 35;thenceS 00°14'21"W,a distanceof496.91 feettothecalculated1/1024thcorneron the Center ofSectionline;thence S 89°38'23"W,a distanceof 1324.56feettoa C&H yellow plasticcap;thenceN 00°1 l'12"E,a distanceof 497.15 feettothe PointOf Beginning. Said areacontaining658,428 Square Feet,15.115Acres more or less,with and subjectto alleasements of record. All as depictedon the 1001 THOMAS DRIVE ANNEXATION Map. Section2 Page2 of3 DocuSignEnvelopeID:189E61CD-2896-4522-A1D3-E75363B8F3E9 The effectivedateof thisannexationisMarch 21,2023. PASSED,ADOPTED,AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana,ata regularsessionthereofheld on the21"day of March,2023. DocuSignedby: CYNÏÎÎÏ .NDRUS Mayor ATTEST: DocuSignedby: Docusignedby: MIKE MAAS CityClerk APPROVEDASTOFORM: Docusignedby: 876992AC9ACA44B... GREG SULLIVAN CityAttorney Page 3 of3 EXHIBITA \s THOMAS DRIVE ANNEXATION to BOZEMAN, MONTANA A TRACT OF LAND SITUATED IN THE ._ __._ SW 1/4 OF OF SECTION 35 T1S, R5E P.M.M. ""'^" GALLATIN COUNTY, MT , n11iIIiFsITIi . cA TT.i]T.ClmiK Kt'H. PH.t CURIE.sT I . ONING: R-0 , UMir EXfG5" SEWER NN " RCSn D I 30 wA1ElìUNEEMEGefl DOC 2154139 FILM3 Bu ING PACE 49 16.115 ACRES nTs 65R.428 S.F. - ff) .\u%on 'KE:11 CURRENT 20NISC: GOUNTY 4TYR AT'M U·V (AGRTCULwRAL SUBl!RBAN) PRCR)SED 20NJNG: REMil ____ . P]ìOPER1YN T]]O.IA RH'E ANNEXATIOS 1.EGA].D1 REFI']ON: oN REC ElGI DF EN THET AR CFTH sou augnT Au. aN18TO$P1 SCU RANGE5 EAST ,GA .ATIN 00uMT [lNT NOREPA tilC LARLY DESCRilEDA FOLLos INIT AI. ANNEXATION E. 0F E N 1 CCIU $ 21 W,A ANCECF 495.M FEEITG VlE CA1.CULATED 1/1024 CORMERCN T ALL EASEMENTSOF RECOR APPARENT FROM YSUAL INSPEC ü· THE SFIEETOF THOMASD1tANN. ANNEX. EXIIIBIT RDC :22-101 _D47E: 02/2422 From MCA 1-5-610(7)Forcertifyingacopy ofan electronicrecord: Stateof Montana County ofGallatin lcertifythat the foregoing and annexed record entitledResolution5462,dated March 21, 2023,and consistingof 4 pages isa true and correctcopy of an electronicrecord printed directlyfrom the electronicfileby me on /Vin,y 9 2cQ3 . t .&YAb (Signatureofnotarialofficer) (Officialstamp) MIKE MAAS NotaryPublic OTAR/4.fortheStateofMontana _Residingat:.SEAL * Belgrade,Montana··9 My CommissionExpires:.,,November8,2025