HomeMy WebLinkAbout009 - NPWH - SWMP220 West Lamme, Suite 1 D Bozeman, MT 59715 406.721.4320 djanda.com Page 1 Memo To: City of Bozeman, Planning Department From: DJ&A Cc: Wyndham Hotels Date: 01/09/2024 Re: Storm Drain System Maintenance Plan ________________________________________________________________________________________ This memo provides a draft stormwater maintenance plan, that may be adjusted as appropriate in the future (e.g. if storm drain system updates are installed). Draft Maintenance Plan: North Park Wyndham Hotel Stormwater Maintenance Plan 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose: This Stormwater Maintenance Plan (SWMP) outlines the procedures for maintaining stormwater facilities and records for the North Park Wyndham Hotel & Mandeville Lane Road Improvements. The purpose of this plan is to establish Owner responsibilities and facilitate the proper maintenance of stormwater infrastructure on and off the private property site. 1.2 Applicability: This SWMP applies to all stormwater facilities, including retention basins, swales, infiltration systems, and any other stormwater management structures within the property. 2. Ownership and Responsibility 2.1 Ownership (Lease Holder) at the time of SWMP production: Wyndham Hotels & Resorts 2.2 Responsibilities: The responsible party (Lease Holder/Currently Wyndham Hotels & Resorts) shall be accountable for the regular inspection, maintenance, and repair of all stormwater facilities. These responsibilities include: 2.2.1 Inspection: Regularly inspect stormwater facilities according to the inspection schedule outlined in Section 3 of this SWMP. Inspections shall identify any maintenance or repair needs promptly. 2.2.2 Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance tasks to ensure stormwater facilities function as intended. This includes removing debris, sediment, and trash, as well as repairing structural damage that may occur over time. Routine mowing of native grasses and cleaning of the stormwater retention area of debris, accumulated silts and sediment, etc. is considered appropriate maintenance. 2.2.3 Repair: Address any identified issues promptly and efficiently to maintain the integrity and functionality of stormwater facilities. 3. Inspection Schedule 3.1 Regular inspections of stormwater facilities shall be conducted as follows: Storm Water Management Plan 08/09/2023 Page 2 Quarterly inspections will be required to ensure that all facilities are being maintained throughout the changing seasons. 3.2 Post-Storm Inspections: Following significant storm events, such as ~2” of rain in a 24 hour period, an immediate post-storm inspection shall be performed to assess any damage or blockages. 4. Maintenance Procedures 4.1 Routine Maintenance: Routine maintenance tasks shall include, but are not limited to: 1) Removing debris, sediment, and trash from stormwater facilities. 2) Ensuring vegetation within stormwater facilities is properly managed to maintain flow capacity (i.e. mowing of native grasess, removal of noxious weeds, etc). 3) Verifying inlet and outlet structures are clear and functional. 4) Inspecting and repairing erosion or settling within the facilities. 4.2 Structural Maintenance: Structural maintenance shall be performed to address any identified damage, cracks, or deterioration of stormwater facilities. Repairs shall adhere to industry standards and best practices. 5. Recordkeeping 5.1 Installation Records: Upon the installation of stormwater facilities, detailed records of the design, construction, and record drawings shall be created and maintained for future reference. 5.2 Maintenance Records: Maintenance activities, inspections, and repairs shall be recorded in a maintenance log. The log shall include the date, activity performed, personnel involved, and additional observations or findings or required actions. 5.3 Repair Records: Records of repairs performed, including the date, nature of the repair, materials used, and personnel involved, shall be documented. 6. Training and Communication 6.1 Training: Personnel responsible for stormwater facility maintenance shall receive appropriate training on inspection protocols, maintenance procedures, and repair techniques. 6.2 Communication: Effective communication channels shall be established between the responsible party and relevant stakeholders to ensure coordination, reporting of issues, and timely response to stormwater facility maintenance needs. 7. Plan Review and Updates 7.1 Plan Review: This SWMP shall be reviewed annually or as necessary to address any changes in ownership, regulatory requirements, or facility(ies) modifications. 7.2 Plan Updates: Updates to this SWMP shall be made promptly and communicated to all involved parties, ensuring adherence to the most current maintenance practices and standards. Storm Water Management Plan 08/09/2023 Page 3 The property owner shall comply with this Stormwater Maintenance Plan to ensure the proper functioning and longevity of stormwater facilities. Failure to comply may result in stormwater system inefficiencies and environmental impacts and risk of property damage/flooding/etc.