HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 - Development Agreements - Gallatin Mall Group, LLC - Whole Foods Site Plan, App 204122799687 M®s2J -an!?ß°!U?C'è³ """®®#"° Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 IMPROVEMENTSAGREEMENT FOR THE WHOLE FOODS SITE PLAN APPLICATION LANDSCAPING BOZEMAN,MONTANA THIS AGREEMENT ismade and enteredintothis 4 day of Januery,2023,by and between GallatinMall Group,LLC,PO Box 80510,Billings,MT 59108 hereinaftercalledthe "Owner/Developer,"and the Cityof Bozeman,a Municipal Corporationof the Stateof Montana, hereinaftercalledthe"City." WHEREAS,itisthe intentand purpose of theOwner/Developer tomeet theconditionsof approvalofthe Project20412 SitePlan Applicationtoallow constructionofa commercial building and relatedsiteimprovements on propertylocatedat2905 W.Main Streetand leuallydescribed as C.O.S.657A Parcel,Tract 1,S11,T02S.R05E,City of Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. WHEREAS,itisthe intentof the Owner/Developer to obtain Building Permit approval fora new buildinglocatedat2905 W.Main Street;and WHEREAS,itisthe intentand purpose of both the Owner/Developer and the City to hereby enterintoan Agreement which willguaranteethe fulland satisfactorycompletion of the requiredimprovements on thepropertyand adjacentrights-of-wayhereinafterdescribed;and itis theintentof thisAgreement,and of the partieshereto,tosatisfytheimprovements and guarantee requirementsfortheconditionalapprovalof saidSitePlan Application. NOW,THEREFORE,inconsiderationofthe mutual covenants and conditionscontained herein,itishereby agreed as follows: 1.Property Description This Agreement pertainsto and includesthosepropertieswhich are designatedas B-2 on theCityof Bozeman Zoning Map,and identifiedas 2905 W.Main Streetand leuallydescribedas C.O.S.657A Parcel,Tract 1,S I1,T02S,R05E,Cityof Bozeman,GallatinCounty,Montana. Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 1 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 2.Improvements This Agreement specificallyincludescostsassociatedwith theOwner/Developer's contributionto thelandscapescreeningas provided intheapproved SitePlan ApplicationNo.20412 and asnoted intheattachedexhibit. 3.FinancialGuarantee,Time for Completion of Improvements Ifthe use of the structureis to occur priorto completion of allrequiredimprovements to the landscapinescreenine,thisImprovements Agreement must be securedby a financialguarantee,as may be deemed acceptableby theCity,payabletothe Cityof Bozeman,inan amount equaltoone and one-half times the estimated cost of the installationof any required improvements not completed atthe time occupancy of structuresisrequested.Improvements may be financially guaranteedwith a letterof creditor otheracceptablefonn of security.Said method of securityshall be validfora periodofnot lessthan twelve(12)months.Inany event,allrequiredimprovements shallbe completed within nine (9)months of occupancy inorderto avoid defaulton themethod of security. 4.Inspection Representativesof theCity shallhave the rightto enterupon the propertyatany reasonabletime in order to inspectitand to determine if the Owner/Developer is in compliance with this Agreement,and the Owner/Developer shallpermit the City and itsrepresentativesto enterupon and inspectthepropertyatany reasonabletime. 5.Default Time isof theessenceforthisAgreement.Ifthe Owner/Developer shalldefaultinor failto fully perform any of itsobligationsin confonnance with thetime schedule under thisAgreement,and such defaultor failureshallcontinuefora periodof thirty(30)days afterwrittennoticespecifying the defaultisdepositedin the United Statesmail addressed to the Owner/Developer,incareof John Morrow of GallatinMall Group LLC,PO Box 80510,Billings,MT 59108,or such other address as the Owner/Developer shallprovide to the City from time to time,without being Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 2 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 completelyremedied,satisfied,and discharged,theCity may electtoenforceany of thefollowing specifiedremedies: A)The City may,atitsoption,declarethe financialguaranteeto be forfeitedand secure the complete constructionand inspectionof the improvements describedherein.The City's representative,contractors,and engineersshallhave the rightto enterupon the property and perform such work and inspection,and theOwner/Developer shallpermit and secure any additionalpemaission requiredtoenablethem todo so. B)The City may enforceany otherremedy provided by law. 6.Indemnification The Owner/Developer hereby expresslyagrees to indemnify and hold the City hanuless forand againstallclaims,costsand liabilityof every kind and nature,for injuryor damage receivedor sustainedby any person or entityinconnectionwith,or on accountof theperfom1ance of work at the development siteand elsewhere pursuantto thisAgreement.The Owner/Developer further agreestoaidand defend theCityintheevent thatitisnamed asa defendantinan actionconcerning the perfonnance of work pursuant to thisAgreement except where such suitisbrought by the Owner/Developer.The Owner/Developer isnot an agentor employee of the City. 7.Warranty The Owner/Developer shallwarrantagainstdefectsintheseimprovements fora periodofone year from the date of their written acceptance by the Governing Body.The Owner/Developer acknowledges thatthe required re-paving of the right-of-way,restorationof curb,gutterand sidewalksand replantingof landscapingmust be maintainedina healthy,growing conditionatall times.The Owner/Developer isresponsiblefor regularweeding,mowing of grass,irrigating, fertilizing,pruning,and othermaintenance of allrestoredplantingsasneeded.Any plantthatdies must be replacedwith another livingplantthatcomplies with the approved landscapeplan.The Owner/Developer hereby acknowledges thatfailureto maintainrequiredlandscapingina healthy growing conditionatalltimes may resultinrevocationof the siteplan use penuit. 8.Governing Law and Venue Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 3 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 This Agreement shallbe construed under and govemed by the laws of the Stateof Montana.In the event of litigationconcerning thisAgreement,venue is in the EighteenthJudicialDistrict Court,GallatinCounty,Stateof Montana. 9.Attorney's Fees Intheeventitbecomes necessaryforeitherpartytothisAgreement toretainan attorneytoenforce any of the terms or conditionsof thisAgreement,then the prevailingparty shallbe entitledto reasonableattorney'sfeesand costs.toincludethesalaryand costsof in-housecounsel including CityAttorney. 10.Modifications or Alterations No modificationsor amendment of thisAgreement shallbe valid,unlessagreed to inwritingby the partieshereto. 11.InvalidProvision The invalidityor unenforceabilityof any provisionof thisAgreement shallnot affectthe other provisionshereof,and thisAgreement shallbe construed in allrespectsas ifsuch invalidor unenforceableprovisionwere omitted. 12.No Assignment Itisexpresslyagreed thatthe Owner/Developer shallnot assignthisAgreement inwhole,or in part,withoutpriorwrittenconsent of theCity. 13.Successors Except as provided inparagraph 10,thisAgreement shallbe binding upon,ensure tothebenefit of,and be enforceableby thepartiesheretoand theirrespectiveheirs,successorsand assigns. Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 4 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 LANDOWN NER/DEVELOPE (On behalfof)Capacity) PN STATE OF MONT-At+A-,) SPOKPrNbss COUNTYOFmLLATW ) On this M day of Fe j,rur ,202R beforeme,theundersigned,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,pers nallyappeared n Morrqa ,known tome tobe the landOwner/Developer thatexecuted thewithininstrument,and acknowledged tome thatthey executedthe same as (insertcapacity)SAh/PrfM Jnd on behalfof theGallatinMall Group,LLC. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy officialsealthe day and year firstabove written. NotaryPublic p stat ington (Signatureand Printedname) CommissionNo.16518 CommissionExpires03-14-2023 Residingat EPO ICAl\Æ My Commission Expires:Q(i (Use fourdigitsforexpirationyear) Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 5 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 THE CITY OF BOZEMAN Anna Bentley DirectorofCommunity Development CityofBozeman Community Development STATE OF MONTANA) :ss County of GALLATIN ) On this 7 day of Ap/il ,2023,beforeme,a Notary Publicforthe Stateof Montana,personallyappeared Anna Bentley,known tome tobe theperson describedinand who executed theforegoinginstrumentas Directorof theCity of Bozeman Department of Community Development,whose name issubscribedtothewithininstrumentand acknowledged to me thathe executed the same forand on behalfof saidCity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereunto setmy hand and affixedmy NotarialSealthe day and year firstabove written. o n A fh c fà (£g (SEAL)(Signatureand Printedname) Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana yJp-,.,JONATHAN C FULLER Residing at Bozeman e chÀ,forthes°tato ontana My Commission Expires:ßcces*kr 23 707 -- --Residingat:(Use fourdigitsforexpirationyear) SEAL.Bozeman,Montana ,..·My CommissionExpires: December28,2026 Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 6 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412 EXHIBIT A E GENERALCONTRACTORS&CONSTRUCTIONMANAGERS 3330ELoanDrSie300.Meridian.Icaho83642 Phone(2081362.3040FAX(208)362-3H3 oA e ,anua,2..m3 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE#LO56-OD1 Project:GVM-WholeFoods 2905W MAINST BOZEMAN,MT59718 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 ClearandGrub 1.200.00 13 SupplyCalamagrostisxacutinora 390.00 7 SupplyPanicumVirgalum 250.00 3 SupplyJuniperusScopulorum 330.00 3 SupplyRhusatomalca 180,00 1 TopSoil 1.750.00 1 ExcavatalandPlanting 3,400.00 SUBTOTAL 7,500.00 OH&P 0.00%included Ifyouhaveanyquestionsconcemu19 SUBTOTAL 7.500.00 thisestimatecontactMattKirpeyat208- 362-3040or mattkirdey@esiconstruction.com YOTAL 7,500.00 -Experience...Service...Integrity" LICENSES·AK.AZ.AR.CACO.O.el.tA.<S.KY,LA.MNMO.FRNENV,NWNO.OK.OR,SD.D:.UTWA.¼1.VA CAs6562a2Ws242658AZROC132139ORCC5s7716C·NMs04125AXs27934IDRCE.1106 Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 7 Whole Foods SitePlan ProjectNo.20412| -COM Total Amount per estimates=$7500.00 Total Amount guaranteed=$11,500.00 Whole Foods Improvements Agreement Page 8